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the $50 cover at ARC this evening.....

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not sure kid it was pretty wack i was passed out on the steps most of the nite then got up and wobbled around a few times lol but should of went to vynail but fuk it jp played a few good tracks and remixed lithium from nirvana that tore the place up even had me bouncen which is rare LoL but over all i shoudl of went to vynail i heard like at 2 or 3 they had a line around the block

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Originally posted by shook

ya'll vynail /arc herbs suk last nite like 7 in morn a bunch of ugly mofos rolled into sf probley after going to arc and got the place ugly and cause of that sf has been getin gso ugly of late i swear i seen atleast 10 girls who had to weigh more then 200 pounds it waas sick

well, why anyone would have left arc or (Vinyl... why do you always spell its wrong,its not that hard) to go to Sound Factory on a night that had Danny Howells and Danny Tenaglia is beyond me. Don't get me wrong, I like Peters and Factory and all that jazz, but to leave at 7 to go to factory.. misssed the siiiiiiiick shit.

and further, why u think they were from arc? I'd say about 75% of the girls in there last night were dressed as if they were goin to factory, and a lot of great looking women.

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Ok so I'm still a newb and I'm prolly gonna get shit on for sayin this but I feel it needs to be said...

Bottom line is that clubs always have been, and always will be about making money... if clubs always lost money there wouldn't be any clubs... even in the old days of vinyl & twilo where it seemed it was all about making the party better & not the money - they still had to make money or they wouldn't have lasted.

The problem last night was one of supply and demand, way too much demand for not enough supply of space (sorry for stating the obvious). So when Arc started to get packed they had a few choices... they could stop letting people in (in which case those of you who came after it got full woulda had to wait a long time to get in), or they could jack up the price so a lotta ppl would not go in.... or even worse they could keep letting everyone in at $30 and it woulda been even more ridiculously crowded.

So the question is, would you rather have waited forever to get in, pay $20 more, or had it even more packed? I'd go with paying more. You could also have gotten there early or late when it was $30 if you really didn't want to pay more.

Now put yourself in the owner's shoes... by jacking up the price u make more money for yourself and lessen the overcrowding problem at the same time - its the only logical thing to do.

I just find it funny that people on this thread are bitching about the money, and people on the other thread are bitching about the overcrowding... do you realize that if you make one of these problems better the other one automatically gets worse?

I guess the real problem here is that Arc has been "discovered" by the masses... I don't know, but I'm guessing that 2 years ago they coulda pulled off DT v. DH without it getting too overcrowded and without charging $50. And once again being "discovered" is what the owners/promoters want (who here doesn't want to make more $$?)

Personally, I thought last night was fuckin awesome, and worth $50 if not more...

Just my 2 cents

*prepares for possible verbal lashing from cp veterans*

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Originally posted by roninmess

well, why anyone would have left arc or (Vinyl... why do you always spell its wrong,its not that hard) to go to Sound Factory on a night that had Danny Howells and Danny Tenaglia is beyond me. Don't get me wrong, I like Peters and Factory and all that jazz, but to leave at 7 to go to factory.. misssed the siiiiiiiick shit.

and further, why u think they were from arc? I'd say about 75% of the girls in there last night were dressed as if they were goin to factory, and a lot of great looking women.

not sure kid was prpbley later then 7 but over all sf had alot of wack people

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Originally posted by echostar

lol...this is the funniest thing ive read all week, because i know if it was ANY other club people would be pissed

I think it was more the DJ's than the club, but that's just me.

Just get there early, stay late... make a day of it! We did for $30 and had a phenomenal time.

The latter it got, the better it got.... no crowd, less heat, incredible vibe, nasty music. Learn.

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

I payed $30.

They were charging those prices because in case you didn't notice......it was rediculously overpacked in there.

Oh well.....$30 for 12 hours=$2.50 an hour.

Parking usually costs more so quit bitchin

do people stay in clubs for 12 hours???? damn....

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Originally posted by sassa

do people stay in clubs for 12 hours???? damn....

Thats the difference between the NYC and California.......people in the city know how to get down.

And yeah, what Robin said. I've stayed about 14 hours inside factory.....sober. Same night I believe:)

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

Thats the difference between the NYC and California.......people in the city know how to get down.

Ugh... I'll take quality over quantity any day. Not saying NYC's not quality, but personally I'm happy to get 4-6 hours of a great time and live to see another day... shouldn't have to wait until 9am to hear the best part of the set... maybe I'm old and weak or something...

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Originally posted by hoke

Ugh... I'll take quality over quantity any day. Not saying NYC's not quality, but personally I'm happy to get 4-6 hours of a great time and live to see another day... shouldn't have to wait until 9am to hear the best part of the set... maybe I'm old and weak or something...

hi...u bitch too much...every post ive read of urs is negative...im glad u blew $30 or $50 or how much u paid to get into Arc...uve become a true CP-ers in a short time..uve mastered the art of the whine..the bitch..the negativity...welcome to the club chief...:aright::rolleyes:

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Originally posted by hoke

Ugh... I'll take quality over quantity any day. Not saying NYC's not quality, but personally I'm happy to get 4-6 hours of a great time and live to see another day... shouldn't have to wait until 9am to hear the best part of the set... maybe I'm old and weak or something...

Yeah seriously, you bitch way too much.

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yeah, no problem with the $$$ IMO. helps keep the line and the numbers inside less then they would have been. come early and sit through the sweat for cheap, or come later and pay more - u'r choice.

only 2 problems i thought:

1. no tag team vs. sets

2. not enough fans. put in some fuken fans. i can bounce all night in a breeze no matter how hot it is. can't wait to get back in there on a more normal crowd night :)

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Hey guys... so you had the time of your life and I thought it was sub-par... don't take it so personally, okay? I've had plenty of great nights, at Be Yourself, at Buzz, at Starscape, at Body & Soul, at 1015 in San Francisco, hell, even a good night or two at Exit.

I didn't like this particular party. I'm entitled to my opinion and I'm not one to hide it. If you can't handle that, just don't read my posts... nobody's forcing you to.

Oh, and if you hang out with me enough you'll learn that I'm actually a pretty positive person... I just don't sugarcoat my words, and there are actually people on these boards who appreciate that.

So let's not turn a disagreement over a party into a hoke-bashing, okay? I haven't judged ANYBODY, merely stated my opinions about the party... I'd appreciate if you did the same.

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I wasn't there, but I always know 2 people can be in the same place and have diametrically opposed opinions of the experience. Hoke's just giving his opinion which is what this board is for. And even if you consider his opinion negative, as long as you had a great time, what does it matter what anyone else says? To each their own.

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i'm inclined to agree... even WITH candy, I was STILL irritated by how many people/how hot it was... the music was alright... I mean, i've seen them both so many times, so its hard to say 1 set is better/worse than another... I will say that even the 30 minutes of breaks DH dropped were less exciting than the reviews I got of his previous breaks sets...

nothing for nothing, but I just can't enjoy myself when theres no room to dance, and its 90 degrees...

haha, my favorite quote... (from BEFORE I dropped):

*weeding my way past 8 million people back to the chillout room, and finds someplace to breathe*

marci: lets go out and dance!

me: Theres 3 feet of fucking space in this entire fucking club and i'm standing in it, i'm not going ANYWHERE...

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Originally posted by joeg

i'm inclined to agree... even WITH candy, I was STILL irritated by how many people/how hot it was... the music was alright... I mean, i've seen them both so many times, so its hard to say 1 set is better/worse than another... I will say that even the 30 minutes of breaks DH dropped were less exciting than the reviews I got of his previous breaks sets...

nothing for nothing, but I just can't enjoy myself when theres no room to dance, and its 90 degrees...

haha, my favorite quote... (from BEFORE I dropped):

*weeding my way past 8 million people back to the chillout room, and finds someplace to breathe*

marci: lets go out and dance!

me: Theres 3 feet of fucking space in this entire fucking club and i'm standing in it, i'm not going ANYWHERE...

let me add, that I do not regret the night, and I had OVERALL an ok time... it was nice to see EVERYONE (literally, like everyone I knew)... and It was worth the time/money (well, I only payed 30... ) as opposed to the other options for the night...

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