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house music dancing

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Is there any websites about house dancing? Im becoming very infatuated with dancing, so much that i want to find out how to learn some new moves, rather than having to go to the city and look around to find good dancers and borrow theirs! And let me tell you, Exit doesnt hav enough good dancers to go around! Ill be going to ARC soon, so im ready to get schooled, but i wanna learn more about the scene if there is one. Anyone?

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well yes of course i know this, but its to the point where the places i go im running out of things to borrow! I mean so far ive heard factory has a unique style, and shelter and arc are great for dancing, but have yet to go there. For me its just been raves, Exit and CT clubs

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Originally posted by rocksteadyct

well yes of course i know this, but its to the point where the places i go im running out of things to borrow! I mean so far ive heard factory has a unique style, and shelter and arc are great for dancing, but have yet to go there. For me its just been raves, Exit and CT clubs

When i first started i wanted to find websites also but the truth is... SF dancing is a unique style but everyone and their mother does it... just dance the way you want to dance...

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well obviously im going to dance the way i want to dance - but i dont like being ignorant on other styles. Its not a matter of me wanting to go to SF to learn the SF dance, i want to go everywhere and see everything - and the best way to learn new things is to see them done, hence the question

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Originally posted by trancerxn112

When i first started i wanted to find websites also but the truth is... SF dancing is a unique style but everyone and their mother does it... just dance the way you want to dance...

:finger: ---- Dont knock it till you try it mike!!! ~ Someday I know I'll get there :D

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Originally posted by rocksteadyct

Im not exactly sure what it is, but i think its similar to the exit walk, which is odd and done by mostly meatheadz but extremely appealing for some reason. Dont like the people that do it, but it looks pretty decent when not over used.

....that's not sf dancing....if u r talking about real dancing...u will see some of the sickest dancers at factory sometime sunday after the sun comes up...just look for the circles

......the factory shuffle...fist pump...etc...is just people taking up space

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Originally posted by misk

....that's not sf dancing....if u r talking about real dancing...u will see some of the sickest dancers at factory sometime sunday after the sun comes up...just look for the circles

......the factory shuffle...fist pump...etc...is just people taking up space

this is true...im a believer....SF has the illest dancers in the city..no question about it...and the circle police help as well

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you can start by not going to those guido clubs, they dont even play real house music. Go to Bang the party on Friday night at Opeline bar ( on 8ave between 6-7thst) dope ass real afrobeat-latin -jazzy-vocal house) or shelter or filter 14 or centro fly friday or even find out when the rocksteady crew is throwing an event by doing a websearch. You can pick up moves by learning the ones you see and then improving or mutating the moves into your own unique styles. Not that I have anything against Guidos but its like going tona club that is tooo ghetto, and your not, you just dont have fun. I find those clubs like exit to be mindless, ----glowsticks-e-coke-k-toughguys doing the meatpump-fights-girls who wont date you unless you have drugs or are a toughguy and shitty based out,tranced out so called ktu house music. I bet none of those clobs would play a deep six record, or ian pooley, or Joe klausel. Oh did i forget leopard print and shiny clothing, and a cowboy hat and sme very fancy new 70's shirt and pants.NO FLAVA.

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haha thanks for everyones input, although i dont think many of you actually read the first few posts ;) (i know how to dance)

But on the real - i wanna get outta the guido clubs - it seems like if you are dancing and feeling the music u dont fit in (or get dirty looks)

Shelter and arc are my main objectives - does anyone frequent Shelter here? Wanna be my guide?

But to the original question - i have scoured the web for resources, and i have decided that house dancing is still far enough underground that even the b-boy sites only give it a mention (its described as freestyle)

Feels good to be into something that not a lot is known about! I love dancing!

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Originally posted by lovevilovevil

you can start by not going to those guido clubs, they dont even play real house music. Go to Bang the party on Friday night at Opeline bar ( on 8ave between 6-7thst) dope ass real afrobeat-latin -jazzy-vocal house) or shelter or filter 14 or centro fly friday or even find out when the rocksteady crew is throwing an event by doing a websearch. You can pick up moves by learning the ones you see and then improving or mutating the moves into your own unique styles. Not that I have anything against Guidos but its like going tona club that is tooo ghetto, and your not, you just dont have fun. I find those clubs like exit to be mindless, ----glowsticks-e-coke-k-toughguys doing the meatpump-fights-girls who wont date you unless you have drugs or are a toughguy and shitty based out,tranced out so called ktu house music. I bet none of those clobs would play a deep six record, or ian pooley, or Joe klausel. Oh did i forget leopard print and shiny clothing, and a cowboy hat and sme very fancy new 70's shirt and pants.NO FLAVA.

you had me until you couldn't spell Claussell

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try going to roxy, im not a fan of the club itself but they got a funny little dance themselves, it resembles the exit dance but tis a ltitle different... or look for this kid in exit named landy, with madd BLonde hair and watch him do his stomp dance, he usually doing it around closing time, its the funniest shit :)

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Originally posted by exitsquared4e

or look for this kid in exit named landy, with madd BLonde hair and watch him do his stomp dance, he usually doing it around closing time, its the funniest shit :)

Ive met him before - from clubbaddict right? You may have seen me before, i was at exit friday dancing till close on the main floor/stage 100 miles an hour - were you there?

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Originally posted by rocksteadyct

Ive met him before - from clubbaddict right? You may have seen me before, i was at exit friday dancing till close on the main floor/stage 100 miles an hour - were you there?

this past friday was my first time in along time that i wasnt there, i went to check out roxy... big mistake.... oh well, i am lloking foward to drapers birthday next week, and unfortuantly i wont be around on thanksgiving eve

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