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Stop The Madness!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Ok the donkeys are going to be extremely honest and want to hear the opinions of the other donkeyland members. My posts may seem redundant, but the fact is most of the members just are getting querrer and querrer. There are some exceptions to the board, but for the most part everyone on here are tools. Your posts suck, you ideas suck, you quote un quote reviews suck a big fat donkey nut, basically you suck and should consider ending your life and saving all the proud donkeyland members the anguish of reading your fucking pathetic, stupid, illiterate, and for the most part embarassing posts. This board sucks. You know who the fuck Im talking about. (Saleen, Doubleplay, Exit82, DJWET=newest member to the quer club, joegio, etc. just to name a few. Im sure when you make these posts you sit there and say "WOW im A big fat hairy fucking piece of shit that portrays him or herself as a fucking gay with my stupid fucking posts"



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How dare you of all fucking people question what I write. You have some of the lamest posts I have ever read. You talk about your fucking dreams. Shut your fucking pie hole and you are officially banned from Donkeyland. We dont want to see your posts, replies, etc. You are kicked the fuck off.

RDNTHESHORTbus cannt believe I forgot about Kostapussy. We all know hes a faggot.


Mystify it was nice knowing you. You are fucking gone biottch.

We warned you.

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go ahead donkeyboy-- say something-

y dont you just start a thread called

" the vent"

where you can MOVE this waiste of space post too.


makin me and others think its sumething to be read-

ur a jerk

dont bother waisting our time with this-

and to eveyone else on CP!!!//......

dont bother responding either-

he / she doesnt need our attentions.

get a life




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Liquid you scrawny piece of shit welcome to the donkey punch list. You are just the type of donkeyland member the donkeys are referring too. You're a loser. I am going to beat the fuck out of both you and kostapussy. Once Kostapussy is done shining my hooves and Ive knocked him the fuck out Im going to shove you up his ass. Where the fuck do you get off even responding back to a donkey post. Did I summon you tool. NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stay in your lane faggot. Hey let me guess your one of these faggots thats posts about his B-day, you probably give Deko reviews, and you probably talk about how youve never gotten ass before. Youre a fucking virgin. Hey I know who you are. YOure a fucking virgin. You have black hair and your cock has never even seen a twat let alone been in one. Let me tell you it is fucking great. YOURE A VIRGIN FAGGOT> SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SHIT IS GETTING RAW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Originally posted by donkeyboy

welcome to the donkey punch list.

Just wondering when the people on this list are actually going to get punched....

b/c so far all you do is talk the talk, like most Message board BULLIES....

when I get punched, are you going to take my milk money too???

Thanks for the info.....

BTW, how did that Bukacky go down in AC????

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Originally posted by BRIAN1500

Pay no attention to the fools Lock. We can take care of them if they ever show their face.


Brian, I appreciate the comments, BUt, If I can put YOU down for the count.... I think I can handle a few DONKEYS!!!!


J/k... I pay them no mind, just having a little fun... not the type to take it serious...

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1st off Donkey

i have to say u spelled my name wrong


not liquid

and as for ~~~~~~~>

Hey let me guess your one of these faggots thats posts about his B-day, you probably give Deko reviews, and you probably talk about how youve never gotten ass before. Youre a fucking virgin. Hey I know who you are. YOure a fucking virgin. You have black hair and your cock has never even seen a twat let alone been in one. Let me tell you it is fucking great. YOURE A VIRGIN FAGGOT> SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


bro im laughin so freakin hard !!

this is too funny

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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus

Lock.... considering that Donkeyboy, and just about every one of his bitches double you in size, ya may want to tone it down a bit bro.... I would hate to have to scrape ya off the floor at Metro with Kosta and his crew.....

Just lookin out.....

Hey bus,

do me a favor.. look the other way.... thanks.

Maybe you think I take any of this serious.... sorry to disappoint, but I don't.... makes me laugh, so I keep it going...

I ain't afraid of no ghost..... and that is all they are to me...

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