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How many times would u say u cheated death in yer life?

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In june 1998, Terrible head on collision in which my car spun and went off an embankment. Woke up in my car for about 5 seconds, then woke up in the middle of the road. I crawled from my car to the road apparently. Till this day, I have no rememberance of the accident excecpt seeing the car, the 5 seconds in the car, and when i woke up. To this day, I still have problems with my memory, and get recurring concusions.

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Got into an accident on the NJ turnpike- I ended up crashing into a cement divider doing 80. That in and of itself aint too bad, considering I drive a big SUV. The probelm is that there was a semi about 2 car lenghs behind me- to this day, I have no idea how that driver was able to avoid my spinning truck in the middle of the road.

Another, when i was young I was over a friends house hanging out on the roof of his building, leaning on a fence (ya i know bad idea). Anyway, the fence gave way and i somehow managed to grab onto a beam sticking out on the side of the building, and somehow managed to grab the hand of my friend to pull myself up- that alone was a miracle considering I was a fat little fuck when i was young lol.


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This past May my car wrapped itself around a telephone pole. The car was reduced to 5 feet in length (from a Grand Prix) and literally wrapped around my body. The car was cut from encircling me and I got out with a scrape on my forearm and a balck and blue on my thigh (the size of a dollar). All because it was wet out and my tire blew out ...and the car rear ending me. Drive safe. I still won't drive.

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Originally posted by racerx1225

Pulled a 25 cal. bullet out of the roof of my car shot there by the "Ghost Dragons" on Mott Street in front of Wo Hop at 5 AM, after partying at the Red Zone, missed me by less than a foot. My dumb friends said something to them they didnt like on our way out.

Its Ghost Shadow, not Ghost Dragons you mental midget. :knife:

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my theory is if u wish your self life your gonna die early but if u wish your self death u are gonna be cursed to a long pain full life for this meaning every day i hope i die and as u can see i am still here

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Thanks for correcting me I couldnt remember whether it was shadows or dragons but who gives a flying fuck. It was 10 years ago and I really dont care what theyre called. Second dont call me names it hurts soooo sooooooo much. Now take your right hand and put it in your right pocket, OK. Now move it to the left, if you find anything say it to my face tonight at ARC. You're obviously a Yale or Harvard alumnus, or is it Princeton?

Lawrence aka Racer X

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Originally posted by clubbingirl

3)car accident. car flipped over on rt78 going 80 mph off of exit 33. (you can still see where the trees were torn down). my xbf fell asleep at the wheel.

im a lucky girl. :tongue:

exit 33??? ARE YOU FUCKING SHITTING ME? I live 2 MINUTES away from that exit :eek: :eek: :eek:

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Originally posted by charlydontsurf

Thanks for correcting me I couldnt remember whether it was shadows or dragons but who gives a flying fuck. It was 10 years ago and I really dont care what theyre called. Second dont call me names it hurts soooo sooooooo much. Now take your right hand and put it in your right pocket, OK. Now move it to the left, if you find anything say it to my face tonight at ARC. You're obviously a Yale or Harvard alumnus, or is it Princeton?

Lawrence aka Racer X

Oh, sorry Lawrence aka Racer X.

Yale or Harvard? OK whatever. Maybe if i tYPeD LiKe ThiS, i wOuLdNt hURt YoUr fEELiNgS NeXt tiMe..

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Well I guess I'll only tell one story.One of my fun ones.I was returning home from new york at about 2 or 3 pm.I was doing about 75, 85 mph. when I passed a car in the left lane.I tuned my head to see if I could get back in the center lane.While I was doing this I felt a slight bump.To my suprise when I turned my head back.I saw nothing but stars.Here I road the cement divider on I-95 doing that speed.I crashed all four wheels back on the ground.The only thing I got out of it was a six inch scratch on my bumper and a flat left tire.Also my donut was also flat.I drove 10 miles on a flat donut.I had gotten three blocks from my apt. when the tire came off the rim.I still thank god for watching over that night.Because somebody was.

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Originally posted by charlydontsurf

Thanks for correcting me I couldnt remember whether it was shadows or dragons but who gives a flying fuck. It was 10 years ago and I really dont care what theyre called. Second dont call me names it hurts soooo sooooooo much. Now take your right hand and put it in your right pocket, OK. Now move it to the left, if you find anything say it to my face tonight at ARC. You're obviously a Yale or Harvard alumnus, or is it Princeton?

Lawrence aka Racer X


Oh, sorry Lawrence aka Racer X.

Yale or Harvard? OK whatever. Maybe if i tYPeD LiKe ThiS, i wOuLdNt hURt YoUr fEELiNgS NeXt tiMe..

Listen Pimpboy who said you hurt my feelings? It's called sarcasm Einstein. The only people who can hurt my feelings, or whats left of them, are people who know me well that I care about. You don't know me so why would I give a shite what you say. Now run along and find someone else to insult, someone who gives a rats arse what you say, cause it aint me or anyone else on this board. :aright::shoot::finger:

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