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OT... but what is everyones favorite book?

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this is a hard question to answer since there are so many good books out there...

i love:

the prophet by kahlil gibran

the hiram key (what an amazing book...almost done with it) by chris knight and robert loomis

the lord of the rings triology (not the movie...the books)

catcher in the rye by j.d. salinger

crime and punishment by dostoyesvsky

war and peace by tolstoy

the slave by amos oz

shogun ...forgot who wrote this, but it is set in medieval japan...an amazing book if u can read those that are more than 1000 pages...

strongly recommend all these books to anyone...

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Originally posted by sassa

this is a hard question to answer since there are so many good books out there...

i love:

crime and punishment by dostoyesvsky

strongly recommend all these books to anyone...

ditto :D

plus song of solomon - toni morrison

can't think of anything else off the top of my head at the moment.

gettin ready to read angela's ashes after i finish screwtape letters.

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

Catcher in the Rye-Salinger

Metamorphosis -Kafka

Melville- Moby Dick

thiS semester i lived through Dostoyevsky...HOLY JESUS!! REPETITIVE GARBAGE CANT STAND HIS WORK!..sorry Sassa

metamorphosis is a great book...a lot of kafka's work is pretty good...

anyone read von goethe? check out his book "the sufferings of young werther"...such a great book, even though it was written in the late 18th century.

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Favorite books of all time (that I happen to remember at this moment):

The Unbearable Lightness of Being- Milan Kundera

Infinite Jest- David Foster Wallace

Glue- Irvine Welsh

White Noise - Don Dellilo

Pride and Prejudice -Jane Austin (only when feeling girly)

Beloved -Toni Morrison

The Way of the Peaceful Warrior - Dan Millman

The Neverending Story -can't remember, but for those who knwo the movie from childhood, this book was TRIPPY and Very intricate.

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