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NYC clubs: Better in Winter or Summer?

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coat check lines are the worst thing ever... :blown: plus, not having to worry about school is so very nice...

but i can say one bad thing against summer... when you come out of the club all sweaty and gross and looking for some type of refresher, going out into the even muggier, hotter summer air makes me wanna die! the freezing cold in the winter feels good... :)

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Originally posted by djmoonshine

coat check lines are the worst thing ever... :blown: plus, not having to worry about school is so very nice...

but i can say one bad thing against summer... when you come out of the club all sweaty and gross and looking for some type of refresher, going out into the even muggier, hotter summer air makes me wanna die! the freezing cold in the winter feels good... :)


damn i hate coming out of clubs in the winter.. hahahaha

coming out in the summer is great b/c the club is mad hot, but outside its not as bad... the best is coming outside to a beautiful sunny mornign/afternoon :)

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Originally posted by PFloyd40


damn i hate coming out of clubs in the winter.. hahahaha

coming out in the summer is great b/c the club is mad hot, but outside its not as bad... the best is coming outside to a beautiful sunny mornign/afternoon :)

see that sounds awesome... i would love that and when it does happen, its amazing... a few weeks ago i was leaving roxy and when i stepped outside it was the most disguting thing ever... it was so fucking hot and muggy... so much worse then inside the club... :blown:

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i dunno, i think id say summer but i dunno, i know i dont like winter as much as summer because of coatcheck, snow(i dont have a car so i troop it everywhere) and the fact that my sweat makes me freeze and often gets me sick. summer sux too cuz of all the crappy summer crowds and overpromoted "beach" or "cancun" or whatever parties that suck. overall id have to say i dunno.

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In the winter there's less bullshit. Like in the summer, everybody's out late + everyone is wearing light blues and pinks and all happy about life

-and all the rich fucks on Park Ave and Brooklyn Heights are out with their 6 figure dogs and 7 figure kids - letting the masses be graced by their presence...

there are more people on the steet sipping their Starbuck coolata things, wearing big smiles ---- then they get in the club and start jumping up and down to some cheesy trance bullshit at 8pm -giving each other like cute little hand waves (like that talking puppet gesture) - acting like it's the HS prom or something

-clubbing in the winter is more like people going to hear a DJ at a spot becuase they need to go out and get their release ...

BUT, I'd have to say that going somewhere and comming home at 5AM seems less like a criminal act in the summer than in the winter

I guess fall and winter are good too,

actually, it doesn't really matter what season it is ...

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NYC Clubs are better in the winter i say....I mean in the summer im usually in the Hamptons anyways. I like that fact that you can go outside and cool down instead of sweating more. It also seems that only the CLUB HEADS come out in the winter. Most people are away to college etc....so if they are traveling from college you know they really LOVE going out. (my freind drives 2.5 hours every sat in the winter to come to Factory with us!)

Summer, i do love the fact that you can walk around the city without getting slush and shit in your shoes, your not wearing a 50lb jacket, you dont need to catch a Taxi to go 3 blocks, GIRLS IN SKIRTS AND SHORTS! lol...i dunno its a hard toss up. Every season has its benefits.

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I'd say it's a mix.

Summertime the weather is nice, the atmosphere is light and if you have the time, you can be a lazy bum all day and all night and not have to worry about coats, cold weather or driving in snow. Also the music tends to be lighter and more funky during the summer, but the crowds tend to be more "mainstream."

Winter, the music is darker and harder, the weather sucks but inside the club it's usually nicer... And it's more satisfying for me becuase i'm actually taking a BREAK from something (i.e. school), so i can appreciate the experience better.

My personal favorite is the fall. September to October.

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Originally posted by PFloyd40


damn i hate coming out of clubs in the winter.. hahahaha

coming out in the summer is great b/c the club is mad hot, but outside its not as bad... the best is coming outside to a beautiful sunny mornign/afternoon :)

I actually don't like it when its sunny coming out of a club... my eyes are used to the dark club, and when I walk out the door its bright as hell so I'm squinting real bad - can barely see. I much prefer a nice cool, overcast day... easier transition ;)

As far as a season - they all have their pros & cons so I dunno - I enjoy clubbing at anytime of the year...

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