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Pack It Up Miami/sobe, I Told You Its Ova, And It Is...

Guest saleen351

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I don't think FTL stands a chance against the Miami scene...

In your posts it seems as what you want is someking of homogenous group of people all thinking the same, dressing the same, listening to the same, etc. It seems more like Club Faschistica than anything else.

What's cool about Miami is the "melitng pot" phenomenom, this is what keeps getting the scene reinvented, etc. Diversity is key in this scene to keep it fresh and with a party vibe that beats vibes in club circuit of most cities worldwide...

I agree with your 24 hour point abou FTL, but lauderdale is a drinking crowd, by 4am every one is throwing up and wasted and ready to go home or to get some ass, miami is a drug driven crowd that likes to stay up till all crazy hours...

And why is this a factor??? I think if people decide to drink or do drugs etc, its their choice and by no means it is a factor for comparison, drugs have existed and been used by humans for hundreds of years before the club scene even started, this kinda of thinking is that has led to evil plans such as RAVE act, etc...Drugs will exist wheteher theres a club scene or not...get over it.

And besides, you think alcohol isn't a drug??possibly the worst, i can't imagine all the drunk fights that hapopen around FTL strip after closing time when everybodys all confused and shitt...

Other reason why miami secne will always be better than FTL, pretty simple, Miami is a major port in AMerica(possibly the biggest when concerning Central and South American audiences).

I know by fact that alot of people from my country and other south american countries that are involved in the club scene are happy to know they have a major club destination 2 or 3 hours apart on plane.



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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by james954

now about lauderdale. i have lived in south florida for over 12 years now. over 5 years time spent living in miami and currently residing in downtown lauderdale. i have seen promoter after promoter attempt things in downtown lauderdale. including bliss on more than one occasion bringing in significant talent. the broward masses do not care about dance music. broward consists of white middle class 21-30 somethings. none of these demographics care what the dj is playing. and as stated in a previous post, they are all concerned with getting drunk, getting laid, or throwing up. usually in that order. lauderdale has offered many things from time to time, but nobody up here cares because they are all to focused on the "bar" scene. they are fine listening to a slew of pearl jam cover bands or the latest greatest 2 year old power 96 anthems at one of MANY indoor/outdoor venues. the only venue in recent history to market itself as a music venue was the old edge. i think the only reason it was sucessful from 94-98 was the fact that it was all ages to get in after 4:30am (yes saleen before you ever even steped in a club, broward was open til whenever). when the edge became chili pepper, they changed it up a bit with the new laws and all (except they completely ruined what was possibly the best club layout in florida). yet they were still pretty successful. til this day the music they marketed then is the same shit that works in lauderdale today. dj icey/old school breaks. period end of story. that is the only dj "name" that will draw in a club in lauderdale. the other places just fill up cause it looks like they have some "hot chicks in there!" lame.

bliss brought in parks and wilson, anthony pappa, trendroid etc. nobody turned up. it's sad. but it's also a fact. music does not draw in lauderdale. there are no standards in lauderdale and the majority of club goers are tourists from jersey and we all know how low their standards are. yo. it's been like that for to many years now, and it will not ever change.

you are 100% right. Even the local florida guys say the same exact thing. What you fail to realize is not lauderdale so much, but the DJ industry. With Miami and sobe sucking so bad and many talented DJ's out of work, I know quite a few of them, yea they still play at many clubs, but the good ole days are gone. Lauderdale has the crowds. The people come out. Yes they don't come out for the music, and they never will, but the struggling djs, or djs that have nothing to do on a friday or saturday night, are looking to lauderdale. They have no problems playing to a bunch of drunk morons and hot chicks. They will play and get smoked on the dj fees, but what is the alternative? Do they just sit at home and hope the next mega club owner calls? Not likey. They are all getting out and playing the small venues and sobe doesn't have the crowds to pull it off. If RED was in lauderdale, it would of done well, on sheer ignorance of the crowd. They would not know who stryke was, or cared nor knew the music, but hey 4 dollar beers and no cover and with that amount of people down here, you can't loose. Miami is clueless on music, but lauderdale is really clueless. But clueless or not, a dj could turn that place out.

There is lots of great talent that will play for peanuts due to the dj enviorment. One of my guys opened the largest club in NYC now he can't get booked any where in NYC... Look at oscar and roland, they only spin one day a week. Few djs have gigs for multiple days of the week now. Just not enough clubs and clubbers to go around. If you got nothing better to do, why not play lauderdale? A better dj and a better set can't hurt a club enviroment that is packed with clueless fucks..

Like i said, its a waiting game. Things will happend. Voodoo is sooooooo packed no matter who spins, and what they spin, imagine if they brought in a decent dj with a brand name... it would do well... as long as they didn't toss on picotto tracks.:D

by me saying miami is done, means it won't be the old miami/sobe. Its gone.. It will always do well, but lauderdale is now taking a small piece of the pie. How large depends on how well lauderdale promotes itself..

plus as I get older, i like these out door chill places.

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For an economics major you sure dont think about the economics of it all, maybe the bs stands for something else. Why buy a ferrari, when i can take a mustang, tune it up a bit and make it handle as good, drive as fast, and ride as comfortable? Because its a ferrari, that's why. You can sit all day and bring great dj's, hot girls, and cheap drinks, but one thing you can never bring is Miami, specifically sobe. Why do you see people paying 10 dollars or more for a drink, 30 or more to get in, at a club where they have the same shit as a cheaper place down the road? Because people dont want to deal with drunk guys puking on them, and drunk sluts screwing half the club in the night. They want something FTL cant give, and something you obviously dont have. You stay up in FTL and have your frat party, because no one wants that here. And when you do come down to miami because you hear the good dj's are in town, bring your jacket if its cool, cuz i can tell your gonna be waiting in line a long time. Have fun with your fake id sluts, drunk guys, and 2 dollar pitchers, cuz ill be down here with people who want to pay more for that one thing that people like you dont have...

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Miami has for years been and will remain a destination for tourists and clubbers from all around the globe. It might be changing its skin and that, as a mere natural consequence of the times we live in; it won't go away and most certainly, it won't be replaced by Ft Lauderdale...nonsense!

Ft Lauderdalians have been coming to South Beach for years, escaping the "sports-bar" athmosphere that seems to take charge of every establishment up there.

Don't get me wrong, Ft Lauderdale might be just fine if you work in real estate or have a good swing on the golf course...on the other hand, if you are a South Beach clubber you should know right away that you have no business partying in Ft Lauderdale...plus, is a long ass drive anyways.

I'm looking forward to your report on Tampa being the next clubbing frontier.

peace out! :cool:

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There is so much to reply to.

First off: the whole "WMC moves to Las Vegas" idea - Naner. FACT: The only thing that they have actually been considering is doing a hiphop conference in NY...

Secondly: Although Miami has been trying to live up to the Wild On! episode exploitation, it will never be what it once was- because at this point it is too saturated in hype. On occassion you can catch a really good show, but sobe- just like anyplace else- knows where the money is- and it's with commercial/mainstream music. That is a main reason why trance has taken over the beach for so long. Now that we have infomercials for Chillout on at 3am, maybe we'll see a shift. If you ask anyone who really is into music, they will usually tell you that they prefer house parties and private venues because the big clubs don't appeal to them. Most true aficianados stay home or hit the smaller venues.

And finally: Ft. Lauderdale has always been the land of the foot-draggers. It's not a posh or fashionable scene. Most guys are there to get drunk and possibly hook up with the girl who can't keep her skirt on. There are not many discerning ears in these clubs. [Really though, to create a real vibe there all it would really take is one large club to stick to their guns, get some real talent- and actually KNOW how to PROMOTE] Even so, it would take a lot to push all the mullets and yo-dogs out of Ft. Liquordale. Every time I go to Ft.Lauderdale to try and hang out I am reminded of how much I do not belong there. If you have an affinity for music then it is not an avenue to go down. I really hope that some of these clubs DO start playing better tunes, it's a short drive. To even SAY that Ft.Lauderdale is going to take Miami over is quite a bold statement and one that I shall not touch.

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Having read numerous valid points on both sides of the argument, it's difficult for me to formulate a solid prediction/opinion of what will become of the south florida club scene. However, having lived and partied in miami all my life, I can state the following....

1. The SoFlo club scene, as we know it today, was started in Ft Lauderdale at The Edge. Before that, it was all rebar, cameo, and later, liquid. All playing retro 70's. Nobody gave a shit who was Djing. There was no such thing as an afterhours in Miami. Nobody wanted to do the electric slide passed 4:00 am.

2. Things change. South beach, until the late 80's, was where old people used to go to die. The gay community began using it as their own little secret get away, opening clubs and revitalizing hotels... flash forward a few years... and you have SoBe of today. But make no mistake, hot spots DO die out, property values drop, and new interests are developed.

3. I, personally, would rather go to a club full of people who came to have a good time, rather than to be seen. I strongly oppose the opinion that the majority of Miami club-goers care who's on the decks. They go because they know there will be alot of people there and they want to feel cool. Because this is a self perpetuating phenomenon, it will create a stale musical environment, in which the same 5 names are booked and the musical style is eventually burned out. That's what happened to the Edge.

4. It is more rewarding, for a DJ, to make clueless people lose their minds on the dance floor, than to make a bunch of trainspotters nod their heads. Not to mention that it makes for a much more enjoyable experience for everyone in attendance.

5. Ft. Lauderdale has a huge risk of self destructing. If the club owners get over confident and try to mimic Sobe (price-wise, attitude-wise), they will have the same demise as Sobe (only faster). The city also has to play a part in the success of a club scene by loosening up on some of the ordinances, put in place in the mid-90's, to kill the Rave scene. They have to realize that a strong/legal night life is good for their economy.

That's it for now... beddybye time.



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1. Who cares where they computer I type on comes from? Who cares where the chair I sit on comes from? And for that matter who cares where the soflo club scene comes from? All I care is where its at now.

2. I am sure everyone is just dying to get out of florida, and miami in particular. And when the mass exodus occurs, property values will fall with it...but back to reality, if a few gay guys, as you put it, could secretly turn this little place into one of the best places to party, then i wonder what would happen if we were to make this place a port and bring lots of business here, and hey maybe tell some really rich folks that its warm down here and they can swim in the water, I dont know, im probably wrong though, why would anyone ever want to party with beautiful people in beautiful weather, where you can experience a melting pot of cultures. Beats me.

3. I personally like to go to a club thats empty and where I dont feel cool, just like some of the people on this list. And the reasoning that people care who the dj is, happens to have a big flaw. The people love to have a big name around, and for just the reasons stated in the same paragraph, because there will be lots of people and they will feel cool. So this phenomenon that you speak of, atracts better dj's not worse. More people = money to pay big name good dj. I mean why even post here and talk if you dont want to feel cool, everybody wants to feel cool with different people. You want to feel cool with the people who say they dont need to feel cool, and others want to feel cool for other reasons.

4. I think its more rewarding for the dj to pick up a big fat check, than fly a few thousand miles to play for ten people and collect 5 bucks. You dont see many good dj's playing for free, and you dont see many good dj's giving out cd's. you see them going where the money is, and thats the way the world is. In an ideal society it wouldnt be so, but hey we are far from that.

5. I thought there had to be something there in order to be able to self destruct? Can this be explained.

By the way, sorry to be so negative, just bored cant sleep, have to be up in an hour, and trying to cause a little trouble.

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I think your all fucking faggsFAG yes:blown:

why would you queers say hot chicks are lame? (FAG)

With decent music moving in to Ft. Lauderdale and if you live up here why the fuck would you EVER go to Sobe or down town mia???????????????????????????????????//

Ok for my occasional need for some Roland and OG and the occasional superstar DJ I will be @ Space. But never again will I be there every week. Unless your blind or queer (like most the peeps in this thread) Ft. Lauderdale has been un fucking real the past few weeks. The Star Bar has a great set up and is supposedly gettin some DJ's when the inside portion is finished. I have never been anywere that had so many hot chick in my life. Also there might be more girls down there than guys period. Fucking Mia is a sord fight in a bath house.

If I lived in Mia I would still make the drive up here atleast once or twice a mnth. I mean yeah I love the good tunes down there and that is why I go. But GoD DAMN I like to look at and talk to hot chicks. In Mia I guess they are all @ the movies or something????????????????:confused:

Cheap parking, no mile walk, music has gotton alot better, cheap drinks, cheap entrance and hella hot chicks why would you hate on Ft. Lauderdale???????????????/ But that's cool you haters can stand around milking each other dicks with the 10 -1 guy to girl ratio. in Mia

owwwww yeah and bling bling playa

:laugh: :laugh:

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All I have to say is that Saleen definitly has a valid point but, Sobe is its own place and has its own atmosphere that is completly diff. from Ft. Laud.......

Ft. Laud. is more of a college bar atmosphere where SoBe is more of a party destination. You get mostly locals up in Ft. Laud.'s night life as to SoBe is alot more of a touristy type crowd..... But all I have to say is I like both of them..... I have no problem partying in SoBe or Ft. Laud.....:D

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Even if FTL does 'change', it's still a haul for most of this board who live in Dade county anyway. I'd like to think that we all have some influence after a couple of years of bitching and moaning, so I don't quite see the beach or downtown going totally to shit in the near future. Let's put it this way, on any given night I can almost guarantee that there is some event that will hold me down here as opposed to figuring out how to get up there.

The be-seen crowd can have their VIP at Opium Fridays, I'll be at Spin or crobar.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by pod

Even if FTL does 'change', it's still a haul for most of this board who live in Dade county anyway. I'd like to think that we all have some influence after a couple of years of bitching and moaning, so I don't quite see the beach or downtown going totally to shit in the near future. Let's put it this way, on any given night I can almost guarantee that there is some event that will hold me down here as opposed to figuring out how to get up there.

The be-seen crowd can have their VIP at Opium Fridays, I'll be at Spin or crobar.

LIKE I TOLD tony, FTL never gave you a reason to come up. But they will. Trust me;) We make a paypal collection to buy you a limo ride up....:D

ps we saw the star bar version of POD sat night. You have competiton up here... :D

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Originally posted by cj7dave2

1. Who cares where they computer I type on comes from? Who cares where the chair I sit on comes from? And for that matter who cares where the soflo club scene comes from? All I care is where its at now.

Anyone with any experience in ANYTHING can tell you... to know where something is headed, you must first know where it's been. The old saying is... "Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it." You should give a shit where the Miami scene came from, otherwise you're just another newjack (which is fine, if that's what you present yourself to be).

2. I am sure everyone is just dying to get out of florida, and miami in particular. And when the mass exodus occurs, property values will fall with it...but back to reality, if a few gay guys, as you put it, could secretly turn this little place into one of the best places to party, then i wonder what would happen if we were to make this place a port and bring lots of business here, and hey maybe tell some really rich folks that its warm down here and they can swim in the water, I dont know, im probably wrong though, why would anyone ever want to party with beautiful people in beautiful weather, where you can experience a melting pot of cultures. Beats me.

NEWSFLASH!! Florida has been on the planet for a long time, the climate hasn't changed much since the ice age, and Ponce De Leon came ashore hundreds of years ago.... yet it's only been a hot spot for about 10 years. Hmmm, I guess the rest of the world just heard about the discovery....

"What?!... There's a place with tropical weather... and clubs?!! I can't believe it! It simply cannot be true. I must commit to going there for the rest of my life."

1. Spots get hot.

2. What made the spot hot gets exploited.

3. The spot becomes an imitation of itself... processed and pasteurized for mass consumption.

4. Eventually, it becomes unbearable for those who originally loved it.

5. The spot gets cold again.

I'm not talking about what someone in Germany thinks of the beach. I'm talking about what I think of the beach. Cancun is great to visit, but I'd kill myself if I had to live there.

Maybe it's unrealistic to think that property value will significantly drop, I'll give you that. But if you don't think the beach is taking a turn for the worse, than you didn't experience what it once was. Either that, or you're part of the "worse."

3. I personally like to go to a club thats empty and where I dont feel cool, just like some of the people on this list. And the reasoning that people care who the dj is, happens to have a big flaw. The people love to have a big name around, and for just the reasons stated in the same paragraph, because there will be lots of people and they will feel cool. So this phenomenon that you speak of, atracts better dj's not worse. More people = money to pay big name good dj. I mean why even post here and talk if you dont want to feel cool, everybody wants to feel cool with different people. You want to feel cool with the people who say they dont need to feel cool, and others want to feel cool for other reasons.

"Big name" doesn't mean "good dj" buddy. That's exactly what I'm talking about. You think that "Bigger draw = Better Music." If that's the case than I guess NSYNC, BackStreet Boys, and Britney are your idea of the BEST MUSIC IN THE WORLD! Christina Aguilera has more draw in her little toe than all the big name dj's on the planet. I still wouldn't sit through one of her songs.

As far as being cool... if you're trying to attain "coolness" by posting on a messageboard. You have already failed in your quest. I, personally, am here to communicate with others regarding a topic, in which I am interested.

But I'll call you Fonzy, if it makes you feel better.

aaaaaaayyyyyyyyy... :cool:

4. I think its more rewarding for the dj to pick up a big fat check, than fly a few thousand miles to play for ten people and collect 5 bucks. You dont see many good dj's playing for free, and you dont see many good dj's giving out cd's. you see them going where the money is, and thats the way the world is. In an ideal society it wouldnt be so, but hey we are far from that.

Ahhh... the illusive Fat check. Well sure, why didn't I think of that. Umm... maybe because it's a shallow argument. I guess you think Josh Wink walked up to a club owner one day and said... "I'm a really good DJ, give me lots of money and 4,000 people to play to!" DJ Careers are built one crowd at a time. THAT'S how it works.

5. I thought there had to be something there in order to be able to self destruct? Can this be explained.

I was referring to a year or so from now, when the scene up there has developed a little more.

By the way, sorry to be so negative, just bored cant sleep, have to be up in an hour, and trying to cause a little trouble.

Hey, no problem about the negativity. Not taking it personally. Hope you don't either.



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Hey man,

Maybe if i was starting a club, i should care where it came from, but Im not. All I care is that its there, I dont have a lot of power in keeping it there, just the drinks I buy and the admission I pay, history repeating itself might be an issue if I was to purchase a club, but like most people, I dont have that kind of cash.

The fact that some places get expoited is mainly an issue with the government. In mexico, the people living there who have a say in what is going on is, as far as laws regarding developement, and such are the devolpers, here, yeah the developers may be powerful, but I doubt youll see the people down here give up there sobe, and roll over. Mexico is Mexico, you cant change that. And as to the newsflash that sobe was just discovered ten year ago, its true. Everyone else in the world thought miami was a dump. Now some see it as a wonderful destination, because of sobe.

Britney and Backstreet boys are the best music in the world, as far as teenage girls who listen to that type of music go. So the only difference for adult clubgoers, would be that its a different kind of music, but i would suggest, that it may be a little luck people get record contracts, the fact is you dont sell records and make tons of money by being horrible in most cases. And please please call my fonzy.

All im saying is that shallow or not, ideals go down the drain when a little cash is in front of some poor dj's eyes. Its a fact of life, unlimited wants. Im not saying its right, but thats the way it is, and the fact that we allow that is what makes where you live such a wonderful place. People get the choice to respond to incentives, and they do. Yeah they may start small, but everyone wants to go big, and then when your big, you may do a small show here or there, but thats it.

just another way to think about shit

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:rolleyes: :rolleyes: Fucking shit, I don't have time to read all that.....

All I know is I live in Hollywood (Broward County) and I welcome what Ft Laudy has to offer... albeit good music, hot chicks, cheap drinks... I'm for all three. Am I going to stop going to SoBe or Space? Fuck no - I love those places. But I also am over the drive and paying $6 for a beer...... I don't mind the $20 cover cuz I know the place is gonna rock.... However, I like the idea of $5 cover and a 10 minute commute.

I don't go out every weekend anyway - but when I do, the idea of variety, located 10 minutes from my house, is exciting.


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Originally posted by thehog

I think your all fucking faggsFAG yes:blown:

why would you queers say hot chicks are lame? (FAG)

With decent music moving in to Ft. Lauderdale and if you live up here why the fuck would you EVER go to Sobe or down town mia???????????????????????????????????//

Ok for my occasional need for some Roland and OG and the occasional superstar DJ I will be @ Space. But never again will I be there every week. Unless your blind or queer (like most the peeps in this thread) Ft. Lauderdale has been un fucking real the past few weeks. The Star Bar has a great set up and is supposedly gettin some DJ's when the inside portion is finished. I have never been anywere that had so many hot chick in my life. Also there might be more girls down there than guys period. Fucking Mia is a sord fight in a bath house.

If I lived in Mia I would still make the drive up here atleast once or twice a mnth. I mean yeah I love the good tunes down there and that is why I go. But GoD DAMN I like to look at and talk to hot chicks. In Mia I guess they are all @ the movies or something????????????????:confused:

Cheap parking, no mile walk, music has gotton alot better, cheap drinks, cheap entrance and hella hot chicks why would you hate on Ft. Lauderdale???????????????/ But that's cool you haters can stand around milking each other dicks with the 10 -1 guy to girl ratio. in Mia

owwwww yeah and bling bling playa

:laugh: :laugh:


If you like good music and girls........go to a PMS party. There are more hot chicks at one time in the bathroom at every PMS party than in all the places you have been in Lauderdale together.

You are missing it buddy........:tongue:

See ya Thursday:hat:

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Hehe There's a pod-clone running about! Next time, pull him over, maybe he can do a Broward gallery for the site or something...

As for the hot chicks arguement, it doesn't really stand, I can point out... at least 2-300 severely fuckable girls on any given night at any respectable venue on the beach.


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wow.. from Space wars & controversy to Miami vs Ft. Lauderdale...

See the thing is, after all those years, Miami is finally evolving in the Underground music scene yet its been getting more critism than ever...

I really don't understand many people here. I have come to the conclusion that most people here like to discover something, call it their own & toss it when 5 other people find out about it. Lauderdale?? come on, it's been around for years & just the other night someone stumbled up on it & all of a sudden they become the city's official embassador- for the time or until the next discovery happens...

The bottom line is, as much as clubs try to blend pretty crowds with great music it just doesnt seem to last or sometimes work for that matter. If you are enjoying the music with your pals, then stick around. If you complain about the guy/girl ratio. Then Bring your own girl & don't expect to "hook up" every night if you come alone.

I've said it before, stop bitchin' about your scene & go and make things happen. In which ever way you choose to contribute. Stop & think about it, some of u might think u have the power of influence. Go out and use it in favor of the music, instead of using it to argue about what city or club is best or will be.

Don't look at what you don't have, instead take a good look at what you do have & try and value it for a fraction of a sec.

I always look at my glass as Half full... & I try not forgetting to thank the big guy upstairs.

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Much like Saleen did- take a cd you like & burn it for a friend who's never heard of it, & take the time to tell them about the dj or the music in it. Who knows, you just might introduce someone to a new sound he/she will appreciate & that's one extra person added to the scene.. Sometimes you hook em' & sometimes you dont. The important thing is you'll feel good about being a part of it.

As for me, you'll catch me doin' my thing on the terrace on saturdays along side Roland. Those of you who've been, you know...

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If you like good music and girls........go to a PMS party. There are more hot chicks at one time in the bathroom at every PMS party than in all the places you have been in Lauderdale together.

You are missing it buddy


Im not missing a fucking thing smart ass.

I will always party in Sobe and downtown Mia.

I just keep asking my self why go there so much when Ft. Lauderdale is 1. waaaay better hot girl ratio. 3. the music has gotton alot better. (nothing like Mia but good enough) 4. cheaper every thing 4. waaaay better ghetto ratio. 5. drinking on the street from bar to bar. 6. friendly and better bar staff. 7. you can leave the bar and get back in with no problems.

So yeah im missing it your right :rolleyes

See you @ Space if you go for MP------------------- NERD.

PMS party:confused:

grow up "buddy" your out of 10th grade. (I think:confused: )

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Guest saleen351

We are the few on this board that goes to lauderdale one weekend night, then space or south beach the other. When I said the music was getting better up here I wasn't BSing. More and more we are realizing that we have more fun up here, spend less money, have less problems and that if the music continues to progress the way it has since the 8 months I"ve been here, then we have no reason to go to south beach. Yea don't get me wrong, we'll always need our Space and Patio fix, but never again sobe. I know you work for them and I know you have to bit your tounge some times, but bro Spin was horrid the other night. Even the employees said it, and "others" me and you both know. Level is a mess. Crobar isn't even a club. We support the scene, just like you said, just the scene is moving or "expanding" to lauderdale. We are not bitching, this is a club music board. Its a discussion. Its not gospel just opinions from people who do support.

But Bro, some people, told me they want to see about starting a lauderdale party. not gonna mention names. A DJ that you love and know on a personal level is looking at a lauderdale gig. The other guy asked me all sorts of questions about it. Did you see the other brand names comming? Some of them even played Space many many times. Your Dj edgar played Zu Bar a few times. Fact is I could influence these clubs to book my jersey boys, but as of the summer it was a waste. We wanted Space but we need lauderdale as a stepping stone. I felt the scene up here was progressing and the time will come when you will see music up here that we hear at space and the patio and level and crobar. Not saying its better or worse then miami and sobe, but if you say we should support the scene, then all of my crew have listened to you, we party in both spots every weekend. We support two scenes while the rest on here seem to think miami is the greatest city on earth and only support their scene. So please preach to them that supporting great djs and music in lauderale is just as important as supporting good talent in their neck of the woods.

We do the drive every weekend. But these people all say its too far to drive to lauderdale. Seems miami is just covienant for some on here..

Biz you know you are my guy and i've always appreciated what you do for us, and if you didn't work on saturdays and fridays we would take you out, but since you are doing the marketing on Rolands cd according to that club mag that was on the bar at Space, are you gonna say that you won't do a lauderdale release party????? I'd bet money sez you most defintely do a lauderdale party. Why? Becasue laudedale is the scene as well. The "scene" has no boundries and no zip codes. The scene is not a described geographic area. The scene is every where, in every city and in every CD player. You have 10,000 potential clubbers to lure to miami and sobe. Lauderdale is a great place to show them what a sobe and miami club is all about up here and maybe you can expand the scene and get a few to come down and check out a oscar or a roland. Some people may say its might be cool to come down after hearing a qualtiy dj in lauderdale. You are not born in to the scene, you are introduced to it. No one discovered lauderdale over night, but as these clubs and cities go down the tube others step up. Lauderdale is stepping up.

We vote every time we go out. We have the say. We say it with our wallets and us being there. With no competiton the scene will die, just like it did. Now with some competiton up here, miami has to change things. Basically the clubbers get better clubs after the bottom feeders are gone!!! Adam Smith, the invisible hand theory. pick up a copy.. good reading..

As far as I know, oscar and roland only dj one night a week. I"m sure many others down in sobe and miami only dj one night a week. There is nothing wrong with these guys playing lauderdale on a night they are not spining. For me I have the love of playing baseball. I miss it so much, and now I wouldn't care if I played on a winning team or a loosing team, just as long as I got to play again. Some of us ripped on Dekan, but trust me that kid would spin for a room full of monkeys if someone asked him. He loves the music and loves to spin. He wouldn't care if it was 4 kids or 4000 kids there, you have to respect the guy for that. These locals guys play becuase they love it as well, so why not play and exapand some minds up here, and if it turns out they have to play cheese, so be it, better then playing no where...

we had a saying on Wallstreet: We use to ask clients if they are successful in life. All would say yes, and we would ask them why? None knew how to answer the question, so they pause for a sec, then we asked them if they got successful being open minded or close minded? All answered open minded. Maybe the scene and the clubbers should open their minds and understand a city name has nothing to do with the scene. You all think NJ sucks but NJ is much better (now) then sobe, but you all think it isn't cause its name is jersey and its next to nyc... Closed mindedness is killing florida.

There is even a guy who ran a sobe party who is a friend of yours who said on the board that lauderdale last sat night was more fun then sobe...

I'm not sure what i have to do to convince some of yous to try it one night. You might like what you find..:idea:

any how, Biz if we had a lauderdale version of you, and the hard work you do, and your understanding of the game, then our "scene" would be even better.

I'll see you in two weeks.. I have two scenes to support and I can't gudio fist pump in two cities every night.. I'm not a drugey or a person that drinks and drive. But when i'm around i'll be at your party...

saleen out...

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Originally posted by saleen351

The "scene" has no boundries and no zip codes. The scene is not a described geographic area. The scene is every where, in every city and in every CD player. You have 10,000 potential clubbers to lure to miami and sobe. Lauderdale is a great place to show them what a sobe and miami club is all about up here and maybe you can expand the scene and get a few to come down and check out a oscar or a roland. Some people may say its might be cool to come down after hearing a qualtiy dj in lauderdale. You are not born in to the scene, you are introduced to it. No one discovered lauderdale over night, but as these clubs and cities go down the tube others step up. Lauderdale is stepping up.

We vote every time we go out. We have the say. We say it with our wallets and us being there. With no competiton the scene will die, just like it did. Now with some competiton up here, miami has to change things. Basically the clubbers get better clubs after the bottom feeders are gone!!!


See ya Saturday;)


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