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Danny Howells Review


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Overall it was a good set but not great

He started off great but then the unthinkable. He got monotnous. I'm starting to think that crobar has a music format because all the guest DJ's with the exception of Burridge have sounded the same. Hard pounding loopy beats polverizing your ear drums to a pulp with no vocals. As far as hard pounding beats go he definitely has had the best records I've heard, but I can only take so much of it. I think part of the problem is that Howells had to work into the set Cedric started off which of course was pretty flat. I guess that set the tone for most of Howells set. Don't get me wrong, it was still a really good set I just think this man should not have an opening DJ. I would've liked to hear Howells develop his set from the beginning and see the direction and transition of his set through different styles of music. IMO that's where the true genius of a DJ is. Last night he really stuck to the pounding beats and was banging away for most of the night; Howells definitely changed it up from time to time breaks, tech etc etc etc... I just don't think it was often enough. Towards the end of the night 3 1/2 hrs into his set Howells was changing it up again but at that point I was just to damn tired to stay. On another note I met Sharam from Deepdish and talked to him for a bit. He's a really kewl and down to earth kat just like Howell's.

It was really nice to finally meet steffy, matas, mikey and saleen (the man the myth).

I'd also like to give a shot out the to the rest of the CP mafia! You guys rock.

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Guest saleen351

his set was good but not international superstar good!!!! Wilson smoked howells last night big time!!!!!!!!! i will not be seeing howell again.... not worth my time.............:blown:

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i think Howells' set got really sick between 3 and 4am. But talking about sick sets, DHM really ROCKED the patio at Space. Ivano had no business there; they should have left DHM till Deep Dish took over.

Deep Dish was also playing a good set inside but was too tired to continue dancing. DHM really made me go nuts for an hour, even better than Howells.


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Hey Lee... did you RE- GAS Zules???? :laugh:

On the subject of Howells... I didn't hear enough of his set to get bored of it or to find monotony in it. What I heard of it was GREAT, however, it was not as good as Kelvin Andrew's set IMO. Hearing him spin was the high point of my evening.

I CAN'T WAIT FOR BURRIDGE!!!!!!! :bounce:

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Originally posted by laliux

i think Howells' set got really sick between 3 and 4am. But talking about sick sets, DHM really ROCKED the patio at Space. Ivano had no business there; they should have left DHM till Deep Dish took over.

Deep Dish was also playing a good set inside but was too tired to continue dancing. DHM really made me go nuts for an hour, even better than Howells.


Hector... WHERE DID YOU GO? We lost you after about 4:30.

You too, Lee and Zuly!!!! :confused:

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Originally posted by saleen351

i will not be seeing howell again.... not worth my time.............:blown:

I understand that you won't be seeing Howells again and that's kewl I respect that, but the latter part of your post is all drama dude

Originally posted by saleen351

not worth my time.............:blown:

:otopic: Stop being such a drama queen.:zzz:

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Originally posted by bbflux

Hector... WHERE DID YOU GO? We lost you after about 4:30.

You too, Lee and Zuly!!!! :confused:

I went by the DJ booth to say bye but didn't see you guys. Left to Space and had a good time thanks to DHM. Stayed for a lil bit after they were done and got the hell out.

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Yeap.....I gotta agree with Lee.....the set was too monotonous.

I had fun though....I am regreting not being able to stay up......I was up for 24 hours and the night before I didn't have a good night sleep....damn it!!!:mad:

And of course I had a really kewl time with all the CP mafia......it was also nice to meet some new peeps....you guys know who you are!!!;)

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by georgeacasta2

I understand that you won't be seeing Howells again and that's kewl I respect that, but the latter part of your post is all drama dude

:otopic: Stop being such a drama queen.:zzz:

buddy boy, i'm a little too old to waste my time with some bullshit international superstar dj.... he was not worth my time, i go out to have a good time, when these so called djs show up we all get soooooooooooooooo hyped but besides picouto none lived up to it... that is why i'd rather go see oscar and have a great time.... so nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo its not drama, just my opinion.... for a little dude you sure shoot your mouth off alot...

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Originally posted by saleen351

buddy boy, i'm a little too old to waste my time with some bullshit international superstar dj.... he was not worth my time, i go out to have a good time, when these so called djs show up we all get soooooooooooooooo hyped but besides picouto none lived up to it... that is why i'd rather go see oscar and have a great time.... so nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo its not drama, just my opinion....


Originally posted by saleen351

for a little dude you sure shoot your mouth off alot...

For a medium size guy you sure shoot your mouth off alot. What difference does that make??????

Originally posted by saleen351

not worth my time.............:blown:

You even put a blown smiliey at the end of your post. Can you say D-R-A-M-A!

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I thought his set was great ------> Danny has a funky-groove that underlys all his tracks, which I really enjoy.

I will never speak anything negative about Danny- I'm just a "howells-ho" like that.

*I will say this, his 10 hour sets in NYC - are the real deal (we will never hear anything like that down here). Danny saves the 'goods' for his residency. Plus, the way DH plays he needs time to build a proper set, and I don't think he got the chance last night. Not to mention he had to start off mixing into Cedric and some crappy 'big beats bang-bang-bang' track. I don't know but it's usually proper etiquette and a sign of respect that the opening dj doesn't try to bang it out hard before the headliner shows up. He definately wasn't spinnin' a warm up set.

In sum:

1.) Great fun seeing everyone again.

2.) Zuly- I had sooooo much fun dancing w/ you down by the front bar. Think I got a lil' dizzy though! :D

3.) What's up w/ Stacey getting escorted into the club by Danny Howells himself? (hmmmm????)

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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

Overall it was a good set but not great

He started off great but then the unthinkable. He got monotnous. I'm starting to think that crobar has a music format because all the guest DJ's with the exception of Burridge have sounded the same. Hard pounding loopy beats polverizing your ear drums to a pulp with no vocals. As far as hard pounding beats go he definitely has had the best records I've heard, but I can only take so much of it.

I wasn't there and can't comment, but I think you're right, there's something very same-y about the tunes (or lack thereof) at Crobar. I suspect it's the way they have the sound system tweaked that partly causes the problem.....the interesting parts of tracks get all lost with that hard pounding 4/4 bass - there's too much emphasis on it. And honestly, it bores the hell out of me. It must be the sound system that causes what we are talking about, because I can't realistically see why internationally renowned DJs would show up and spin same-y records all night? What's the point? Perhaps most of the people at the club are so wasted ass over tit, they don't really care, they'd dance to 7 hours of Miami bass.

Anyway, I'm sorry I didn't show up, it would have been good to see all of you.......sounded like a full, proper CP meetup. Not that I can stay the whole time with the poundy tunes, but I'm good until about 2AM.......lol I was helping someone move furniture all last night.....

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i remember last time he played in miami, u guys complained and said he was too housey. diva housey i believe some of u said.

this time it was too bangin. i wasn't even there but i can just imagine where cedric left for danny to take over. BIG 3 AM tunes... thats just wrong. there's no reason for any dj to be up there if they can't play their spot. didn't the same thing happen when howells played at shadow lounge??? i mean, lee cakebread to open? how do u have a dj open up with UK hard house?

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I thought Danny's set was good, however I did not hear the last hour. The vibe at crobar sucked. The opening dj I was not feeling at all. For future reference I wish crobar, would dispense with the opening dj , and get right to the guest dj. wish I could have danced , but my legs were not cooperating. :D I would definitely love to hear an all out 10+ hours of Danny. I guess I'll have to hit nyc for that.

definitely nice seeing the cp crew out; I haven't seen a lot of you guys in months. with all the sick lineups coming, in the next few months, I'm sure we will be seeing each other more often.

Big ups to my boy Andrew for hooking shit up, and Mikey, Pete ,and Steffy for organizing everything. ! big thank you to crobar for the smooth front door entry, and the nice amstel when we walked through the door.

Happy 4th of July to all !!

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Originally posted by Nolimit

i remember last time he played in miami, u guys complained and said he was too housey. diva housey i believe some of u said.

this time it was too bangin. i wasn't even there but i can just imagine where cedric left for danny to take over. BIG 3 AM tunes... thats just wrong. there's no reason for any dj to be up there if they can't play their spot. didn't the same thing happen when howells played at shadow lounge??? i mean, lee cakebread to open? how do u have a dj open up with UK hard house?

Well my complaint with Howells previous set @ Opium Garden was that there was no vibe; although his track selection was pretty good the energy level was way down. The Shadow Lounge over a year ago was the best set that I've heard of Howells but the sound system was not up to par and the opener was horrible. (whoever setup Cakebread to open up for Howells has absolutely no clue. At that time, Drew Bongiorno should have been the obvious choice). Now, I could only speak from what I heard this time around, his set was pretty good. I got to hear a good 3 hrs of his set and his track selection was par none. I wish he would have mixed it up alittle more. I wanted to hear some more breaks, but I guess I came alittle too late. Watching Danny Howells spin is a spectacle in itself. He's the most entertaining DJ I have ever seen and is one of the most down to earth. Having pizza with him at after his show was a great way to end the night. No complaints, just a good time. Book him down here again fast .... << Destination: NYC >> The last saturday of September is mine!

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had fun that night....took off early (345) to meet up with some friends of my friend (single girlies)....overall had fun at Crobar...vibe sucked, was pretty empty for Mr. Howells and Cedric was putting me to sleep (can u overdose on Red Bull?)....Howell's set was good, i have heard better, but he really didnt have any energy to feed off from (except from the Cp board members by the bar)....i had a great time hanging with the "usual suspects" and meeting the "mafia" - - GeorgeAcasta, Nightstar01 and BBflux - - it was really nice meeting all of u and hanging out with ya....good people, we must do this again....:D

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can't comment bout the open'ng dj cause i only caught danny's set...

that was nothing compared to how he plays in nyc but still damn good. danny always keeps it fresh & changes it up. then again, i could hear danny every month and never get bored.

opium set did him no justice. sound system was just plain wrong, way to hot outside, no vibe, and dress code??? plz!

guess that makes me a "danny ho" too? :D

oh someone please remind me next time to lose the 4inch heels...ouch!

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