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when things get reaaaaaaaaally bad...

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what inspires you to keep going? .. to work, to school, to see your friends, to get out of bed?

do you have specific goals in mind? do you just accept it as part of life?

"i'll graduate high school and get out of my damn house"

"if i stay in this job i'll be able to save up for that hot new sports car i've always wanted"

"i will be able to get a great job eventually if i go to class and graduate with honors"

"i hate working during the week but i always know there'll be a weekend at the end of it so i need to make money to be able to go out and party"

what do YOU fall back on when nothing seems to be going as it should?

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The music makes it all worth while.

The surprises.

The good meals with good friends.

...being in love...which takes some getting used to ;)

But all in all...I used to wake up everyday just to hear whats on the radio.....the music is all that matters.


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Originally posted by tastyt

When everything's falling apart, all I can do is think to the past to remember that things ALWAYS get better... eventually...

I do that a lot too... I think back on my worst times... times when I was unhappy for years at a time... and I remember that there was always a light at the end of it. You can't see it when you're in the midst of your troubles, but you have to believe that the light is there.

You also have to find the things that can make you happy on a daily basis. For a while there I thought that music and friends would "help me through" -- as it turns out, once I had those things, I WAS through... funny how that worked out.

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The past few weeks have been utter hell for me...I'm always so used to fending for myself, and being so indepenedent, I never realized how truly blessed I am with loving family, and dependable/loving friends.

Sometimes it's a must to cash in on all the niceness you've dished out through the years, and just let the loved ones in your life catch you when you fall....

...and...what mattered the most is I put myself "outside the box" and realized, the slump was only temporary...and things were bound to get better....and they already are.

So keep your chin up love, and in the meantime, your friends are here for you :heart:

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Originally posted by embodiedhate

I usually just find the closest object of hate and beat the shit out of it. I find that I supress so much of my anger at things that a nice theraputic asswhooping can go miles to help with my sanity.


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i actually didn't post this because i'm feeling hopeless or anything, i was actually curious about what people would say their motivations are. too bad some of you can't seem to post serious responses.

thanks for the others tho. ;]

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Originally posted by wideskies

what do YOU fall back on when nothing seems to be going as it should?

Music, babe.

DT London, CD1, Track 2. Men from the Nile - Watch them come and The Return - New Day.

just hearing those two tracks mixed always makes me feel better and makes the world seem warmer.


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Originally posted by wideskies


i actually didn't post this because i'm feeling hopeless or anything, i was actually curious about what people would say their motivations are. too bad some of you can't seem to post serious responses.

thanks for the others tho. ;]

I know you've been gone a while... but you do remember this IS cp, right??

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Originally posted by cintron

Music, babe.

DT London, CD1, Track 2. Men from the Nile - Watch them come and The Return - New Day.

just hearing those two tracks mixed always makes me feel better and makes the world seem warmer.


Proving yet again that Cintron is my long-lost brother from the rain forest...

Fall 2001, a rainy Sunday afternoon. I'm miserable. My job makes me feel worthless. The big city has yet to open itself up to me. Walking to Body & Soul (where else do I have to go?), I start humming "The Return - New Day"... it's the only message I can think to send myself.

2 hours later, in the middle of the dance floor at Vinyl, surrounded by the love and support of a hundred silent, smiling faces and gyrating bodies, a familiar tune begins to emerge through the speakers...

And so it was a new day.

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