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How Old, is "Too Old" to be Clubbing?

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Age is just a number, I'm in my late 20's and still having a good time. I will not go to SF anymore, but Tempts and Surf are still a good time in the summer. One of my boys is 35, although he doesn't come out as much as he use to. Two years ago, he had 21-22 year old girls sweating him at Tempts. As far as I'm concerned, age has nothing to do with it. The old school warriors know that it use to be a hell of a lot crazier back in the day anyways. There will never be another venue like the Tunnel was yearsssssss ago. Hell Junior is in his 50's and still kickin it every weekend. For those of you that are 21-22 and think you're having a good time now, wait until you turn 25-26!

As long as you're having a good time, who the hell cares? As long as you're not rockin' gray spikes and an AARP card, I dont see anything wrong with it.

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Originally posted by njdionysus

Age is just a number, I'm in my late 20's and still having a good time. I will not go to SF anymore, but Tempts and Surf are still a good time in the summer. One of my boys is 35, although he doesn't come out as much as he use to. Two years ago, he had 21-22 year old girls sweating him at Tempts. As far as I'm concerned, age has nothing to do with it. The old school warriors know that it use to be a hell of a lot crazier back in the day anyways. There will never be another venue like the Tunnel was yearsssssss ago. Hell Junior is in his 50's and still kickin it every weekend. For those of you that are 21-22 and think you're having a good time now, wait until you turn 25-26!

As long as you're having a good time, who the hell cares? As long as you're not rockin' gray spikes and an AARP card, I dont see anything wrong with it.

I hear ya on that i am 32 and still go out. Actually i usually dont like women in their late 20's think they act too old lol although I love SF

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In regards to this question, the last time i was at Exit I watched this old guy...must be about 65 years old, just prance all around the open dance floor, in his own little world. paying no mind of anyone that was watching him.

Whereas i hope the hell thats not me when I'm his age, it was kind of cool to see the guy just enjoy himself at a place like that. so, I don't think theres a certain age where its not Ok to go to clubs. do what makes you happy

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Before I moved to the east coast I used to go clubbing with my mom all the time. I'm 20 and she's 42. Believe it or not...it's the shit going with her. We both have an absolute blast together. I don't think ppl shouldn't go because of their age. We all go there to have a good time. Should we really deny older people having a good time with us?! I think it's hella cool that they don't give a shit that they're kickin' with a younger crowd and are comfortable enough to do it. One day you might be in their shoes.

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Originally posted by doubleplay1970

i gave them a DL ss card birthcert 2 credit cards and the guys said " sorry man thought you were like 23"

at least i didnt pay a cover lol

You carry that much shit with you into a club? The only thing you forgot was the deed to your house and title to your car

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Originally posted by adradea

Before I moved to the east coast I used to go clubbing with my mom all the time. I'm 20 and she's 42. Believe it or not...it's the shit going with her. We both have an absolute blast together.

This sounds like that HBO documentary Small Town X.........did anyone see that, with the 40 year old father that went to raves and did X with his 18 yr old son, twisted. :D :D

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Originally posted by ou812

You carry that much shit with you into a club? The only thing you forgot was the deed to your house and title to your car

I carry that much ID because many times i need it

One night at tradewinds they looked at it all and still didnt believe me and wouldnt let me in

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I am 29. Still have it in me to hang. The high kick isn't as high anymore (retired). The best thing that happened was Deko opening up. Its nice to see the people that hung 10 years ago out and about. The city is for everyone. However I remembered a day when we people came home at 5 0r 6 AM. The 10 AM or 2 pm afternoon thing is not for me. I invite any of you that feel too old to have a drink with me at Deko or tuesdays at Scores.

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Wow, this thread really helped me feel better...Im 23, and often wondered if I was indeed getting to old for this, and am happy to see that people 10 years my senior are still going strong!

I agree that their is no "age limit" to how old a person should be to stop going to clubs. I do however, think that a 30 year old shouldnt be walking around a club all cracked out.

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