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dipsy doodles v. fritos


which do you prefer, dipsy doodles or fritos?  

5 members have voted

  1. 1. which do you prefer, dipsy doodles or fritos?

    • dipsy doodles
    • fritos

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there are no dipsy doodles out here on the west coast :( , and there's nothing like them, either. the closest thing, i guess, would be fritos, but nothing comes close to the ridges, in my book :( . so, you guys have the choice, which do you prefer?

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Dipsy what? I don't like fritos either, they're too salty. I like the lime flavored Tostitos. Damn those are good!. But the best were these mexican tortilla chips called Pizzerolas. Pizza flavored tortilla chips and it included a packet of hot sauce in the bag. YUMMY!

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Originally posted by zaguero

Dipsy what? I don't like fritos either, they're too salty. I like the lime flavored Tostitos. Damn those are good!. But the best were these mexican tortilla chips called Pizzerolas. Pizza flavored tortilla chips and it included a packet of hot sauce in the bag. YUMMY!

OMG! I know what you are talking about! Didn't Sabritas make them? Damn, I'm gonna have to get me some while I'm in TX!

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Originally posted by tinybutterfli

OMG! I know what you are talking about! Didn't Sabritas make them? Damn, I'm gonna have to get me some while I'm in TX!

YES!!! But i don't think they make them any more. :( I give you the 411 when I come back from Mexico.

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1. Hacer el amor en una cama individual es absurdo.

2. Tienes más comida que cerveza en el refrigerador .

3. 6:00 A.M., es la hora en que te levantas y no la hora en que te acuestas.

4. Oyes tu canción favorita en el elevador o en un consultorio.

5. Siempre cargas con el paraguas.

6. Sintonizas "Radio RED".

7. Tus amigos se casan y se divorcian en lugar de hacerse novios y terminar.

8. Tus vacaciones se reducen de 130 días a sólo 7.

9. Los jeans y sacos de vestir ya no tienen ese glamour de andar formal.

10. Haces llamadas a la policía porque esos malditos muchachos del depto. de al lado no saben apagar o bajarle al estéreo.

11. Los familiares mayores ahora hacen bromas acerca del sexo frente a ti.

12. Ya no sabes a que? hora cierra cada sucursal de los tacos o hamburguesas.

13. Estás seguro que es mejor alimento para tu perro "Science Diet"que una McDonalds.

14. Dormir en el sofá? viendo la tele es inaceptable!

15 . Ya no tomas tus acostumbradas siestas del medio día hasta las 6 de la tarde.

16. Cenar e ir al cine o bailar ya no es tu concepto de tener una cita.

17. MTV News, ya no es tu principal fuente de información.

18. Vas a la farmacia por Aspirinas y Antiácidos en lugar de condones o una prueba de embarazo.

19. Una botella de vino de 50 pesos ya no es lo mejor que X-Mozilla-Status: 0009 No te tomas el aperitivo en casa antes de ir a cenar a un restaurante para ahorrar dinero.

21. Tus listas del súper ya no incluyen Gansitos, Pizzerolas y OrangeCrush.

22. "Ya no puedo beber como lo hacía antes" reemplaza al famoso "No vuelvo a beber otra vez"

23. El 90% del tiempo que pasas enfrente a la computadora es por trabajo real.

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:laugh: Vic I used babelfish to "translate" that list and this is what it says:

YOUR YOU KNOW THAT THERE ARE BEEN LONG TIME OUTSIDE THE UNIVERSITY WHEN..... 1. To make the love in an individual bed is absurd.

2. You have more eating than beer in the refrigerator.

3. 6:00 A.M., is the hour in which you rise and not it hour in which you lie down.

4. You hear your favorite song in the elevator or a doctor's office. 5. Always loads with the umbrella.

6. You tune "Radio NETWORK".

7. Your friends marry and they divorce instead of becoming fiancès and finishing.

8. Your vacations are reduced of 130 days to only 7.

9. Jeans and coats to dress no longer have that glamour to walk formal.

10. Beams called to the police because those damn boys of depto. of alongside they do not know to extinguish or to lower to the stere.

11. The older relatives now make jokes about sex in front of you. 12. No longer you know that? hour closes each branch of the tacos or hamburgers.

13. You are sure that a McDonalds is better food for your dog "Science Diet"que.

14. To sleep in sofa '? seeing tele he is unacceptable!

15. No longer takings your customary siestas of noon until the 6 of afternoon.

16. To have supper and to go to the cinema or to dance no longer are your concept to have an appointment.

17, MTV News, no longer is your main source of intelligence.

18. You go to the pharmacy by Aspirins and Antacid instead of you reduce or a test of pregnancy.

19. A wine bottle of 50 pesos no longer is the best thing than X-Mozilla-Status: 0009 you do not take the appetizer in house before going to have supper to a restaurant to save money.

21. Your lists of the super ones no longer include Gansitos, Pizzerolas and OrangeCrush.

22. "No longer I can drink since it did before" replaces to the famous one "I do not return to drink"

23 again. 90% of the time that you happen opposite to the computer are by real work.

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Originally posted by cookiegirl

:laugh: Vic I used babelfish to "translate" that list and this is what it says:


thats a funny translation :laugh: :laugh:

i bet thats what some of my company's clients use to translate their literature from english to spanish :eek:

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Originally posted by tinybutterfli

HAHA! I love that store. Have you been to Harris Teeter up here? Its just like HEB 'cept there is no tortilla makin' machine!

you know, there are HEB in some parts of Mexico now a days.

In Arizona they have this chain called Food City. that store is the bomb, its like being in a Gigante back in Mexico.

yup, i like Harris Teeter, I sometimes go to the one on Rockville Pike

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Originally posted by cookiegirl

:laugh: Vic I used babelfish to "translate" that list and this is what it says:


:laugh: :laugh: - oh man, that's hilarious! i've got to know what you "always loads with the umbrella".

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Originally posted by cookiegirl

:laugh: Vic I used babelfish to "translate" that list and this is what it says:

YOUR YOU KNOW THAT THERE ARE BEEN LONG TIME OUTSIDE THE UNIVERSITY WHEN..... 1. To make the love in an individual bed is absurd.

22. "No longer I can drink since it did before" replaces to the famous one "I do not return to drink"

LOL!! "To make THE LOVE" *lol* That's great. #22 cracks me up. :laugh:

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you guys haven't heard of dipsy doodles :eek: ? well, it turns out that they're made by wise snacks (just a coincidence, i swear ;) ).


my next question was gonna be cheetos v. cheez doodles, but if you guys don't know dipsy doodles, i guess you don't know cheez doodles, either.


wise stuff is only in the east and south, so i can't get it here :( . and i feel that cheetos are also inferior to cheez doodles, so i'm suffering in the cheesy snack dept. out here, too :( . but you guys live in maryland and virginia, right? (don'tcha?) here's where the wise site says you should be able to get their stuff:


ACME Markets

Chico Enterprises

Drug Emporium

Giant Food Stores

Rite Aid


Weis Market

Metro Food Markets

Super Fresh Food Mkts.


Be Lo Foods


Food Lion

Fresh Pride


Piggly Wiggly

Harris Teeter

Junior Hannaford



Lowe's Food


Merita Thrift Store

Military Coms. and Exchgs.


Tinee Giants



Winn Dixie


Farm Fresh

Community Pride

Lem Markets

Giant Food S/C

Wonder Thrift Store

The Pantry


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Originally posted by weyes


ACME Markets

Chico Enterprises

Drug Emporium


Weis Market

Metro Food Markets

Super Fresh Food Mkts.


Be Lo Foods


Fresh Pride


Piggly Wiggly

Junior Hannaford



Merita Thrift Store

Military Coms. and Exchgs.

Tinee Giants



Farm Fresh

Community Pride

Lem Markets

Wonder Thrift Store

The Pantry

never seen these ones here

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Originally posted by vicman

never seen these ones here

but you've seen enough to find the dipsy :D ! somebody was "in a shopping cart at food lion" [paraphrased] in his profile at some point... who was that?

and does this indeed mean that you haven't had cheez doodles?

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Originally posted by weyes

but you've seen enough to find the dipsy :D ! somebody was "in a shopping cart at food lion" [paraphrased] in his profile at some point... who was that?

and does this indeed mean that you haven't had cheez doodles?

i'll have to look in the snack section when i go to the supermarket on the weekend

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Originally posted by MadamMillie

i've heard of dipsy doodlees but never had them

FRITO PIE is where it's at ;)


who here has had skylin chili? cincinatti-style? YUM YUM YUM!!!

i had it when i visited cinci...never really though cincinatti of all places was famous for its chili, but it did serious damage to my stomach on the flight back


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