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Nissan Altima v.s. Chevy Impala...

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idk...for some reason...and budget wise...im contemplating either or...

i kinda like em both just cause they are V6's and pretty much in my budget range...

Do any of drive either car or maybe know someone with an Altima or Impala?

do you or them like it?

strictly curious...

cause a new car is a new car...i could care less bought hookin it up...of course a nissan would be better to hook up...but its a not a neccessity to me...

besides...brooklyn mike hooked up his neon so fuckin anythings possible lol...


what ya's think?

csx_alt_02_35se_kh3_lg.jpg <--- Altima


X200211041U.gif <--Impala

Black is obviously my favorite color.

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Nissan hands down the best choice...

I have a Maxima 2002 and a few night ago comin home from Jersey I raced a Ferrari Modena... we were neck to neck in first gear but he tore me when he shifted to 2nd... damnit lol... the morale of that story is you cant compare Japanesse Car design to American car design... do you really think an Impala could keep up with an Altima?

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

one question...why not the passat?


Good enough answer for u there junior?

yea..i mean the Altima is my 1st choice..fuckin...i have long heard of forgein cars being better for so many reasons..though i never owned a foreign car..

not to mention that the altima has a fucking 3.5 V6 with 240-horsepower that will haul ass through jersey snow if need be.

eh...the impala is a lil bigger and roomier though..my neighbor has one.

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Originally posted by trancerxn112

the morale of that story is you cant compare Japanesse Car design to American car design... do you really think an Impala could keep up with an Altima?

dude i honestly could care less bout how fast a car goes...yea its thrilling and shit but i dont drive like an asshole nor will i ever be doing top speed in a car on the road.

Speeds dont matter to me..im lookin at both cars as a whole but in general have held the altima in higher regard.

buying a car is a tough decision.

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i was actually looking at both as well, but when i went to the chevy dealership i looked at the Monte Carlo - and got it...i could not afford the Altima...in fact, i couldnt touch it..the main reason i took the chevy is cuz my dad worked for gm and i got a great discount...my boy just got a new altima and i love it...but truth be told, i love my monte carlo more...talk about room...good head room...great interior design...nice body lines...just enough hp...plus not that it's important, but you dont see too many on the road...

..but then again, i've been an american car guy most of my life due to my father...good luck...but def. check out the monte before the impala...the one i have has the nascar kit and sunroof - two musts for this car...


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Originally posted by so54

def the altima :clap2: it's a better lookin car and plus nissan is great. i have a pathfinder and fuckin love the shit....never any problems with it :aright:

gee looks like the altima's winning out on this one. i'll add my vote too: my mom owns a pathfinder too and i used to drive it a lot. love that one a lot, never really had a problem w/it until now (4 years later, jus a minor maintenance problem) and except for the fact that it eats gas like a mofo.

the altima was actually the first car i drove, handles great and looks good too. my friend who let me drive it still has it now, it's all souped up but still. nissan's jus all-around a better car.

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Originally posted by phatman

but def. check out the monte before the impala...the one i have has the nascar kit and sunroof - two musts for this car...


nah nah

i DEFINITELY have seen the Monte Carlo..its definitely a nice lookin car and the nascar kit and dale earnheardt ltd editions are fuckin nice (though im not into nascar)



(unless its a lambo..or ferrari heh)

Im a 4-door kinda guy...but i think once i drop down 10 grand..i will mostly get the Altima...but still..im not exactly 100% sure....but im 80/20 twards the altima.

and yes gm makes GREAT CARS...thats why the Corvette is still around. (i thought of saving for even another year then droppin a phatty down payment of 20 grand on that but i checked out how much my insurance would be and was like HELLLLLLLLLL NO!! haha)

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Originally posted by trancerxn112

Nissan hands down the best choice...

I have a Maxima 2002 and a few night ago comin home from Jersey I raced a Ferrari Modena... we were neck to neck in first gear but he tore me when he shifted to 2nd... damnit lol... the morale of that story is you cant compare Japanesse Car design to American car design... do you really think an Impala could keep up with an Altima?

. . . yes actually it could einstein . . anyone with an iota of car knowledge knows that american cars are known for brute force in a straight line . . You give me that LS V6 and let me have it worked on and I'lls how you a car that will eat the Altima for breakfast . . .

. . but, back to the point: In this case, with both cars coming right out of the box with no modifications, I would definitely go with the Altima . . the horsepower rating is about 40 higher, not to mention the torque (which REALLY matters) is better (to the tune of 48 extra lb/ft over the impala). . Also, having rode in both these automobiles . . I can say that the Altima drives nicer and the cabin has a less "chintzy" feel to it . . . Also, from owner anecdotes, the repair cycle on the Altima is much better as well . . Less downtime = more reliable car . . . .

. . Mike, if you're gonna invest your money, go with the Altima . . :aright: . .

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Originally posted by smokesum

how about you skip the car and use all that money to buy yourself a new face ;)

How's the new IT job going?

"um that'll be $40.31 sir...can i interest u in a free banana republic gift card?"

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Originally posted by teklord310

Question is which model Altima and Impala. Are you looking at the Altima V6 or the Impala SS?

The new Altima is very nice and very quick. I'd probably go with Nissan.



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Originally posted by trancerxn112

Nissan hands down the best choice...

I have a Maxima 2002 and a few night ago comin home from Jersey I raced a Ferrari Modena... we were neck to neck in first gear but he tore me when he shifted to 2nd..

:blank: U give me a 360, i'll start out in second gear and spank you while you start out in first. I could go on and on and on... don't get me started.

Quoth - Yeah i read that shit after my reply. Get the Altima, end of story. Are you getting manual or auto? That is the real question.

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Originally posted by teklord310

Are you getting manual or auto? That is the real question.

well, i have the patience of a 6 yr old so no stick-shift for me and there is also nothing but stop and go traffic round my way and on my way to work i just like the luxury of automatic...just shift and DRIVE MUTHAFUCKA!

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . . yes actually it could einstein . . anyone with an iota of car knowledge knows that american cars are known for brute force in a straight line . . You give me that LS V6 and let me have it worked on and I'lls how you a car that will eat the Altima for breakfast . . .

i wasnt refering to the cars power output i was refering to the design... Japanesse cars look nicer, are usually more comfortable and last longer... you can sell a Honda Accord with 80,000 miles a hell of a lot faster then you can dump a Mustang with the same... i know i might be comparing apples to oranges but anyone with... as you put it an iota of car knowledge knows that the japanesse make a better, cheaper and more reliable car...

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Originally posted by trancerxn112

i wasnt refering to the cars power output i was refering to the design... Japanesse cars look nicer, are usually more comfortable and last longer... you can sell a Honda Accord with 80,000 miles a hell of a lot faster then you can dump a Mustang with the same... i know i might be comparing apples to oranges but anyone with... as you put it an iota of car knowledge knows that the japanesse make a better, cheaper and more reliable car...

. . your post intoned that you were talking about performance, more specifically, speed . . . It's good that you clarified . . .

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