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Clearing up the mess regarding RIZZO.

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I'm sure this board has had enough of Rizzo's antics, but I bring him up once again to set the record straight.

To be frank, this is quite pointless, but its the best way to end the mess.

I am his right hand man for quite a long time now and know him like nobody else. His name is Damien van Zyl, who grew up in South Africa and made it big in the fashion industry when he signed with his second agency Q Models. His identity is as real as 9/11 but what he writes isnt. Thats why I had to step in because quite frankly a few people got disappointed at his text.

I'd also like to adress the person who tried to prove his false alias and ask you a few questions. I think he goes by something of tphear ... forgot. Please do not just list some names you know of agents and bookers, his ex girlfriend, and claim your inside source to try and impress these people who havent a clue. If you are good friends with Damien, then I'm sure you know whats going down tomorrow night correct? If your just a friends friend whos uncle knew his mothers best friend, then save dropping all those names please. If you were ontop your google search you'd know he left Next for Elite. End of that.

Rizzo, or Damien is actually one of the nicest people you can meet. I doubt you'll ever cross paths but you would be shell shocked at his gentle demenor. The things he wrote were mainly over steriotyped, but some he really ment.

To end this, being that he represents more than himself alone, I'd like to apologize to any offended by the words. And you wont be seeing him or Chad Cole who's represented by Ford (yes tpmf whatever your name is, check with your "sources" down in miami) posting on this board again.


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It's nice of you to clear everything up, Notimportant. But I do believe most everyone here has had enough of the whole Rizzo affair.

I for one will say that I appreciate your efforts in clearing the air. But let's let sleeping lions lie, no?:)

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Originally posted by xpander

It's nice of you to clear everything up, Notimportant. But I do believe most everyone here has had enough of the whole Rizzo affair.

I for one will say that I appreciate your efforts in clearing the air. But let's let sleeping lions lie, no?:)

here here:beer:

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i cant believe yet another person came here to post about this worthless nonsense.

like i said the other day, no one cares who rizzo is. i personally think hes an asshole, whoever he is & must be lacking a life to go through all this to try to verify his identity when no one fucken cares.

:bigfinge: :grin:

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Originally posted by notimportant

I'm sure this board has had enough of Rizzo's antics, but I bring him up once again to set the record straight.

To be frank, this is quite pointless, but its the best way to end the mess.

I am his right hand man for quite a long time now and know him like nobody else. His name is Damien van Zyl, who grew up in South Africa and made it big in the fashion industry when he signed with his second agency Q Models. His identity is as real as 9/11 but what he writes isnt. Thats why I had to step in because quite frankly a few people got disappointed at his text.

I'd also like to adress the person who tried to prove his false alias and ask you a few questions. I think he goes by something of tphear ... forgot. Please do not just list some names you know of agents and bookers, his ex girlfriend, and claim your inside source to try and impress these people who havent a clue. If you are good friends with Damien, then I'm sure you know whats going down tomorrow night correct? If your just a friends friend whos uncle knew his mothers best friend, then save dropping all those names please. If you were ontop your google search you'd know he left Next for Elite. End of that.

Rizzo, or Damien is actually one of the nicest people you can meet. I doubt you'll ever cross paths but you would be shell shocked at his gentle demenor. The things he wrote were mainly over steriotyped, but some he really ment.

To end this, being that he represents more than himself alone, I'd like to apologize to any offended by the words. And you wont be seeing him or Chad Cole who's represented by Ford (yes tpmf whatever your name is, check with your "sources" down in miami) posting on this board again.


That's soo last week in May.

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