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DT despising glowsticks and ravers???

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Originally posted by hitokiri24

oh ur toooo funny......:blank: i guess i wear pacifiers an candy...oO(an i didnt even know it say werd) yup i guess im the reason y everything is sooo bad at a club me an my little ol glowstix gosh darnit oh well maybe i should but them down fore the big BAAAD leo catches me an chokes me with them :shake: can u do me a favor an stfu thanx it will do us all a huge favor oh wait maybe i should talk shit in fact we should all be friends so on that note.. do u want any candy...?:eek:

lol... you are too cute... and btw.. can *I* have some candy??? :grin:

It amuses me to no end to see how passionate the anti-glowstick faction is. Big fucking deal, there are worse thing, far worse things to deal with at most clubs. And it's funny how, one second, Mr. Leo is saying, go to a rave (as if such a thing exists anymore) then in the next breath, go to Exit! Could you find two more diametrically opposed entities?

Either way... people need to chill... there are more important things in this world to worry about. :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by tastyt

lol... you are too cute... and btw.. can *I* have some candy??? :grin:

It amuses me to no end to see how passionate the anti-glowstick faction is. Big fucking deal, there are worse thing, far worse things to deal with at most clubs. And it's funny how, one second, Mr. Leo is saying, go to a rave (as if such a thing exists anymore) then in the next breath, go to Exit! Could you find two more diametrically opposed entities?

Either way... people need to chill... there are more important things in this world to worry about. :laugh: :laugh:

Well I consider EXIT on Fridays to be along the same lines as a rave regarding the "glowstick" thing specifically. As for whoever asked.......of course I know DT as I Iv'e been going to his parties for yrs......and I just always thought glowsticks didn't belong at his parties....if you disagree then ask the man himself. Otherwise I just love the drama posts on here cause that's what this board is all about these days.....so I gotta dish it too......GOTTA LOVE IT........now who wants some!!!!!!!!!!:tongue: :tongue:

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Originally posted by cesarleo

Well I consider EXIT on Fridays to be along the same lines as a rave regarding the "glowstick" thing specifically. As for whoever asked.......of course I know DT as I Iv'e been going to his parties for yrs......and I just always thought glowsticks didn't belong at his parties....if you disagree then ask the man himself. Otherwise I just love the drama posts on here cause that's what this board is all about these days.....so I gotta dish it too......GOTTA LOVE IT........now who wants some!!!!!!!!!!:tongue: :tongue:

It was I who said that you don't know DT and what I meant was personally. The man is fine on the outside, but once you get to know him he's a big ole queen sneaky bastard. Don't get close is what I'm sayin'. As far as the Glowsticks thing, they're fine in my book. I never used them, but I miss the old school ravers! They were fun to look at, until of course they got out of hand. :tongue:

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Originally posted by bustaknut2001

It was I who said that you don't know DT and what I meant was personally. The man is fine on the outside, but once you get to know him he's a big ole queen sneaky bastard. Don't get close is what I'm sayin'. As far as the Glowsticks thing, they're fine in my book. I never used them, but I miss the old school ravers! They were fun to look at, until of course they got out of hand. :tongue:

Fair enough.....who knows what the man is really thinking inside his head.....but as long as he keeps dishing out fierce tunes......it's all good.

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Originally posted by cesarleo

As for whoever asked.......of course I know DT as I Iv'e been going to his parties for yrs......


OMG listen to you people... everyone is this dude's best friend, everyone has been his boy since back in the day and everyone's got every track he ever dropped listed in a big fat fuckin pink fuzzy notebook on their nightstand.


If DT wants to ban things, fine, whatever, that's his prerogative and if you want to enjoy his music then shut your piehole and comply. What kills me about this board is how many people would jump off the brooklyn bridge if DT said he recommended it. Zoe has a point - people here are trying so hard to sound like they know what they're talking about that they sound like the same assholes who trying to generalize our subculture and shut it down. Why don't you all just stop worrying about what the party used to be vs. what it is now, who's going and why and in what clothing with what accessories, and just enjoy the music? It would appear far more credible than the constant pontifications on this messageboard about who knows Danny and who doesn't :rolleyes:

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lol... I like that "no glowstick" rule. I really dispise glowsticks in clubs. What really bothers me are these glowsticks on strings. WOW..... first of all they take up a quarter of the dance floor. And sometimes they start whipping them out of no where... you don't know how many times i got hit by one. I feel like one day if I get hit with those glowstick strings more, I'm gonna rip out the strings from that person's hands and start whipping him/her.

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Originally posted by karch

I feel like one day if I get hit with those glowstick strings more, I'm gonna rip out the strings from that person's hands and start whipping him/her.

You should sell tickets to that event :laugh2:


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Thanks vixxenfoxy...I think that was the first post with some sense in it.

The whole scene is soooo sad (and yes I mean you all people)....always discriminating against someone...today it's the glowstick people, tomorrow the people that jump up and down and swing their arms while dancing.

Everyone always comes with the...I've been clubbing for sooo many years and I know what's going on...Well, one thing is for sure...the DJ's don't give a shit about any of you/us... it's "DT's party and we are all his guest" ...please, don't make me laugh, it's a business and we are putting the bread on his table...that's what it is. And I have to say, if you call a party "Be yourself" than you should let people be yourself and express themselves the way they want (and no, I'm not a glowstick waiver...but if that's what makes people happy and if that's how they want to EXPERIENCE the music...than who am I to judge and deny them their little bit of fun)

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Originally posted by flying_high

Thanks vixxenfoxy...I think that was the first post with some sense in it.

The whole scene is soooo sad (and yes I mean you all people)....always discriminating against someone...today it's the glowstick people, tomorrow the people that jump up and down and swing their arms while dancing.

Everyone always comes with the...I've been clubbing for sooo many years and I know what's going on...Well, one thing is for sure...the DJ's don't give a shit about any of you/us... it's "DT's party and we are all his guest" ...please, don't make me laugh, it's a business and we are putting the bread on his table...that's what it is. And I have to say, if you call a party "Be yourself" than you should let people be yourself and express themselves the way they want (and no, I'm not a glowstick waiver...but if that's what makes people happy and if that's how they want to EXPERIENCE the music...than who am I to judge and deny them their little bit of fun)

AMEN. :clap2:

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Originally posted by scoob-e

glowsticks are not allowed in vinyl because when vinyl was shut down last summer, the city viewed glowsticks as a hint that drug use was being practiced in the club. DT wanted vinyl back open, so he complied with the city's request and banned glowsticks.

Thought I'd quote that because apparently no one was paying any attention... besides a few posts this entire thread is too fuckin stupid to warrant any of my comments...

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Originally posted by flying_high

Thanks vixxenfoxy...I think that was the first post with some sense in it.

The whole scene is soooo sad (and yes I mean you all people)....always discriminating against someone...today it's the glowstick people, tomorrow the people that jump up and down and swing their arms while dancing.

Everyone always comes with the...I've been clubbing for sooo many years and I know what's going on...Well, one thing is for sure...the DJ's don't give a shit about any of you/us... it's "DT's party and we are all his guest" ...please, don't make me laugh, it's a business and we are putting the bread on his table...that's what it is. And I have to say, if you call a party "Be yourself" than you should let people be yourself and express themselves the way they want (and no, I'm not a glowstick waiver...but if that's what makes people happy and if that's how they want to EXPERIENCE the music...than who am I to judge and deny them their little bit of fun)

soeme1 get that man a cigar:cool:
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AMusing thread.

Lets see....

people are so used to be told they cant do shit in NY that they just accept it now apparently.

Also, the hate is pathetic.

These threads always spawn the "Fuck stix" people. If you dont like em, dont look at em. Most of you dont even know when the original no more stix allowed came about and what DT did at the club one night (And for those that do, Im not talking to u)

The original thread was a question, and of course, people bring it down to an insult fest. Along with the lack of common courtesy to other peoiple in clubs, we have to deal with "Your music sucks, your dancing style suckss" attitudes.

Be yourself is a oxymoron on that night.

Pt is, you like it (DT or Stix)? Go and have fun...

You dont like it? Leave the people alone that do provided they dont get in your face...

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Originally posted by karch

lol... I like that "no glowstick" rule. I really dispise glowsticks in clubs. What really bothers me are these glowsticks on strings. WOW..... first of all they take up a quarter of the dance floor. And sometimes they start whipping them out of no where... you don't know how many times i got hit by one. I feel like one day if I get hit with those glowstick strings more, I'm gonna rip out the strings from that person's hands and start whipping him/her.

That's such a beat fucking excuse. Everyone uses it....Hey now, I heard K-marts having a sale on originality, I suggest you check it out. :aright:

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Originally posted by embodiedhate

That's such a beat fucking excuse. Everyone uses it....Hey now, I heard K-marts having a sale on originality, I suggest you check it out. :aright:

yeah, he forgot the other one...

"Trance Sucks" i believe is the popular one.

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Originally posted by BRIAN1500

There are some DJs that care about us, their fans.

i'd like to hear who you think cares about their fans.

don't name some backyard DJ that you know from back in the day.

i'm speaking about headliner DJs you think really "care" about fans. i'd have to say most care about the $$$$.

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Originally posted by myrlin

yeah, he forgot the other one...

"Trance Sucks" i believe is the popular one.

Everyone loves trance, even if they say they hate it, they love it. I'm just so sick of hearing the "I got hit in the head by some idiot with strings". The frequency these fucking idiots cry about it, I'd expect to see some crack (as in elite) rave team with a 4000 foot spool of invisible wire and 10 gross of deep diving sticks at every night time establishment in the tri state area.

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Originally posted by embodiedhate

Everyone loves trance, even if they say they hate it, they love it. I'm just so sick of hearing the "I got hit in the head by some idiot with strings". The frequency these fucking idiots cry about it, I'd expect to see some crack (as in elite) rave team with a 4000 foot spool of invisible wire and 10 gross of deep diving sticks at every night time establishment in the tri state area.

ie boo6 if u were there then ud know "i hate trance" this "trance sux" that but how many ppl were in the prog trance tent? hmm..... i wonder an how many of them had stix? total hypocracy dun u just love our scene?....:blank:
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Originally posted by kitty19

i'd like to hear who you think cares about their fans.

don't name some backyard DJ that you know from back in the day.

i'm speaking about headliner DJs you think really "care" about fans. i'd have to say most care about the $$$$.

Although I know alot are like you say...I know a few quite nice folks....



Max Graham listens to his fans...

Seems to me Armin and the Dutch cats are very respectful when I met them....

Just throwing some positives ;)

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