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Motherfucker....... This Shit Has Got To Stop..........

Guest saleen351

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Guest saleen351


:( :( :(

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Guest saleen351

Kidnapped 5-Year-Old Girl's Body Identified


Samantha Runnion

Wednesday, July 17, 2002

STANTON, Calif. — The nude body of Samantha Runnion, the 5-year-old girl kidnapped while playing outside her home, was identified on Wednesday, police said.

The girl's body was discovered Tuesday in a heavily forested area in Riverside County, about 50 miles from where Samantha was snatched by a kidnapper while playing outside her Stanton home.

Officials said a stranger lured the girl into his car with a story about needing help finding a missing dog.

Her playmate, 5-year-old Sarah Ahn, said Samantha kicked and screamed, "Call my mommy!" when she realized what was happening.

Samantha's body was found by two men Tuesday at a hang-gliding launch site off a state road. When their cell phone failed to work, they drove to a pay phone to call police.

"I cannot describe the area in which she was found and I cannot describe for you what her body looks like," Carona said. "I can tell you we have a crime scene and we have a young girl out there between the ages of 4 and 6."

A massive manhunt for Samantha, which began minutes after Sarah told adults of the abduction, continued throughout the day Tuesday as neighbors posted flyers and rushed to set up a Web site.

More than 130 deputies and 30 FBI agents were involved in the investigation, Carona said.

Erin Runnion wept as she begged for the return of her daughter.

"We don't want vengeance, we just want our baby back," she said.

By Tuesday night, authorities had limited access to the Runnion home with police tape and by placing deputies around the perimeter. A police chaplain was seen entering the home at one point.


A police sketch shows the man suspected of kidnapping Samantha Runnion.

Samantha, who stood only 42 inches tall and weighs about 40 pounds, was playing a guessing game with Sarah Ahn when the man drove up in a two-door light green car after making a U-turn, police said. Authorities described the car as either a Honda or Acura.

The children were sitting on a short wall about 150 feet from Samantha's home in the complex, which is not gated, when the man got out and asked for help finding his puppy, said Sheriff's Department spokesman Jim Amormino.

"Today I cried because I missed my friend," said Sarah, apparently the only witness to the kidnapping.

Hannah Diaz-Jacobs, 13, placed flowers Tuesday night on a table at the complex that has become a makeshift memorial for Samantha.

"If that was her body they found, it's in memory of her," Diaz-Jacobs said of her offering. "If it wasn't, let's hope she comes home."

Investigators have received hundreds of tips from the public that have been "very helpful," Carona said.

"We are confident we are going to catch the individual involved in this," he said.

Samantha's abductor has been described by police as a Hispanic man with slicked-back black hair and a thin black mustache, wearing a powder blue button-down shirt.

Samantha, who is white, has long, curly brown hair and was wearing a white blouse and red checkered pants when she was taken.

Her abduction follows the high-profile kidnap cases of Elizabeth Smart in Salt Lake City and Danielle van Dam in San Diego.

Samantha's family said they moved from nearby Garden Grove to Stanton a year ago because they wanted a safer environment for their three children, one where they could play outside without fear.


Erin Runnion mother of Samantha Runnion

"On a given day you can see 20 to 30 kids playing out there," said Ken Donnelly, Samantha's stepfather.

Samantha and her friend were playing outside while her parents were at work. Her grandmother, who was inside the house, called police within minutes.

"Do we know whether it is Samantha?" Donnelly said of the found body. "We don't know. [We know] only what we saw on TV and what investigators told us."

Samantha's biological father, Derek Jackson of Sunderland, Mass., was contacted by authorities and ruled out as a suspect, Runnion said.

The once vibrant apartment complex that used to be full of children riding bicycles and skateboards was nearly empty Tuesday night, with the exception of reporters on the scene and adults who streamed to the table to leave flowers.

The heavily Hispanic, working class city of about 38,000 people located 25 miles southeast of Los Angeles is a mix of industrial sites, single-family homes and apartments, and is among the safest areas of the county, Carona said.

Erin Runnion said she heard about the kidnapping from her mother and fought back tears while driving home Monday evening from her job as an administrator at British Petroleum in Long Beach.

"I would never have thought this would happen here," she said.

Two rewards have been posted in the case: British Petroleum is offering $50,000 for the safe return of Samantha. The Coalition of Police & Sheriffs posted a reward of $10,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of the kidnapper.

At the Stanton townhome complex, Alex Quintanar, 34, held his 3-year-old daughter, Alexa, who used to play with Samantha.

He said that he did not know how he would answer her questions when she asked for her Samantha.

"When she can understand, I'll tell her she went to heaven," Quintanar said

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saleen, you are 100% right.

eye for an eye.

If you kill someone in cold blood, then you should be killed! And if its a brutal murder, you should be brutally beaten to death.

If you rape someone, you should be raped.....by the biggest, blackest, whitest large donkey dicked motherfuckers right in the ass!!!!!!!

let these scumbags no what its like!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by stiffler

saleen, you are 100% right.

eye for an eye.

If you kill someone in cold blood, then you should be killed! And if its a brutal murder, you should be brutally beaten to death.

If you rape someone, you should be raped.....by the biggest, blackest, whitest large donkey dicked motherfuckers right in the ass!!!!!!!

let these scumbags no what its like!!!!!!!!!

Couldnt have said it better myself:D

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Originally posted by stiffler

saleen, you are 100% right.

eye for an eye.

If you kill someone in cold blood, then you should be killed! And if its a brutal murder, you should be brutally beaten to death.

If you rape someone, you should be raped.....by the biggest, blackest, whitest large donkey dicked motherfuckers right in the ass!!!!!!!

let these scumbags no what its like!!!!!!!!!


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Originally posted by saleen351


:( :( :(

I can't believe people are capable of doing this with no remorse....:confused:

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Originally posted by stiffler

saleen, you are 100% right.

eye for an eye.

If you kill someone in cold blood, then you should be killed! And if its a brutal murder, you should be brutally beaten to death.

If you rape someone, you should be raped.....by the biggest, blackest, whitest large donkey dicked motherfuckers right in the ass!!!!!!!

let these scumbags no what its like!!!!!!!!!

TORTURE ALL THE WAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by stiffler

saleen, you are 100% right.

eye for an eye.

If you kill someone in cold blood, then you should be killed! And if its a brutal murder, you should be brutally beaten to death.

If you rape someone, you should be raped.....by the biggest, blackest, whitest large donkey dicked motherfuckers right in the ass!!!!!!!

let these scumbags no what its like!!!!!!!!!

TORTURE ALL THE WAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by Kermzy

If someone did that to my child I would want them to rot in jail! No death, that's too easy! Hell isn't a proven thing, but suffering in prison is. Suffer asshole!!!!

F(*&^ if ever something like that happened to my child got help the Mother FUCKER...I would track this person down myself and take matters in my own hands....You ever see animal protect their young, a father can be far worste then any wild animal..:mad:

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when I read something like this.

People like that should die slow.

I know that there would be no police dept that would

stop me from the premeditated murder of my childs killer.

God would have to forgive me Im only human.:(

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God help those poor parents/friends etc. I cant imagine if any of my fam or freinds were kidnapped and killed, never the less if i had a child. That asshole who did that should suffer, not die instantly thats too easy bc i can guess that when he grabbed that girl ,from then on that poor girl suffered , so then so should he.

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I would love nothing more then to get my hands on the sick bastards that do these things.

I really truly believe that when a person like this is caught, they should be turned over to the victims family and let them have vengence on these shitbag assholes.

If I wouldn't go to jail myself, I'd hunt this guy down and raped him with a broken bottle.

I really have a hatred for these people, they prey on the weak and innocent because the have no courage, self worth or self pride.

For once, Saleen is right on target, I doubt I'll ever say that again!!

Hmmm...Maybe I can get them to turn this guy over to, ME & ANGRY BLACK!!!!!!!!!

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The individual who did this is a dead man in prison. AFter talkin to a few COs on trip about rapists and molesters in jail, lets just say that he'll go from a Tight End to a Wide Reciever. The guards wont do shit cause they cant stand those 2 types. Hope that the guy ends up in general pop' and not in protective custody, thats where the torture will take place.

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I don't even know what to post except that I feel like crying!:( This is so sad. I can't believe people are this psychotic. It makes me sick. My niece is only 2 and I couldn't imagine someone doing anything like this to her. I would kill them myself. That poor family. My heart and soul go out to them all. :( :( :(

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Throw these kind of sick batards in jail if caught an give the prisoners the authority to do what they want to them. Let them beat them, rape them and whatsoever. It will be like tossng in a slab of bloody meat in the middle of a pack of lions.

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Originally posted by Kermzy

If someone did that to my child I would want them to rot in jail! No death, that's too easy! Hell isn't a proven thing, but suffering in prison is. Suffer asshole!!!!

a COUPLE OF MY BOYS ARE cORRECTIONS OFFICERS in Trenton state prison. You gotta see what they do to child molesters rapists and kid murderers in there. They beg for the death penalty or solitary for life after a few days. Most of em end up killing themselves. Criminals aint all that bad. At least some of them have some sort of standards. But all rapists child molesters and kid killers get picked on by everybody. My friends told me they will go days with out eating because the other prisoners wont let them eat, They get the crap beat out of em and rape the shit out of em. and most of the time the guards will let it go on. THEY DESERVE IT.

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