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The Sausage Factory....

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Originally posted by jenniferf3

i'm really not that bitchy, just critical of music, as we all should be. :D

voicing opinions bout music/dj's/clubs.... that's what clubplanet is all about, right???

keep it real :afro:

Voice your opinion on this then:

Wanna play the nipple game? ;)

Sorry - gotta try to lighten up things here - mad drama running CP and some of it's from me.

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Originally posted by jenniferf3

i'm really not that bitchy, just critical of music, as we all should be. :D

voicing opinions bout music/dj's/clubs.... that's what clubplanet is all about, right???

keep it real :afro:

hmm i agree with your last statement but i dont agree that everyone should be a music critic.

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but if we don't critisize music, how can u say if u like it or not?

i'm sorry i should have been more specific; being critical doesn't always have to be negative. ie: danny was on point tonite but his consistency was slightly off (just an example) ya know what i mean? :)

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Barry and Jon please stop referring to me in your posts. First of all this was a thread about Mikes opinion on Soundfactory and the threads about Soundfactory always turn into a fight. Second of all, for the record Barry I did not tell you what i said to have you come post it on here. you have totally exagerrated everything that i have said(which was hardly anything). JOn, on the other hand Barry is continuing to say shit because you are obviously saying shit to a certain group of people to get a rise out of them. So they in return are gonna post what they can to piss you off and its obviously working. Now who really gives a crap about whos taking their shirt off in Soundfactory? AGain, i'm gonna say that i can't believe this crap makes that big a difference in some of your lives. :confused: Everyone posted what they think. We know Jon doesn't like SF and the guys with their shirts off and we know who likes it, so that is that, there is nothing more to say.No one is gonna change eachothers mind on the subject.

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Originally posted by girly

Barry and Jon please stop referring to me in your posts. First of all this was a thread about Mikes opinion on Soundfactory and the threads about Soundfactory always turn into a fight. Second of all, for the record Barry I did not tell you what i said to have you come post it on here. you have totally exagerrated everything that i have said. JOn, on the other hand Barry is continuing to say shit because you are obviously saying shit to a certain group of people to get a rise out of them. So they in return are gonna post what they can to piss you off and its obviously working. Now who really gives a crap about whos taking their shirt off in Soundfactory? AGain, i'm gonna say that i can't believe this crap makes that big a difference in some of your lives. :confused: Everyone posted what they think. We know Jon doesn't like SF and the guys with their shirts off and we know who likes it, so that is that, there is nothing more to say.No one is gonna change eachothers mind on the subject.

ahhh finally...the voice of wisdom.. :love:

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Originally posted by jenniferf3

but if we don't critisize music, how can u say if u like it or not?

i'm sorry i should have been more specific; being critical doesn't always have to be negative. ie: danny was on point tonite but his consistency was slightly off (just an example) ya know what i mean? :)

i understand your pt but that is is another thread in itself.. and getting ot from the monthly factory bashing that is going on now. ... ;)

but what you may like, not everyone rocks. you dig?


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Originally posted by jenniferf3

oh geez... too funny that i just had to reply.. i use to go to factory before i realized what good house/trance music is... everything at factory sounds the same. good vibes and people really gettin' down, in my opinion, are what makes a club worthwhile! the one good thing about Sausage INC. are the readily available substances..oh boy!


I really tend to agree with some of this... maybe why Ive always had fun at factory was b/c of the substances - but until I revisit, I will give JP the benefit of the doubt... is he a lawler, howells, or digweed? I would say no... you DO hear the same beat for 45 minutes sometimes! But Factory is a unique EXPERIENCE - i dont go for the 'good' vibe - and I appreciate it for what it is... where else can you start your evening at 7am sunday and party till the afternoon (besides junior's earth)? oh ya and did I mention its got a fuckin LOUD system??? one of my top reasons for going there at all... :eek:

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Originally posted by girly

thats not true. Sf has some of the best dancers . I haven't been to a club yet that has better dancers then soundfactory on saturdays.

Actually, the best dancers are in the basement. The main room dancers suck...B4 and After 8am! JP just doesn't play the type of music someone would truly appreciated to get them going into a dancing frenzy. Most of the people there dance, because the music is loud, and there's a beat. JP just doesn't have the 'Soul' anymore. I never like his stuff, but when he use to play at Robots back in the day, it was more about the music and you truly danced because the music moved you, and not some drug or some loud sound system.

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unique experience????

i accept that people are different and into completely different types of electronic music but factory being a unique experience???? haha... try space, opium garden, or billboard live in miami or any club in ibiza for unique experience... factory is an experience but definitely not unique... it's like any other posh club. Try PS1 on sats from 3-9 in queens (outdoors), Lesoque on sundays from 1-8 is also unique... DeLaquarda is f---kin unique!!! ARC is unique bc they've been getting all the bangin dj's from Twilo dayzzzz.... talk about talent and sound system...PHAZON quality sound system in arc and shelter... ahhh enuf! love factory if you love it...go nuts...otherwise expand and check out some new shit....

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'unique' in that it is a high energy large afterhours club with loud, decent music, and the times Ive been there its like 'sensory overload' with krazy danceshows... and theres all kinds of dark corners to play in that place... its fun if you are with people that make it fun, or you are one of those that fit into their 'pretty people' image... but really, i think its the 'with people who make it fun' thing that I enjoy about it, b/c we CAN laugh at SOME of the gaudiness that makes that place one-of-a-kind... its UNLIKE exit, arc, cheetah, centro...

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Originally posted by neptune1

'unique' in that it is a high energy large afterhours club with loud, decent music, and the times Ive been there its like 'sensory overload' with krazy danceshows... and theres all kinds of dark corners to play in that place... its fun if you are with people that make it fun, or you are one of those that fit into their 'pretty people' image... but really, i think its the 'with people who make it fun' thing that I enjoy about it, b/c we CAN laugh at SOME of the gaudiness that makes that place one-of-a-kind... its UNLIKE exit, arc, cheetah, centro...

I agree :D

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Originally posted by asianvixen

if some of you kept your mouths shut about your personal lives this wouldn't happen. look who you tell things to, MESSAGEBOARD buddies not FRIENDS. it's no surprise. this place is full of drama queens and i'm happy that i know none of you .


Plaaaaaaaaaeeease go and get yourself a nice tall glass of SHUT THE FUCK UP on me......... :pint:

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Originally posted by jenniferf3

unique experience????

i accept that people are different and into completely different types of electronic music but factory being a unique experience???? haha... try space, opium garden, or billboard live in miami or any club in ibiza for unique experience... factory is an experience but definitely not unique... it's like any other posh club. Try PS1 on sats from 3-9 in queens (outdoors), Lesoque on sundays from 1-8 is also unique... DeLaquarda is f---kin unique!!! ARC is unique bc they've been getting all the bangin dj's from Twilo dayzzzz.... talk about talent and sound system...PHAZON quality sound system in arc and shelter... ahhh enuf! love factory if you love it...go nuts...otherwise expand and check out some new shit....

I've been to a couple of different clubs and i hear what you are saying but some of you people have to stop acting like your a bunch of know it alls. If someone likes Soundfactory let them, its their thing, don't continue to tell them that they don't have a clue.You like what you like and others like what they like, end of story. And IMO Sf is a unique experience. Not saying that othe places aren't. For one they have stage shows and dancers like no other. They have great theme parties and the crowd is a variety of all different people . I have a great time when i go, with the exception of once and thats what counts.

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