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Qudos to Joeg for the funniest post

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For those of you who are unfotunate and do not know how to speak ebonics... He is a web site for you... Just type it in in english... Click the button... And you get the ebonics translation...

For Example =-=-=//> The weather is very pleasant today. I think I might go out for a walk.

Is Translated into =-=-=-//> The weather iz very pleasant taday. I th'o't I might jet out fo' uh walk. Ya' know what I'm sayin'?



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Originally posted by elementx

For those of you who are unfotunate and do not know how to speak ebonics... He is a web site for you... Just type it in in english... Click the button... And you get the ebonics translation...

For Example =-=-=//> The weather is very pleasant today. I think I might go out for a walk.

Is Translated into =-=-=-//> The weather iz very pleasant taday. I th'o't I might jet out fo' uh walk. Ya' know what I'm sayin'?



lmao... also check out http://www.rapdict.org

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Originally posted by danwilson

smokesum, relax, Stop taking things so seriously. Just because Joeg has a funny personality and you dont, stop whining about that.

joeg has nothing to do with it and I'm the last guy to take life seriously.

Its about your stupid posts. You are the most idiotic person on this board. Whenever I read your posts, I say aloud "WHAT A FUCKIN IDIOT!" I am just wondering if their is a reason to your stupidity. Are you new to the whole messageboard thing? I know for a fact by your other posts that you are new to nightlife.

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smokesum, you say, and for the record...i still dont believe you really exist. I think those pics were bogus.

smokesum, you think those pics were bogus. Hello, earth to Smokesum! Are you saying, Bugout, Legend38, Debbie, Hotcheme, Max, Roninmess, DJ Quest, bigpoppanils all made up the fact, they met me at Roxy when Scott Bond was there. My advice, stay off the weed, before you make stupid comments.

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smokesum, you must have rocks in your brain. When i first started posting on here. I put a pic of me. Here's the pic Max took of me at Roxy. http://bbs.clubplanet.com/attachment.php?postid=1020323

Here's the pic, I put on CP when I first started posting on here. Quoth would also show this pic of me. This is a pic of me from 2 years ago http://nycap.indymedia.org/front.php3?article_id=2444&group=webcast

Do they look like the same person? Ofcourse, because its me. Now, here's a pic of smokesum boyfriend.

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Originally posted by smokesum

No "real" person can post such stupidity.

You are right.. so it must be a "fake" person posting!! WTF is that supposd to mean.. :laugh: You honestly think that after all that drama and everyone trying to discover out if dan is "real" or not and who could it be, we just took a pic w/ a random person and stopped wonderig?? Hell no! I met him and its just retarted to say I met him if I didnt, why would we all lie about something so stupid.

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Originally posted by smokesum

No "real" person can post such stupidity.

You are right.. so it must be a "fake" person posting!! WTF is that supposd to mean.. :laugh: You honestly think that after all that drama and everyone trying to discover out if dan is "real" or not and who could it be, we just took a pic w/ a random person and stopped wonderig?? Hell no! I met him and its just retarted to say I met him if I didnt, why would we all lie about something so stupid.

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