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Where were you 09/11/01?

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Oddly enough for me I was in my companys LI office that day. I can remember almost everyday leading up to that day and remember the Labor Day before so vividly.

The weekend before Labor Day a friend of mine and I went downtown to my office buildings in the WFC and took pics, went to South Street Seaport and ate donuts from the KKD shop underneath the towers. Had an incredible day, we both felt lucky to be living in NYC!

The following Friday 9/7, I got past up for a promotion and I remember just hating everyone and everything. I felt I was deserving for the job and that type of opportunity would not come my way again.... I also felt that the world was really shitty.

On 9/10, my than boss and I had a big blow up. I was expected to be in our offices at the WFC on 9/11, and at the last moment I changed plans and decided to go to our LI office. When I got there, the first tower had already been hit and I walked into complete chaos.... When both buildings went down I remember standing there thinking that all of my friends and colleagues must be dead our, building was so close.... My company was VERY blessed, we had hundreds of people working on enegagements in the Towers and we only lost one person...

The following days were so chaotic, sad and a bit of a blur.

Today my company moved its last 150 people back to the WFC and I felt such a sense of pride and accomplishment. I felt as if the terrorists had not won!!!

I hope that each of you has a peaceful next few days/weeks. Keep you chins up and keep that can do attitude.


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I stayed over smurfette's that night b4, and the next morning i was hovering around SUNY Stony Brook campus, when my mom calls my cell phone and tells me that a plane flew into the Twin Towers. I just couldn't believe it.

I went to get her from her class, and we all congregated in this building with a big screen. I felt safe watching it with my fellow students, but still, my heart sank watching such a terrible sight.

Later on, we went by the local hospital to attempt to donate blood. We wanted to do something, but the response was so high, they turned us back.

But my good friend Al was on his way to work when it all happened. I was so scared for him, and called to make sure he was ok. Supposedly he got the last train out ("Noah's Arc"), and got away safely. But he found blood on his shirt, and he still has nightmares of what he saw :(

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I can't believe it's been a year already. I remeber that morning perfectly.....I was actually in my bio lab for 8-11 that morning at Rutgers.

My teacher stopped by around 10:30 to let all the students and our TA know that a plane crashed into the WTC.....but I thought it was just some terrible accident....I didn't really know what was going on until my friends and I were walking through the student center and saw everyone watching the images replay over..and over.

It didn't really sink in what exactly happened....all I could do was call anyone I knew that could have been in the area....but I couldn't even call out on my cell. Being so shaken up....I drove all the way home that night.

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I was in court on a beautiful morning getting an Anullment. Suddenly, the baliff just walked in and interrupted. He walked up to the judge, whispered something to her and she shouted out, "oh my god, what happened?" She stormed out of the courtroom without saying a word, the baliff then addressed court explaining that a commercial jet had flown into the World Trade Center. Just as I was standing there thinking I was finally free of trouble, I turned to my attorney and explained to him that my girl was working on the 84th floor of Tower 1. I lost it and was removed from the courtroom to the judges chambers. After placing several phone calls to her office and cell phone, I got no answer. I returned to the courtroom dazed by the emptiest feeling I had ever known. Shortly thereafter, the judge granted the Anullment. I froze for a couple of moments before I raced out of the courtroom running several blocks to my car. I still did not fully understand what happened until I heard it on the radio. My cell phone was not working anymore, I was losing my mind. After several looooong hours, around 6pm I finally got the phone call I had been waiting for... she had made it down 84 flights of stairs to safety!

Never ever take life for granted and dont be afraid to tell someone how you feel about them today, right now!

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driving to the staten island ferry, down on richmond terrace (all the staten island kats should know where this is)

when the first tower fell i was a block away from the ferry at a red light, their was a crowd of a hundred or so and I will never forget hearing everybody cry as the building came down. I started to drive again. no more then a couple of feet, it really came to me what had just fucking happened, pulled my car over then just tried to make phone calls.

I've been in situations where i was scared

but the feeling I had that day was unreal.

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i was in my first class. this guy keeps us to the absolute last minute and the door closed so we didn't even know what was going on. when i left the class i was walking to my second one and everyone was looking at the tvs. i was like wtf is goin on? bc nobody is just standing there watchin tv. then i was watchin and the 2nd plane hit. i was in total shock. i went to my class and we were tellin the professor who was completely clueless. class got canceled and the school closed. of course our cable was screwed up b/c we just moved into our apt so we stayed in the student center all day and just watched wat was happening. it was just so heartbreaking. i am still so saddened by this tragedy. my prayers go out to all the people that i know & dont know that lost their lives there that day and to everyone who was affected by this (i think we all were) :( be stong & keep your head up these next couple of dayz. <hugsss>


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i was sleeping and the phone rings and i pick it up and my roommates mother is like, "is your family ok?" And i'm all groggy and whatnot and i'm like, "huh?" and she explains to me what had happened. I run and turn on the tv and the screen comes on to the towers just smoking and i just froze and started shaking.

im watching and all of a sudden, the first tower just crumbles and i screamed out and kinda fell back into my chair and tears just started streaming out of my eyes. i sta there sobbing for a long time and then i was just in such a state of shock. it was kinda weird up cause i go to school where most of the kids are from long island and really, you can't feel the same way about something that isn't part of your everyday life. the twin towers was my backyard in a sense... i could see them from my bedroom window... me and my friends went to the free concerts they had there... we went shopping there... it was just so fucking surreal.

even though i didn't know anyone that was in them, i was mourning for the massive loss of human life that day. i mourned not really for the people who died, but for those they left behind.

i went home the following weekend and the towers were still smoking. the night i got home i took a walk to the promenade and sat there for a good two hours just staring at the skyline, trying to really make sense of it all. that night i couldn't sleep. i was terrified and almost wished i was back up at school where i couldnt see plums of smoke rising from my windows... :sigh:

blah... sorry for being so long winded... i could go on... but ill spare you guys...

my heart is aching right now anyway... :(

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Well i remember the whole night before, the morning of, and the night of the whole event.

The prior night, i fumbled around my room trying to record a Johnny Vicious Ktu level 5 set from 9-8-01 to my computer, from a beat up old tape recorder, to my computer. Successfully did it at like 4 in the morning 9/11.

Later that morning... my mom runs up into my room screaming "we are being attacked!!!!!" shes hysterically crying and yelling like a mad woman. she yells to turn on channel 4. As I do, i see the first tower in smoke, and i didnt pick up on what happened...then outta no where, the second plane smashes into the tower on live tv right in front of me. My jaw just hit the floor, and i reached over and pinched my left arm to make sure i wasnt dreaming. I hadnt cried in a long time, but instantly tears ran down my face. I was glued to the television all day. To take our minds off the events for a little while, I sent Ingrid(Girlie) that vicious set, but how were we goin to keep our heads clear.

Later that night, i had to go to the gym to work out stress from that day, and i stopped at a burger king to get a drink afterwards and fighter jets flew over the town of Washingtonville. Really weird that in a practically empty town having fighter jets zoomin over us. Stweart Airforce base is like 10 mins from me so there was plan action for a while.

The next day, Route 17(the quickway) was lined up for miles with military personel on their way to Ground Zero. never on a civilian road did i see men with m16's walkin and seeing military vehicles everywhere.

I hadnt been to ground zero up until a couple months ago when i drove by it for the first time. I shed tears when i saw that vacant area, and i dont think i will ever forget the image of seeing a plane nail the tower on the tv.

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:mad: Well i was in Parris Island, SC i was at work all of a suddent we heard the word that the towers were hit. Ummmm what really suxs its that im still here. Well all i did was to try to get in touch with my parents back in NY. All i remember was receiving a calls later on my cellie went dead, when i got it back alive i had a million voicemails. As of now im still mad about the fact that i cant do anything about it but wait..............;)
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let me see i was sleeping and then some girl who worked near the trade centers calls me and is like omg we are at war put on your tv i was liek y u wake me up fuk life war fun and hung up but did put on tv and was liek damn then ofcourse my cous calls me and me and him drive around yellen afganastan the whole day LoL and toke a trip to paterson to beat up a few arabs before the nite was over

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got out of the train on 23rd and broadway and saw everyone looking up but i couldnt see why...then when i got a clear view i saw the trade center on fire...i figured it was like a gas explosion but i heard someone on a cellphone say it was a plane...i remmeber when we were at war with the Japs that a plane crashed into the empire state building back in the 40's so i figured it was an accident...got into my office on 27th and 5th and looked out the window and said "holy shit that planes going right for the trade center" and then a sick explosion...since i work right near the empire state building i got the hell out and walked downtown where i ran into a friend on the street and stayed in his apartment on E 11 and 1st Ave til a train opened up and went to my grandmas house in williamsburgh...theres alotta details i left out just to be short about it but the bottom line is this....GET THE FUCKIN TOWELHEADS OUTTA THIS COUNTRY...bottom line...u think the guy who works in ur bodega is hanging that American flag because he loves this country...BULLSHIT..he just wants ur business to support these scumbag terrorist so they can knock down more buildings....this government is too lax and worries about maintaining freedom and civil rights but when something happens theyre gonna sound like retards...we are at war with a new enemy people...open ur eyes and stop being blind...americans are not liked by most countries and new york city is filled wit foreigners from these places...theyre not here cause they like it, theyre here because its easy to make money..sorry to break the news to all the people out there who are trying to be sympathetic.

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My roomate & I were sleeping when the phone rang...her sister called up & calmly said turn on the news now...I then woke up to see the 1st Tower in smoke & not even having time to think about what I was seeing..the 2nd plane hit

2 of my family members worked across the street...1 of which was missing for 2days (but Thank God returned safely)..unfortunately...my neighbor who was NYFD didn't make it..

I don't know about anyone else but as 9/11 gets closer (now it is tomorrow) I grow more and more depressed about this tragedy...About a month prior to this happening I was okay for a while but the past few weeks I've been very emotional every time I think about 9/11 or see anything rekated to it...BTW...does anyone have that book "Remembering the Lost" it has a picture of everyone who died in the Towers..NYP&FD..& on the planes...I looked through the whole thing & just burst into tears..it's just all so sad

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I wuz in bed wakin up form a nitemare...then 5 min. later, the unbelievable happened, the 1st tower was struck...My father was in the living room looking at the TV screen looking at a replay of it, on this calm sunny Tues morn,. the I come in....then

hoLy Sh!T!!! I COULDN'T BELIEVE MY EYES, we saw on live TV, the other plane plunging down into the second tower, with screams, and people up-in-arms running from the towers everywhere.....

IT WAS A TOTAL INCREDIBLE FIASCO, PANDEMONIUM!! everywhere. and in my quiet residential area in westchester, the mood of this bright sunny day turned somber as if I just attended a funeral; and in a sense, this was like a mass cremation funeral occurring with these buildings collapsing because of the heat of this tremendous fire, and coming down with thousands of people still in it, and with them all instantly perishing.....

And Later that day I go on the Metro-North train to White Plains and I'm suprised to find out that people just coming out of work from there, still don't know or haven't heard what's happened, and then everybody starts talkin with each other about what happened(I see it brought a lot of people together). And All the trains are running on a different schedule...people have to wait a long time to go into NYC, since transportation was blocked...and people(many all covered in smoke and soot) from the city had to all walk home over bridges to get home to the other boroughs.

And the following nite, I luckily got to go down to the, at the time, restricted ground zero, and saw how all the vehicles were crushed beyond recognition, with almost a foot of powdered dust on the ground and coverin the trees and everywhere. You saw shoes, vendor merchandise(ties), documents, scattered all about. And all the police, and security staff, volunteers were like zombies, dazed, I guess petrified with shock, and robotically going about their duties. I admired their strength.

I got to walk on the eastern side of broadway near Wall Street with my Video cam in hand, and then walked over the Brooklyn Bridge, looking at all the white smoke risin from where the towers used to be, with the wind blowing northward making the smoke envelope the entire Isle of Manhattan... That's one thing I will never forget.

You didn't hear the usual noisiness, business, of the many cars passing along the high way It was dead,eerie, almost total dead silence compared to a normal city nite. And as I stood in the middle of the bridge for like an hour witnessing this site, every once in a while, you would see a volunteer worker walking over toward Brooklyn, almost dragging himself, emotionless with his head fixed to the ground like he was programmed like a robot to do so. It was so very sad and eerie at the same time...


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Originally posted by joecrack13

got out of the train on 23rd and broadway and saw everyone looking up but i couldnt see why...then when i got a clear view i saw the trade center on fire...i figured it was like a gas explosion but i heard someone on a cellphone say it was a plane...i remmeber when we were at war with the Japs that a plane crashed into the empire state building back in the 40's so i figured it was an accident...got into my office on 27th and 5th and looked out the window and said "holy shit that planes going right for the trade center" and then a sick explosion...since i work right near the empire state building i got the hell out and walked downtown where i ran into a friend on the street and stayed in his apartment on E 11 and 1st Ave til a train opened up and went to my grandmas house in williamsburgh...theres alotta details i left out just to be short about it but the bottom line is this....GET THE FUCKIN TOWELHEADS OUTTA THIS COUNTRY...bottom line...u think the guy who works in ur bodega is hanging that American flag because he loves this country...BULLSHIT..he just wants ur business to support these scumbag terrorist so they can knock down more buildings....this government is too lax and worries about maintaining freedom and civil rights but when something happens theyre gonna sound like retards...we are at war with a new enemy people...open ur eyes and stop being blind...americans are not liked by most countries and new york city is filled wit foreigners from these places...theyre not here cause they like it, theyre here because its easy to make money..sorry to break the news to all the people out there who are trying to be sympathetic.

Don't be so fucking ignorant.

They say we should never forget history. During World War II we had a holocaust against a race of people that were completely innocent.

If you choose to believe propaganda, if you choose to judge a WHOLE race and religion by a small group of fanatics that uses the Muslim name to create more hate, then you are no different than the terrorists aboard the planes that September morning.

Think before you talk and spread more hate.

Reactions like yours led us to Sep 11.


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I was on my way to a history class I was taking during the first semester of my senior year in college. I heard someone talking to his friend on the phone, saying "some plane just crashed into the World Trade Center." When I got to class, the students were talking about it. I thought that it was some tiny private plane that mistakenly hit into the building or something. No one seemed to concerned about it at the moment for some reason.

While walking back to my car after class, I realized that I had voice mail; I checked it, and one of the voices was my friend saying "Yo, there's mad shit going down.....[and so on]." I tried calling my house, but the calls weren't going through; a voice kept saying that there is a high volume of calls or some shit to that effect, suggesting that almost everyone was using their cell phone. When I got home, I turned on the television and saw the picture of one tower on fire as the other tower was hit by the plane (it was a tape of what had happened only moments ago). I was shocked, but there was a part of me that didn't feel too fucked up about it because I thought that the problem would be straightened out, eventually. I remember thinking "at least the towers are still standing; hopefully they put out the fire." Two minutes later, I glance at the screen and see the first tower tumbling down. I couldn't fucking believe it.

Actually seeing the tower crumble seemed too unbelievable. That day I ditched classes and stayed home all day, watching tv and eating all kinds of shit, like: Chicken cutlet on a roll w/ mayo, pickles, tapioca pudding.

Last September reminds me of a really good time in my life, despite the tragedy that happened. I started doing alot better in school, my grades were remarkable, and I was able to enjoy myself without worrying too much about anything. It was one of the best semesters I've ever had in college. Every friday during the winter that followed the tragedy consisted of nothing but drinks, drinks, and more drinks.

I can't believe it has been a year already.

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I was driving on the Staten Island Expressway running late for my Math class at Saint Johns. I had 'ktu on in my truck and there was a good dance track that I liked playing so i had the radio cranked when the station went off the air. I thought nothing of it, their backup site came on the air in a few seconds and i listend to the end of my song. I flipped over to Z100 when ktu went to commercials and was listening to their morning show (who's studio looks directly at the WTC talk about how a place had just his the first tower. I thouhgt it was just a small plane that some ass flew into the antenna on top and headed off to class.

I was in class for about 10 minutes and the head of campus security came in and said just that the city was on a full terrorist alert, classes were cancelled- but the bridges, tunnels, and the SI Expressway were all closed.

Luckily from my job I've got NYPD issued identification, and was able to get on the expressway and over the Bayonne Bridge back in to Jersey. Traffic was a mess, people were stranded on the on ramps where cops were telling them they couldnt get on the highway, people were crying, as myself and a few firefighters were being told that we could get over to jersey a few people were literally grabbing us offering us all the money in their pockets to take them across the bridge (cops wouldnt let us)...that was one of the worst feelings.

By the time that I got to a spot in Jersey where I coudl see the towers in Jersey both had already fallen and there was nothign but a plume of smoke to be seen.

I had 3 cell phones with my (personal NexTEL, and business Voice Stream and Verizon phones) none of the cell servies were working, but I was able to talk to my girl on the two way and she was able to make calls on a land line for me. When I got home that day I had like 40 messages from people that knew I worked for the media and thouhgt I might have been there.

As far as a story for being lucky: My boss was supposed to be up at WTC that morning at 6AM to do maintaince on the KTU transmitter. The night before he asked his wife to set his alarm clock for 5AM- she was dead tired and accidently set it for 5PM- he over slept and woke up at about 8 to watch this whole thing unfold on TV as he was getting ready to go to work....

On a brigheter note- Tommorow 9/11/02 marks when KTU will being broadcasting a full power signal from the Empire State Building (as opposed to the reduced power backup signal that is on the air right now)- exactly one year to the day that their main antenna got struck...


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I was on my way to my writing workshop class at nyu midtown building {42nd btwn 5th & 6ht ave}. I was standing at the corner of 42nd and 5th avenue, and looked downtown just as the second place had hit. I immediatly called my mom in Ohio {i had just moved to nyc one week prior, and was living within 4 blocks of the WTC}. I didnt know what to do or where to go, so I went to class. Our professor actually continued class as usual, and had us write about what was going on around us and how we were feeling at that very moment. We were constantly getting updated on what was happening, and they finally let us go...since I lived so close to the wtc, i walked to my friend viktors apt in the east village...there were quite a few people there, people who were stuck in the city from jersey, another who was supposed to be flying back home to sweden...we all just gathered in front of the tv in disbelief and tried to contact friends and family all day. By nightfall, i got this overwhelming urge to go back to my apt downtown, and i still dont know what possesed me, but i walked all the way there. It felt like a war zone...everyone was fleeing the area, i was the only one walking in that direction. it was pitch black since there was no electricity, and everyone was wearing those paper masks...when i got to my street there were reporters filming, and my block was covered in an inch of dust and debris--and my building had been evacuated. I ended up having to go back to viktors, and stayed there for two weeks before i could even reenter my apartment. That group of us grew to be like a little family over those days, and I feel as if we have a special bond to each other after living through something so devastating together...

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I was living on my own here in Long Island. I had moved out of my parents house and away from them. I was so tired of them, and my life. Everything to me was clubs, clubs and music.

The day before I was with my boyfriend @ John Jay. That night we were both looking up at The Trump tower in Columbus Circle. we admired the building, the bueaty of it, how high it went into the sky, the way we could not see the top due to clouds. We inhaled the city air. We loved the lights and were thinking about how cool NYC is.

We seperated ways...hesitantly... I was contemplating going to stay at his house again but figured his parents would be furious.

The next day I was in and out of dreams...and all i heard was the phone ringing and ringing, over and over. My roomate was ignoring the phone as usual. I picked up, half in and out of sleep, my roomates brother was panicking, he told me that thew world was about to end, planes were falling out the sky, building were falling, and more planes were in the sky ready to fall anywere.

I was petrified.

I called my bf to make sure he had not left for school. He was fine.

After 3 months of not speaking to my parents I called my mother and spoke to her for the first time.

That night I called again to make sure my father which works in that area in the city was fine.

He was fine.

All the while i was thinking of how to get out of Li... I was so scared..I am like Oh my god, this is LI there is no were to run, I am trapped. I was contemplating going to Port Jeff and taking the ferry to CT. and driving up to Maine.

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i was in the gym in the early morning. i live in dc. i remember seeing the first images as i was leaving the gym in the morning but didnt look at them very closely, so i just thought that some wacko had crashed his plain into some building in NY, but nothing serious.

i recall that a week before some dude had gotten his parachute stuck on the statue of liberty so i just thought it was something like that. i took the metro to work and when i got to th eoffice, people were all serious and shit. didnt know why until they told me.

immediately i tried to call friends in nyc since i had lived there before moving to dc. it was impossible. later news of the pentagon came in and everyone was freaking out.

needles no work was dome that day. we got sent back home early and alot of people at th eoffice were spasing out since alot of people in my company are from nyc.

my family got a hold of me later in the day since all cell phones and pjone lines were down and i usually passed through the pentagon in the morning. i also finally located my roomates and friends in dc to see that they were ok, and later in the day i was able to get a hold of most of my friends in ny, and they were ok.

its clearly a day that you cant forget.

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