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Yo u guys on CP are making a big deal of my age , but it doesnt matter . I know everything u know and did practictly every thign u did so dont flip out on me . And first off all u guys think as soon as i signed up i went to the sex board , but infact ive been going to the music board for months before i every found out about this . :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by vstanzi

Yo u guys on CP are making a big deal of my age , but it doesnt matter . I know everything u know and did practictly every thign u did so dont flip out on me . And first off all u guys think as soon as i signed up i went to the sex board , but infact ive been going to the music board for months before i every found out about this . :mad: :mad:

Am I The Only One Who's Lost Here?:confused:
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LOL... man, no offense, but thinking you know as much as people twice your age is so typical of being 13.... don't worry. This'll fade in time. If you really think you know as much as the rest of us, then you'll learn that true knowledge is knowing that you know nothing (I can't resist a Bill and Ted reference). And as far as doing practically everything the people on this board have done at all of 13... for the love of mercy, I hope you haven't, otherwise you will be one friiiiiiiiiiied little raver before too long. Take it easy man! Learn more about yourself. Just try and learn in general. Think about why people are reacting this way, and why they are uncomfortable with it. Put yourself in other people's shoes... Heed my advice. I'm motherfuckin Buddah up in this mu' fu'

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Originally posted by velvetgoldmire

LOL... man, no offense, but thinking you know as much as people twice your age is so typical of being 13.... don't worry. This'll fade in time. If you really think you know as much as the rest of us, then you'll learn that true knowledge is knowing that you know nothing (I can't resist a Bill and Ted reference). And as far as doing practically everything the people on this board have done at all of 13... for the love of mercy, I hope you haven't, otherwise you will be one friiiiiiiiiiied little raver before too long. Take it easy man! Learn more about yourself. Just try and learn in general. Think about why people are reacting this way, and why they are uncomfortable with it. Put yourself in other people's shoes... Heed my advice. I'm motherfuckin Buddah up in this mu' fu'

what he said...

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Originally posted by vstanzi

Yo u guys on CP are making a big deal of my age , but it doesnt matter . I know everything u know and did practictly every thign u did so dont flip out on me . And first off all u guys think as soon as i signed up i went to the sex board , but infact ive been going to the music board for months before i every found out about this . :mad: :mad:

you know everything that WE KNOW?:laugh: Then you really do not know anything. If you know what what we do then whats with the "how do I get a girl to give up" or "how to work clit" posts or how do I get the girl to like me or play attention to me post? If you knew it than you would not find the need to ask it.

I, mean no offense, but your 13 there's no way you could have do what we have done. You need to relax and learn the the same way we did.

Overall, your posts amuse me and it has nothing to do with your age.

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.....this is kinda.....weird.....i mean......at least let them teach u wrong in health class first.....then fumble around on your own....then discuss with people your own age...........it's one thing to ask intelligent healthy questions...normal of a 13 y.o...and even wondering about all this is not abnormal...however....us going into waaaaay too much detail is ...well.....wrong....

.....at least u can roam and read the board even if no one will answer u lol........i'm sure u will find the answers to almost all of your questions....

...that is all

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i take posting to a level of amusment , i type things that would get atleast sumpeople to thinkabout there own life , the things i post i dont kare about , man i know the answers the simple questions i ask but deosnt make u think that u helping sum one and sum times make u have a laugh or two . So god dont hate on age cause its not a brick wall that can stop u from doing things or accplishing what u want to do .

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Well, it seems that you certainly have provided amusment in the past few days, and you have certainly given a lot of people something to think about... namely a morality check... and a grammer lesson:D (I post at an extreme level of amusement)!

And of course age is not like a brick wall... You're growing physically, and, in a few cases, mentally too. But, I don;t know why you're asking for advice from experienced people on one subject, then when people give you an opinion, you're totally defensive about it because you didn't get an answer you wanted to hear. We are giving you life advice, and how to achieve the knowledge you want.

And, there are certain things you can't do at 13... you can't drive, can't drink, can't get into an R rated movie...

You have a great spirit about you, but refocus and try to get more of an understanding of people. I know it sounds cliche, but true power is in knowledge, which is one hell of a weapon. Fill up on it. You want to know about sex? Do some research on it. Or ask someone who you trust that is older.. like a brother, sister, mother, or father. It's uncomfortable for people who don't know you to give advice on sex to you when you're at an age where the grand majority of people don't believe that people should be having sex. Don't rush into it, would be my suggestion. Find a girl who you connect with. Develop a relationship with her. Experiment physically, but in a situation where you can understand how the other person feels. This will also, in time when you guys would be ready, a chance to get to know the nuainces of sexuality and the female form (which you MUST learn to appreicaite), and someone to constantly be with. It will also give you an appreciation for what it is like to care about someone when you're having sex with them, which is going to be essential down the road. You'll learn that they're not just there for you to talk into getting a bj or a lay from. They'll do it because they want to and care about you.

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a 13-year-old being here is really making me nauseous. literally. this is not right. read all you want, kid, we can't stop you, but i don't want to hear about anything having to do with you and sex. it's illegal and it's sick, even around these parts.


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