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what did u think CP ppl looked like b4 u met them???

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i cant believe u motherfuckers thought i was Ferris Beuler!!....who in their right mind would rock a leopard print vest nowadays?? u guys r def. speshhhhhhhhhhL!!

jon..u thought i was a lil raver kid? :laugh: ..u shoulda known better man...for the love of shit we missed each other @ Exit like 3 times...and ravers usually dont hit up exit

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Originally posted by rdancer

U forgot to say that your freakishly tall for a irish/german/english white boy.

Originally posted by quoth

:laugh: Aw man..do people really think that?? Like i know i aint at all the tallest dude on CP but holy shit...i do feel weird a lot of times when i am the tallest person in a room full of people.

p.s. Only good thing about being this fuckin tall is that...when marciD,Clubkat,and Tastyt all give me hugs...their hands wrap around my ass cheeks rather then my back...not to mention the fact that they are eye level for a ......(continued on the sex board) j/k :tongue:

how tall are you?

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

i cant believe u motherfuckers thought i was Ferris Beuler!!....who in their right mind would rock a leopard print vest nowadays?? u guys r def. speshhhhhhhhhhL!!

jon..u thought i was a lil raver kid? :laugh: ..u shoulda known better man...for the love of shit we missed each other @ Exit like 3 times...and ravers usually dont hit up exit

hahhahaha sorry bro... actually I've never seen Ferris Beuler's Day Off and didn't know who it was (yeah I'm sheltered, I know). Anyway, so I started lookin at cp everyday in the beginning of the summer, and it seemed like u were the biggest post whore of all, and somehow it got stuck in my head that it was u in your sig :)

so then I'm at the meetup at calle nueve and drunk scoob-e's introducing me to everyone, and I'm like who's this ghhhhhost guy I see posting all the damn time, he pointed u out and I said 'fuck u that's not ghhhhhost, doesn't look like him at all'... that's when I realized what a dumbass I was... lol

as far as the leopard print vest goes... by the way some ppl post on here I thought I was gonna meet some really weird fuckers... turns out most everyone I've met so far is pretty normal :)

...and this was my 69th post... think I'm gonna have to take a break for a while...

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Originally posted by mareluna

ROFL hahahhahahahaha

awww i miss eric.... :(

And I miss you. I don't go out as much, but i still haven't seen you in ages.

LM.. don't for get the 'lesbian' part. I think the psuedo 'tank girl'/Hothead Paisan illustrations in your sig made me think of you as a 6 foot tall black stompy-booted lesbian. ::: giggle :: and to actually look at you he heh

ok, i'll lurk more...

:: relurk ::

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I totally envisioned Heretic the same way you did Quoth. Not to mention, one pic he posted a while back looks exactly like someone I dated for a little while- and he was a short, skinny guy. What a shocker it was seeing him for the first time! :eek:

Gothzane I thought would be much more sinister looking (not to mention, he sounds nothing like Beavis).

I think Mugz may have surprised me most of all- I forget the word he used to describe himself to me once, but I swear to god, it made me think he was some tall, chubby guy- it doesn't get much further from the truth than that!!!

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i used to think tastyt was taller... whiter ;) and just like an average girl... kinda chubby idk y....lol but i dont think i coulda been any more WRONG.... ;)

i had no idea what i pictured quoth to look like... but i remember him telling me he looked like wes from limp bizkit... and he sent me pics the 1st day i talked to him online.... i think maybe i pictured him to be like.. wes himself lol... i woulda been scared shitless cuz he scares me with those eyes he has in the videos sometimes.. but quoth's eyes r just as bad when hes drunk :laugh:

umm.. i too thought spygirl was white... i also thought sugabooga was a gay guy... i have no idea why... but.. whatever!

umm who else is there... i definitely didnt think apples was that friggin tall!!! lol.... and i cant think of any more right now...

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Originally posted by linabina

i used to think tastyt was taller... whiter ;) and just like an average girl... kinda chubby idk y....lol but i dont think i coulda been any more WRONG.... ;)

:laugh: :laugh: Tasty, just your average, tall chubby white girl... lmao!

I agree abt Apples- he's mofo tall- I never woulda thunk it!

Shugabooga, now, I thought she was a large black woman with a big ass... :eek: HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!

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i thought quoth was like 2 feet shorter, i thought transcend was a raver with an attitude, i thought lina bina looked like britney spears, i still think ghost looks nothing like his pic, i thought dg model was a dg model (couldnt be farther from the truth, jk) and max three looks like his avatar. what did yall think i looked like? probably thought i was white.

p.s.-hitokiri is japanese for tall mandingo womanizer, but dont ask me why the japanese would even have such a word

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deff a good topic quoth and on this topic i never really expected any thing cause i really don't judge people upon ther words or upon how they look on a message board cause it might just be all fun and games on ther behalf's and from the people i have met i figured threw all the message board sh1t they would be good people and they deff turned out to be i mean i really don't dislike any 1 from this board unlike others and so far every 1 deff seems down to earth and like good people :tongue:

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