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yo...that movie "DISCO BLOODBATH" is gonna fuckin rock.

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Though i was mad young to even be around the scene at the time...i still remember seeing all the shit about club kids and michael alig, Freeze, Jenny Talia, James St. James, and a whole shitload of others when i was young and it SO fuckin interested me. It seemed like those motherfuckers knew how to party and even around that time my cousin spun here and there at Limelight but not for the Disco 2000 parties but shit..i have heard wayyyyyy many stories from people who i ran into who lived those days.

Now to hear that they making a movie out of the story of Michael alig and having Mackuly Culkin star as Michael Alig is some shit. I thought the documentary, "Party Monster" was fuckin interesting and same with the E! true hollywood story...but damn.....even Marylin Manson is gonna be in this movie which should be out in like 2003. Fuckin...i even hear that they did some shooting of it a few days ago at Limelight...oh well...guess im glad to just hear the stories from those who lived in that era which im sure theres even a few of you who post that lived in that era.

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i wish i was old enough back then to hang with the club scene. these cats knew how to live it up...besides all the killing and stuff. problem is none of us (well...most) couldnt get into LL or any of those clubs back then..these guys had an image..a name..a rep..we got ....FCUK shirts and ICE SPIKER :D

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On the subject of run-ins, they were shooting a scene for this film in my co-workers apartment complex, and he was telling me how he took the elevator up w/ Mr. Kulkin and some other dude...

Said Macaully was real nice, even asked him to be in the film as an extra! and they did this entire floor in 80's style decor.

It should be quite a good fick :D

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The movie is called "Party Monster", "Disco Bloodbath" in the book written by James St. James about the Michael Alig murder confession and the NY party scene in the mid-90's. Richie Rich now designs clothes and accessories for his company Heatherette. To check out some sick pictures of the old days with the gang at Save the Robots, Palladium, Tunnel, Disco 2000, Club USA, Juniorverse, Limelight and so on..check out


awesome pics of Alig, Jenny Talia, Richie Rich, Freeze, Cybercunt and the rest..


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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

i wish i was old enough back then to hang with the club scene. these cats knew how to live it up...besides all the killing and stuff. problem is none of us (well...most) couldnt get into LL or any of those clubs back then..these guys had an image..a name..a rep..we got ....FCUK shirts and ICE SPIKER :D

ah man... me too... wtf... seems like i missed my hey day by 10 yrs... if only i was born in '69 my life would be dramatically different... and for the better i think...

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Originally posted by gonzojournilist

early 90's I hope they get deep into it.

  • Limelight
  • Lord Micheals
  • Future Shock Fridays
  • Beef with Storm Raves
  • Rob Gee and Repete Gabberhouse
  • Disco 2000 Wednsdays

Jeas I wish I was 17 again in 93


that blackbooks pretty sick... its urs?

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No, the movie is called DISCO BLOOD BATH


party monster is a Documentery on "US" or "WAS"

party monster has been out since fucken 96-97?

As for this movie, to be Honest, Alot of us are Still Trying to Forget, that a Close friend could be a Crazed fucking Phycopath

and kill another "Friend" Over fucking money, and drug's

Beside's the Whole murder, thing Those days were alot of fun, that will never happen Again, people today, dont take risk's and we all look the same and talk the same now, thats why i love seeing some Younger kids with some spiced up STYLe out, doing it there way, there FEW, but its nice to get that feeling in your heart.....

As for Michael.....well he's working on his OWN movie deal, and CLUB DEAL from Behind the bar's

havent spoken to him since 99"


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Originally posted by jaysea

No, the movie is called DISCO BLOOD BATH


party monster is a Documentery on "US" or "WAS"

party monster has been out since fucken 96-97?

As for this movie, to be Honest, Alot of us are Still Trying to Forget, that a Close friend could be a Crazed fucking Phycopath

and kill another "Friend" Over fucking money, and drug's

Beside's the Whole murder, thing Those days were alot of fun, that will never happen Again, people today, dont take risk's and we all look the same and talk the same now, thats why i love seeing some Younger kids with some spiced up STYLe out, doing it there way, there FEW, but its nice to get that feeling in your heart.....

As for Michael.....well he's working on his OWN movie deal, and CLUB DEAL from Behind the bar's

havent spoken to him since 99"


My understanding of the law is that he can't profit from the murder so he can write books & get movie deals but any money made off it must go to the victim's families. Don't quote me but I'm pretty sure that's how it works.

Also the movie they are filming now is indeed called Party Monster.

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

i wish i was old enough back then to hang with the club scene. these cats knew how to live it up...besides all the killing and stuff. problem is none of us (well...most) couldnt get into LL or any of those clubs back then..these guys had an image..a name..a rep..we got ....FCUK shirts and ICE SPIKER :D

Speak for yourself.

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im just Repeating what he told me,

As for it being party monster"

i was told disco bloodbath"

and im preaty sure it will be bloodbath, copyright Problems with party monster, form what i here

but who knows i could be wrong hun?


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He is working on a movie Deal About NYC night life, and All the Gossip that kinda ran amuck in the late 80's early 90's

The MURDER or ANGEL, or HIS BROTHER, will not be mentioned in the Finished product>> That was told to me in summer of 99"

as for the club thing, when he makes his appeal, he wants to open a venue, or run a party in NY, i dont remember what else he said, this was were i toned him out, LOL


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Originally posted by jaysea

He is working on a movie Deal About NYC night life, and All the Gossip that kinda ran amuck in the late 80's early 90's

The MURDER or ANGEL, or HIS BROTHER, will not be mentioned in the Finished product>> That was told to me in summer of 99"

as for the club thing, when he makes his appeal, he wants to open a venue, or run a party in NY, i dont remember what else he said, this was were i toned him out, LOL


Interesting...very interesting!!!

As morbid as the whole subject is, I've been fascinated by it for YEARS!!!!

Tell me more!!!


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here ill give u a little tour, With out giving myself away, LOL

things were alot different then, lol

and i liked the ay they were compared to what it is today

Back than it was about Style, Music, Fashion, Sex, Drugs, n K


I dont really know how i got into it, i was always kinda a Wacky, Dresser, i would make my own cloth's and i was going to Fashion school, and i started going out to clubs, and i think i meet Michael first, he was working at Red zone, i think....and he was nice, a little to Eger, but nice, i didint like him to say the least, but i ran into him 6 months later, and i dont know, we just sorta became friends, and than i had my "it" moment, and i made friends with alot more people who were colorfull like myself, and than over the years people came, people died, people Ran back to Mississippie, LOL and i made alot of Friends, and u dont know your cool, when your really were cool, i mean we knew we were Getting into the worlds coolest party's n shit, but we diditn real;ly think twice about it, i didint anyway, because i was there from the begining, and i did some door;s here n there, Ran some drugs here n there, did some drugs, omg ALOT, over dossed 3 times in 5 months! lol

and clubs were cool than, Limelight wed night's arrival time 2am

Beats were pumpen, walking around in my Blue silver, Spiked PLatforms, talking to Astro Earl, about different ways to Cook little kids like hansel and greddle... im not kidding...

See what drugs do to you ? LOL

i remember one night Wathcing this 50yr old guy Fuck this kid who had to be like 15 in the Back part behind the bar, in that StarWell in limelight, and We all just watched and threw 50's and 20's at them, and Yelled, things to make the boy yell more, the more he yelled the more money and drink tickets everyone threw at them, god.... Crazy shit, lol


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