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Seen any good movies latelY???

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I saw Knockaround Guys last night -- It was pretty good, especially with the unexpected, twist at the end... But still, it's just another italian mafia movie..... :blank:

Oh BUT having Vin Diesel in it didn't HURT EITHER!!!!!! :drool:

I am sooo excited to see 8 Mile with Eminem... It looks good....

Did anyone see Jackass????? Reviews??? Comments?

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I am into the rents and SVCDS, and VCDS. If you want me to send you some flicks over msg me! As far as the movies I have recently seen, I didn't like knockaround guys to much it left me wanting more, but Vin Diesel's character was loyal (that's the only way I can explain it). I saw big trouble last night such a "sleeper" hit that has to be the funniest flick I have seen in a long time. Scorpion King was wack, but that Maxim girl was hot. Blade 2 seems to be a flick I have been watching like everyday, and the Rookie was a nice movie. And the Count of Monte Cristo is a really good movie to watch as well....

As far as the theater there has been nothing that i wanted to see just yet.... :idea::blown:

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Although i couldnt see around Britney Spears new dew, I mean she had it all teased up like elvira, I just can't put 2 and 2 together, but thank god it was a full moon and satan rose to the ocassion and hoisted the main-saill over her head allowing everyone to see the screen once again!

Thank god for the tribecca film festival

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Originally posted by amelie73

although i couldnt see around britney spear new dew, I mean sahe had it all teased up like elvira, I just can't put 2 and 2 together, but thank god it was a full moon and satan rose to the ocassion and hoisted the mainsial over her head allowing everyone to see the screen once again!

Thank god for the tribecca film festival

Huh ?:confused:

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Originally posted by rdancer

your so easily pleased :tongue:

You must have a festivel at EXIT! :laugh:

J/K :idea:

nooo way jose! i don't know, honestly i'm usually not into the tough guy look (i'm more of a brad pitt kinda girl) something about vin just gets me!

maybe it's the character he played in fast and the furious????:confused:

who knows... but i'll be the first to admit, there are MUCH better looking guys out there........

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I know this isn't a new release or anything, but last night I watched "The Story of Us" with Michelle Pfieffer and Bruce Willis....

Let me just tell you -- This movie makes me sooooo scared of marriage..... Throughout the story, these two peole were absolutely miserable, could not fix their problems, and weren't in love anymore.... And only in the last 5 minutes of the movie is there any happiness for this couple......:(

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The Story of Us is sad...how hard did you cry?????:(

I want to see 8 Mile and The RIng sooo bad. The Ring loks sooo scary though...I know if I see that I am going to be sleeping wth the bathroom light on and the hallway light on too:eek: I get sooo scared at movies like that...especially with the whole afterlife/ghost thing...

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Dknybabe -- About "The Story of Us" -- I put it in before I went to bed last night, and was balling til about 1 am!!! I thought it was going to be a romantic comedy-chick-flick, GUESS NOT!!!

Oh and about "The Ring" -- some of my roommates saw it and said that it was one of the SCARIEST movies they had ever seen...... i don't think i'd like that....:blank:

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I just saw The Ring this past weekend. it was really good! scared the shyt outa me though. but the beginning of the movie got screwed up...when they put the movie on it was way too panoramic looking and the girls in the beginning looked so wide, like line backers!! it was so funny. im like uh...isnt this supposed to be a scarey movie?!! after about 5 minutes they finally fixed it.

i finally saw Pay It Forward...i've seen most of it but i actually sat down the other night and watched it from beginning to end. so sad :(

i really want to see White Oleander....i read the book and it was really good...i want to see how the movie turned out.


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