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The Roxy DJ Contest - Just For The Record - (Long)

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A) First off, regarding the Justin situation. I do not know him personally nor do I have anything against him but as I would say to anyone in this world, “Stay true to your word.”

Here is the link where Justin says he will not partake in this contest:


In his own words, “because godforbid i do a cd, and someone likes it, it must be my girlfriend who is "rigging" the contest. im avoiding that whole situation by far once again.”

Just curious as to how he went from avoiding it to winning it…moving on then.

B) Chris Lewis aka laraver is a close personal friend. He did not ask me to post this. What he did ask me to do was put my contact info on his cd and hand it in to Dee @ Roxy a week from last Friday. I did not have to ask why, but you may…it was so that his cd would be heard without prejudice…that his cd would be judged based on the music and not the name on the cd/sleeve (which in this case ofcourse was not his true dj name but Raver X). I am not going into the details of why this went down – that would be a book – but to briefly summarize, let’s just say there are people that have it in for him – people that prejudge before they even play the cd, if it even makes it to the cd player.

So the cd goes in and by Tuesday I had received two cell phone messages and a page from Mike Rizzo regarding the cd. I returned the call to see what was going on – had Chris indeed made the cut? Mike had said that the cd was “slammin…that the DJ (Chris) had done a great job…” When I got in touch with Mike, I told him it was an anonymous friend that was traveling…Mike said he was in the top 6 but that he needed to speak to the DJ that made this cd. My question is Why? If this was based on the music, who cares who authored the cd? Wouldn’t you pick the final four and then contact everyone – having back-up choices if you could not get in touch with all the DJs? I know the retort to this because everyone backed themselves up properly – I just don’t buy it.

So Chris was in the top six but did not make the cut. For the record, Chris did come forward and speak to Rizzo and explained himself. Mike did not say anything negative – just that, “…we had to know who it was…and that at this point it was with a panel of judges…”

I really like BobG. I have no qualms with Mike Rizzo. I have no problems with Roxy. I just think this thing stinks. I do not like the coincidences that have gone on the last two times contests were run. I do not like that Chris Lewis can not get a fare shake in this scene. Chris does not ask you to like him as a person but respect him as a DJ. His skills laid proven at the Roxy both in the back room and on the main floor.

The who-you-know characteristic of this scene is painfully resounding in my ear.

That's the story. Many of you continue to think he is a sore loser - so be it. But how would you feel if such "coincidences" kept occuring....just a thought...thanks for listening...

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Originally posted by phatman

Mike said he was in the top 6 but that he needed to speak to the DJ that made this cd. My question is Why?

i would think mainly thats a general question...cause regardless of who it is...you would wanna know who autheticated it...so where as..if you really said it was in fact YOU and not laraver...i dont think they would be very pleased if you went there and trainwrecked cause u didnt know how to spin or something ya know?

i think the guy asked the question more as to...can the cd be auntheicated by someone who can spin?....or is it some MP3 dj set u found on the net and recorded onto cd and slapped yer name on it and said, HERE IS MY DEMO?

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Originally posted by quoth

i would think mainly thats a general question...cause regardless of who it is...you would wanna know who autheticated it...so where as..if you really said it was in fact YOU and not laraver...i dont think they would be very pleased if you went there and trainwrecked cause u didnt know how to spin or something ya know?

i think the guy asked the question more as to...can the cd be auntheicated by someone who can spin?....or is it some MP3 dj set u found on the net and recorded onto cd and slapped yer name on it and said, HERE IS MY DEMO?

i dont think it can be proven either way..granted, i'm being biased from past experience...but i can tell you that you would not be able to completely resolve the question you're bringing into play over the phone...bringing me back to my bias...

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Originally posted by phatman

i dont think it can be proven either way..

um..ask the dj to bring his records and to spin in front of the person in charge of eliminating people..if he trainwrecks...and/or shows not a single skill that his mix doesn't sound nearly to what is on cd...he HAS to be phony....but yea i see yer point bout the phone convo and all...

but also in my opinon...you have to know the bullshit yer gonna be getting into if its a contest like this and knowing who has the upper hand and who will get duped...why do u think i never sent in my cd? its fuckin hopeless...why bother...yea its a negative attitude but why give them the satisfaction of knowing what i already know ?

ALL these dj contest bullshit things are fuckin biased.....its who u know not who u are and how u spin...its just the history of it.

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Originally posted by quoth

but also in my opinon...you have to know the bullshit yer gonna be getting into if its a contest like this and knowing who has the upper hand and who will get duped...why do u think i never sent in my cd? its fuckin hopeless...why bother...yea its a negative attitude but why give them the satisfaction of knowing what i already know ?

ALL these dj contest bullshit things are fuckin biased.....its who u know not who u are and how u spin...its just the history of it.

tru...chris was just hoping that maybe just this once it would be different...me too for that matter...it'd be nice to be pleasantly surprised once in awhile as opposed to a reconfirmation of the hopelessness...either way...it was just somethin i needed to get out...thanks for the words...we're on the same page...again..

qwest - does this mean you're taking a road trip to Roxy? let me know, we can carpool and shit...

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uhmm, yeah. I've got a vested interest in DJ Mike Bugout, he'll do well. I'd also like to see why Justin H was choosen. Again, should be an interesting night of potential trainwrecks and pure talent.

Originally posted by phatman

tru...chris was just hoping that maybe just this once it would be different...me too for that matter...it'd be nice to be pleasantly surprised once in awhile as opposed to a reconfirmation of the hopelessness...either way...it was just somethin i needed to get out...thanks for the words...we're on the same page...again..

qwest - does this mean you're taking a road trip to Roxy? let me know, we can carpool and shit...

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Originally posted by phatman

but to briefly summarize, let’s just say there are people that have it in for him –

wut is this, conspiracy theory? :laugh2:

isnt it at all possible that he just didnt win? fair and square. thats it. im sure he made a good cd. i have one of his cd's and its good. but apparently there are 4 other dj's that impressed whoever it was that judged this contest a little more. he's got the skills, but maybe it wasnt the style they were lookin for. idk, i didnt judge. but to say that ppl are out to get him and shit like that. that this is so unfair. how do u know? u werent there with the judges, u dontknow wut came about and how they made their final decisions.

and as far as justin higgins. ok, the kid said he wasnt gonna enter. but apparently he changed his mind and he did enter. and he won. i think we all know he's a good enough dj to win. he's already played the red room and main floor at exit. he played world, he played roxy. and im sure a bunch of other places that i dont know about. the kid has PROVEN himself.

i dont think his gf had anything to do with this. before he ever met her he was already a good dj. its not like she's gettin him all these gigs. i really believe dee when she says she had nothin to do with this contest. she didnt. and she had nothin to do with justin winning. ir was his SKILLS.

did mikebugout have any "inside" help to win this contest? no. he just has skills, he made a cd that impressed the judges, contained wut they were lookin for, and his hard work is payin off. simple as that. and the same thing goes for the other 2 winners.

why cant we just accept that these are our 4 winners and lets go out to roxy on the 26th and support them and hope that this break leads to bigger and better things for all of them


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i've sat back and watched this thing turn into the jerry springer show of cp posts so lemme just throw my 2 cents in before i bite my hand off...

I cant speak for the other 3 dj's who qualified, but this, hands down THE BIGGEST opportunity I have ever had. I've played exit, but these days, who hasnt. I've played Abyss and love that place. But my residency is in poughkeepsie. How many NYC heads even know what a poughkeepsie is? The opportunity to rock the main floor of a nyc power club even for an hour is amazing. Even up till last year I'd be goin to exit, SF, roxy, ect saying to my friends, "Damn, Gimme just ONE HOUR on that floor, I'll RIP SHIT!!" Now, the staff at roxy is allowing this to happen.

As far as Chris Lewis goes, hes a great dj and a very cool guy. But maybe there is a reason why he didnt qualify for the contest. Not b/c they 'have it in for him" but that he's played roxy before. At least 3 times i believe (i could be wrong there). This contest/opportunity seems to be for DJ's that may be so to speak, a level below him, or for dj's who havent had the opportunities he's had. He's played all over and will continue to bring his unique trance sound to new levels.

Im not tryin to start drama here so please keep this civilized, but i do think its sad that the 2 times Bobby and Mike try to something good, theres more drama replies than congradulatory replies. :(

For now, Im done talking about this. My one hour on the 26th will speak for itself.

Mike BuGouT

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Originally posted by djmikebugout

i But my residency is in poughkeepsie. How many NYC heads even know what a poughkeepsie is?


Originally posted by djmikebugout

Im not tryin to start drama here so please keep this civilized, but i do think its sad that the 2 times Bobby and Mike try to something good, theres more drama replies than congradulatory replies. :(

Mike BuGouT

theyre haters. DONT PLAYAHATE, PARTICIPATE! plain and simple. and theyre jealous. keep doin ur thing mike. cuz ur goin places so dont let BS hold u back :aright:
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Originally posted by djmikebugout

As far as Chris Lewis goes, hes a great dj and a very cool guy. But maybe there is a reason why he didnt qualify for the contest. Not b/c they 'have it in for him" but that he's played roxy before. At least 3 times i believe (i could be wrong there). This contest/opportunity seems to be for DJ's that may be so to speak, a level below him, or for dj's who havent had the opportunities he's had. He's played all over and will continue to bring his unique trance sound to new levels.

ok...let me first say congratulations...your reputation precedes you...i, like qwest, am looking forward to hearing you spin...

it may hard for people to believe but the statement about people having it "in for him" is based on prior experiences - including ones that took place at the Roxy...i do not want to get into details as it will further "drama"tize all this...which was not my point...

mike, even if what you are saying is true, then you know what, he was treated with bias again...then this was Not about the music..

...and what about Justin? has he not played the main floor as well?...

either way...what's done is done...good luck...

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In responce to your post...This DJ breakthrough night was set up as a good thing for local talent to be recognized. There was to be no favoritism towards anyone regardless of friendships or relationships but let it be judged on the merits of the demo. As far as Justin Higgins is concerned. I saw Justin at the roxy and said don't forget about bringing in the cd friday as I have told at least ten other dj's. He told me he didn't want to submit one because of all the grief D and him would get on the boards. I told him..thats bullshit..you're a fucking talented dj as is a lot of other djs and you'll never know what you could have done unless you try..fuck other peoples opinion..just make a cd as best as you can. I finally convinced him to do it. From what I understand it was down to 6 cd's then down to 5 then after listening over and over to the last 5, the final decision was made as to who the four are. I was notified as to who the four were and felt great about the fact that justin was chosen on the merits of his music selection, arrangement, creativity and mixing ability for what the sanctuary mix show programing directors were looking for.The fact that he wasn't going to submit a demo at all because of public opinion would have been a sin as it would have been a sin if chris lewis didn't submit one. There was no influence by anyone, by D, by CP boards, by Rizzo or by myself. If that was the case then one could say Mike bugout was chosen because he has a lot of friends on the board. Mike bugout had a great demo..bottom line. The decision was ONLY based on the demo cd .Chris Lewis is a very talented Dj. He was one of the 6 finalists He did do a great job at the roxy on the nights he played on the main floor as well as the cp lounge. I believe. For whatever reason the four were picked, who the fuck knows..maybe it was down to a coin toss. Either way, we believe in the idea of giving local talented dj's an opportunity to shine and we only hope that other clubs pick up on this. We intend to do this again and again. And when the next breakthrough night comes any dj can enter again. As far as this first dj breakthrough night on friday july 26th..GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE....

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OK first off, congratulations to everyone who made the cut :D I think it's really great that you are all going to get some time on the main floor, and best of luck to all of you.

Now, my $.02...

Sorry, but no matter which way you slice it, it's just fawkin fishy that Rizzo just *had* to know who made that CD, esp when he calls up and finally talks to Chris and he says "Oh yeah, I had a feeling it was you..." :rolleyes: hmm yeah I bet. Sorry guys but unless Justin, Mike and the other 2 winners want to come forward and tell us that Rizzo called them too, sorry but I'm not buying that shit as viable.

Further, for those of you that are questioning Chris's talent, I'd just like to point out that he's been doing this for 13 years. What can most of you claim? 3 years? 5 years? maybe 7 years? If anyone else has been spinning longer than him I'll be very surprised. And it just seems to me that maybe, just maybe, after 13 years of spinning and making a name for himself on the west coast, it's just odd that he suddenly can't even win a DJ contest at the freakin' Roxy. Gimme a break :rolleyes: Something is definitely wrong here and you can claim white all you want, we don't need to know what made the stains to know something's dirty.

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

Further, for those of you that are questioning Chris's talent, I'd just like to point out that he's been doing this for 13 years. What can most of you claim? 3 years? 5 years? maybe 7 years? If anyone else has been spinning longer than him I'll be very surprised. And it just seems to me that maybe, just maybe, after 13 years of spinning and making a name for himself on the west coast, it's just odd that he suddenly can't even win a DJ contest at the freakin' Roxy. Gimme a break :rolleyes: Something is definitely wrong here and you can claim white all you want, we don't need to know what made the stains to know something's dirty.

you MUST be fucking laraver to be sticking up for him like this :D

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Well Quoth, if I was fucking anyone right now that would be nice but I'm not, and it sucks, so unless you're planning to bring your penis over here and help out then shut yer yap ;)

Seriously though, I heard about this whole story and it just really irritated me, along with other shady things that keep happening, and I felt I should drop in my 1/5th of a dime in support of honesty.

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

Well Quoth, if I was fucking anyone right now that would be nice but I'm not, and it sucks, so unless you're planning to bring your penis over here and help out then shut yer yap ;)

I would bring my penis over, but you have to be 25 yrs old to rent a U-Haul trailer to transport it. ;)

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I can understand your loyalty, friendship or just the fact that you like and respect chris lewis as a dj, but rizzo called me up to ask me who several demo cd's belonged to because they didn't have a name or perhaps a phone number attached to it. There was no reason for chris not to put his name on it. when it came down to the final 6 djs his info said LAraver with a phone number. The people who listened to the cd's asked who LAraver was. At that point since he was one of the 6, don't you think they should know who the dj is. The reason mike said "oh, i thought it was you" was not a negative conotation, but rizzo thought chris was going to turn in a cd and he didn't. let me ask you a question, do you think JP, JV, DT or for that matter any well known dj who's been around for years should enter a dj breakthrough contest under a different name when the breakthrough night was designed for little known, unknown, garage dj's who have the talent but perhaps for whatever the reason couldn't get a break. do you think thats fair for a ringer to enter this contest and win. with all due respect to chris, (who has been nothing but a gentlemen) but with his credentials, his 13 years of spinning, i don't know if he fits into the category for this kind of night. This is all after the fact. Bottom line ..chris and the others were judged on the cd alone..thats it. as I mentioned before, the mix show personel were looking for something perhaps that chris had on the cd but just wasn't quite there..but all of this is subjective anyway..its just an opinion..you say the glass is half full, I say the glass is half empty..we're both right.. Ask yourself a question. Maybe, just maybe. is it possible he really didn't make it to the final four because maybe his cd wasn't exactly on point to someones ears..do you think its a possibility or no matter what anyone says there is absolutely no room for any reasonable doubt in your mind.

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