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:jawdrop: that is all I can really say. Other than I have never sweated as much as I did before.

It was impossible to leave the area I was in to make it to where you guys, so sorry we didn't hang.

Tj5 I heard a nasty roomer you were there?

Left at 8 something because my friends girlfriend got sick:mad: And I just had the best 2nd wind going too!

What time you guys leave?

Got back home at like noon, flew home. And went to bed, woke up at 1 and was like fuck this and just went back to sleep till it was time for work.

I love Howells!!!!

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Yeah, the rumor you heard was true. What the hell is up with you avoiding me, huh ??? :tongue:

I didn't care for Saturday. Seeing and meeting everyone was the best part of my night. Howells set was wicked but due to the obnoxious crowd, and obnoxious DT, I couldnt get into it at all.

Full review is now up in its usual spot :)

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Originally posted by nycchic24

so you guys still haven't met yet thhen?? hahhaah :laugh: ~cursed!

well it was good seeing you teamj5 again and jess, mike and company and brian. and nice to meet you kaydup as well!

We meet? Hmmm refresh my memory

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Originally posted by teamj5

Yeah, the rumor you heard was true. What the hell is up with you avoiding me, huh ??? :tongue:

I didn't care for Saturday. Seeing and meeting everyone was the best part of my night. Howells set was wicked but due to the obnoxious crowd, and obnoxious DT, I couldnt get into it at all.

Full review is now up in its usual spot :)

Uh huh, avoiding you yeah right. YOu were avoiding me

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Originally posted by kaydup

We meet? Hmmm refresh my memory

at least thats who i thought jon introduced me too.! hgahah this was earlier in the night on the left hand side by the speakers... (where the stage used to be)

you are pretty tall kid, right??

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Originally posted by nycchic24

at least thats who i thought jon introduced me too.! hgahah this was earlier in the night on the left hand side by the speakers... (where the stage used to be)

you are pretty tall kid, right??

Oh yeah sorry. I was trying to remember who that was. I couldn't hear the board name that Jon said. Yeah good to meet you too ha ha. Sorry we did talk more

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Originally posted by teamj5

Full review is now up in its usual spot :)

Just read your review and added my 2cents as it was pretty much the same as yours.

Overall a good night... tried to keep an eye out for those of you who had T-shirts... not sure if you guys/gals still did that or not but wish I got to meet some of you but maybe next time under more bearable conditions.

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We still wore the T-shirts and got a really great response from them too! Met some really great people because of those shirts, mostly everyone understood them, mostly people who are familiar with our bad Boston accents...;)

NYCchic it was great too see you too, sorry I was talking your damn ear off. I have a tendency to do that sometimes...

We ended up leaving at 11 in the morning, when the music started to get a little weird.

But it was a most amazing night, all around!


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Originally posted by prplhz

We still wore the T-shirts and got a really great response from them too! Met some really great people because of those shirts, mostly everyone understood them, mostly people who are familiar with our bad Boston accents...;)

That's awesome! I mentioned it to my GF also to tell me if she sees a Boston type T-Shirt or something but didn't see any... well there's always next time.. glad to hear you had a great time!

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It was good to meet a lot of you too nycchic24 and tinybutterfli !!!!!

I had an unbelievable time at Arc. We left at 11 and they were still going strong. We got less than an hour's sleep at our friends house in LI and then drove home to finally get to sleep at 11pm Sunday.....VERY tired and lethargic today.....can't get anything done here at work. I'm feeling really cracked out today.....

NYisformeatheads is on vacation this week so I am jeleous. BUT, we can tell a funny story about him while he is away (thats his price for being able to rest today!!!). He wore a multicolor Hawaiin lay (sp?) and couldn't figure out why he kept getting the "eye" and comments from some of the boys all night. It wasn't until we were driving home in the city and saw the cops setting up for the gay pride parade that he realized that the lay had the exact colors of the gay pride flag........it was too funny to see his reaction at that moment. I guess hindsight is 20/20........:)

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Originally posted by midlog

NYisformeatheads is on vacation this week so I am jeleous. BUT, we can tell a funny story about him while he is away (thats his price for being able to rest today!!!). He wore a multicolor Hawaiin lay (sp?) and couldn't figure out why he kept getting the "eye" and comments from some of the boys all night. It wasn't until we were driving home in the city and saw the cops setting up for the gay pride parade that he realized that the lay had the exact colors of the gay pride flag........it was too funny to see his reaction at that moment. I guess hindsight is 20/20........:)


!!!!!!!! :laugh: :laugh:



hahahahah ahahahahahahahahah ahahahah ah ahahah ah ah ah ah ahahahahahahah

omg !!!!!! that is the best fucking story !!!! I didnt even notice the colors, or him getting looked at hahahahaha.

he will NOT be living this down !!!!!!!

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It was so funny because all night Brian was like all these guys keep coming up to me and asking me silly questions, and trying to touch me... I was thinking aobut it for a question as we where riding down 8th Avenue talking about all of the gay pride flags that where out along the street. I was like OMG Brian look at the colors on your lay, they match the colors on the flag. This is gay pride weekend at Vinyl, and I saw this other obviously gay man wearing the same lay as you, OMG Brian those boys thought you where gay!!!:laugh: You should have seen his face, it was priceless!!

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damn! didn't see any of you anywhere's and i looked for those t-shirts. did a1wave every make it?

do you all get DH up your way at all. His set was decent but not spectacular - if you hear him a lot he gets kinda repetitive, though i love him.

what did DT do that was obnoxious?

normally vinyl / arc does NOT have an obnoxious crowd. this was a huge event though and the heat was insane so people got a little edgy i think :)

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Originally posted by barvybe

damn! didn't see any of you anywhere's and i looked for those t-shirts. did a1wave every make it?

do you all get DH up your way at all. His set was decent but not spectacular - if you hear him a lot he gets kinda repetitive, though i love him.

what did DT do that was obnoxious?

normally vinyl / arc does NOT have an obnoxious crowd. this was a huge event though and the heat was insane so people got a little edgy i think :)

hey barvybe... i *did* actually make it. bummed we missed each other. i looked out for theory but there were sooooo many people in there, i'm amazed i found people i actually know in there! i didn't end up wearing the boston shirts because it was too hot and it would've been big...

i had a great time on sat night. same as teamj5 though, it was fun mostly because there were so many people i knew there, from DC, NYC and Boston... not often everyone is in one place.

i drove home *by myself* on no sleep. praise the lord for AC and loud music!

great seeing everyone! can't wait till next time .. july 19th should be a good night!

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Originally posted by a1wave

hey barvybe... i *did* actually make it. bummed we missed each other. i looked out for theory but there were sooooo many people in there, i'm amazed i found people i actually know in there! i didn't end up wearing the boston shirts because it was too hot and it would've been big...

i had a great time on sat night. same as teamj5 though, it was fun mostly because there were so many people i knew there, from DC, NYC and Boston... not often everyone is in one place.

i drove home *by myself* on no sleep. praise the lord for AC and loud music!

great seeing everyone! can't wait till next time .. july 19th should be a good night!

I liked the hair!!!

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Great seeing everyone yesterday........

That was the best night in my clubbing career.......the heat and overcrowding did not even bother me. I knew like half the freakin people in the club, everywhere I turned it was like 'Yo wassup'. That just added to everything.

DH I always dance to, his trance and tech-trance I actually enjoy and DT.....well, DT just twisted my mind. He was doing so many innovative things up there.....I don't know if anyone noticed but when he dropped Elements, he virtually produced a full track on the spot by adding loops, samples, and synths and broke it all down within 15 min or so. Amazing.

After 12 or so he started playing shit that everyone in the room was laughing at. He played Michael Jackson and Donna Summer as well as some songs like To Be Real and songs from the "Hair" soundtrack. When Aquarius came on a couple of us sat in a circle Indian Style waving our arms in the air like hippies. Gotta love it.

You guys were all cool as shit. I saw nyis4meatheads earlier alone with the rainbow lei on.......I was like, he's looking for a date to go to the gay pride parade with........lol. I thought everyone would have known about the gay pride events going on.......in case you didn't notice, there were an abnormal amount of gays/trannies/bis there. Coincidence I guess.

Hope everyone enjoyed themselves as much as I did. Hope the trip back was alright.

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

Great seeing everyone yesterday........

You guys were all cool as shit. I saw nyis4meatheads earlier alone with the rainbow lei on.......I was like, he's looking for a date to go to the gay pride parade with........lol. I thought everyone would have known about the gay pride events going on.......in case you didn't notice, there were an abnormal amount of gays/trannies/bis there. Coincidence I guess.

Hope everyone enjoyed themselves as much as I did. Hope the trip back was alright.

shhhhhh we shouldn't tell jackie that Brian was on the prowl on saturday night :tongue:;)

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