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Seriously considering going back to college,i need help

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Recent events that have transpired in my life as of late have made me strongly realize that i really need to enroll in college by September. Now, im busy paying off a student loan from when i did go (1 1/2 yrs ago) and its been because of financial difficulties that i haven't been able to go back...but now..i really really have realized that it MUST BE DONE!! and though i work full time and need the job for medical benefits since i was kicked off my parents policy a while back when i withdrew from school...the only way i can think to handle myself is to work full-time and go back to college part-time cause when you think about it...having a degree is the only steady means of survival in life instead of fuckin job-hopping and shit.

So what i would like to know is what areas of study are in demand?

Has anyone else been in my situation and how was the outcome?

Is community college a good start?

Is there any other way i can pay for school other then working full-time and going to school part-time WITHOUT gettin knee-fuckin-deep in STUDENT LOAN debt since im already paying off one loan?

Would my loan that im currently paying off get defered? Or am i too much into payment to defer it?

I appreciate any help, i honestly do. Thanx

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Well, you should study what really interests you, not what's in high demand. Same thing goes for people who get jobs just for the potential money. If you're not happy, you'll never be happy to go to work. If you're looking to go for a general bachelor's then you can pretty much study what you like.

It seems like almost every job is in high demand these days.

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Originally posted by bustaknut2001

Well, you should study what really interests you, not what's in high demand. Same thing goes for people who get jobs just for the potential money. If you're not happy, you'll never be happy to go to work. If you're looking to go for a general bachelor's then you can pretty much study what you like.

It seems like almost every job is in high demand these days.

But real quick...


Like i mean i know i like History and shit cause im one of them "full of useless knowledge" people..but its like wtf...how the hell do you know what interests you academic wise?

Say if history does interest me but yet i get bored of it or realize that its really in fact not for me then what?

I mean i really dont wanna have to go like undecided and just do liberal arts and shit...i wanna fuckin make something of myself and starting NOW and i want to stick with it and least gets an associates degree to start then hopefully a bachelors then maybe a masters.

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Well if you don't have any money and it doesn't look like you are gonna get that scholorship, then yes take out a loan. I would refrain from starting at a Community College and try to get yourself into something with a little more prestige......get decent grades then transfer to a credible school of any sort.....along with this will come some much needed grants and scholarships.

The loan situation is not that big of a deal as everyone makes it out to be. I owe about $20,000 right now and I am completely not worried. You might have to defer your first few years out of school.....but it will come around. As for your current loans, they cannot charge you interest if you are still in school so there is no reason to worry about that.

IM me if you need any advice....I worked that system so freakin well to completely work in my favor.

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Mike I think it is great you are thinking of going back...

from personal experience my brother, who is smart as hell, now 22 had dropped out of school...he started working as a day trader and thought he didn't need school to make it.

He made a hell of a lot of money but now that he's also losing a lot he is now thinking of going back (finally)

In my opinion...start at a community college they are cheap and you can get the rest of your bs classes out of the way. Also the classes tend to be much easier than universities so you can get a great gpa to transfer somewhere else and probably end up getting some scholarships.

Also, I'm not sure how this works, but you can claim yourself independent from your parents....showing you make I think over $8,000 a year and pay them some type of rent......that way you can be eligible to get financial aid from the govt. Also you can get loans which aren't that bad to pay off...as long as you pay off the interest as you are in school.

As for what to go for...that you have to decide

:) Hope I helped just a bit

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Originally posted by quoth

But real quick...


Like i mean i know i like History and shit cause im one of them "full of useless knowledge" people..but its like wtf...how the hell do you know what interests you academic wise?

Say if history does interest me but yet i get bored of it or realize that its really in fact not for me then what?

I mean i really dont wanna have to go like undecided and just do liberal arts and shit...i wanna fuckin make something of myself and starting NOW and i want to stick with it and least gets an associates degree to start then hopefully a bachelors then maybe a masters.

Another thing.....your degree does not guarantee your fate. If you start off in History and later decide you wanna become a Doctor, you can always transfer.

Whatever major you choose has the same core classes as almost every other major your first year so you have time to decide what interests you and what type of course work you want to do.

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yeah BustaNut is right, don't stuidy what's in high demand. What are you interested in? I mean if you just want something flexible I would major in Business.

ABout money, if it really is an issue, community college is cheap, but theres a reason for that, because it's a shitty education and doesn't look as good as a University would on a resume. Even like a SUNY school is better then a community college.

Maybe you should even try to get a scholarship. shit now i realize how lucky I am to have my dad paying for school.

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Originally posted by djjonstephen

I would refrain from starting at a Community College and try to get yourself into something with a little more prestige......get decent grades then transfer to a credible school of any sort.....along with this will come some much needed grants and scholarships.

If i were to refrain from a community college then where else is there to start before going to a univeristy? Also...i would like to establish myself once again cause to be honest...i dont think i have the current aptitude to gain a scholarship...i have been away from books for a pretty long time and i only took my SAT's once and didn't do that great ( i think somewhere in the 900's)

Originally posted by xtotaleclipsex

In my opinion...start at a community college they are cheap and you can get the rest of your bs classes out of the way. Also the classes tend to be much easier than universities so you can get a great gpa to transfer somewhere else and probably end up getting some scholarships.

Also, I'm not sure how this works, but you can claim yourself independent from your parents....showing you make I think over $8,000 a year and pay them some type of rent......that way you can be eligible to get financial aid from the govt.

yea thats exactly what i was thinking...to just say fuck it..and start out at the lowest of the low cause i know it will take me a bit longer then others to get a degree but i WILL get one.

As for claiming myself and all that mumbo jumbo...i couldn't even get financial aid when i went to DeVry (such a horribleeeee fuckin technological college) because they said my family was too rich for financial aid but not poor enough for it lol WTF?

Originally posted by ecstatichigh35

yeah BustaNut is right, don't stuidy what's in high demand. What are you interested in? I mean if you just want something flexible I would major in Business.

ABout money, if it really is an issue, community college is cheap, but theres a reason for that, because it's a shitty education and doesn't look as good as a University would on a resume.

i wouldn't neccisarily say community college is shitty..but its a damn good approach if u A) suck hardcore in math like myself and can work up to being good in it B)have money situations C)you can start there and END UP AT a university THEN have a univeristy on yer resume.

but also though Business is flexible i dont think im cut out for that.

Im a very average student when it comes to books and thats the truth.

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quoth...whatever you do, do not feel a sense of permanence...it's corny but one road leads to another...i just had this conversation last night and am making similar moves...if i come up with anything not mentioned here i will let you know...my point is, just like anything else in life, you need movement...pick a place and start...motion is energy and it will eventually bring you to where you should be...and whatever you do, study something of interest...there are people like me that didnt and i cant think of anything worse than working everyday in an environment that does not interest you...there is no satisfaction there..eventually, not even in the paycheck...good luck...

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Well claiming yourself independent means it doesn't matter how much money your parents have. You are showing that you are the one having to pay for your own school.

My parents don't qualify for anything either...but if I needed to I could work and then claim myself independent fromt them so that the government looks at my income not my parents to evauate if you need FA

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Originally posted by quoth

If i were to refrain from a community college then where else is there to start before going to a univeristy? Also...i would like to establish myself once again cause to be honest...i dont think i have the current aptitude to gain a scholarship...i have been away from books for a pretty long time and i only took my SAT's once and didn't do that great ( i think somewhere in the 900's)

State schools

Don't worry about the SAT's for those things anyway.....my freshman roomate at Bucknell got a 980 and got in and he was just a big jocky dumbass football player........

You never know till you try.

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Originally posted by phatman

quoth...whatever you do, do not feel a sense of permanence...it's corny but one road leads to another...i just had this conversation last night and am making similar moves...if i come up with anything not mentioned here i will let you know...my point is, just like anything else in life, you need movement...pick a place and start...motion is energy and it will eventually bring you to where you should be...and whatever you do, study something of interest...there are people like me that didnt and i cant think of anything worse than working everyday in an environment that does not interest you...there is no satisfaction there..eventually, not even in the paycheck...good luck...

Wise words brotha man...i feel where yer coming from..

although hey....Whoever said u had to like yer job ya know? I mean a job is a means to an end and its always a PLUS if you happen to LIKE or LOVE yer job...you think people who pump gas in frigid december weather like their job? hell no...but it puts money in their pocket and food on the table for their wife and kids.

xtotaleclipsex- yea i never had done that but i think its time i somehow claim independence which i realize is a fuckload of responsiblity. cause though i live in my parents house...its still allllll me what i do when claiming independence.

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I hear Nursing is in high demand and will be since the baby boomers are getting older and health care will be of more importance in the country. I heard they got pretty good starting salaries... about 50,000 a year. I'm guessing if your into the medical field and enjoy interacting and helping people it's a good thing to go into. My sister is a nursing major. She told me aobut some schools in NJ have a program for nurses in conjuction with UMDNJ. Even community colleges if you wanna save money. Like you go to your original college for 2 years, and then the next 2 years you take classes at UMDNJ. I'm not sure about the specifics. Anyway..... good luck bro.


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Originally posted by quoth

although hey....Whoever said u had to like yer job ya know? I mean a job is a means to an end and its always a PLUS if you happen to LIKE or LOVE yer job...you think people who pump gas in frigid december weather like their job? hell no...but it puts money in their pocket and food on the table for their wife and kids.

...i just didnt think you were that "type"?...there is nothing wrong with this philosophy but it's not for everyone....the easiest question you could ask yourself in all this is, "why not?"....can you find something you like and make money, "why not?"...can you go back to school and redefine your career and success...."why not?"....in the end, it is that simple and you WILL find a way...

i'm not one to talk but this time around, i'm trying to find something of interest...believe me, if you dont, you'll be re-posting this same thread in 5-10 years...

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community colleges make the most sense if you are worried about money. and for certain fields like eduaction it really doesnt matter what shcool you go to (well in NY anyway)

try to see if you have any credits that can be transferred...u can save yourself some time and money.

good luck


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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

community colleges make the most sense if you are worried about money. and for certain fields like eduaction it really doesnt matter what shcool you go to (well in NY anyway)

try to see if you have any credits that can be transferred...u can save yourself some time and money.

good luck


yea..i just made an appointment this morning to see a representive this week at my local community college to discuss many things and options, im kinda souped about it...cause its a long hard road back but i'll apply myself FOR DEF.

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Originally posted by quoth

although hey....Whoever said u had to like yer job ya know? I mean a job is a means to an end and its always a PLUS if you happen to LIKE or LOVE yer job...you think people who pump gas in frigid december weather like their job? hell no...but it puts money in their pocket and food on the table for their wife and kids.

it is SO important that you like your job. think of it this way: if you work 40+ hr/wk for the next 30 years or, so that is a huge chunk of time in your life. so whatever profession or career track you find yourself in, don't you want to be happy with it?

also, nursing is in very high demand right now. but it is also very hard. unless you want to study something specific fpr a particular job market, your major doesn't matter that much.

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first of all, i want to say i'm real glad to hear you want to go back to school mike. for some reason, a lot of people i know are deciding that now and have all these goals they want to attain. kind of makes my life situation seem easy and stupid.

ok anyways, as for what you want to study you can pick practically anything cuz as someone else said, you can change your major and one road leads to many others. so i don't think you have to worry about that.

as for the money sitch, yea that always sucks but claiming independent does help. most practically everyone i know who's done that has gotten financial aid.

and lastly for school, i think you should try for rutgers. it's not as expensive as another school with its same academic reputation, plus you'll know a lot of people there :)

good luck.

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Originally posted by hotcheme

also, nursing is in very high demand right now. but it is also very hard. unless you want to study something specific fpr a particular job market, your major doesn't matter that much.

I don't think we can picture (and neither can i), Quoth, The Male nurse? :confused::laugh:

But hey as liteflyr was sayin its always good to claim independence...but i got a real quick question...

Is there ANY WAY..i can claim independence yet still live in my parents home? or are they gonna always look for some way to fuck over getting qualified for financial aid?

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Originally posted by quoth

I don't think we can picture (and neither can i), Quoth, The Male nurse? :confused::laugh:

But hey as liteflyr was sayin its always good to claim independence...but i got a real quick question...

Is there ANY WAY..i can claim independence yet still live in my parents home? or are they gonna always look for some way to fuck over getting qualified for financial aid?

i believe if you claim you pay rent to your parents, you can still claim independence

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Originally posted by dirtyepic18

i believe if you claim you pay rent to your parents, you can still claim independence

ok..being so...how the fuck do you do that exactly?

Write on a piece of looseleaf paper "I, QUOTH, DO HEARBY PAY MY ELDERLY PARENTS RENT TO LIVE IN THEIR FUCKIN HOME" and fax it to the financial aid people?

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Originally posted by quoth

ok..being so...how the fuck do you do that exactly?

Write on a piece of looseleaf paper "I, QUOTH, DO HEARBY PAY MY ELDERLY PARENTS RENT TO LIVE IN THEIR FUCKIN HOME" and fax it to the financial aid people?

fill out a fafsa, it'll get sent to all the schools you want it to go to and they'll let you know of your financial aid packages.


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