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girls...how often do you re-wear the same shirt?

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i dont know if its just me but every night i go out, i like to be wearing something new...and i end up spendin soooo much money on clothes that i seem to only wear once or twice..

i wish there was some kind of trade in program..where i could trade my pretty much only worn once shirts in for new ones..lol

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Originally posted by missdivinity

i dont know if its just me but every night i go out, i like to be wearing something new...and i end up spendin soooo much money on clothes that i seem to only wear once or twice..

i wish there was some kind of trade in program..where i could trade my pretty much only worn once shirts in for new ones..lol

I feel the same way! I hate wearing the same thing more then once or twice.....

I have a trade-in program w/ my friends....we all share clothes so we feel like it is something new...problem is...my clothes are better! :mad: so i end up getting the raw end of the deal!

I buy a new shirt practically every week.....it kills my pocket!

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At least Im not the only one. I wear a shirt once or twice...Tops...I think about wearing the same shirt, and then I say to myself..."i cant wear that, I already wore it"...

Its getting rediculous. I need to stop shopping already. Big problem for me. Can we say, Shopping anon. anyone? :D

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yeah but sometimes i WANT to wear the same things again because i really like them...its so annoying...we should all get together and have a big shirt trade off..lol ..so i can save money

and HUNNIE ...i know what ya mean about having better clothes..not saying i do but...a lot of my friends dont like the same styles or i dont theirs

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Originally posted by xrapturex

Yeah seriously, I want to wear them over too...but I feel like if I do, people will be like "Didnt she wear that last week?"...LOL

Shirt trading, sounds fun...;) The only thing we have to hope is we are all the same size...lol

i feel the same way...

...shirts are pretty easy to be the same size though..i usually wear a small..sometimes a medium..depending on the shirt....sooooo if your one of those...we are arranging a trade off;)

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Originally posted by missdivinity

i feel the same way...

...shirts are pretty easy to be the same size though..i usually wear a small..sometimes a medium..depending on the shirt....sooooo if your one of those...we are arranging a trade off;)

Yup! Those are my sizes....definetely depends on the shirt.

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Originally posted by mystify82281

GOD I hate being a girl for this problem... :mad:

There really should be some kind of trade in kinda thing......

Guys have it so easy, their clothes are usually simple enough to wear again a few times.....

yeah i love being a guy <eyeroll>

u chick can hit up mandee to the rescue for like 60 bucks and get a whole outfit. thats like 1/2 the price of a guys pair of jeans

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I wear some of the stuff again, but only to different places or many weeks far and apart to the same place...I am a COMPULSIVE SHOPPER...I used to spend like 300 a week on shopping, regardless if it was boots, pants, tops, sweaters, jackets, etc. Now I dont do that b/c I dont have the funds:( But a trade in program would be soooo nice, dammit :mad:

Hunnie - I know what you mean about the clothes, thats why I HATE sharing and I rarely EVER do it..

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yeah sharing for me is a big no!!! because i'd feel bad borrowing someone's clothes...

god forbid i ruin it, rip it, spill something on it, etc.....

and i wouldn't even want to borrow anyone's clothes bc i absolutely hate when people borrow mine..... i've put an end to that... bc my 7 other roommates used to borrow every weekend, and i finally put my foot down!!!!!

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Or you could do like I do (since guys clothes are usually more expenisve anyways) Wear it with differnt pants or shirt, or then wear something else differnt with it so it looks like a differnt outfit. People will think you have alot more cloths athen you really do.

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Originally posted by BRIAN1500

I love being a guy.

Amen to that bro! What a pain in the ass it is being a girl, I went to Short Hills Mall with a good friend of mine shopping- Holy shit she was in every store with her "bag" obsession, Gucci, Louie V, etc. Its a fucking purse, no need to spend $500 on "bag!" Nonetheless, she needs both of them cuz she cant decide. Then again, she couldnt understand how I could spend $400 on an IPod, I sure the hell cant understand the $500 purses. You can rock some Fucci bags on the corner in the city baby, no one will know, lol.

And the make up, the lotions, the facial creme, Chanel eye something, exfuckingfoliators or whatever you girls call it :laugh: , the this, the that, I got a new appreciation for all the shit you girls do. :clap:

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Originally posted by njdionysus

Amen to that bro! What a pain in the ass it is being a girl, I went to Short Hills Mall with a good friend of mine shopping- Holy shit she was in every store with her "bag" obsession, Gucci, Louie V, etc. Its a fucking purse, no need to spend $500 on "bag!" Nonetheless, she needs both of them cuz she cant decide. Then again, she couldnt understand how I could spend $400 on an IPod, I sure the hell cant understand the $500 purses. You can rock some Fucci bags on the corner in the city baby, no one will know, lol.

And the make up, the lotions, the facial creme, Chanel eye something, exfuckingfoliators or whatever you girls call it :laugh: , the this, the that, I got a new appreciation for all the shit you girls do. :clap:


its true..we lead an expensive lifestyle...some just more extreme than others :rolleyes:

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well i usually only wear the same shirt out like maybe once or twice.. and then i will wear it maybe to get drinks one night at chevy's or something of that sort.. but then.. i know you all have them.. there is that one shirt you wear everytime you get it drycleaned! mind you i only get my stuff cleaned like every couple of weeks.. my token shirt is black and kinda plain but it is my favorite.. its made of the best material..

hey girls i was telling the girls on the fashion board macy's is having a sick sale.. and right now for going out.. i need sleeveless or short sleeve.. which you can only find on the sale rack.. Stores should still carry shit like that in the winter as well as the summer.. don't they know we still go out! i hate wearing long sleeves out.. i get too hot!

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