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Quoth Went To SF Last Night For The 1st Time (no Joke).


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Originally posted by cintron

I dont care what people are wearing. I dont care who they are, what color they are or what have you. The ones who i HAVE had horrible experiences with, have ALL fit that stereotype.

You can argue all you want, but you aren't me and you haven't been through the same thing, from what it sounds.

I enjoy music for the sake of music, not to go somewhere to make a social statement and i don't care to stand on a pedestal and damn others unless they've done it to me first.

nag me all you want about who you think i am, but i remind you that you DON"T know anything about me, so i'd be careful of what you assert.

and i ask, who are you to be asking me what i contribute to a party and a vibe?

look in the mirror, honey.

Yeah sure you don't care thats why in your last 4 replies you stated things about peoples dress etc.i find this funny that you give this kind of response after all that you have posted on this board. Guess what from what i have heard of you and seen of you, you contribute NOTHING to the state of clubbing except your shallow, negative, sterotyping, moronic crap. yeah i don't know you. I'm not saying I do. But you don't know me either, nor do you know the people that you stereotype, the ones that dress nice and own Armani hangbags(LOL). So why judge? Why judge anyone? thats my point. you act like your some fucking saint, know it all of clubbing when your just some jack ass with a negative opnion of people. STFU with your shallow, pathetic crap :laugh:

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Originally posted by girly

the stereotype is there for a reason huh? Why what happend? did someone beat you with their armani handbag? :laugh: :tongue:j/k

actually in a sense yeah. Some girl and her boy walked past and the girl's handbag had a REALLY sharp metal thing sticking out. cut my arm and i ended up stayin in the bathroom to make it stop blleedin.

When i drew my arm back and winced, the boy got wise with me and started talkin about kicking my ass for touching his girl.

it's that kind of lame petty bullshit that just sours my whole evening.

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Originally posted by cintron

actually in a sense yeah. Some girl and her boy walked past and the girl's handbag had a REALLY sharp metal thing sticking out. cut my arm and i ended up stayin in the bathroom to make it stop blleedin.

When i drew my arm back and winced, the boy got wise with me and started talkin about kicking my ass for touching his girl.

it's that kind of lame petty bullshit that just sours my whole evening.

ok so yeah thats not funny at all. I'm sorry you were hurt. But this is what you judge every person in the clubbing scene off of? And where do people that dress nice and have armani handbags and soundfactory come into all this? so i obvisouly will never understand your point. When I go out like I said, I like being among people in general, for some reason i don't judge anyone or stereotype. The way I look at is everyone is there coming togther as one and enjoying the music. why some of you choose to put so much emphasis on the people that look like this and the people that look like that, when you are the ones saying that you are not like that is totally beyond me . But then again i guess thats just me.:idea:

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Originally posted by girly

The way I look at is everyone is there coming togther as one and enjoying the music.

In that respect we're on the same page. That's all i care about.

it's when someone else interferes with my good time that i start getting grumpy. (and no that wasn't the only incident... otherwise that would be kind of stupid of me huh?)

aaaaaanyway back to Factory....... :)

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Originally posted by cintron

In that respect we're on the same page. That's all i care about.

it's when someone else interferes with my good time that i start getting grumpy. (and no that wasn't the only incident... otherwise that would be kind of stupid of me huh?)

;) ;) its come to an end so now i can finally go to sleepppp good nighttttt:tongue: :cool:

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Originally posted by bmw4jay

I said it a million times but I'll say it again: Go to SoundFactory during the closing hours. Most of the "factoryheads" as you call them (I call 'em rookies) leave around 10ish. Granted SF does have its stereotypical crowd, but the real fun is around 11am - closing. You'd be suprised how many people that go to Vinyl for DT end up going to hear JP on a Sunday morning. :D

hEy!!!!!! I aLwAyS cLoSe!!!!!!! GeTs GoOd BeTwEeN 11 aNd 1230!!!!!!

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great review kid very impressed and its not even mid winter yet thats when it gets good but over all its like the best club in nyc i been to i mean i don't liek it too many over weight or ugly people but the over all crowd is better then most places and wut u said is true every 1 is nice and its not like most people think but over all will check u ther mid winter kid cause i wanna finsh up a cycle before i get into this club sh1t again

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Cintron just HAD TO come and fuck my shit up with his "holier than thou" househead speech which had jackshit to do with my topic of that, i enjoyed myself and my night at sound factory...NOT "OH SF v.s. VINYL...u suck, my clubs better yer armani handbags suck"

has anyone ever SEEN ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in fuckin armani?


Therefore what u wear DOES NOT constitute what club you go to as the stereotype always insist.

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Originally posted by shook

will check u ther mid winter kid cause i wanna finsh up a cycle before i get into this club sh1t again


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

that a boy george u do up them cycles. :aright:

Save Quoth some cycles too haha.

i mean i gotta admit..i wasn't at all intimidated by goin there...i mean sure im like 6' 4" with a body of malnourished ethiopian but..hey... there's other with high metabolisms out there like me..but also...i did forget to mention 3 important things:

1)i DID IN FACT see a fat ass kid there at SF..and he was dancing but looks dont mean shit..the dude was havin a good time and thats all that mattered.

2)i DID IN FACT...see some fellow ehtiopians there who fact looked slightly more malnourished than me basically cause i missed my daily heaping of a 2 lb bag of rice from the air cargo drop.

3) I HONESTLY SAW a dude on the main floor near the corner in a wheelchair and THAT RIGHT THERE is when i definitely knew that this was a cool fuckin place cause big small..handicapped or not this place has all love and no hate for those who enter into this realm.

yo shook btw...

i saw this big muthafucka there who looked JUST LIKE YOU bandana and all and i hadn't seen u in a while so thought i maybe it was you..so i asked the dude and he said no obviously but holy shit..he looked like a spittin image of you.

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Guest djdrip2002

about the wheelchair guy...

i saw him there this past weekend

and the weekend b4 that

this past weekend he was just bending over or something looked scary to me...

did anyone else see this

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Hell I went and had a good time(ws draged there kicking and screaming by an old gf)....in the R&B room :rofl:

I dont know how many times I heard some lady yell at me

"Shake it white boy!"

as I pretended to drunkenly dance to god knows what...

At least it wasnt house music....*ducks the flames*

Quoth is right on with his review....and if i was intoxicated enough...and too tired to complain...id probably give it another visit. :aright:


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