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MUGWUMPIAN - is it a condition?

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Is this genetic? Or a learned behavior? What are the tell tale signs you're coming down with it? Does it hurt?

Once saw a terrier sit at a table and eat off a plate - so i'm just curious.

Also got this itchy feeling and need to know if i should be nervous.

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Well..funny you should ask.

"mugwumpism" is an all to common state of "threadpostingitis" It is addictive and all time consuming.

One might feel the urge to creat fictional talking animal characters in order to fill the void of un answered threads..

Or an overwhelming pull to message boards where club headz hang out at.

Though "MUGWUMPISM" does have the side effects of Compulsive CD buying as well as a nightlife addiction there IS A CURE!

Mugwumpism is cured (or atleast sedated) by a part time job or a freelance gig!

THUS consuming all of the mugwumpian urges and focusing them in other tasks.

Please go see a job recruiter or the unemployment listings if you feel you are sercoming to these symptoms.





"We are connnnected.."

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Originally posted by stacychase:

Do you and your dog each have your own computer, or do you each just play tag team on one machine???

Well..MUGZ is always hogging the good one in the MUGWUMPIAN lab..

I get the crappy I-muck that crashes everytime I open Porn with pop up windows!

But since he ignores me all day..I find that our only form of communication lately is in the boards..

sad isn't it.


Ignoring your Bitch!



The only thing man has to fear of a dog is his MASTER.

(Mark Twain)

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fuckity fuck! seems i've got a severe case.

You're kidding yourself if you think work is the cure. just makes it worse. now i need to satisfy all these sympton urges late at night!

and i have the bad spelling one too.

this is beginning to look quite serious.

can you confirm if this is yet another side effect: no need for regular sleep.

i've had this one for quite some time, so it might be unrelated...

by the way, where did you find your sexy bitch? does that help ease the pain?

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Originally posted by barvybe:

fuckity fuck! seems i've got a severe case.

You're kidding yourself if you think work is the cure. just makes it worse. now i need to satisfy all these sympton urges late at night!

and i have the bad spelling one too.

this is beginning to look quite serious.

can you confirm if this is yet another side effect: no need for regular sleep.

i've had this one for quite some time, so it might be unrelated...

by the way, where did you find your sexy bitch? does that help ease the pain?

Your doomed brother..

If having to do OTHER tasks dosent cure it..You are beyond all hope!

Look on the bright side.

Soon you might be a club god posting url choose your own adventure games!

(drops on the floor sobbing)





"We are connnnected.."

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<laughs> A real job is a false antidote - it just gives you a faster connection and more projects to procrastinate with. I'm hopelessly doomed, at least for the summer. Maybe when I go back to school it will be better?? (PLEASE GOD???)


Nothing can be as savage as love...one taste is never enough...


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Originally posted by silente:

<laughs> A real job is a false antidote - it just gives you a faster connection and more projects to procrastinate with. I'm hopelessly doomed, at least for the summer. Maybe when I go back to school it will be better?? (PLEASE GOD???)

i totally agree - we are doomed for the summer. but when school starts again, you have the same fast connection (if you dorm), and all those papers to write, you know, the ones that you leave until the very last moment because you HAVE to post all these threads...

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Please...please wackydream...I'm trying to hang on to my last shreds of decency and responsibility. I *will* be a good student! I *will* be a good student. (When I'm not stoned and posting...when I'm not stoned and posting). NO!

Shit. I'm done for.

I should start looking for a good cardboard box now...


Nothing can be as savage as love...one taste is never enough...


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Well, no cure in site other than camping out at the kennel.

If anyone has a clue how to distill an antidote for this, please let us know.

Perhaps someone out there has recovered?

Damn, just started twitching again.... They're gonna fire me soon if i can't learn how to control this.

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Originally posted by sexybitchjenny:

Well..MUGZ is always hogging the good one in the MUGWUMPIAN lab..

I get the crappy I-muck that crashes everytime I open Porn with pop up windows!

But since he ignores me all day..I find that our only form of communication lately is in the boards..

sad isn't it.


Ignoring your Bitch!

Shouldn't you be sharing the porn with the other board members Jen???

Mugz stop hogging the damn computer, she is a lot funnier than you... wink.gif


Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.

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