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Rollcall for Area2 at PNC

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Originally posted by roninmess

unfortunate circumstances:(

I might have 2 extra tickets for this.

definitely down for this pregame. Some1 send a pm to everyone in this list with their cell if they got one, and set up a phone chain lol. It should work, i dunno. I'm a losssah.

Goal for tomorrow........ Meet tiesto and get a picture with him. I know ppl that got to meet him last night at the show. Gonna be fawkin sick.

You mean wednesday :tongue:

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Originally posted by xtcgspot

i was thinkin the same thing. im already down. me and my boy are bringin a 30-pack and gettin shitty in the parking lot. who's gonna meet up with us and get shitty too?

I was gonna say something about this earlier cuz my boy and I are bring a coupla cases of lager and gettin real shitty before hand, but didn't want to cuz there seems to be so many "proud to party sober" people on cp... well glad you're not all like that!! :D Looks like I'll hafta take off from work even earlier now... damn this is gonna be a blast

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Originally posted by gmoneyjive

I was gonna say something about this earlier cuz my boy and I are bring a coupla cases of lager and gettin real shitty before hand, but didn't want to cuz there seems to be so many "proud to party sober" people on cp... well glad you're not all like that!! :D Looks like I'll hafta take off from work even earlier now... damn this is gonna be a blast

"proud to party sober people?"

if you need to have alcohol or drugs in your system to have a great time, then you are in this for the wrong reasons. Im not preaching sayin that I haven't popped a pill or don't drink, but thats fucked up. I am proud I can last through 16 hours of sound factory sober on no alcohol or drugs.

I myself am bringing down a case or 2 LOL, but the statement bothered me.

The only thing im concerned with is drinkin in teh heat. dont wanna fuckin pass out.

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Originally posted by roninmess

"proud to party sober people?"

if you need to have alcohol or drugs in your system to have a great time, then you are in this for the wrong reasons. Im not preaching sayin that I haven't popped a pill or don't drink, but thats fucked up. I am proud I can last through 16 hours of sound factory sober on no alcohol or drugs.

I myself am bringing down a case or 2 LOL, but the statement bothered me.

The only thing im concerned with is drinkin in teh heat. dont wanna fuckin pass out.

you know I was gonna say alot about this on the thread about music/drugs a lil while ago... but didn't have the time then, nor do I now. But I'll say a little... first off, I don't need to have alcohol or drugs in my system to have a great time (I used to always get fucked up b4 goin to a club, but in the last coupla months have had great times, more often sober than not).

As for the question of whether I'm in this for the music or the drugs... its obviously the music - otherwise I could sit here in good 'ole bethlehem PA and get rocked off my ass and have a great time... but instead I drive close to 200 miles round trip 2 or 3 times a week to experience the music in nyc...

All that aside, I really do enjoy a good buzz (usually drinkin, every once in a while some different stuff)... and it I've caught a hint of cynicism from a few cp'ers from their posts (not you specifically) that seemed as though they looked down on anyone who gets drunk or high in a club.. that it should be a completely sober experience and that all is needed is the music... and that anyone who does get fucked up on occasion is to be looked down upon... and those statements bothered me. Well that's all fine and dandy if a person choses to be completely sober all the time and enjoy it purely for the music - more power to them. But to criticize (I'm not sure if there was direct criticism, but I certainly felt that was what was being hinted at) someone for catching a buzz at the same time as enjoying the music seems a bit snobbish to me...

I might add that I'm not the only one who has noticed this... I've had this conversation with several cpers in that last few weeks who have thought the exact same thing, so I know its not just me...

I myself am proud that I can be in a club and be sober... something I didn't learn until recently (guess I had a shyness problem with dancing or something...) BUT I still enjoy drinking... always have always will...

That statement wasn't aimed at you, or other ppl who are always sober... like I said, more power to them. I just don't like being criticized (directly or indirectly) about drinking every now & then - seriously, what the fuck is the problem with that? The statement was aimed at those who look down at anyone who gets fucked up from time to time. No hard feelings to you personally.

I guess "proud to party sober people" wasn't the correct term I was looking for... it prolly shoulda been "sober people who look down upon & criticize those who aren't sober when partying"... but that doesn't quite have as nice a ring to it ;)

Well that ended up being long and OT for this thread...

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well now that robin & I have worked out our soberiety/drinking issues lol :D and cp is back from its 10 hour hiatus, lets get this thread back on track...

anyone feelin a little amped up this mornin?? I know I am, can't fuckin wait... only about 26 more hours!!

and news on the meetup/cell # ideas people mentioned before?

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I'll be there tomorrow -- can't leave the city until 2:30 though, so I'll have to tailgate late... We definitely need to have a Clubplanet meetup.

I may have 2 extra lawn tickets if anyone needs them... PM me.

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Originally posted by hotcheme

so anybody want to suggest a place in the lot to meet?

i am pretty sure i will run into gmoneygive, roninmess, echostar, and the others that i know, but it would be cool to meet some new cpers too.

OK so whats the deal with the meet-up?

How about 3:45 at the entrance to the tent?

We got 15 min to chill b4 Tiesto comes on, what do u guys think?

I will wear my LAZY shirt so i wont be hard to find.

LAZY on front in yellow letters and FCUK on the back, just say high..... look at the NYC page they got something going!

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Originally posted by stonedcl

OK so whats the deal with the meet-up?

How about 3:45 at the entrance to the tent?

We got 15 min to chill b4 Tiesto comes on, what do u guys think?

I will wear my LAZY shirt so i wont be hard to find.

LAZY on front in yellow letters and FCUK on the back, just say high..... look at the NYC page they got something going!

that works for me. i have brown hair and will probably be wearing shorts and sneakers if the weather is anything like today.

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Originally posted by DaVe

I'll be there tomorrow -- can't leave the city until 2:30 though, so I'll have to tailgate late... We definitely need to have a Clubplanet meetup.

I may have 2 extra lawn tickets if anyone needs them... PM me.

Dave I pm'ed you about those tix, I was just going to buy them there, but if you are at PNC by like 3:15 i will take those tix..

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i'm a 5ft tanned Asian chic. i'll have my hair in pigtails w/ braids. i'll be wearing baggy grey cargo shorts, tank top, & sneaks. i think i have a pic, but i'm not sure how to post it so i'll attach a file.

please feel free to approach me b/c i can get shy


take care


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i still have not a clue wut time im getting there or wut the hell is goin on. i dont even know how to get there and its 20 min from my house!!! i even forgot that it was tomorrow. someone asked me if i was ready for tomorrow, and i was just like...."wut the hell is tomorrow?" lol. im a dumbass and i got WAYYYYY too many other things on my mind. im gettin drunk tonite and gettin drunk tomorrow for the third day in a row, and the 4th day in like 6. ill be ready tomorrow. im not in that frame of mind yet.

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Originally posted by xtcgspot

i still have not a clue wut time im getting there or wut the hell is goin on. i dont even know how to get there and its 20 min from my house!!! i even forgot that it was tomorrow. someone asked me if i was ready for tomorrow, and i was just like...."wut the hell is tomorrow?" lol. im a dumbass and i got WAYYYYY too many other things on my mind. im gettin drunk tonite and gettin drunk tomorrow for the third day in a row, and the 4th day in like 6. ill be ready tomorrow. im not in that frame of mind yet.

gary..get on the parkway...and go north....its exit 116....there are signs for it everwhere....pm me if you need further directions...

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Yeah i'm definetely coming down!!! Hopefully i'll be there by 1 or 1:30. I've got some phone #s, so i'll call people and get everyone together in the parking lot for some pregaming.

I know the following people are coming and I have a contact #

echostar with jayp and shadowchaser


roninmess and a bunch of undecided people

JennEfer and Arcticshdw

so drop me a PM with your cell # and i'll call you.

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Hey all, better late than never.... I am going to be there today in a pink twilo tank top and most likely braided pigtails.... but I should be there to pregame standing outside my little red toy celica convertible blasting music and drinking barcardi silvers. If anyone spots the little red car with the bouncy blonde please come over and get sloshed with pete and I.... if not... I will see you all inside i am sure!!!

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