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Attention Spacious And Club Space!!!!!

Guest saleen351

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Guest saleen351


Last night from 1030pm til 3am was a true embarrassment. I arrived at 10:30, I always go early, walk it, bitches every where, drinks flowing, AC kicking. They open the main room at 10 till midnight. We are chilling, having a good time, some cpers in the house. So we drink and listen to music. We drink some more and listen to more music. We are now drunk and the music was the worst I’ve ever heard. That dj who I have no idea who it was, and whether or not its oscar or roland or who ever, I rip djs who are terrible. I speak my mind and I hope you appreciate that. That dj has no business belonging in any booth ever! Not sure if you noticed but he put the place to sleep, no energy no good tracks. I was so pissed off that deep dish went on at 3am, but hey I’ve been in the mix for a long time and I understand why he goes on at 3am, that is fine with me. But there is no reason another dj can’t pump the crowd up and get it rocking before deep dish. Yea I know there is a “code†when the big boys play the opening dj shouldn’t “out do himâ€, yet he more then put us to sleep, people starting leaving. I was just about to leave, but decided to stick it out. Yea if you would like to know, I was the one yelling at the dj to get the fuck out of there, he was that bad. The security guy wanted to toss my ass for yelling at him, who the fuck is he? I’m the saleen and I go all the time, show some fucking respect, when I see the Jets play I cant boo, Vinny T? My dime my time, I gave that dj 4 hours to do something Where the fuck was oscar g? No one at Space could tell me or Andrew what his name was. Finally someone said Dj envy? No idea. Play commercial anthems early on, where are the vocals, where is the recognizable beats, the crowd in the early hours, aren’t music experts, they want some good fun, not sleep music. It was an embarrassment. If I could only get those 4 hours back and all that money I spent. I know music, more then the avg Joe. There were so many tracks he could of played but didn’t. He is terrible and should never spin there again. The saleen from now on and my crew will not be going to space till later on from now on. People were sleeping and booing and since the patio was closed people had no where to go, except to sit there and get pissed off. We were trapped animals, and I didn’t venture into the hip hop room, since my bullet proof vest is at the dry cleaners. Then the stupied bouncers who are for some reason on a rampage lately, totally walked pass a girl who was od ing. They passed her 20 times and went after the people who they suspect had drugs. I’m a former bouncer and I couldn’t let it go on any longer, I pulled the guy aside and pointed her out, he tossed her but did in a disrepectful manner, she was 110 pound soaking wet. No reason to man handle her. I’m thinking of going to level from now on, I get treated so much better at the sobe clubs but their music tends to suck. Some times with success, comes a lackadaisical attitude. Remember service and satisfaction got you to the top, and without it, you will fall off the top..

3am on, absolutely sick time, no complaints.. Why? Two words for ya, DEEP MOTHERFUCKING DISH!!!


big how you doing to biz for the guestlist, flawless as usually

ps, my roomate Thehog, who is on CP can back up every word... So can andrew, and thehog was fucked up and was hating the music and he doesn't know the difference between dish deep and pizza hut deep dish pizza....


oh one more thing, you'd think the bouncers would say thank you or a pat on the back, or a beer, or what ever, but nothing, not one word, I would like to think i helped that girl and I helped space. A lowsey thankyou would be fine with me.

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Ive come to learn Spacious doesn't answer any important messages or posts on this board, 2 weeks later I still haven't gotten a reply, about the little beating I had to get because that shit that happened, a private reply would be nice, but I guess that wont ever happen. :rolleyes:

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by shroomy

The only way you are going to get a thankyou out of a bouncer at Space is to toss him a couple vials of sustenon.

Hey when people may die or get seriously ill you'd think they would be appreciative but they were not. When i bouced and ran a crew we made it a point to reward people who helped us out, yea it wasn't any bounty or reward but a way of showing our support and 9 times out of 10 they helped the night by preventing situations instead of reacting to them..

ps nice pics...

also just so you and everyone knows, I've never once in my life done a club drug, K, coke, E, or what ever else, i don't belive in them. But i don't frown upon people who do them, its their bodies not mine.

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Oh... I agree with ya Saleen (mark the date :) ) but my point was that it just isnt going to happen.

Crobar has learned that security reflects on the club and hires people who know when they should be respectful and when they need to be hard asses.

Space hires anyone who is willing to shoot enough testosterone in their ass to ensure they will have the attitude of a bull in Pamplona. Not that I knock any individuals choice of drug....

but as phrank once said ....

But Damn!!!!

and thanks about the pics... (next thing you know well be swaping spit)

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by attomic

Yeah that set was soooooo bad... The dish didnt do it either... :idea: Went home and started kick ass afterhours party.... :hat:

the dish was sick, but the opening set took the energy out of the place, if i walked in after 3am i would of not known the place was sleeping for 4 hours..... wish i was late last night...:mad:

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Guest saleen351

oh but on a side note, that cunt bartender wasn't there, hopefully they fired her...... the guy last night was great... had the v shaped side burns with glasses.. big how u doing to him.

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Yeah, Saleen is right I don't know shit from shampoo when it comes to this music. I liked some of the Traks this fuck played but, the 25 or so 5-10 sec. silent time suks. To make it worse, most of them where at a build up in the track. So here I am thinking im just to fucked up but, as I look around there are lots of people doing the same. It almost seemed to me like the guy was trying to fuck with the crowd by totaly killing a nice track!!!!!

:mad: :mad:

I put mad props out to DEEP DISH :D :D

The man is sick, Loved every sec. of it, but 4.5 hrs before him was a painfull torcher.

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fuck that dj envy

when he stopped the music before deep dish i yelled "U FUCKIN SUCK" and then he looked in my direction then i yelled "get the fuck off" once again he looked in my direction

so im glad atleast i let him know what i though he might have think he rocked the place but deep inside he is choking over my words..

anyway deep dish was actually very good

not that mellow shit they been doing lately

whoever stuck around knows i closed thier set and went to the patio to see ivanos uly face and the fake sorry ass fuckers that were crowded out there like hopeless crackheads they are just trying to get noticed

so i said fuk this place im out

but props to deep dish he went into some serious tech that i never thought he would made my fuckin night

and i amconfident i am the best dancer in town

i was going into every lil bullshit circle there was and once i got done dancing noone wanted to go back into it


p.s. why the fuck do they close the main room they should leave it open cause i seriously have the whole patio thing damn people r stuck on that played shit 110 degrees outside sweaty fukin bastids rubbin up on me

i cant even wear anything nice it will just turn black its so filthy out there

ivano his bald head n his rotten teeth who still plays last years sets like its not outa style

ok im done here

peace to all you who got a clue

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by andrewthomas



Dj envy....:blown:

I don't envy anyone that has to put up with that shit for 4 hours...:laugh: :laugh:

I want my 4 hours back... i told you we should of bum rushed the booth... I had cds in my car....

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Guest saleen351


:blown: :blown: :blown:

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Saleen, sorry to hear about your mishaps... So MV didn't quite do it for ya eh-?? You should of stepped out to catch Roly during his patio set (Lunar Sessions) from 4-6:30am. He was lighting it up out there--Never predictable & always a treat...

On a positive note--Glad Deep Dish did it for ya... Come check out Saeed & Palash this fri. @ Spin. I think you'll likes...:spin:



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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by biznation00

Saleen, sorry to hear about your mishaps... So MV didn't quite do it for ya eh-?? You should of stepped out to catch Roly during his patio set (Lunar Sessions) from 4-6:30am. He was lighting it up out there--Never predictable & always a treat...

On a positive note--Glad Deep Dish did it for ya... Come check out Saeed & Palash this fri. @ Spin. I think you'll likes...:spin:



Biz you have nothing to apologize for, your list is always flawless and you treat the cper with respect, though i can never find you and no one ever who the hell you are, i ask all the time, but to no avail... Take off the mask, Han Solo:D

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not for nothing but the opening dj isn't supposed to bang it out. especially if they're opening up for deep dish or any other headliner for that matter.

who the hell wants to hear recognizable tracks? thats what 93.1 is for.

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got there with jimmy and dizzyscarlet around 4 am....they stayed there to party and i called it an early night....but the blue room was rocking and so was the patio....Roly was throwing it down once again....sorry i missed the crew...


anyone hear that track that deep dish threw around 430, with that ghetto girl talking, "Gerry curls...." something like that...any id's on that song? (cough cough..saleen?)

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by mrmatas2277


got there with jimmy and dizzyscarlet around 4 am....they stayed there to party and i called it an early night....but the blue room was rocking and so was the patio....Roly was throwing it down once again....sorry i missed the crew...


anyone hear that track that deep dish threw around 430, with that ghetto girl talking, "Gerry curls...." something like that...any id's on that song? (cough cough..saleen?)

andrew knows the track, he told me the id but i forgot... sick track..

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by Nolimit

not for nothing but the opening dj isn't supposed to bang it out. especially if they're opening up for deep dish or any other headliner for that matter.

who the hell wants to hear recognizable tracks? thats what 93.1 is for.

No shit, just like i posted, but shiny disco balls, safe from harm, reina, just to name a few. < why didn't he play any thing close to that? People started leaving and booing he was soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bad.... I didn't say cheese tracks, but old favorites from a month ago would of been fine with everyone there, but he played a slow beat the entire time, you simply could not dance to it, fact is the first person to dance on the speaker box was at lik 2:15, 4 hours after we got there. She was some 21 year old cracked out whore, she had these white big sleeves on. I remember looking at my cell phone at the time, to post it. So how can any Dj not rock the crowd for 4 mothefucking hours??? So this is why i love picotto, he has no peak in his set, his set is his peak.... DJ NV and Clubspace:blown: :blown: :blown:

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The question of the night is did they play their mix of Timo Maas' Help Me. Massive fucking record. Look out kids this will be tearing dancefloors apart in the next couple of months. Should be out in September. Promos in a couple of weeks I guess. To anyone who heard it at Howells knows what Im talking about.


Ramon C.


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Originally posted by rcrespo

The question of the night is did they play their mix of Timo Maas' Help Me. Massive fucking record. Look out kids this will be tearing dancefloors apart in the next couple of months. Should be out in September. Promos in a couple of weeks I guess. To anyone who heard it at Howells knows what Im talking about.


Ramon C.


that track is tight, it's on "loud".. the vocals from kelis are trippy..
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Guest saleen351

Hey spacious, I don't care if you want to respond to this at all, and i won't rip space apart anymore on this thread, just post on it and type in a period or "bump" just so i know you read it...


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