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vote:who are the sexiest bartenders????

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first things first happy turkey day 2 all....this is for guys and ladies 2 answer.. anyway i was just thinking about this last night when i got 2 deko. who do u think have the best looking bartenders as a ...

group and any single picked

my choice has 2 be the deko ladies...wow they get sexier by the week mann...

now for my single pick...hhhmmm i gotta get back 2 u on that one

if u have pics post em so i it can be easier 2 vote

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just about every female bartender on the circuit is sexy in her own way, I do have one favorite, she knows who she is and so do the people that KNOW me. I would never try to name names, even though I do know alot of them by name, I know I would leave someone out. Work It Ladies.

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Originally posted by ibclubbin

Platinum has some sick hottie bartenders.......

Maria :clap::bootysha:


IB i agfree and disagree with you.

First platinum hands down has the hottest bartends ( sorry Zee but you are Zee not a bartender to me so u dont count lol )

but i disagree cause Erin if friggin hot.

Donna is in a class of her own. That dont count either because its just not fair that someone is that good looking

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