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"The Pretty People Place"

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and hhmmmmm true bay ridge hoes are deff easyer and better looken then most shore hoes LoL ;) but any ways if your gonan disagree with me and ge tall pissed and haven to bash me some wut doesn't it just mean u were offended by wut i said cause in essence u probley felt like u was ugly cause u go ther LoL

but all i really gotta say is its each to ther own i love fake tits, nose jobs etc and gym rats and on the real jersey shore isn't fake enough for me now sure i like real ness too but i mean if u wanna talk bout good looken places i judge it upon fake ness cause fake is love and over all the jersey shore isnt' all that onless u have low standerds i mean for a person like the kid who hyped the shore i am sure he see's many of hottys cause he has lower standerds then me or most people cause on the real if u ask a decent looken male or female they wil lsay jersey isn't all that and will always chose to go else where if they had the chance ;)

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Originally posted by misk

lol....i think i pretty much understood that.....my point was just...there are pretty and ugly people everywhere...no place is all pretty.......as for me being some sloppy loser because i post...u r wrong...i post cause i am bored....and it gets left at that...i do not go to meet-ups nor chill with anyone from the board((unless i already know them))......but it's funny because i agree with u a lot of times....like the message board thing...lotta girls on boards post like they are hot shit...and in reality are ugly as sin...it's funny......also the factory crowd being sloppy as of late is true too... so anyways......now that i wrote an essay...;)

so if u agree u shall relaze i never say any thing is 100 percent i mean thers no such thing as 100 percent but u can't give a ball park figure and i do make sense alot of times if u people acttly read wut i type and try to under stand it with out jumpen to conclusions

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Originally posted by shook

wut u smoken kid the jersey shore = the uglyest place ther is if any shore clubs are pretty it would be in the hamptons cause nj is just toe up

Went to the Jersey Shore for the first time in my life this weekend. Went out to one bar (in Sea Isle City) and had a fucking blast. The women there were nothing short of phenomenal (more girls there than guys, and every last one of them was attractive).

Jersey sucks, but the girls the shore pulls in are excellent (most of the ones we met were from Philly or NYC)! Oh, and the Nets still blow.

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i am NOT bashing and i did not disagree.....i don't know if u understood me..........but whatever.....i totally understand what u r saying about the shore...i am not disagreeing.....lol.....i was just making the point of ugly and pretty people being EVERYWHERE((once again!)).....;)

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Originally posted by misk

i am NOT bashing and i did not disagree.....i don't know if u understood me..........but whatever.....i totally understand what u r saying about the shore...i am not disagreeing.....lol.....i was just making the point of ugly and pretty people being EVERYWHERE((once again!)).....;)

yes yes u was bashen with the spit on eye brows remark u relaze which in essence makes u as bad as me cause every 1 hates me pretty much cause i tell it liek it is and u pretty much made a rude remark to a person u dont' even knwo which is kinda pityful i mean atleast when i make fun of a person on this i have met them befor i never nor will i ever make fun of a being i have yet to meet

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Originally posted by shook

yes yes u was bashen with the spit on eye brows remark u relaze which in essence makes u as bad as me cause every 1 hates me pretty much cause i tell it liek it is and u pretty much made a rude remark to a person u dont' even knwo which is kinda pityful i mean atleast when i make fun of a person on this i have met them befor i never nor will i ever make fun of a being i have yet to meet

don't be so sensitive.....it wasn't a 'direct' comment about your looks.....i was simply making an example......calm down tiger nobody was makin fun of u......

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Originally posted by misk

don't be so sensitive.....it wasn't a 'direct' comment about your looks.....i was simply making an example......calm down tiger nobody was makin fun of u......

Why don't you just offer to suck his cock, like you want to, and get it over with?

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Originally posted by misk

don't be so sensitive.....it wasn't a 'direct' comment about your looks.....i was simply making an example......calm down tiger nobody was makin fun of u......

LoL no hard feelen taken babe i take this posten ish as a joke so dont' worry i just wanted to make a point but any ways

embodiedhate LoL u need a life kid and u gotta work on dissen me cause on the real u fuken suk at it

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Shook, no offense but from looking at your picture you are the ugly one. Not only that but you have to make the most stupid, nasty comments ive ever heard on here. I bet you dont even go out anywhere besides the seaside boardwalk. BTW how old are you? I really hope not over 18:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by embodiedhate

Why don't you just offer to suck his cock, like you want to, and get it over with?

why don't you just offer to shut the fuck up,like EVERYBODY wants you to,and get it over with?:idea:

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Originally posted by sfqtipie

Shook, no offense but from looking at your picture you are the ugly one. Not only that but you have to make the most stupid, nasty comments ive ever heard on here. I bet you dont even go out anywhere besides the seaside boardwalk. BTW how old are you? I really hope not over 18:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

LoL now this is wut i been waiten for LoL and especten a person with no proff to back any thing up talken sh1t LoL its pretty normal on this board and bout my commets if u don't like them dont' read them ignore me and ugly yeah i know i still need 70 pounds and a nose job so i can be as hot as u babe well your probley not hot since i dont' know who u are yet u still ran your mouth and u are talke nsh1t on a message baordto a stranger but any ways if it gets u wet to do that so be it and i'm 20 unfort so yes i am over 18 pretty sick ain't it

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Its pretty pathetic since you have no idea what you are talking about in any post ive ever read of yours. And I do not need to prove what I look like to you. I dont post my pics because I do not meet anyone off aol. Club planet is not a dating service. And i do not need to make new friends. I have plenty. I simply read the message boards to make myself laugh at work. You definatley take the cake for most dellusional. Do you really tjink people see you as cool? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Posting pictures of you in your boxers with your white ass. Talking about clubs youve probally been to less than ten times. Probally much less

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Originally posted by codica3

I definitely agree. :D

yep yep it deff is and its based upon every ones own oppions which in esence varys between people and for them to state the pretty person place ther kinda foolen them selfs and deserve this backlash of remarks cause it isn't all that pretty well onless your druged out like most people who go ther cause then any thing is pretty even sfqtpie would be pretty if soem 1 was stoned ;)

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Originally posted by sfqtipie

Its pretty pathetic since you have no idea what you are talking about in any post ive ever read of yours. And I do not need to prove what I look like to you. I dont post my pics because I do not meet anyone off aol. Club planet is not a dating service. And i do not need to make new friends. I have plenty. I simply read the message boards to make myself laugh at work. You definatley take the cake for most dellusional. Do you really tjink people see you as cool? :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Posting pictures of you in your boxers with your white ass. Talking about clubs youve probally been to less than ten times. Probally much less

LoL u got a lot of built in anger don't cha lol and damn do i post to make friends LoL deff not if i did y woudl i make fun of so many peopel and cum off as a dik this is more of a joke to me then u babe cause look hwo serious u taken wut i say LoL loosen your panties or maybe get some boxers so your sh1t can breath a lil cause all a message baord is for is jokes and laughs and its people like u that read some thing and take it way to serious LoL any 1 who knwos me or has some wut of a brain relazes this is a joke to me if it was real i would deff try to cum off diffrnet and maybe i wouldnt' do as many stupid things so u bets wisen up girl cause your a board herb geting all pissed and serious over some 1's games ;)

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

ok that last comment was pretty harsh, but overall i want him to speak his mind

sure.....but when it's mindless dribble that does not even offer some comic relief.....then it's simply a waste of space

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Originally posted by sfqtipie

Shook how do you know if im pretty or not? Unlike you I dont post pics. And you would definatley not be someone I WOULD ASSOCIATE WITH.:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

yea yea and u bring it upon your self to state this over a message board LoL on the real girl i bet your not my type any ways i mean if your posten on a message baord u have already lost brownie points and even tho u say u jsu tread it and u dont 'do it for friends u take it pretty damn serious which kinda makes u 1 of the geeks on this so i am sure i would crack fun on u in person and would use u as a joke and a example on some 1 with a big online mouth and lil to noting to back it up in person ;) and thats my oppion

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Originally posted by misk

sure.....but when it's mindless dribble that does not even offer some comic relief.....then it's simply a waste of space

The comment directed towards you wasn't meant to be comedy, it was said in the belief of truth. If I wanted a weak display of comedy I'd make some correlation between you wanting to suck Shook's cock and all that beast porn you've starred in.

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