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Do you believe in god? DO you believe in hell? DO you believe that you will be forgiven for the evil things that you may have done according to your religion? Or do you lie to yourself and just tell yourself that, but truly believe that you will be punished for all the things that are perceived as "wrong" by your religion.

Bottom line of my topic.. Do you believe that there is a chance that you will burn in hell for all eternity...for ever and ever and ever suffering with out the hope of ever getting out and if there is a chance that you believe that this may happen why would you not do something to prevent it?

I ponder this thought allot. ..





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Ok so my story goes like this....

I was born and raised catholic until the age of 12 when me and my sister started going to a pentecostal (christian protestant) church with my neighbor and her kids. I continued to go and worship every friday and sunday and sometimes even on tuesday. I stopped goin to church when i was 17. I have to say though that i did learn alot about religion and christianity from the church. Or i should say that i learned it the way my church taught it to me.

Im almost 23 and looking back i see how much the church blinded me to the outside world. Not that the church or beign religious is necessarily a bad thing but the it did shelter me. I was too scared to experience things on my own cuz i would be committing a sin or it was just something considered "wrong and immoral" by the church. Now that im older i realized that all of life is an experience and we should all be free to live it the way we choose without so much judgment. Thats one thing the church taught me, never judge anyone cuz God is the only one who has the right to judge.

As for the hell question...... idk if i sstill believe in heaven or hell. I know that i def use too. I dont think i do anymore though, sometimes i find myself not believing in god either. Science is very convincing and i dont doubt the big band theory. Who knows what awaits us after death... i guess we'll find out when we die.

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Originally posted by AcidCrackwhore

Ok so my story goes like this....

I was born and raised catholic until the age of 12 when me and my sister started going to a pentecostal (christian protestant) church with my neighbor and her kids. I continued to go and worship every friday and sunday and sometimes even on tuesday. I stopped goin to church when i was 17. I have to say though that i did learn alot about religion and christianity from the church. Or i should say that i learned it the way my church taught it to me.

Im almost 23 and looking back i see how much the church blinded me to the outside world. Not that the church or beign religious is necessarily a bad thing but the it did shelter me. I was too scared to experience things on my own cuz i would be committing a sin or it was just something considered "wrong and immoral" by the church. Now that im older i realized that all of life is an experience and we should all be free to live it the way we choose without so much judgment. Thats one thing the church taught me, never judge anyone cuz God is the only one who has the right to judge.

As for the hell question...... idk if i sstill believe in heaven or hell. I know that i def use too. I dont think i do anymore though, sometimes i find myself not believing in god either. Science is very convincing and i dont doubt the big band theory. Who knows what awaits us after death... i guess we'll find out when we die.

I can understand how you feel 100 percent. But i guess my problem more is that i can not just wait till i die to find out because what if i am wrong and it is already to late?

Scary shit if you ask me. I think most people block it out and don't think about it becuase of the fear of insanity.

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Originally posted by notallthere

I can understand how you feel 100 percent. But i guess my problem more is that i can not just wait till i die to find out because what if i am wrong and it is already to late?

Scary shit if you ask me. I think most people block it out and don't think about it becuase of the fear of insanity.

lol seroiusly, if i dwelled on ti everyday i would go insane. I know that right now im not ready to be commited to going to church and religion, especially since i dont believe in organized religion anymore.

Originally posted by georgeacasta2

One question. What's the big band theory. Is that the theory where a jazz band started the whole universe in the 1930's?

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

One question. What's the big band theory. Is that the theory where a jazz band started the whole universe in the 1930's?

very funny...I do attend church as much as possible but that is my choice. I believe in a higher power and a heaven. I think hell is on earth with all the things that go on everyday, crazy stuff.

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i do believe in God i believe in heaven and hell. i actually use to go to church alot. Probably shoudl have kept going. might have avoided alot of troubles. i can definatly agree with notallthere.

my brother and my uncle are both protestant ministers and sometimes i think about it and say what if they are wrong. what if they spend their whole lives living one way believeing in something and the last thought they have is " oh shit i was wrong". i mean every culture has some sort of religion and afterlife why is ours right and whos to say it isnt. i guess thats where the word faith came in right. think its forever confuising

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If you believe in nothing, and spend to much time thinking about it, it can DEFINITELY drive you crazy. People fall into an existential depression, or existential despair over this whole thing. There are tons of philosphy books on this, but because it not a 'happy' way really of looking atlife, its never dominated. People 'need' somethign postive, a reward to help them get through the hardships of life, and religion provides that.

There is religion in every culture simply because its human nature to attempt to explain, and find a purpose or meaning behind our existance.

I just saw the movie AI the other night, and even though its far-fetched as the actual story goes, it poses alot of questions to what defines life, and in the end there is still just a search for the meaning of life.

If you start to think about it too much, and too deeply it can actually be overwhelming. Its doesn't become just a thought or philosophy in your head anymore, but the reality of it suddenly hits...

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Originally posted by ninadd

relgion is a myth. there is no heaven or hell just one big lie to comfort ourselves

Alot of people believe this way. Some people believe this way because they just feel that they know they cant do everything right in life....so whats the point in trying....i'm going to hell anyway so let me block it out. But in the Catholic and Christian religion...there is a savior. Basically in a nutshell....either you die endlessly in hell....OR you accept the fact that Jesus did that for you as representative of payment for what you did....and you get off scott-free and go to heaven no matter what . Thats a nice way of putting it of course but I do believe that its true.

Too many people think...how would God have let all these bad things have happened to me if he is real....and then they block out God and blame God for all their pain. THink of it this way.....if God was the answer to living a pain free life.....there'd be a line out your nearest church a mile long.

Deep thought for a deep thread

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Most people that i know that dont' believe in god aren't atall for the reasons you gave above. Actually I don't know anyone like that. Through most of my discussions and readings (btw, I was a psych and anthro major in college, so I was knowledgable on human nature as well as the evoultionary process) the people that dont' believe in god,simply don't believe because they see the actual hard evidence of evoultion. Actual bones, actual artifacts, and realize that through millions of years on this planet, its just life recreating itself in different forms.

And also have the understanding that its human nature to have or NEED somethign to believe in. Thats why we have somany religions, going back through the ages of the neanderthals. Tghey had a religion, they were followers of a 'Bear Cult', believing bears were creatures that were to be worshipped, as higher beings. Bringing death. In every culture you can find some need to believe in something.

The greeks, had dozens of gods. Why is the Christian God the one that lasted throught the ages, and forced out so many other religions ? Because of politics, and money , and war. More people have died in the name of religious fervor than anything else, and why ? Because people need so badly to believe thatthere is something else, that we just don't 'blink out' when you die.

And trust me, I'm someone that really DOES wish there was a god, because the fear of nothingness does eat away at me. But my logical brain can't fathom there being a higher being that so many people believe in. Its a fairy tale, like any other, only difference is that it had money and power behind it, and it provides one thing we can't seem so many to do for ourselves... give purpose, meaning, and hope.

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Originally posted by stardo

I am gods little chicken with wings.

I know I am going to heaven.

If I didnt have god I probably would have probably dont alot of very very bad things. My bad side is very scary.

awh your so cute :) :) Sometimes the most simple things that are said contain the most truth.

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Originally posted by notallthere

awh your so cute :) :) Sometimes the most simple things that are said contain the most truth.

If god wasnt around i probably would have done bad stuff to you :D

Want to come to float on friday

ps sorry about your jacket on friday.

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Originally posted by stardo

If god wasnt around i probably would have done bad stuff to you :D

Want to come to float on friday

ps sorry about your jacket on friday.

haha i forgot about the jacket to be honest. DONT WORRY ABOUT IT! I paid 5.99 for this jacket at old navy a year ago and it washes well :tongue:

Bad things to me? LIke eat my brains?!

Where is float?

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Religion is all bullshit....it shields you form the outside world....only in religion can you fuck up peoples lives forever( by molesting them like thousands of priests have done) and then go say penance and think that God is going to forgive you and make it all go away....are u serious??

somebody try committing a crime and then have the pope tell them they can go back to work cuz theyre sorry...and then not even have the police get involved..try pulling that shit on your boss....

Religion is all bullshit...only thirty years ago nuns were telling my mother that if she wore makeup and teased her hair she was gonna go to hell....

u know that sick fuck who shot the pizza deliverers for a game...he got spared the death penalty in part because some nun said that after talking to him he was truly a good person and deserved to be spared...who the hell is she to be making judgment calls on this sicko......

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You know what pisses me off? Its when people say they dont have a religon, but when im sure alot of theses people when their in a though time or something say a prayer (prayer can be almost anything, no necessarly a Hail Mary or Our Father) When someone dies these are the first people to say how their in heaven or when Sept 11 happend wrote god bless america on their car or house. Now dont get me wrong that im forcing religon on anyone, b.c im not, im just critizing hypocrites. I guarnetee anyone here that godforbid when someone in their family gets diagnoed with cancer and they got 6 months to live, or their in that airplane in the middle of the atlantic and its on its way down are gonna beleive in God or some higher power, and their gonna beleive in a heart beat.

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Originally posted by lalaman

You know what pisses me off? Its when people say they dont have a religon, but when im sure alot of theses people when their in a though time or something say a prayer (prayer can be almost anything, no necessarly a Hail Mary or Our Father) When someone dies these are the first people to say how their in heaven or when Sept 11 happend wrote god bless america on their car or house. Now dont get me wrong that im forcing religon on anyone, b.c im not, im just critizing hypocrites. I guarnetee anyone here that godforbid when someone in their family gets diagnoed with cancer and they got 6 months to live, or their in that airplane in the middle of the atlantic and its on its way down are gonna beleive in God or some higher power, and their gonna beleive in a heart beat.

lolol i understand what your getting at. There are hypocrites everyone inside and outside teh church. People that never go to church all of a sudden one day get down on their hand and knees and pray to go cuz something bad just happend in their lives or to someoen close to them. Its fine that you want to pray to god but how about when good thing are happening in your life? somehow no one remembers god then and thanks him.

But the hypocrites inside teh church are the worst. I know this from experince cuz like ive said i use to attend a pentecostal church every fri and sun. I'll take our pastor for example, a few years ago it was made known to the congregation that the pastor and his wife were seperating cuz he cheated on his wife. And its not just him, many people in the church will preach to each other about how you need to be righteous person when they themselves are commiting sins all the time. Everyone sins but theres on thing when your preaching to people about not cheating and then you go out and do it yourself. or not fornicating, when almost all the young people in the churt godforbid when someone in their family gets diagnoed with cancer and they got 6 months to live, or their in that airplane in the middle of the atlantic and its on its way down are gonna beleive in God or some higher power, and their gonna beleive in a heart beat.

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Originally posted by AcidCrackwhore

i know im not ready to do that considereing i dont even know if i believe in god anymore.

i agree with you in that respect. Dont do something if you think it would be a waste of time. But since you say you dont know if you believe in God anymore......dont you think the consequences of not seeking that out are enough to motivate you just to see what you truly believe.

It sucks that your church had all that happen. Wow...that church definitely seemed to be led by some people who made some real mistakes....and they shouldnt be allowed to lead anything anymore. But in the end, he's human and humans make mistakes....pastors dont have any Godly-supernatural qualities. Excusing yourself because someone else didnt lead you the right way is not enough in my book. You control your own destiny....not that pastor or other people like that. If youre standing in front of GOd someday....yelling "BUT MY PASTOR WAS A HYPOCRITE! HE LED ME WRONG!", I really doubt God will give you a pass. Its your life to make your own decisions...take hold of that

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