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My 9/11 Reconstrustion Memorial Idea


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Rebuild the towers exactly as they were but improve all the faults and ad one extra floor for a memorail at the top of each tower. Also use the memorials for each victim, rescue worker, etc, throughout both towers, in their positions at work, or the place where it is believed they were in the towers before they passed.

and place landing pads on top of one of the towers for attack helicopters to be 24/7 to defend our city. on the other tower the Memorial with all the names etched into the walls.

What do you think, your criticisms are welcome

Marshall Fairbanks-The DJ

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Rebuilding it the same exact way would make it seem like the tragedy never happened like a fairy tale or some shit. Here are the towers and than they are gone but oops we'll build it the same again and would you look at that, there are the towers again. Rebuilding it the same way again would be creating a land of make believe. There is no way in the world they would rebuild it the same way. Making a memorial or replacing the area with newer age buildings will be done. Yeah I'm sure it would be great to have back the buildings but to have the same buildings re-constructed would be too much of a horrible reminder even though what happened will not be forgotten.

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Originally posted by Jsen7

Rebuilding it the same exact way would make it seem like the tragedy never happened like a fairy tale or some shit

rebuilding the towers exactly the same would say to the world that we are a free country and no matter what you do to us you can take our people but you can never take our hearts.

and yes part of it should be a memorial to those who shouldnt ever be forgotten.

if we build 4 small towers or nothing at all or something smaller. it says you attack us and we will shrink, we will hide and curl up and ive in fear. We have o fucking reasno to fear anyone

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I'm sure they will rebuild. Rebuilding new buildings alone will show the world the strength this country has and that we will not crawl away and hide. This tragedy will definitely leave fear in many of us forever or for a long time if we rebuild or not. We all have a better chance seeing God than seeing the buildings going up the same way again.

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I personally think that rebuilding the towers the would show the world that we are strong and will never let terrorism win. However, I do not think we should rebuild them the same way, something powerful, but not something exactly the same. Not rebuilding at all would just show the world that we are truly bothered by this. I do think that a memorial should be made that represents everyone that had lost their life. I think if anything that looks the same, rebuild a memorial, possibly out of marble that looks exactly like the original buildings with a base of about 7 feet high and then having the towers an additional 15-20 higher and on the base have the names of the victims all around the 7 foot base.

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Originally posted by luvle02

Rebuilding (especially The exact same buildings) on that land says we want to forget and pretend this never even happen.

Yes your right we all want to forget and pretend it never happened but that is not possible. Trying to pretend it never happened would be living in denial. We all just have to accept it and try to move on. Rebuild and move on to make us stronger. I will state this one more time the towers will neverrrrrrrrrr be built back the same way. Who knows if they will even build another massive structure like that again. I seen this one picture of a new layout of a structure with 4 towers and one tall tower in the middle. It looked awesome. Only time will tell and heal.

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Originally posted by luvle02

I think they should just make it into a memorial park

nah we already have too many of those...

..and i kno theyre gonna build SOMETHING there, but me, personally would feel a lil weird walkin round that area, or goin into a building ova ther knowing what happened there... its kinda eery...


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I wasn't really sure about the buildings either, I do like the life size memorials that Life Magazine put together, thats what gave me the idea of the memorials for each person being in the buildings at the location they passed, what do you all think of that aspect?

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