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Statue Controversy


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check out the story and pic: http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20020918/ap_on_re_us/sept_11_statue

what's your reactions?

is this art?

is it offensive?

my opinion is:

it is art

its an honest, emotional, artistic expression to something that happened.

the "bad taste" is on the part of the rockefeller plaza folks for picking this particular piece to pay homage to the event. its not that sort of piece. it belongs in an art show aimed at depicting lots of reactions to the event and all its aspects.

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this statement really got me: "I don't think it dignifies their deaths," said Paul Labb. "It's not art. It is very disrupting when you see it."

not with the first part, but with the second. i wasn't aware that art was only supposed to make you feel warm and fuzzy....what a jackass.

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I think it would've been better off staying in this guys studio...or maybe an exhibit specifically for that kinda stuff...but not in rockefeller center...and not so soon....howard stern made a good analogy, its like someone making a sculpture of an oven with a jewish ladies leg hanging out of it as a tribute to the holocaust victims.....yeah, maybe its art...but its tasteless.....

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chuck: yes and no

there is some honor and strength in this statue that people had the courage to jump from that building. i still think it is inappropriate, but to me i think its more like a statute of a concentration camp occupant burying another, or perhaps being led to a crematorium.

i also don't think it is too soon...art like this comes out of emotion and therefore out of the moment after some reflection. the fault here lies with the people who decided to display it in this fashion IMO.

in any event, i def agree it shouldn't be used as a tribute....


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I don't think it's tasteless in its creation so much as as in its deployment. Art sometimes offends, and even if we can't appreciate it at all or even despise it for all its worth, it still has a story to tell.

It may seem tasteless to honor an event by an image of the death of its victims, but keep in mind that the insignia of the largest religion of our times is the instrument of execution of its deity(or the avatar thereof).

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Originally posted by barvybe

this statement really got me: "I don't think it dignifies their deaths," said Paul Labb. "It's not art. It is very disrupting when you see it."

not with the first part, but with the second. i wasn't aware that art was only supposed to make you feel warm and fuzzy....what a jackass.

That's EXACTLY the quote I was going to put up here... obviously the person making the statement doesn't even know what art IS...

I agree w/most of what's been said here... the statue is fine, that just wasn't the proper place to have it on exhibit.

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Originally posted by dgmodel

just another person trying to capitalize off of 9-11... and just another 2bit "artist" using shock art... nothing new, we've been seeing this for some time now...

btw i dont think its art nor a tribute...

In that case- what is "art?"

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Originally posted by barvybe

this statement really got me: "I don't think it dignifies their deaths," said Paul Labb. "It's not art. It is very disrupting when you see it."

not with the first part, but with the second. i wasn't aware that art was only supposed to make you feel warm and fuzzy....what a jackass.


I suppose it could be some one just attempting to capitalize on another's misfortune( I know - a GROSS understatement or Sept 11)

but pehaps the artist MEANT to evoke these feelings- strong emotions- hate- remorse- whatever it makes YOU feel- ibut I am sure the artist wanted to make it known that an event of such magnitude cannot reduced to a political debate or statrment and the utter melancoly depths of the occurance will indefinitley be ingrained in our being.

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Fischl said in a statement. "It was a sincere expression of deepest sympathy for the vulnerability of the human condition. Both specifically towards the victims of Sept. 11 and towards humanity in general."

and I think this was beautifully executed.

The only problem with this piece is where it was placed. Jo-schmo walking through rockafellar center is NOT going to get it.

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dgmodel - your statment just proves that art is in the eye of the beholder. art is all about opinion. most of the greatest works of art by modern standards where either ridiculed or under appreciated or misunderstood in their time and that's fine.

btw...what evidence to we have that this is some schmo trying to cash in? he's not making exploitative t-shirts or anything. was he contracted to make it? did he do it on his own and then submitted it to rockefeller center for consideration? its very difficult for artists to make a living - i have no problems with this.

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Originally posted by tastyt

In that case- what is "art?"

well this is the text book definition... however i feel art is a relative term... and differs from person to person... what i may see as art others may see as trash... Ie: Graffitti, some view it as an art form others view it as vadalism... Ie: Abstract some ppl view it as art others view it as a scribble etc.. you see my point..

art1 Pronunciation Key (ärt)


Human effort to imitate, supplement, alter, or counteract the work of nature.

The conscious production or arrangement of sounds, colors, forms, movements, or other elements in a manner that affects the sense of beauty, specifically the production of the beautiful in a graphic or plastic medium.

The study of these activities.

The product of these activities; human works of beauty considered as a group.

High quality of conception or execution, as found in works of beauty; aesthetic value.

A field or category of art, such as music, ballet, or literature.

A nonscientific branch of learning; one of the liberal arts.

A system of principles and methods employed in the performance of a set of activities: the art of building.

A trade or craft that applies such a system of principles and methods: the art of the lexicographer.

Skill that is attained by study, practice, or observation: the art of the baker; the blacksmith's art.

Skill arising from the exercise of intuitive faculties: “Self-criticism is an art not many are qualified to practice†(Joyce Carol Oates).

arts Artful devices, stratagems, and tricks.

Artful contrivance; cunning.

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Originally posted by danamdkny

I really like it actually- it is has movement and incredible meaning and referrence to it.

Is the reason he made this person naked, to help us understand the people's vulnerability???? I am a bright color type of person and do not see beauty in this piece, however I try hard never to pass judgement. The person who made this must have been deeply moved by what occured on 9/11......

I do not believe it should be covered, however maybe moved to another location or allow more time to pass before placing it out for all to see. As Shannon stated the average person would not get/understand the meaning.

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Originally posted by stacychase

Is the reason he made this person naked, to help us understand the people's vulnerability???? I am a bright color type of person and do not see beauty in this piece, however I try hard never to pass judgement. The person who made this must have been deeply moved by what occured on 9/11......

I do not believe it should be covered, however maybe moved to another location or allow more time to pass before placing it out for all to see. As Shannon stated the average person would not get/understand the meaning.

I was actually going to ask somewhat of the same question. But I was going to ask if it had something to do with purity... I have mixed feelings about the whole thing. I mean to many just the image itself is extremely disturbing. I mean what are they going to do next? Make a statue of a plane crashing through the building... Like stated above... There are places for these and they are galleries where people understand these things... Not out on the street in the center of Manhattan.

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yeah, i was thinking out that naked part too.

could be vulnerable

could also be free / naked / pure. some might not get this, but this person died a free person - and made a choice (among horrible options) about how it would happen in the end.

but yeah...its a tough piece for sure.

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Originally posted by barvybe

this statement really got me: "I don't think it dignifies their deaths," said Paul Labb. "It's not art. It is very disrupting when you see it."

not with the first part, but with the second. i wasn't aware that art was only supposed to make you feel warm and fuzzy....what a jackass.

i totally agree. it shows ignorance and misunderstanding of art.

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