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Ok, put up or shut up, give me a reason to go to......

Guest saleen351

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Guest saleen351

Level, Crobar, Spin.......

Well i'd never got back to crobar, just don't like that place, its sorta like Disney owns it... just not "hardcore" enuff, but i'd go if someone worth watching was there and i didn't have to give blood to afford it...

So level, crobar, spin, give me a reason to go there. No drama, just a reason... There is got to be more to miami then Space....But i doubt it... Give me your best shot...

If you want to can form it in essay form...

I'll start it off...

This is why (enter cpers name) should go to (enter club name here).......

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Originally posted by saleen351

Level, Crobar, Spin.......

Well i'd never got back to crobar, just don't like that place, its sorta like Disney owns it... just not "hardcore" enuff, but i'd go if someone worth watching was there and i didn't have to give blood to afford it...

So level, crobar, spin, give me a reason to go there. No drama, just a reason... There is got to be more to miami then Space....But i doubt it... Give me your best shot...

If you want to can form it in essay form...

I'll start it off...

This is why (enter cpers name) should go to (enter club name here).......

:laugh: :laugh:

saleen should go to level,crobar, spin so that he can appreciate SPACE more:D :D

my mind is still not right from last night so this is all i can write for now

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I go to Spin on Fridays because I am treated well there, even when I didn't know anyone that well on the staff, I was always accorded a modicum of respect by them.

I go to crobar only when there is a Balance/Creations event, since Carmel and co. run it, otherwise, crobar is not something to write home about.

Space used to be my daily punching bag, but I've seen that they are trying to be good in the face of adversity, so I respect that of them, not to mention they've had a kickass lineup over the summer.

Level, I go to mainly because they're a client of mine. :)

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I like Crobar when there is a good DJ there. I used to not like it when the dumb door bitch worked there; she's a cunt. But the new chick is pretty kewl. I always go when Waxman spins or ocasionally when Victor Calderone is down. I like the 2 levels and the dance floor when the crowd is really into it. I think it throws down a great vibe and I just enjoy the fact I'm at a different club besides Space. I'm not knocking Space at all, but I need some variety! Personally, I think Crobar Chicago is more REAL than Miami; the hard house and the CroKiddies up there kick major ass. I must give major props to BackDoor Bambi though ~ that shit is tight!

Level - I got over that place after Gerry Kelly's 500th Studio 54 party..... I mean, that is so f'n tired - get over it. It never appealed to me to begin with, but I get a freakin' flyer in the mail every other week, and I haven't even been there in like 2 years. I promised my boy I would go with him to hear George Acosta, so I will give it another try......

I haven't been to Spin yet, however I look forward to checkin' this place out.

My 2 cents...............


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Level – beautiful venue. tight lights and sound. Imo they are going through an identity crisis. They have been bouncing things, around to see what sticks. The crowd on nights, I have gone have been pretty good. I wouldn’t count Level out; they have some stuff coming up in the fall. Which should impress even the hardcore clubber.

crobar – by no means the same club; as crobar Chicago. The owners had no intention, of making it another Chicago style crobar. What they wanted was a sobe style club, and that’s what they have created. The crowd is way to pretentious for me, seems like people spend more time evaluating, then getting down and dirty. Back Door Bambi has been one, of the most successful club nights on sobe. Overall the music is hit or miss. They are one the oldest, and most successful clubs on sobe. So I guess for what they due; they due it well.

Spin – Never been, but I have heard nothing but good stuff.

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Originally posted by sobeton

crobar – by no means the same club; as crobar Chicago. The owners had no intention, of making it another Chicago style crobar. What they wanted was a sobe style club, and that’s what they have created. The crowd is way to pretentious for me, seems like people spend more time evaluating, then getting down and dirty.

:laugh: ... Oh so true

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for real no offense to those who might take it cause they close minded


all these clubs here are washed up

and ill tell u why

well start with space

first thing i think of is thier staff

rude ungreatfull thinks they the bomb, theres no place to sit down and hang out,way too dark and theres such a bad vibe there.theres a vibe dont get me wrong but its just not a comfortable vibe. no one goes there and is thier real self , everyone goes with a fake attitude and this fake personality , well that pretty much goes for all the clubs in miami.

but the patio i havent been on that thing in months and once the main room closes im gone home to sleep

SPIN stephans a dick i try to stay away from there just cause he works there thats my main complaint but spin other then the interior designs pretty gay.. NOTE TO CLUB OWNERS~~make a fuckin walk way, u totaly fuck up the vibe on the dancefloor if u got 2000 people cutting threw the dance floor steppin on ur shoes just to get to the other side , and system at spin aint that great

LEVEL well geaorge acasto says it all .. EPITOMY of cheese trance u gotta be on mad drugs to listen to it and the musics to fast n gay to dannce to.. that whole dumb setup on the stage like if it was a rave is dumb build a new booth above the stage not to high up n get a new dj and u could have the dopest club in miami,many rooms is also great..

CROBAR~ lol well im not soposed to say anything bad bout crobar but oh what the heck.. ya its pretty cheesey at times but whats great is the only club that offers free drinks after midnight. the crown is older n cheesier but there hot females in there. they dedicate to v.i.p to much in there and in every other place in miami. yes the door people are somewhat shadey and dick heads make guys wait in line all night but theres always around it. also if u can get on the list or get a invite u can basicly get in free any time of the night unlike other clubs where list closes at 1

i see where clubs dedicate to VIP cause all the morons are spending so much money for nothing but if the also gave the main crown some attention u have a lot better vibe

SPACE u should try getting tables n chairs n have them someplace other then in VIP where people can sit n rest for a second then maybe u wont have zombies sitting on the floor and shit stick a irodecent light of something in the main room not to make it to bright but atleast so u can see a shadow.. and last but not least space needs a new attitude...

a greatfull attitude that us clubbers put up with thier shit n get tretted like garbage my all the staff.. also get a freggin afterhours list that opens at like 5 am or something

yes space is probably my favorite club in miami and thats why im so hard on it but theres got to be some changes made there and they just aint hearing our cries

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Guest saleen351

I will agree with andrew on the level thing. Its simply the phattest club in florida... With that being said, its simply the phattest club in florida with no talent..... Why doesn't level bring in some Dj's?

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Originally posted by saleen351

I will agree with andrew on the level thing. Its simply the phattest club in florida... With that being said, its simply the phattest club in florida with no talent..... Why doesn't level bring in some Dj's?

i have to agree with Tony on this one...they are going through some "identity crisis" right now...they have to get rid of Acosta and bring in another dj...Acosta is a great dj, just playing cheese trance....he better change his style quickly or he will in the welfare line....Get a Ralph Falcon or maybe even a Robbie Rivera in there (crosses his fingers)....whatever they do, they will be playing catch up the whole time....

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Okay about Level and Saturday nights, I think some of you on here need to get over the fact that there's Trance in the main room. If you don't like it, then don't go. Last week Marc La Cruz was there as a special guest DJ alongside Acosta, and it wasn't too long ago that Scot Project himself was spinning there.

They also bring out guest DJs to spin on their gay night, Friday night, and basically they seem to be doing very well on both Friday and Saturday nights. So why would they change things?

Let's face it, a lot of other clubs on the beach are struggling on some weekend nights while Crobar and Level seem to be the most successful.

Now for Crobar, yes the door people there have the most attitude, and I don't like that too much, but that's why they were hired - b/c they have this "elitist" attitude thing going. There's definitely a lot of hype sorrounding the club's VIP, and the drinks in general in the club are HIGH, but overall it's a nice looking club, with great House music, and a lot of people that help to create a good vibe. The women there are hot, and as for many people being fake....this is after all South Beach...

I think some of the resident DJs at Crobar Chicago aren't as good as those found at Crobar Miami. With all due respect to PsychoBitch, she spins a lot of Hard Trance, not Hard House, and doesn't mix as well as Acosta does. The DJs at Miami's Crobar on the other hand, I was very impressed with.

BTW, I think both Space and not just Crobar are in the process of opening up a club in NYC, am I wrong?

If you guys want people like Rivera to spin at a club then try getting him to spin at one of the rooms at Billboard Live, look into the clubs around 6th and Washington (you already know about The Living Room), or even at Steam. There's a lot of options, but will you get a lot of people through the doors? I guess back in the day it was easier to pack a club in SoBe. The clubs weren't restricted to being 21+, most of the clubs weren't too big in size so it was easier to pack them (and create a velvet rope hype), admission wasn't too expensive, and there were other factors involved.

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Wow, you guys are pretty harsh on the clubs that you go patronize!!!

I myslef am cought in a Huge bind I like most of the clubs (level crobar,spin ... LR Opium, rain, dont count as clubs in my book there lounge first the clubs with bad DJ's)

the bind is I absolutley HATE the crowd mwith a passion lol, so what to do???

Answer wait till 4 and head opver to space!!!!! and go F'ing Hard and if you dont go hard stay in your Level VIP cowpen errr room


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Originally posted by lolahotass

I like Crobar when there is a good DJ there. I used to not like it when the dumb door bitch worked there; she's a cunt.

what bitch? Chantille? She was pretty much a bitch to everyone but always cool with me. The trick is that you also had to be hard on them sometimes; she "sweetied" me one time and I told her that she didn't know me well enough to "sweetie" me... since then she was cool with me. Plus once we were in a group in BED and we all got fu%^$# up big time. :D

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Wouldn't it be nice if Tiger Woods was a mad music head and wanted to open the world's first not-for-profit nightclub. Like some project that he expects to contribute $1 million a year to handle its expenses. All the prices would be fair, service excellent and the omission of need to make big dollars. An Institution, as you will.

The music directors would be like Gary Elfman, Sting, Laurant Garnier, Sun Ra, Bill Laswel. . . Shit like that. They don't have to live in that city. Power of e mail.

Does anyone know how to get in touch with Brad Pitt, Leonardo Di or Kevin Spacey?

You think they might possibly be closet Junglists or house heads and we just don't know?

Let's find a donator to the "best club in the world"!!!!!!

Any Trust Fund Kids Out There!!!!

We need your cash Mel Gibson!!!!

Only then will there be this "super club"

I have no problem with business. I just wish that concern was taken out of the equation. OK, I'm awake from my dream now!

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Originally posted by mrjoebudious


Only then will there be this "super club"

I have no problem with business. I just wish that concern was taken out of the equation. OK, I'm awake from my dream now!

yo!! pass it on!!!! :smoke:


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Originally posted by mrjoebudious


Wouldn't it be nice if Tiger Woods was a mad music head and wanted to open the world's first not-for-profit nightclub. Like some project that he expects to contribute $1 million a year to handle its expenses. All the prices would be fair, service excellent and the omission of need to make big dollars. An Institution, as you will.

The music directors would be like Gary Elfman, Sting, Laurant Garnier, Sun Ra, Bill Laswel. . . Shit like that. They don't have to live in that city. Power of e mail.

Does anyone know how to get in touch with Brad Pitt, Leonardo Di or Kevin Spacey?

You think they might possibly be closet Junglists or house heads and we just don't know?

Let's find a donator to the "best club in the world"!!!!!!

Any Trust Fund Kids Out There!!!!

We need your cash Mel Gibson!!!!

Only then will there be this "super club"

I have no problem with business. I just wish that concern was taken out of the equation. OK, I'm awake from my dream now!

:laugh: :laugh: :idea:

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well i cant really say much about those clubs these days cause i dont really go THAT MUCH but i can tell you that when i worked at these places (space, crobar, level and i never worked at spin) they were all kickin ass....but that was at the beginning, when they 1st opened (for god sakes, i was part of the construction crew practically at crobar)

i cant say much for them now, except that when i do go there i do get a different vibe thats for sure......not neccessariy all bad though, just different......

but hey nothing lasts forever.........real longevity for a club is practically unheard of especially when they rarely pass that 5 year mark, look at liquid--it was the SHIT back in the good ol' days but now it will never be the same again-- i wont even go to liquid cause i know that there is no way that it could be what it used to and i just dont want to ruin my wonderful memories of it.

Not that these clubs couldnt stay alive past 5 years, but the trick is not just to keep it alive but to really keep it KICKIN--

I mean of course they have the potential to stay afloat through the years, mainly because of tourism, cause once a club loses the flava us locals of course are the first to scatter.....tourists will always want to go to the much heard and talked about Level" "Crobar" and "Space"

And thats my nutshell!!:D

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Originally posted by laliux

yo!! pass it on!!!! :smoke:



Make sure while you are passing it you don't skip me, I have

an appetite for a Stogie..........:D

but really a Non For Profit Club in Miami even as ligit as they'd try to be for sure would have some corruption behind it, unfortunately though.

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Originally posted by dizzyscarlet

but hey nothing lasts forever.........real longevity for a club is practically unheard of especially when they rarely pass that 5 year mark, look at liquid--it was the SHIT back in the good ol' days but now it will never be the same again-- i wont even go to liquid cause i know that there is no way that it could be what it used to and i just dont want to ruin my wonderful memories of it.

Not that these clubs couldnt stay alive past 5 years, but the trick is not just to keep it alive but to really keep it KICKIN--

I mean of course they have the potential to stay afloat through the years, mainly because of tourism, cause once a club loses the flava us locals of course are the first to scatter.....tourists will always want to go to the much heard and talked about Level" "Crobar" and "Space"

And thats my nutshell!!:D

True I think Space will for sure pass the 5 year mark, lets look at Crobar originally Cameo's that spot has always been a money making machine, regardless of names it went through & tourists frequently go there....GA gave Level some hope because a short while back they were looking a little shady, but they themselves to need to bring talent but they don't have balls either.

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