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Top ten albums that forever changed your life!

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I'm in that Nostalgic mood


Woke up and threw on


and I thought to myself;

"My god..has it been that long?"

I remember losing my mind to

that album years and years ago

and wanting more of that psychedelic

electro-dub-acid-rock sound..

I noticed a certain Alex P.

was involved with that album

so I did some research..

Then I disscovered shrooms and THE ORB

and it was all over...







(Like train tracks switching gears)

What are your top ten albums

that changed your life?

What albums turned you on..

tuned you out...

or just made you wanna throw

away your old life style and

adapt an entire new perspective

on life?


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*Here's my list

(Just off the top of my head)

I could write you an essay in

"decades" but I'll stick to the KEY

albums that changed my life..

(These are the albums that I would

throw on my headphones with..

take a hit from the bong and just get lost in..



Starting from the earliest

influences to now:


(Big surprise right?)

No but it's true..

My dad was a huge Floyd,

Beatles fan and this one really freaky album he

hardly ever played use to do really strange things

to me (Or perhaps it was all the second hand smoke

in the trailer)..He hardly ever played it but

when he got into his "SPACE ROCK/KRAUT ROCK"

moods this one would come on right after Hawk Wind

and blow my mind with images of robots and digital



2) *THE ART OF NOISE "Who's afraid of"

A pivital Album in my life as an electronic

music lover..This one threw me head first into

a world of samples and beautifull mind trips..

"MAX HEADROOM" meets Blade Runner..

(atari logos and all) Shifted my gears and

my attention away for a short lived interest

in PUNK and made me see the light..

3) JOY DIVISION "Unknown pleasures"

A companion to my mysenthropic teenage

years..Ian's haunting voice kept me company

through my black clothes wearing days and

opened the door for deeper and darker moods

within myself...THE KEY to my next leap into


4)*Front 242 "Geography"

(I'm now leaping over The

CURE,SIOUXSIE, BAUHAUS etc, as I feel they

wherea ll just left over angst from

Joy division..nothing new just

an ellaboration on how I felt)

Front 242 was the kick in the

ass I needed to stop feeling

sorry for myself and learn to


Also one of the first artists

I can recall making me loose

my mind on a Dance floor..

(Insert: My life with the thrill

kill kult, Skinny Puppy

and Front Line assembly here

as well)

5)*Depeche Mode:"Speak and Spell"

Put the ROMANCE back

into my love for electronica..

The era of Synth pop and big

hair (Yea I should post

those pictures..eye liner and all)

I've seen these guys rock

venues with synthz better

than I had ever seen any PUNK/

GOTH bands do with Guitars..

Gave way to my next level:


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I hate to be cynical but i will be honest here. If your life changes upon a music album you really don't have much of a life.

Originally posted by mugwump

I'm in that Nostalgic mood


Woke up and threw on


and I thought to myself;

"My god..has it been that long?"

I remember losing my mind to

that album years and years ago

and wanting more of that psychedelic

electro-dub-acid-rock sound..

I noticed a certain Alex P.

was involved with that album

so I did some research..

Then I disscovered shrooms and THE ORB

and it was all over...







(Like train tracks switching gears)

What are your top ten albums

that changed your life?

What albums turned you on..

tuned you out...

or just made you wanna throw

away your old life style and

adapt an entire new perspective

on life?


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6)*New Order "Substance"

OK I wont lie..I started out late with New Order

(87) Like many others I was pissed off

that Joy Division had turned into such a pussy

synth band throught my DONNIE DARKO years..

But things changed with my discovery of DM

and N.O was just what I was looking for...

After buying "Substance" I went back

and fell in love with everything previous

to that album and there after....


and the Manchester scene..

Turned my attention towards the birth of ACID HOUSE!

7)*PRIMAL SCREAM "Screamadelica"

Big leap here..Happy Mondays,

Spiraling Carpets, Stone Roses,

My Bloody Valentines, Jesus and Mary Chain etc..

all came during this time but "Screamadelica"

opened up a door to THE ORB so it's an important

album in my life...I remember listening

to: "Higher than the sun" sitting on a rooftop

in Italy ripped on certain chemicals and thinking..

"My god this is it! Where Can I hear this on a big

sound system..?" Luckily a friend of mine

handed me a CD and told me:

"Check these guys out..They are coming to town

next week..I think we should go)..

8)* THE ORB "Adventures in the ultra world"

I adore this CD. This was theee crucial

album that made me follow a DJ/Producer around

like many followed the dead.After seeing my first ORB show

I knew the dance floor was where I wanted to be

for therest of my life..

Although ambient, deep and dubby (And not very

"Dancy" per say) it lead me to several encounters

with people in the crowd that took me clubbing..

My first clubbing experience ever (And my first

album Of "electronic-dance floor music)


9) Deee-lite "World Clique"

After going to a party in Milan

I had the honor and privledge

of witnessing an act that made me

throw away my black clothes and

realize that "DANCE MUSIC" was about

partying, having a good time

and letting go...

A year later I went to NY and

had my first NY Clubbing

experience at Disco 2000/Limelite

with Moby and Keoki..

As I sat on a speaker, grinding my teeth

for the first time, I remember asking a friend sitting

next to me:

"Holy shit is that Ad Rock from the Beastie boys

with Lady Miss Kier?"

Walked out at noon the next day

and walked over to a place called

"LIQUID SKY" and met some freaks

that changed the way I knew "nightlife forever"....

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Originally posted by andwhysee

I hate to be cynical but i will be honest here. If your life changes upon a music album you really don't have much of a life.


What a sad thing to hear..

For some of us MUSIC is

above all..

For some of us..


are like a photo album..yet much more vivid..

A song, an album..

a "sample" even can

transport some of us

back to certain times and places..

MUSIC was my companion (and still is)

through every change and twist and turn

in my life..

When I was sad I'd throw on

some CURE..

When I was high..some SYSTEM 7..

If I danced it was to music..

(I lost my virginity to the

sountrack of "Liquid Sky" the movie)

So dear tone deaf friend..



and with life's changes

there is always a soundtrack..

and with that soundtrack there

is always a shift in gears..

(and vice a versa)

*And now back to the program....

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ok number ten...


Well Like I was telling you,

I met these freaks in NY

that took me to a place

called Liquid Sky...

There was this guy called Carlos Soulslinger

playing some really scary shit that I'd never heard

before..It was like the ORB's

bass line but deeper..and darker..

and this really freaky beat was sooo fast

like PUNK..I knew I was listening to

something new and I had that feeling of

stumbling on to a new genre

(A feeling I hardly ever get any more)

I had had my first run ins with






THE ROBOTS and years later...

Mutated to my love for TECHNO, Trance and Breaks..

It wasn't HOUSE..ACID HOUSE or


IT WAS JUNGLE Back in the early

days of Jenco wide bottoms,

pacifiers and JUNGLE SKY!

So my top ten album

that forever changed my life


Whole Tone I'd Love to Turn You On

"Bionic Harmonic" ( 1997 )

It was all down hill from then..


What about you...?

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I'm not going to get all elaborate and explain why (the reasons are rather complex and often don't even have all that much to do with musical preference), but here are mine...

1) Sasha and Digweed - Northern Exposure

2) Danny Tenaglia - Global Underground London, Disc 1

3) Squirrel Nut Zippers - Hot

4) Leonard Cohen - Best of Leonard Cohen

5) Moby - Play

6) Sasha and Digweed - Northern Exposure - Eastcoast Edition

7) Ani DiFranco - Puddle Dive

That's all I can think of right now.

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in no particular order:

1> Beck-Odelay

2> Led Zepplin - 2

3> Prodigy - Experience

4> Orbital - Middle of Nowhere

5> Beastie Boyz - Ill Communication

6> Jimmy Hendrix - BBC Sessions

7> Metallica - ...and justice for all

8> Smashing Pumpkins -- Melancholy & the Infinite Sadness

9> Michael Jackson -- Thriller

10> Any other Led Zepplin album :cool:

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I did quite enjoy, in no particular order

Ramones - Ramones & Ramones Mania

Misfits - Walk Among Us

Oasis - What's the Story Morning Glory

Berlin - Best of Berlin

New Order - The Very Best of New Order

Denny Tsettos - Bump (hahahaha)

Madonna - Madonna

Bob Marley - Legend

Cypress Hill - Black Sunday (that one's a stretch though)

Offspring - Smash

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10 Helmet- Meantime

9 AC/DC- Back in Black

8 Guns N Rose- Appetite

7 Beastie Boys- Pauls Boutique

6 System Of a Down- Toxicity

5 Led Zeplin- IV

4 The Doors- Debut

3 Rage Against The Machine- Debut

2 Metalica- And Justice For All

1 AC/DC- Let There Be Rock

I love house music but no CD can touch what I have listed....

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i don't know about 10, but i few that were turning points for me music wise were:

1. pink floyd - meddle: this was the first music i ever had. used to listen to it at night on this old cassette player.

2. joy division: unknown pleasures: similar to mugz thoughts

3. neil young: harvest (i think) - in any event, the album with "Thrasher" on it. Song is all about traveling and sorta being a hippy and stuff.

4. nirvana: incesticide - a whole new strain of music got me outta my 80's music rut.

5. underworld: pearl's girl - these guys just totally crushed me - sorta woke me up to electronica

that's about it...lots of music i love, but these are the ones that set me in a new direction and things like that.

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Here are mine starting with the earliest

1 Pixies Doolittle This was the album that got me into music properly

2 Therapy? Pleasuredeath An Irish band that got me into the harder side of music plus the first band i ever saw live and what a gig

3Primal Scream Screamdelica A great album every song on it is brilliant, sitting around smoking a j and chilling

4 Stone Roses Stone Roses See above similiar reaction but too much of a classic to leave out

5The Orb Adventure beyond the Ultraworld Only for this album i can only imagine the years of fun and good times i would never have experienced Top notch

6Laurent garnier Crispy Bacon ep Many a party in our house in Dublin used to go absoultley insane when the Dj would spin this plus it got me into Techno

7CJ Bolland the 4th sign An excellent Belgium techno album

8Orbitial The Browne Album A very intelligent album that got me back sitting down listening to music

9Massive Attack Blue Lines got me back lying down on my couch listening

10 Hopefully theres another cracker lying around the corner that will have as profound effect on me that these did.

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1. Jimmy Eat World - Static Prevails; Probably the most insightful Lyrics ever and great great music overall

2. Jawbreaker - 24 Hour Revenge Therapy; Ditto with #1, only the music's a bit more grating

3. Nine Inch Nails - Pretty hate Machine; Pretty much dictated the first two or three years of high school

4. Bad Religion - Stranger than Fiction; Did tyhe same for the last couple years of high school

5. Moby - Everything is Wrong; First electronica album I was ever really into

6. Weezer - Pinkerton; Just couldn't stop listening to this one for ages

7. Cake - Fashion Nugget; Only because that CD was playing when I first kissed my first real girlfriend, and then being a cheesy jackass, I played it when I proposed to her. I'd say the lustre of it has worn off somewhat now...

8. Against All Authority - Destroy What Destroys You; Lots of really good motivational anthems, plus fun to mosh to...

9. Therapy? - Troublegum; Couldn't put this one down for ages. Oh how the mightyu have fallen (Pleasure Death, Hats off to the Insane, Nurse, and Infernal Love were pretty darn good too, but their last two albums just blow chunks)

10. Ruth Ruth - Laughing Gallery; Really only for one song, but "Uninvited" was my personal theme song for many years

Honorable mentions: Prodigy - Music for the Jilted Generation; Orbital - Green Album; Hankshaw - Nothing Personal; Lords of Acid - Lust; Pixies - Death to the Pixies (yeah I know a greatest hits album is kinda cheating); Skavoovie & the Epitones - Ripe; Avail - Over the James; Soundgarden - Superunknown

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1>Spawn - The Soundtrack

I know it sounds lame, but it was first time i can remember ever hearing electronic music... and it lead into my number 2 album

2>Prodigy - Prodigy Experience

Probably my first real introduction to electronic music

3>Phish - Rift

The first cd to really get me into jam bands... my other favorite type of music.

3>Pink Floyd - Wish you were here

i cant lose myself in anything the way i can in good floyd

4>Sublime - Self-titled

how much did this cd kick ass?

5>Fluke - Rissotto

one of my first favorite electonic albums

6>Propellerheads - DecksAndDrumsAndRockAndRoll

7>Underworld - dubnobasswithmyheadman

8>Phish - The Story of the Ghost

Still my favorite phish album

9>Death in Vegas - Dead Elvis

i dont think i stopped listening to this on repeat for a month

10>Tie between korn self titled and White Zombie - Astrocreep 2000

favorite albums years ago, before ever hearing techno

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-Stone Roses - s/t

-Wes Montgomery - Full House (a record where the whole equals more than just the sum of its parts...)

-Roy Ayers - Evolution

-Velvet Underground and Nico -s/t

-Squarepusher - Hard Normal Daddy

-Nine Inch Nails - Pretty Hate Machine

-Weapon of Choice - Highperspice

-Stevie Wonder - Songs in the Key of Life

-Pavement - Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain

-Leftfield - s/t

-Slowdive - Souvlaki (this record literally sent me running to music school...i wanted to make records that sounded like this)

-De La Soul - 3 Feet High and Rising

-Cure - Head on the Door

-Beatles - Rubber Soul

ok, i could certainly do this all day - there is so much music that has profoundly affected me in some way or another. But these have all affected the way I percieve it, and create it, and in most cases have opened the door to other records that have, in turn, done something for me...

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Originally posted by stadenco


-Leftfield - s/t

-Slowdive - Souvlaki (this record literally sent me running to music school...i wanted to make records that sounded like this)

Great records...

Slowdive will forever hold a very

special place in my heart..

Leftfield=S CLASSIC!

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When I was 8 Sean Cassidy and a do run run run a do run run (don't remember the name..) Was my 1st heavy childhood crush

Same time frame Rapper's Delight (Hip Hop) Fell in love with Rap

Bon Jovi Slippery When Wet

Van Halen 1984

Those are the only ones I can think of that defined a moment in my life. As I have gotten older music no longer defines the moment, however good people have. :)

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1. Van halen - 1984/5150

2. NWA - efil4zaggin

3. Chemical Bros. - Exit Planet Dust

4. Daft Punk - Homework

5. Billy Joel - Song in the Attic

6. DT - GU Athens

7. Skid Row - Skid Row

8. An old compilation on Bonzai record (#5)

9. Junior - Works 8 ball

10. U2- Joshua Tree


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Originally posted by mugwump

Great records...

Slowdive will forever hold a very

special place in my heart..

Leftfield=S CLASSIC!

nice... always nice to see another Slowdive fan. I still carry that one around in my CD case...

Also, I forgot Aphex Twin - Selected Ambient Works 85-92.

This record totally blew my mind when I heard it, and still does today...


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