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Info on Glow


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Can anyone give me some info on this place. Was there about a year ago but don't remeber much. Planning on going tonight, need an address, info on cover, and what time Acosta comes on and any other dj's for the night.



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Glow is also called Little Wisconsin, for the large amounts of cheese it produces. The people suck, the music sucks, but the venue is pretty decent. The dress code changes from week to week, so be sure to bring an extra set of clothes to make a quick change in line depending on what mood that chick at the door is in. There is an obnoxious horn that sounds off at every breakdown. It reminds me of Beach Week, except there's no wet t-shirt contest after the horn sounds. There are a bunch of angry looking Asian dudes all over the place. They think they're cool, but they really just look like they're constipated from too many egg rolls. And of course, there are a bunch of meatheads looking to grab any female ass that strolls by. And it doesn't matter if the female is with a guy. These ape men apparently don't believe that any girl is tied down enough to not want to leave their man and go with them. I have no idea where they come from, because for the most part, DC people have manners.

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I haven't been to Glow but a couple times, but from what I hear, the girls there love to have their asses grabbed. Some even say that the only reason they go to Glow is because that is the only place in DC that guys feel free to do this. I think it's a great way to meet women, and the women that go to Glow are the passive type that love to be fondled by the wondering hands of a drunken bafoon

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Originally posted by therunner

I haven't been to Glow but a couple times, but from what I hear, the girls there love to have their asses grabbed. Some even say that the only reason they go to Glow is because that is the only place in DC that guys feel free to do this. I think it's a great way to meet women, and the women that go to Glow are the passive type that love to be fondled by the wondering hands of a drunken bafoon

We should sponsor one of the donkeys and put it inside Glow. That way, the meatheads can grab ass without offending anybody.

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What is Glow? Glow is one of America's biggest Trance nights. Some people on this site are too cool for Trance because that is what Urb and Mixer Mag tell them. If you like trance, you will love Glow. Residents include Armin van Buuren, Ferry Corsten and tonight a special Glow Pre Independence Day event with Miami's George Acosta. Glow is located at Club Insomnia 714 6th Street, on the corner of 6th and G Streets next to MCI Arena. Pete Moutso spins from 9-1am and George Acosta from 1-4am. Dress is casual, sneakers/jeans are allowed. However, boots, hats and athletic gear is not. 18 to enter, 21 to Drink. Visit www.clubglow.com for more info.

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Originally posted by clubglow

Some people on this site are too cool for Trance because that is what Urb and Mixer Mag tell them. If you like trance, you will love Glow.

i like trance but i still think glow sucks buddy

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Glow gets some good trance talent (shaddup Shady). The dance floor is concrete, so wear good shoes and the sound system isn't the greatest - so I'd recommend earplugs. But, overall, it is a nice club. There are places to sit down upstairs and overall the club is pretty nice. It is not a rave type atmosphere and people tend to dress a little dressier than Buzz. I hear there is no dress code - but the guys at the front door can be assholes - so I wouldn't wear jeans or tennis shoes if I were a guy. VIP is a joke - so just go to the short line and pay your $15.

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Originally posted by clubglow

Some people on this site are too cool for Trance because that is what Urb and Mixer Mag tell them. If you like trance, you will love Glow.

Lets see, I don't read Urb or Mixer Mag so I am not influenced by their writings, I try not to read music reviews except by people I know(AKA FRIENDS) who have the same taste in music that I like, and not someone who is being paid to say something (wether it is good or bad) and I like all kinds of music and despise all kinds of music. Some Prog I like, some I don't, some R&B I love, some I wish was never written. I do like some trance, but not fucking fairy trance, with a 20min drum roll every 5 min. And the music at Glow isn't all that keeps me away, it's the changing dress code, the rude fucking bouncers, the over priced drinks, the meatheads that grab womens asses, the GUYS that dance in the cages(WTF), the FAT chicks with a midrift shirt dancing in the cages(WTF), the confusing queue outside as to what is the guest list and what isn't, what is 21 and what is 18, and The sound, does it really have to be that fucking ear splitting?

Now there are some other clubs out there that are worse than Glow, but there are a lot that are much better than glow, and for a saturday night if I had my choice to pay 20 bucks to get in Glow, or go to the local and pound guinness with a bunch of drunken Irishmen, I would go pound guinness, because at least I would be around people who are doing what they like to do and not going to be seen at the scene.

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Originally posted by clubglow

Some people on this site are too cool for Trance because that is what Urb and Mixer Mag tell them. If you like trance, you will love Glow. Residents include Armin van Buuren, Ferry Corsten and tonight a special Glow Pre Independence Day event with Miami's George Acosta.

You forgot about DJ Mag, Mixmag, Muzik, and M8. They also think your music sucks big dick.

And give me a fucking break with this Glow is about music shit. For years, you guys have constantly given people shit at the door because of how they were dressed. At Zei, the whole "Prive" thing was the biggest pretentious piece of shit any party has ever pulled. Fuck the music. Glow has always been about the pretty ladies and maintaining what your promoters perceived to be a good girl to guy ratio.

Your club sucks for one reason. And that's cause of all the velvet rope shit you guys pulled over the years. So now, you've got DC's biggest assholes going to your club.

So don't give me this crap of music at Glow. Glow has never been about the music. It's always been about being seen. And that's why it sucks, no matter what DJ you bring in. No matter how you change your door policy today, inside, you still get the jackasses who think they're all that cause they got into Glow. And yeah, right, they really care about the music. You guys made your beds over the years, so lie in them. Stop trying to make it out to be something it's not.

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Nicley said, but I don't know about the velvet rope thing for Glow cause I haven't been living in DC long.

And Melanee, for the seating upstairs, everytime I have been it's been salsa music or Vic's cousins playing upstairs, so I would rather stand.

My good point of Glow, I have never seen the muscle-bound meatheads take off thier shirts.

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funny thing how all of us have nothing to do with glow, nor any other place in dc for that matter, and we have the opinions we do on the place. kinda makes you think.

but i guess if a person is into all that stuff glow pulls and the type of crowd that glow gets, then all justice to them. go and have a good time, or at least try to.

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Guest jroo

i agree with all of you guys about glow. so add my voice to all those negatives words. however, one night at glow was really good. and i feel that i'll metion the only good time at glow. it was when they first opened the up up stairs. where you didnt have to have a dress code, but you couldnt go down stairs until real late in the night. it was the night when d:fuse was playing down stairs. but the dj's up up stairs were seriously banging some good ass old school music. that was a really good night. other than that. sorry it sucks :( its all good in the hood though. to each their own. you may go there and love it. at least try it . dont go by yourself. take a lot of friends. misery loves company.

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Originally posted by vicman

funny thing how all of us have nothing to do with glow, nor any other place in dc for that matter, and we have the opinions we do on the place. kinda makes you think.

but i guess if a person is into all that stuff glow pulls and the type of crowd that glow gets, then all justice to them. go and have a good time, or at least try to.

I went to glow a few times when I first got to DC because it was the only club that I knew about. I didn't know anything about Buzz or The edge. I heard of the Edge before I even heard of Buzz and they are right next door to each other. But after searching the internet and finding a great group of people on CP that showed me a great time at Buzz, I have no need to go to glow. I would much rather go to a club where there are people, music, a dress code, a sound system, a barstaff, lighting, an outdoor area, and an all around atmosphere that I like. I don't get that at Glow. I do get some of it at the edge, the sound is kinda nasty, but the overall atmosphere is better, yeah there are also some fucked up crack-heads, but I would rather deal with someone stuck in a k-hole who can't talk than a guido-meathead. I don't want to feel like I am going to some frumpy ass tea-party where if my shoes aren't shined I won't even be allowed to join. And if I can't get in wearing what it is that I feel comfortable in, and don't like the music that is there, I don't want to be there in the first place.

If someone likes to dress smartly when they go out, and if they like the trancy music at Glow, then that is the perfect club in DC for them to go to, and I think you guys are doing a great job at serving thier needs.

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Originally posted by therunner

I went to glow a few times when I first got to DC because it was the only club that I knew about. I didn't know anything about Buzz or The edge. I heard of the Edge before I even heard of Buzz and they are right next door to each other. But after searching the internet and finding a great group of people on CP that showed me a great time at Buzz, I have no need to go to glow. I would much rather go to a club where there are people, music, a dress code, a sound system, a barstaff, lighting, an outdoor area, and an all around atmosphere that I like. I don't get that at Glow. I do get some of it at the edge, the sound is kinda nasty, but the overall atmosphere is better, yeah there are also some fucked up crack-heads, but I would rather deal with someone stuck in a k-hole who can't talk than a guido-meathead. I don't want to feel like I am going to some frumpy ass tea-party where if my shoes aren't shined I won't even be allowed to join. And if I can't get in wearing what it is that I feel comfortable in, and don't like the music that is there, I don't want to be there in the first place.

If someone likes to dress smartly when they go out, and if they like the trancy music at Glow, then that is the perfect club in DC for them to go to, and I think you guys are doing a great job at serving thier needs.



Panaroma Productions

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