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when i was in my early 20's there were no hotties


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I just don't get it. The young dudes of today are such hotties. When I was in my early 20's the guys were just not made this way!! YYYYYUUUUUMMMMYYYYY!!! Now I'm just a horny old woman lusting after these young studs. You young chickies don't know how blessed you all are!!!!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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Originally posted by uknjx2:

Now I'm just a horny old woman lusting after these young studs. You young chickies don't know how blessed you all are!!!!

Awww- uknjx.... it's not how old you are, it's how young you feel!!

Go get 'em!!! Besides...with age comes experience and perfection!




*~**~*~**~~ Friends are angels that help you to your feet, when your wings have trouble remembering how to fly ~~**~*~**~*

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OOHHH< yeah, i love 'em!! And i can get 'em, and they are def. fun!!! I just wish they'd been around when I was their age. Yep, some younger dudes dig older women. Must be that whole "sexual prime" thing!!!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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Originally posted by translucent:

Funny...I was just thinking the same thing about the girls: I don't remember them looking this good when I was younger. cwm12.gif

Def agree! Whaddupwitdat??? cwm4.gif

I don't recall the girlies in college being the hotties I see now... It's a two way road darlings....


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Nicki..i know you're referin to me! smile.gif j/k


A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT! --Me

"The Suspense is TERRIBLE....i hope it'll last!" -Willy Wonka

Sleep...Ah..Those little slices of death. How i loath them. - Edgar Allan Poe



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Well....there's a reverse to this....see...I used to like younger females and I still do but recently I've got this thing for older women....I don't know they just turn something on.....he he.....anyways, the problem is that I get to talking to an older woman and everything is cool.....then comes the question...."So how old are you?".....after I say I'm 20, they give a sort of suprising smirk......then I say "Well....older woman, how old did you think I was?" (cause I look young, I know that).....and they say "Ummm....at least 25"......Then they treat me like their younger brother for 5 minutes and then laugh themselves away from me......WTF?


If I appear and act old enough for these old women to talk and flirt with......then why does a number make the difference? I don't hold it against them that they are older so what's the problem......

I'm not trying to whine here but I just have to let yas know that this shit works both ways......maybe if we figure it out we could all be happy....I'm about to start bustin out the fake ID on their asses....he he.



Room to dance?....Oh..I will take that..thank you...


[This message has been edited by mikey_m (edited 11-14-2000).]

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And now, the male perspective ... YES! CHICKS ARE MORE SEXY NOW!! They were just "girls" when I was younger, but now they're all hot chicks! In my old age, I've become nothing more than a lecherous slob lusting after young flesh. Damn!

A big part of it is that people care more about their appearance than a decade ago. More sexy clothes (both men and women) and more health-conscious gym rats. Plus all the crackheads in the clubs that we hang out in sweat off 10-15 pounds every Friday and Saturday, which is an effective way to get a slimmer, trimmer you.

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Originally posted by mikey_m:

Well....there's a reverse to this....see...I used to like younger females and I still do but recently I've got this thing for older women....I don't know they just turn something on.....he he.....anyways, the problem is that I get to talking to an older woman and everything is cool.....then comes the question...."So how old are you?".....after I say I'm 20, they give a sort of suprising smirk......then I say "Well....older woman, how old did you think I was?" (cause I look young, I know that).....and they say "Ummm....at least 25"......Then they treat me like their younger brother for 5 minutes and then laugh themselves away from me......WTF?


If I appear and act old enough for these old women to talk and flirt with......then why does a number make the difference? I don't hold it against them that they are older so what's the problem......

I'm not trying to whine here but I just have to let yas know that this shit works both ways......maybe if we figure it out we could all be happy....I'm about to start bustin out the fake ID on their asses....he he.


Hey Mikey, don't worry about it!!! When I tell a guy how old I am they usually run away fast but I'm never going to lie about my age b/c what's the point??? I think the "th" sound makes guys think of marriage and babies, not a good-time sound, if you know what I mean, but that whole notion is so foreign to me!!!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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Originally posted by roby:

Plus all the crackheads in the clubs that we hang out in sweat off 10-15 pounds every Friday and Saturday, which is an effective way to get a slimmer, trimmer you.

LMFAO.....ha ha ha....funny stuff roby..



Room to dance?....Oh..I will take that..thank you...


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Originally posted by uknjx2:

Hey Mikey, don't worry about it!!! When I tell a guy how old I am they usually run away fast but I'm never going to lie about my age b/c what's the point??? I think the "th" sound makes guys think of marriage and babies, not a good-time sound, if you know what I mean, but that whole notion is so foreign to me!!!

You're awesome Nicki.......lol



Room to dance?....Oh..I will take that..thank you...


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Originally posted by mikey_m:

Well....there's a reverse to this....see...I used to like younger females and I still do but recently I've got this thing for older women....I don't know they just turn something on.....he he.....anyways, the problem is that I get to talking to an older woman and everything is cool.....then comes the question...."So how old are you?".....after I say I'm 20, they give a sort of suprising smirk......then I say "Well....older woman, how old did you think I was?" (cause I look young, I know that).....and they say "Ummm....at least 25"......Then they treat me like their younger brother for 5 minutes and then laugh themselves away from me......WTF?


If I appear and act old enough for these old women to talk and flirt with......then why does a number make the difference? I don't hold it against them that they are older so what's the problem......

I'm not trying to whine here but I just have to let yas know that this shit works both ways......maybe if we figure it out we could all be happy....I'm about to start bustin out the fake ID on their asses....he he.


that tells you more about the woman's level of comfort than yours. although you might not care that she's older by however many years, she might. you have to admit - no matter how hard we try to do our own thing regardless of what other people think, there is still a stigma against women who date younger men - especially much younger men. and some women just don't want to deal with that. the reverse (older men dating younger women) is just more acceptable, like it or not.

you can flirt with me any time, mike, and i promise not to treat you like a younger brother. hahahahaha. j/k. wink.gif

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I am totally feelin' this post.

WTF- evry older woman I meet seems to dig me, then I say Im 22 and it s Like, do you want a diaper? I feel I am definitely old enough. If I got the balls to talk to an older woman than that should be enough.right?

Nikki- every time i see you , you bring up my age, whats the need for that. As I always say, age don't mean shit, its all a state of mind.


BTW- Yuhwoo- how old are you?


And Everything Will Flow....Flow....Flow....


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Originally posted by az-tec:

I am totally feelin' this post.

WTF- evry older woman I meet seems to dig me, then I say Im 22 and it s Like, do you want a diaper? I feel I am definitely old enough. If I got the balls to talk to an older woman than that should be enough.right?

Nikki- every time i see you , you bring up my age, whats the need for that. As I always say, age don't mean shit, its all a state of mind.


BTW- Yuhwoo- how old are you?

hey andy, don't sweat it...Nicki loves the youngins... She almost doesn't even want to date guys her age! I love it! BTW, do your cute friends like older women???



Peace Love Happiness y'all


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Originally posted by divalicious:

hey andy, don't sweat it...Nicki loves the youngins... She almost doesn't even want to date guys her age! I love it! BTW, do your cute friends like older women???

hee hee, i don't dig guys my age. no, that's a generalization!! i should say most guys my age. icky......i love the young 'uns....stamina!!!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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Originally posted by uknjx2:

I just don't get it. The young dudes of today are such hotties. When I was in my early 20's the guys were just not made this way!! YYYYYUUUUUMMMMYYYYY!!! Now I'm just a horny old woman lusting after these young studs. You young chickies don't know how blessed you all are!!!!

Yo I was just looking through the pic post and i saw your pic and diva. I'm positave I saw you guys at Exit this past saturday, I would of said hy but I didn't know you by face. I was hannging in the 2 level the mess across from the dj booth near the bar side closest to the bathroom, I was wearing a grey polo sport tang top and kackies.

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