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How many times would u say u cheated death in yer life?

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Interesting question...

Having driven cross-country about a dozen times, I've had more than my share of close calls with semis changing lanes on top of me at 90mph. Fortunately there was always a shoulder for me to escape to!

There was also the time when I saved a kid from drowning on a lake... he couldn't swim and almost pulled me under with him.

And just a couple weeks ago I was nearly hit by a car that swerved to avoid another car that ran a red light at an intersection. I don't think I would have died in that case, but I would have been very badly damaged...

That's all that comes to mind right now...

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A few times...

I was in a serious car accident when I was 5..my dad and I were in the car..and it flipped over a few times..everyone was surprised we both survived.

When I was around 9..I was at a friends b-day party..she was cutting a cake and someone pushed her...almost stuck a knife inside me

hmmm...I cant think of anymore..

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1) i was born a month premature. i was barely the size of my moms hand when i was delivered. doctors told my parents that i was not going to make it.

2)i had a really bad case of diarhea when i was about 3 yrs old. my parents just gave me some medicine and thought nothing of it. i ended up having a high fever and it took them 3 hrs to get me into a hospital (traffice & such). they couldnt find any blood in my body for testing. just when they were going to give up, they found some behind my knee.

3)car accident. car flipped over on rt78 going 80 mph off of exit 33. (you can still see where the trees were torn down). my xbf fell asleep at the wheel.

im a lucky girl. :tongue:

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Originally posted by magilicuti

What kind of knives do you guys use to cut cakes with? :blown:

Bro...you see one of those Carvel ice cream cakes with the crunchies in them?? HOLY JESUS SHIT YOU NEED A GODDAMN MUTHAFUCKIN 20 HORESPOWER CHAINSAW TO CUT THAT CAKE WITH!! :eek:

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Originally posted by quoth

Bro...you see one of those Carvel ice cream cakes with the crunchies in them?? HOLY JESUS SHIT YOU NEED A GODDAMN MUTHAFUCKIN 20 HORESPOWER CHAINSAW TO CUT THAT CAKE WITH!! :eek:

you got a point there. ppl still cut that thing with a regular cake knife though. i don't think many cake knife fatalities have been reported but I could be wrong :tongue:

just being a smart ass, don't mind me

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Originally posted by clubbingirl

1) i was born a month premature. i was barely the size of my moms hand when i was delivered. doctors told my parents that i was not going to make it.

2)i had a really bad case of diarhea when i was about 3 yrs old. my parents just gave me some medicine and thought nothing of it. i ended up having a high fever and it took them 3 hrs to get me into a hospital (traffice & such). they couldnt find any blood in my body for testing. just when they were going to give up, they found some behind my knee.

3)car accident. car flipped over on rt78 going 80 mph off of exit 33. (you can still see where the trees were torn down). my xbf fell asleep at the wheel.

im a lucky girl. :tongue:

now these are real cheat death situations

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Originally posted by magilicuti


"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."

-Mohatma Gandhi

I saw a girl in SF a couple months back with a tshirt with that quote but it said annoymous instead of Gandhi, very interesting

That's odd... gotta give credit where credit's due. :)

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When I was a kid, I was sick and slipped on the subway platform, went halfway down the space between the subway car and the platform. Fortunately, I had lots of adults around me to pull me out.

I have a tendency to wander into moving traffic. This found me in many undesirable situations, one of which led to me having to play "dodge the shiny black limos" on the west side highway.

When I was very little, my babysitter dropped me onto a spiked metal railing, my upper lip was practically cut in half. Not sure what other damage might have came from it.

Other than that...life's been boring.

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- when i was about 6 i was at the beach.. tropical storm was off the coast and the ocean was getting rougher and rougher, but i was in the water the whole time... so as it was getting worse and worse i was just jumping the waves and not realizing how far the undertoe had pulled me out... eventually i panicked and try to start swimming in but it was too much for me... lifeguard pulled me out and i dont' remember much of it..

-few weeks ago me and msoprnao got into a car accident.. we were driving down the road after a bad rain storm and came around a bad turn in our town.. the kid was on the wrong side of the road and hit us head on.. i didnt' have my seatbelt on.. still don't know how i didnt' go throught he windshield..

bout it for me too i think... not real exciting either..

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Hmm.. I guess there are a few times where I could say I almost died or could have in a certain situation, however, I don't believe in the idea of cheating death.. I think if you're meant to die in a certain time or situation then you will.. and if you live, it's because it's not your time to go yet. But since I'm a paranoid freak, I try to avoid dangerous situations at all costs.. that's why it's only been a couple for me.

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of the times I actually could've died.

I was thrown through the rear windshield of a car from the drivers seat at 100 mph as it flipped end over end. Broke my neck and back in 3 places and several other bones. Thankful for the VooDoo that was performed on me in the hospital by some guy from the Bayou.

Had a double compund fracture of my left fibula and tibia when I had to lay my bike down at 4 am doing about 100 mph again.

Hit a wave at full speed the wrong way and turned a speedbopat into a submarine, coming back from buying a new bong, heheh.

Pulled a 25 cal. bullet out of the roof of my car shot there by the "Ghost Dragons" on Mott Street in front of Wo Hop at 5 AM, after partying at the Red Zone, missed me by less than a foot. My dumb friends said something to them they didnt like on our way out.

That's just a few. I'm not getting into all the cars totalled and near drug overdoses, you know those ones where your heart is beating so fast that you promise God you'll never do drugs again if you can just live through this.


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Oh...and I was a c-section baby...I almost dies when I was born...my mom got some infection because of the medicine they were giving her in the hospital..so we both barely survived :)

and about the knife...it was a biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiig sharp one..thats all i know..:D

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HMMM.....So many it's hard to put a number....but if I had to I'd say 15+ times. Like:

the time that gang of 10 hoodlums tried to jump and rob me at midnite at knifepoint in Da Bronx while coming home from school...:shake::letsgo::gang:

The time that nurse almost stuck me with a dirty infected needle to draw my blood in that crazy hospital with quack doctors.:mad:

the time my brother and I walked on the traintracks and a train silently snuck up and came within a few feet of hitting us. :eek:

among others:knife:

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