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Are The Sopranos overhyped?

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Originally posted by barvybe

anyone who thinks that the problem with the sopranos is that it stereotypes italian americans or is unrealistic is missing the boat. since when was tv or movies supposed to accurately portray anything?

what, aren't the characters on Will and Grace, Friends or any other TV show sterotypes? you people take this shit way to seriously. there's been tons of TV that shows stereotyped blacks, jews, asians, etc. it doesn't make the tv show terrible. i mean, why isn't Sex in the City terrible? this show stereotypes men every week? just chill out and enjoy the most consistently well written and funny show on TV from the past 5 years.

The show does not glamorize or promote being in the mob anymore than the godfather movies did. It does portray the family side of some fictional characters lives. part of the point of the show is to tie up its viewers in the problem of identifying with the characters lives while being horrified with what they do for a living. Tony's time with the shrink is kinda just a voicing of what the audience feels anyway.

this is too much of a complicated reply which i rather respect, but for now all i can say is this:

unline will&grace and sex&the city, the sopranos are designed so as to LOOK REAL. and that is the danger -- no one will take will&grace seriousl (well i suppose ppl in the midwest will), but sopranos target to a more sophisticated audiencxe and by promoting an ideal of a mobster who is a total anti-hero (and yet so many ppl grow to like him) is devious. it may cause real trouble. not to mention the machismo of it...:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by barvybe

anyone who thinks that the problem with the sopranos is that it stereotypes italian americans or is unrealistic is missing the boat. since when was tv or movies supposed to accurately portray anything?

what, aren't the characters on Will and Grace, Friends or any other TV show sterotypes? you people take this shit way to seriously. there's been tons of TV that shows stereotyped blacks, jews, asians, etc. it doesn't make the tv show terrible. i mean, why isn't Sex in the City terrible? this show stereotypes men every week? just chill out and enjoy the most consistently well written and funny show on TV from the past 5 years.

The show does not glamorize or promote being in the mob anymore than the godfather movies did. It does portray the family side of some fictional characters lives. part of the point of the show is to tie up its viewers in the problem of identifying with the characters lives while being horrified with what they do for a living. Tony's time with the shrink is kinda just a voicing of what the audience feels anyway.

this is too much of a complicated reply which i rather respect, but for now all i can say is this:

unlike will&grace and sex&the city, the sopranos are designed so as to LOOK REAL. and that is the danger -- no one will take will&grace seriousl (well i suppose ppl in the midwest will), but sopranos target to a more sophisticated audiencxe and by promoting an ideal of a mobster who is a total anti-hero (and yet so many ppl grow to like him) is devious. it may cause real trouble. not to mention the machismo of it...:rolleyes:

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I like the show, I never followed it before, but this season I have been catching the reruns and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. What is very true though is that if you hang out in NJ around the areas they show in the opening segment of the show when Tony is driving on the Turnpike past Exit 13 and the big gas tanks-------is that MAD people think they are connected!! It is so funny, I used to work in Carteret, exit 12 on the NJ Tpke, and I know some girls who work at Satin Dolls aka-"Bada Bing" and so many Italian men act is if they are connected and try to be big shots when it is obvious that they are not, otherwise they wouldn't be talking about it. However, there are REAL people who live that REAL lifestyle around there also, I know that because I worked out there in a club and the "silent" partners (the real owners) were definitely just like the men on the Sopranos, FOR REAL, where do you think they came up with the idea for the show? I don't think it stereotypes Italians, because it is about a certain group of people who happen to be Italian, who are really out there living that life. It's the wannabes and posers who make the Italians look bad, not the show. :blown: got myself a gun...uh oh!!! LOL

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Originally posted by marywanna21

I like the show, I never followed it before, but this season I have been catching the reruns and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. What is very true though is that if you hang out in NJ around the areas they show in the opening segment of the show when Tony is driving on the Turnpike past Exit 13 and the big gas tanks-------is that MAD people think they are connected!! It is so funny, I used to work in Carteret, exit 12 on the NJ Tpke, and I know some girls who work at Satin Dolls aka-"Bada Bing" and so many Italian men act is if they are connected and try to be big shots when it is obvious that they are not, otherwise they wouldn't be talking about it. However, there are REAL people who live that REAL lifestyle around there also, I know that because I worked out there in a club and the "silent" partners (the real owners) were definitely just like the men on the Sopranos, FOR REAL, where do you think they came up with the idea for the show? I don't think it stereotypes Italians, because it is about a certain group of people who happen to be Italian, who are really out there living that life. It's the wannabes and posers who make the Italians look bad, not the show. :blown: got myself a gun...uh oh!!! LOL

very good point about the fact that the show got an inspiration from 'real life.' i don't doubt that ppl like that exist, but then -- why not make a TV show about black ghetto-mafia or mexican drug dealers (or whichever ethnic group you like/dislike) that looks real? it is EXACTLY THIS CHOICE that makes it insultive -- had i been italian, i would have been really offended, in a way. luckily i'm not.

and needless to say -- your last lines about getting a gun point out to the violent aspect that's celebrated there, which i find disturbing....

and finally -- and this is now pure aesthetics -- THEY ARE SO GROSS AND CHEESY! how can one enjoy a show like that??? :rolleyes:

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The show is entertaining, considering that it's a television series, not a film.

For all of you die-hard Soprano fans out there, here is a question for you:

If there was a battle between the late Richie Aprile (r.i.p.) and Ralphy (Joe Pantoliano), who do you think would be the victor? Richie was a crazy son-of-a-bitch, and Ralphy seems to be the new psycho that has replaced Richie; also, both of these individuals have banged Tony's porky sister.

So who would win?

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Originally posted by zlatang

this is too much of a complicated reply which i rather respect, but for now all i can say is this:

unlike will&grace and sex&the city, the sopranos are designed so as to LOOK REAL. and that is the danger -- no one will take will&grace seriousl (well i suppose ppl in the midwest will), but sopranos target to a more sophisticated audiencxe and by promoting an ideal of a mobster who is a total anti-hero (and yet so many ppl grow to like him) is devious. it may cause real trouble. not to mention the machismo of it...:rolleyes:

well, interesting point: however, its nothing new for this sort of thing in a "serious" production. and if its geared to a more sophisticated audience then they should realize it.

cases in point (from movies):

carlito's way

the brando / deniro character in godfather

deniro's character in Heat

jimmy hoffa

even sipowitz in NYPD...in fact, in many ways tony and andy have

the same character traits: gruffness, extreme loyalty, stubborn, etc.

now, NYPD is portrayed as "realistic" too...but i can tell you that 100% of cases don't end in confessions...most people get lawyers. what i'm saying is that the most "accurate" shows contain drama elements.

i just don't see why people would take it so seriously....

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Originally posted by zlatang

this is too much of a complicated reply which i rather respect, but for now all i can say is this:

unlike will&grace and sex&the city, the sopranos are designed so as to LOOK REAL. and that is the danger -- no one will take will&grace seriousl (well i suppose ppl in the midwest will), but sopranos target to a more sophisticated audiencxe and by promoting an ideal of a mobster who is a total anti-hero (and yet so many ppl grow to like him) is devious. it may cause real trouble. not to mention the machismo of it...:rolleyes:

People like you shouldn't be aloowed to get cable or go to movies. What is with you people. Always have something to complain about just for the sake of complaining. No 1 cares about your little morla dilemas and what you think is wrong with society.


Don't try to sell your morlas to me.

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Just so you know since I am assuming you do not watch the show, the statement I made at the end of my post "got myself a gun" is referring to the song the play at the beginning of every episode....:woke up this morning..got yourself a gun!" I was not saying I got MYSELF a gun, I was simply adding a lyric from the show's theme song to my post. WAKE UP!!:mad::blown:

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Originally posted by therealjr

People like you shouldn't be aloowed to get cable or go to movies. What is with you people. Always have something to complain about just for the sake of complaining. No 1 cares about your little morla dilemas and what you think is wrong with society.


Don't try to sell your morlas to me.

well the fact that you are from NJ explains the bad spelling as well as the low intellectual quality of your post. i was not trying to 'sell moRLas' neither to you nor to anyone else here, i merely added up my opinion about the topic. are you going to shoot me because i disagree? enough said about american democracy....

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Originally posted by marywanna21

Just so you know since I am assuming you do not watch the show, the statement I made at the end of my post "got myself a gun" is referring to the song the play at the beginning of every episode....:woke up this morning..got yourself a gun!" I was not saying I got MYSELF a gun, I was simply adding a lyric from the show's theme song to my post. WAKE UP!!:mad::blown:

again a very agressive reply...i KNOW that you were referring to the lyrics, and the fact that the lyrics go like that is already bad... do we really need more violence after 9/11? wrapped up in NJ trash/italian/mobster/nouveau cliches these formulas of violence become familiar through tv, and we can then easily forgive that poor cute litlle old mobster because after all -- he seems like one of us -- has a family, goes to see a shrink...all you ppl who idealise tony soprano have a problem with masculinity and aggression. :confused:

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Originally posted by therealjr

People like you shouldn't be aloowed to get cable or go to movies. What is with you people. Always have something to complain about just for the sake of complaining. No 1 cares about your little morla dilemas and what you think is wrong with society.


Don't try to sell your morlas to me.

P.S. i stopped watching it a long time ago. the absense of any style and sophistication makes this show dull and empty... and since i don't daydream about becoming a big fat mobster in NJ who can 'get himsefl a gun', shoot random ppl and have any cheesy trash-chick he wants to have, there isn't much to make me watch it.:D :D :D

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Originally posted by zlatang

P.S. i stopped watching it a long time ago. the absense of any style and sophistication makes this show dull and empty... and since i don't daydream about becoming a big fat mobster in NJ who can 'get himsefl a gun', shoot random ppl and have any cheesy trash-chick he wants to have, there isn't much to make me watch it.:D :D :D

The show is "dull and empty"? Now you are just saying things to piss people off. The reason that show is so popular is the writing. It's very clever with a lot of hidden subtext. But, I'm sure a smart son of a gun like yourself picks up on all of it. Now granted some people only watch to see if some one is getting "whacked", or to see some form or scandle, but some people watch different programs and get a lot more out of it. Entertainment isn't only on the surface. I see you are not one of these people. You are only interested in the dog and pony show and stay all wrapped up in the P.C nonsense. You say T.V is what's wrong with this country. I say you and your kind are what's wrong with this country. People like you have made our country so pussy whipped that everyone has to walk around on egg shells so we don't hurt anyones feelings. Well you know what? Fuck that and Fuck you too! I want to be able to say the words "fag" or "bitch" or "cock" or what ever else with out someone crying about how insensitive i am to thier feelings.

Sorry if i had any more typos. I don't feel the need to go back and spell check stuff. I have editors that usually do that for me.

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I've heard all about you and I forgot to ask.

Which one are you?

The pot or the kettel?

You want to talk about a persons class levels, but you glorify a song that is full of obsenities and drug use. I beleive your signature goes like this. . . .

"everynight with my star friends

we eat caviar and drink champagne

snif*ing in the VIP area

we talk about frank sinatra

<<you know frank sinatra?>>

<<he's dead...dead... haha>>

to be famous is so nice,

suc* my di*k, li*k my as*,

in limousines we have sex,

everynight with my famous friends"

You people make me sick. You want to slander a form of entertainment. Saying it's offensive or tasteless, but you yourself enjoy a different kind of offensive entertainment. I was offended by that song when it came out. I don't think any one should make money making fun of the dead.The dead deserves thier respect, especially when it's a guy like old blue eyes.

:direct: YOU ASSHOLE:chainsaw:

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Originally posted by zlatang

well the fact that you are from NJ explains the bad spelling as well as the low intellectual quality of your post. ....

....that's quite a generalization ....................

......and btw ....it's a show...who cares....anyone who is influenced by television is an unstable person to begin with.....it's lthe same old story....like marilyn manson is to blame when people's children are deliquent.......:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by therealjr

I've heard all about you and I forgot to ask.

Which one are you?

The pot or the kettel?

You want to talk about a persons class levels, but you glorify a song that is full of obsenities and drug use. I beleive your signature goes like this. . . .

"everynight with my star friends

we eat caviar and drink champagne

snif*ing in the VIP area

we talk about frank sinatra

<<you know frank sinatra?>>

<<he's dead...dead... haha>>

to be famous is so nice,

suc* my di*k, li*k my as*,

in limousines we have sex,

everynight with my famous friends"

You people make me sick. You want to slander a form of entertainment. Saying it's offensive or tasteless, but you yourself enjoy a different kind of offensive entertainment. I was offended by that song when it came out. I don't think any one should make money making fun of the dead.The dead deserves thier respect, especially when it's a guy like old blue eyes.

:direct: YOU ASSHOLE:chainsaw:

i believe the dead do deserve their respect, but hey mr know-it-all: the song 'frank sinatra' was released before FS died. so miss kittin also said she felt sorry when she heard he died. so much for PC.

:D :D :D

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Originally posted by therealjr

The show is "dull and empty"? Now you are just saying things to piss people off. The reason that show is so popular is the writing. It's very clever with a lot of hidden subtext. But, I'm sure a smart son of a gun like yourself picks up on all of it. Now granted some people only watch to see if some one is getting "whacked", or to see some form or scandle, but some people watch different programs and get a lot more out of it. Entertainment isn't only on the surface. I see you are not one of these people. You are only interested in the dog and pony show and stay all wrapped up in the P.C nonsense. You say T.V is what's wrong with this country. I say you and your kind are what's wrong with this country. People like you have made our country so pussy whipped that everyone has to walk around on egg shells so we don't hurt anyones feelings. Well you know what? Fuck that and Fuck you too! I want to be able to say the words "fag" or "bitch" or "cock" or what ever else with out someone crying about how insensitive i am to thier feelings.

Sorry if i had any more typos. I don't feel the need to go back and spell check stuff. I have editors that usually do that for me.

i am not an advocate of PC-ism -- i hate the fact that things cannot be called by their right name; however, being vulgar is another issue, and a matter of (good) manners which we cannot discuss online.

so, yes, sure, go ahead and use the trems co*k and fag, as if i care. it's only going to expose You as a rude and unsophisticated person.

again -- i didn't say that the show OBJECTIVELY lacks depth and intellectual content -- it is a rather 'smart' po-mo pastiche; however, the aesthetics and morals it advocates are way off the things i like, and i was expressing my opinion here about it. hence, it was a question of Taste and not of Objective Judgement.

however, you can persuade me neither to like it nor to withdraw my opinion on it. so i may just as well say (although i don't mean it) that it is "people like you have made our country" so violent that we can drop bombs whereever we like and think we don't hurt anyone's feelings. (yes there was a typo there as well, but hey, that's your *style*)

and finally: you used the word pussywipped -- again a term that shows unsecurity about your own masculinity. you keep falling in this trap over and over again -- perhaps a shrink could help?

;) ;)

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Originally posted by zlatang

i am not an advocate of PC-ism -- i hate the fact that things cannot be called by their right name; however, being vulgar is another issue, and a matter of (good) manners which we cannot discuss online.

so, yes, sure, go ahead and use the trems co*k and fag, as if i care. it's only going to expose You as a rude and unsophisticated person.

again -- i didn't say that the show OBJECTIVELY lacks depth and intellectual content -- it is a rather 'smart' po-mo pastiche; however, the aesthetics and morals it advocates are way off the things i like, and i was expressing my opinion here about it. hence, it was a question of Taste and not of Objective Judgement.

however, you can persuade me neither to like it nor to withdraw my opinion on it. so i may just as well say (although i don't mean it) that it is "people like you have made our country" so violent that we can drop bombs whereever we like and think we don't hurt anyone's feelings. (yes there was a typo there as well, but hey, that's your *style*)

and finally: you used the word pussywipped -- again a term that shows unsecurity about your own masculinity. you keep falling in this trap over and over again -- perhaps a shrink could help?

;) ;)

What are you the human thesaurus ? Ladies and Gentleman. . the inventor of Scrable :eek:

Now you want to atack my confidence level? Well you are barking up the wrong tree Sigmond. But, you are right about 1 thing. I do think we should drop bombs (big ones) on the people who get out of line. If we would have done it right the first time we may not have a certain day in September always on our minds. So now our boy "W" is trying to do right where Daddy lost the motivation. FDR did it right and we haaven't heard shit from Japan since.

How did we get on this discussion. I only wanted to talk about Sopranos and defend it as a decent for of entertainment. I didn't want to discuss the American way of life and how messed up it got because people are too concerned about thier popularity to hurt someones feelings. Because, that is all they really care about, how thier actions will effect thier popularity or "the polls"

:direct: DICK

You can sit in your seat infront of your computer as long as you want to think of as many big silly words as you can, but no one cares. It isn't impressive. You haven't proved a point and won't. Entertainment is for one thing Entertainment(and nothing else). If you aren't Entertained. . . change the channel and be done with it. No one wants your opinion. Opinions are like assholes, every one has one and they all stink.


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Originally posted by therealjr


What are you the human thesaurus ? Ladies and Gentleman. . the inventor of Scrable :eek:

Now you want to atack my confidence level? Well you are barking up the wrong tree Sigmond. But, you are right about 1 thing. I do think we should drop bombs (big ones) on the people who get out of line. If we would have done it right the first time we may not have a certain day in September always on our minds. So now our boy "W" is trying to do right where Daddy lost the motivation. FDR did it right and we haaven't heard shit from Japan since.

How did we get on this discussion. I only wanted to talk about Sopranos and defend it as a decent for of entertainment. I didn't want to discuss the American way of life and how messed up it got because people are too concerned about thier popularity to hurt someones feelings. Because, that is all they really care about, how thier actions will effect thier popularity or "the polls"

:direct: DICK

You can sit in your seat infront of your computer as long as you want to think of as many big silly words as you can, but no one cares. It isn't impressive. You haven't proved a point and won't. Entertainment is for one thing Entertainment(and nothing else). If you aren't Entertained. . . change the channel and be done with it. No one wants your opinion. Opinions are like assholes, every one has one and they all stink.


just a few words now, because it seems that it's worthless spending more time on you:

1. do you really think that your line about the "human thesaurus" was funny? gawd...:rolleyes:

2. again i didn't say that the sopranos are not entertaining -- they are Mere Style-less Entertainment, and nothing more that that, at least for me. it was you who claimed it had a ‘deeper level of meaning’ or something….

3. i didn’t notice i used any big words…+ i am positive i made a point, because you avoided addressing my conclusions. as for opinions being like anuses, well then that applies to your opinion as well hence (quote):

:direct: DICK

No one wants your opinion. Opinions are like assholes, every one has one and they all stink.

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you have grown very boring.

Yes my opinion is like anyone else's.

No one's is important enough to really care about, i don't care who any one thinks they are.

I do know 1 thing.

It is my opinion that this stupid little "debate" is about as dumb and boring as your existance. This eill be the last time i look at this thread, but feel free to continue posting your nonsense.


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