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RAVE Act update!!!!!!!!


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look yes i do own a TV ........and i want these ppl to pay as much as the rest of the US but dont put the horse Before the carriage finish one thing before you go on to the next! that is all im trying to say..............! i would like to see the US finish with the Taliban first then go on to Sadam then deal with N.Korea:idea:

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Originally posted by ravengirl

dont put the horse Before the carriage finish one thing before you go on to the next! that is all im trying to say..............! i would like to see the US finish with the Taliban first then go on to Sadam

We are a Super Power...therefore we can fight these two front battles...by cutting off Sadam from power and educating these Iraqi people, not in "our ways" but just to think for themselves, the middle east can be a better place...this is unfinished business: Papa Bush didnt finish, Clinton didnt do a damn thing...so now baby Bush has to finish this...and N. Korea atleast admitted they had nuclear arms and promised to stop production of said "weapons of mass desctruction"...whether they are lying or not, at least they admitted it...which is more than Iraq has done...just .02 cents

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in my heart of hearts i hope what you write will be done! But being a cynic i dont believe that .......Because we are the greatest creator of our own evils.............we will leave those countries completly leveled! and create another group that hates us even more......my 2cents and now i have to leave so ill see you in the funny page!:tongue:;):idea::blown:

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Originally posted by ravengirl

look yes i do own a TV ........and i want these ppl to pay as much as the rest of the US but dont put the horse Before the carriage finish one thing before you go on to the next! that is all im trying to say..............! i would like to see the US finish with the Taliban first then go on to Sadam then deal with N.Korea:idea:

I agree with you. at this point the biggest threat to the US, and the world is Al Qaeda, and Osama bin Laden . Indeed Iraq is a threat, however Al Qaeda is the bigger threat right now. imo we should allow the United Nations to attempt, to resolve the situation with Iraq. imo all of our military strength should be focused on crushing al Qaeda, and Osama bin Laden . before anymore innocent lives are lost , to this cowardly bastard and his network of terrorist
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Originally posted by weyes

i think you guys should start an "iraq debate" thread.

but saleen, it's clear that you either did not read the bill, or did not understand it. i'll put the link to the bill, in full, up again.


and right on, milano :aright: . all well-said.

Don't get it personal w/Saleen. He is the CP-Miami star. For a start jump to page 1 of Miami's message board and read the thread posted by Shroomy (one of our moderators):

"Bump everytime you think Saleen is...."

But a couple people that I know tell me that Saleen is in fact an amazing person.

This thread is for awareness, necessary step for action. Thank you Weyes for using your time to inform us of threats to our rights. Drugs are for the unhappy IMO.


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Originally posted by mikeydny

Let's see how many people reply to that, or agree with it.

You are right. SHould had phrased as...Chemically produced club drugs are for unhappy, needing to get out of the real world for what ever reason, people.

"If drugs are what make you dance...go to Rehab"

It is about music. And this thread about rights that voting citizens in this city can make a difference, even if passively, by being informed (educated).

Peace bro, I don't intend nor imply that you do drugs. It ain't personal, gotta be generic to be universal (democratic)

See ya in da dancefloor.....


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Originally posted by vipnerd

Chemically produced club drugs are for unhappy, needing to get out of the real world for what ever reason, people.

"If drugs are what make you dance...go to Rehab"

I don't intend nor imply that you do drugs.

So your gonna tell me, that the MANYYYY on this site who take a pill here or there when they go out to Clubs are unhappy, I think not.

Do you know anyone on this site personally? If you dont, here ill introduce myself. Well ya should of already figured out my name, have I done drugs before, sure. Do I do them all the time, nope. Have I done anything in a while, nope. Why, I really haven't been out much lately, and when I have, really no desire too. Am I unhappy, sure everyone can be unhappy sometimes, do I need to take a dumb pill or whatever else your speaking of to make me happy, nahhhhh....

I know plenty of people on this site, met almost everyone, seen most under the influence of something, do I think there unhappy, not at all. Im not even gonna bother no more.....

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Originally posted by vipnerd

You are right. SHould had phrased as...Chemically produced club drugs are for unhappy, needing to get out of the real world for what ever reason, people.

a drug is a drug be it chemically, or naturally produced. drugs legal (tobacco and alcohol), or illegal (ecstasy, etc) have always been a part of the dance music culture. it’s a matter of preference.. an occasional escape from reality; is not so terrible. letting "any" drug consume your life is another issue.
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I imagine you are in favor of the Rave Act. And respect your opinion.

Many people in this board, regardless of their history with drugs, past or present, find the issue of this bill as a threat to nitelife and the industry in general.

If a bill like this one passes, the risk of organizing events like the ones you like to attend at clubs would be so high, no one would organize them in the longrun.

If it is because of the druggies that this bill was proposed, thank you for having collaborated with your past experience and your freedom to bring it back as an anecdote.

You are free to do with your mind whatever you want, in accordance with the law.

Your rights end were mine begin.

Thru information you create awareness. Thru awareness you create action.

If one is not informed, there is no awareness, hence no action.

It is not about being hypocritical with our own personal life. But, my kids should have a right to club as you and I do.

Rephrasing the Rave Act could punish the user in more drastic terms. Venues should do everything possible to eliminate drugs from their premises.

Punish dealers and users more severely. Invest in more undercovers to do the job. Analize the real effort a club does to eliminate drugs from the premises.

I believe I have the right to go to a club for an event and dance to my fav DJ spinning. this bill won't prevent me from going, but prevent ultimately clubowners from celebrating events.

The US market for electronic music is big. The industry would take such a huge hit by losing the US as a market that probably would disappear, if clubowners in the US drop out and do something else. Because few industries can absorb such a big loss of market without going bankrupt. (Remember Andrew?)

Clubgoing is not about drugs. Is about music. But I can't tell you what to do.

If any Cper on this board seems not to like what could happen to nitelife in general, first read. Second find out what you can do. And third do it.

No one is trying to force you to do what you don't believe in. But being in voting age, you can do something about what you believe in.

You can disagree with one or more of the phrases I just wrote, but the essence is there on what the Rave Act can do to nitelife.

Is up to you, but more importantly, let each one of your friends on this board decide on their own. And give them the right to get informed by not diverting the subject.

BTW, thank you for giving me the energy to write this. And take my apologies for trying to determine the psychological factor behind chemical drug use.

PS: In Leeds a club opened Aug. 1 called Rehab. It aims at the post-chemical generation. They are not an example, they are simply smart.



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Guest saleen351

I've read the entire bill a long time ago from the NYC board, but I just reread it, well not really I got to the word "knowingly"! Case closed...

You fockers who do drugs just add fuel to the fire that "techno" music and drugs go hand and hand. Like dirty water dogs at a Yankess game. Maybe if the clubs can break away from the stereotypes that the baby boomers place on us, we could have more and better clubs. Or at least keep the scene from dieing like it is now. I'm 25 and drugs went out with college. Yea I still smoke a bomb here and there and but no pills, no nothing. I've been club drug free my entire life and i've had a blast. Maybe some of you losers cant have a good time without them and appreciate the music without having to alter your minds. Fact is its really hard to have a good time, once you stop doing drugs, many can't go back in the clubs only on alcohol.

I do support the notion that drugs = terrorists. Drugs makes clubbers burn out much faster, and that is one reason the scene is dead!!!!!

Plus this bill is designed to stop raves. Raves are for faggot ass losers.. Its soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo 90's... I doubt they would shut down a space or crobar which attracts millions of people a year to this area.. Miami is the #1 tourist destination for the british... AS long as clubs have a securtiy team and make attempts to stop them, then you will be fine. All raves should be banned... Makes us look bad... There is teen nights in every city...

on a side note, I would support a drinking age of 20. And how come these baby boomers tell us drugs are bad, but they glorified drugs in the 60's... makes you say hmmmmmmmmmm

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Originally posted by saleen351

I doubt they would shut down a space or crobar which attracts millions of people a year to this area.. Miami is the #1 tourist destination for the british... AS long as clubs have a securtiy team and make attempts to stop them, then you will be fine. All raves should be banned...

It is the notion that clubs would be fine that would cause this to happen.

Legally, clubs wouldn't be just fine, they could be treated as Rave promoters/owners due to the ambiguity of the current phrasing.

And this is the concern that would cause what I posted earlier. Thank you for talking about the issue itself this time. I know you are a bright writer that loves controversies sometimes.



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Originally posted by vipnerd

I imagine you are in favor of the Rave Act. And respect your opinion.

Many people in this board, regardless of their history with drugs, past or present, find the issue of this bill as a threat to nitelife and the industry in general.

If a bill like this one passes, the risk of organizing events like the ones you like to attend at clubs would be so high, no one would organize them in the longrun.

If it is because of the druggies that this bill was proposed, thank you for having collaborated with your past experience and your freedom to bring it back as an anecdote.

You are free to do with your mind whatever you want, in accordance with the law.

Your rights end were mine begin.

Thru information you create awareness. Thru awareness you create action.

If one is not informed, there is no awareness, hence no action.

It is not about being hypocritical with our own personal life. But, my kids should have a right to club as you and I do.

Rephrasing the Rave Act could punish the user in more drastic terms. Venues should do everything possible to eliminate drugs from their premises.

Punish dealers and users more severely. Invest in more undercovers to do the job. Analize the real effort a club does to eliminate drugs from the premises.

I believe I have the right to go to a club for an event and dance to my fav DJ spinning. this bill won't prevent me from going, but prevent ultimately clubowners from celebrating events.

The US market for electronic music is big. The industry would take such a huge hit by losing the US as a market that probably would disappear, if clubowners in the US drop out and do something else. Because few industries can absorb such a big loss of market without going bankrupt. (Remember Andrew?)

Clubgoing is not about drugs. Is about music. But I can't tell you what to do.

If any Cper on this board seems not to like what could happen to nitelife in general, first read. Second find out what you can do. And third do it.

No one is trying to force you to do what you don't believe in. But being in voting age, you can do something about what you believe in.

You can disagree with one or more of the phrases I just wrote, but the essence is there on what the Rave Act can do to nitelife.

Is up to you, but more importantly, let each one of your friends on this board decide on their own. And give them the right to get informed by not diverting the subject.

BTW, thank you for giving me the energy to write this. And take my apologies for trying to determine the psychological factor behind chemical drug use.

PS: In Leeds a club opened Aug. 1 called Rehab. It aims at the post-chemical generation. They are not an example, they are simply smart.



I agree with you somewhat, and I don’t support the Rave Act in its current state; as I previously stated. the act is very ambiguous and infringes on the rights of people to peacefully assemble. if the bill was proposed for"druggies" as you stated; then it’s flawed in principle. the fact that it is even called a "rave act" screams of ignorance.

if one is going to propose legislation, sweeping enough to affect all aspects of nightlife; then rename the bill, and make it more specific and no so vague. I haven’t checked the statistics on this, but I’m inclined to speculate that more people die from DUI incidents; then illegal drug overdoses. emphasizing "illegal drugs", and not the people who die from taking overdoses of legally prescribed drugs. which often gets grouped together with drug overdoses..

a drug is a drug; if you want to remove them from nightlife; then remove them all.

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In my reply to you buddy, from your little email.

Im not gonna come all the way to South Beach and bother you during your awesome night to say shit to you, I already said what I had to say.

So Like I said...

If that was a thread, please let me fucking know, because If god forbid anything happens.....

Have a Nice Night at Space Tony, maybe you'll meet a girl, and stop playing with raver lights.

Bye, :)

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Originally posted by mikeydny

In my reply to you buddy, from your little email.

Im not gonna come all the way to South Beach and bother you during your awesome night to say shit to you, I already said what I had to say.

So Like I said...

If that was a thread, please let me fucking know, because If god forbid anything happens.....

Have a Nice Night at Space Tony, maybe you'll meet a girl, and stop playing with raver lights.

Bye, :)

:huh: :huh: :huh:

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