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What kills your buzz??


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Annoying little fucks who act as if they have just dropped a pill for the first time - every fucking week.

Tossers who bitch and moan about a club / dj - if you don't like it - fuck off somewhere else.

Those nasty little girlies - who think they are Gods gift, yet sport a face like a slapped arse and a body like a beached whale.

Those annoying guys who chase those nasty girlies.

People who can't handle stuff, chew their face and glom all over you.

Anyone who drinks too much, then spits whilt they talk to me.

Wankers who insist on trying to trainspot a record when its going around.


Any kind of club toy.

Things that make my nose sting.

Picking up and slurping the wrong drink.

Annoying fucked up Brits who always ask - "So how long you been here? 4 years? etc.

Lifeless tossers who god worship DJ's - why would you do that? Buy some decks - learn to mix, work hard, learn to produce, work very hard, be good at it, work very hard.........it's not rocket science.

God I must be getting PMs or something.

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Heheh ... Rollerboy isn't his real name, we sorta assigned it to him!

One of the things that fucks up Level is the hip-hop is out front. People bypass it because that is what comes out of the doorways.

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LMAO! :laugh: this thread is way to funny....

Some of my buzz killers are:

1. Drunks who are trying to hit on you but can't help spitting while talking.

2. Overcrowded clubs... I am no super star dancer but I need space!

3. Men or women that can't handle their stuff. UGH! :puke:

4. Stupid drunk (or whatever else the may be on) women trying to hit on your man while you are standing right in front of him.

5. Fights.

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Recenly what has been kiling me is the crowd at any club on the beach!!!! for example at level!!!! love to listen to GA, but hate the crowd!! what a vexing situation , so i can nix the idea that im gonna dance there!!.. i gotta wait till 5 am

Pretentious ppl and VIP rooms!!!or cow pens

and ppl at space or anywhere for that matter who pretend to know whats up with regard to music, DJ's lifestyle Etc then they try to dance or open there mouths and its all to clear they're clueless.

High prices for water!!! or red bull!!

patrons at space afterhours who " do not belong there" refer above.

but there have been a lot of posts so far that have said it for me

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Things that kill my buzz

1. Shitty music. Any track that gets played twice in the same night, damn i hate that!.

2. Stuck up, im better than you hoes.

3. Limp Djs, damn man, move around up there or something show me you're alive.

4. Morning

5. People who swear they got the "Hookup"

6. Immature people who have no tolerance for alcohol (stay far far away from me)!

7. Shitty lighting (Mac-250's or 500's or nothing at all).

8.Clubs that turn off the AC in the middle of the night to force you to buy high priced water! Its all a scam!

9. People who can't dress.

10. Last but not least. In Orlando........alcohol sales stop at 2am. WTF!!

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Originally posted by jasonmarc

Things that kill my buzz

4. Morning

No shit!!!

Nothing like that walk of shame to the car at 10am when everyone is in their beach wear going to brunch and its 100 degrees and you are still in your club clothes (of course w/o sunglasses)

and don't even get me started about that drive..... :(

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Originally posted by meli2444

The one thing that kills my buzz is when people decide to get a ride with me to a club and then start complaining that they want to go home. IF THEY WANTED TO BE HOME AT A CERTAIN TIME, THEN SHOULD HAVE TAKEN THEIR OWN CAR!!!!


I gotta agree with you on that one....

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Originally posted by sobeton

people who feel the need to critique the dj's set. while there still spinning, and share there review with you. while your trying enjoy yourself.

if it's that bad, go the f*ck home and stop killing my buzz.

LMAO! :laugh:, funny Tony but true!

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