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Deep Dish The Review


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First and foremost, I'd like to give a HUGE THANK YOU to Mr. Biz Martinez. Thank you for putting us on the list, for the Roland CD, and for the wristlet so I could re-enter. I know sometimes things happen or we give poor reviews of Space, but Biz, by all means, you go out of your way to make us happy, and I sincerely appreciate your kindness and thoughtfulness when it comes to helping the CPer's on this board. You are one in a million and I just thought you should know that I truly appreciate all that you do!!:D

Now on to my review: Overall, the whole night gets One Thumbs Up, and One Thumbs Down..............

I was a little worried when my friend KT, Hog, Saleen and I started toward the line. The door guy was that idiot from Spin that you generally have to bust out a "Hooked on Phonics" to have him find your name on the list. I was pleasentally surprised when he found our names in a timely fashion and WITHOUT ATTITUDE. Wow, someone must have given him a lesson in SPELLING and MANNERS..............THUMBS UP:)

We enter the club around 12ish... Roland was playing a tight opening set, I was very pleased with the music. Now, the "Let's keep the main room closed until 1am" shit REALLY PISSED ME OFF. I go to Space to dance, drink, and hear good music. Not to be caged in like some fucking animal. Space LOST MONEY becuz people were soooooooooooo packed in there that we couldn't get to the fucking bar to order a drink! I don't give a shit if it was "Deep Dish" that wanted the main room closed until 1am. That was complete bullshit, everyone was CRAMMED against the walls or bar, we could hardly breathe and it was very very uncomfortable. Piss poor planning in my opinion. THUMBS DOWN:(

Finally they open the gates from hell and release us animals into the main room. I don't know what that first song that Deep Dish played, but it was absolutely horrible. I damn near fell asleep standing up. Bad bad bad. I like a set to build up and have peaks and valleys, but shit, I've heard the Polka at a wedding reception have more spunk and fire than those first few songs. THUMBS DOWN:(

After what seemed like AGES, the patio opened. The music was okay, got me moving around.........The Fire Dancers were super cool.... Good job Space!! Went back and forth for a while between patio/main room.. Deep Dish was flat in my opinion. They would start to build something up, then slow it back down. What the fuck is that? I wanted a good build up, then a "slap in the face you dirty bitch" kinda song ya know? I needs to get my ass a shakin'! Instead, we'd get the jumping and the build up coming on, only to be dropped down like turd in the toliet. Man I was over that........THUMBS DOWN.

I had to leave Space at 5am to run my friend home; but returned around 6ish. I had the worst time getting back in this place. They treated me like shit - when I am nice polite person. I say things like "yes sir" and "thank you", but theres that ONE TOTAL ASSHOLE black dude that does the "ticket stub box" there after you walk in. I wouldn't even allow this piece of shit asshole the curtosy to wipe my ass. He's such a jerk to me! Why does he have to yell at me about coming back in? I mean, come on, I'm 26, not 12. It's not like I was going back and forth. I was simply re-entering with a band that Biz gave me. He yelled at me telling me that it wasn't VIP and blah blah blah. FUCK HIM. He outta be thankful that paying patrons like me (um, $6 a beer, $12 vodka/redbull) pay for his silly stupid ass to be placing "ticket stubs" into a box. HUGE THUMBS DOWN:(

I would like to give a special "how ya doing" to GA2 and Nightstar. Many congratulations on your marriage! It was wonderful to see you and share in your happiness!!

CPer's in the house everywhere!!! AndrewThomas (damn you can dance bro!!), Beatfriek, Saleen, Hog, Matas, Meli, Koky, Steffy, Sobeton, Xtreme-1 (have fun in NYC honey!), SHROOMY and his BEAUTIFUL WIFE (so good to see ya baby), HappyFace, Digital 7, Mr. Moves (good to finally meet ya Abe), Biz, Marcos and MazeGirl (whom is extremely good looking and nice)... Oh that dude from WhySleep (starts with a "P" I do know that!)....

Gosh, anyone else I forgot sorry!

So I hope Space will look at this as constructive critisism (sp?).... I'm not the typical basher, and I am greatful for the comp admission, etc..... but the caged animal feeling there in the beginning has to go - and that asshole black dude at 6am doing the tickets has to go.

I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas Holiday.......... :D :D

Yours truly,

Ms. Lolahotass

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Whoever was on the radio @ 1am was playing a lovely set of deepish techy house. I mean wtf would I expect to hear Francois K on the radio regardless. It sounded really good. I was like wow .. deep dish is actually playing deep. I see all these reviews here and they get slagged to hell. Whats the problem? Did things go downhill after 3am? Lee and Zuly, I'm so sorry I couldn't make it, but I made it a pretty early night. I wish you the best and I hope to see you soon. :)



Ramon C.


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I was actually listening to the broadcast on my way to Space. so I said to myself they are going to be on fire tonight. instead I’m subject to terrible mixing; track selections which where just boring. by my own accord it took sometime to settle in. after a few hours of the coma sessions; they lay a track down with breakbeats in it; then put a baseline over it, and I’m like okay bring it on. but as luck would have it, they go back to this down tempo, melodic crap. anybody that knows me will tell you, I am a dancing fool, who will dance until I'm exhausted. last night much to my dismay, I spent half my time sitting on the speaker; waiting for Deep Dish to find some uptempo direction in there set, so I could go off. while sitting on the speaker I’m looking at the front of the DJ booth, there are people just standing there. something you rarely see at space. I walk around a little bit, to try and keep myself from falling to sleep. get to talking to a few people, and I hear things like " this dj sucks", "what is this sh*t the dj is playing", etc. finally I said enough of this I’m off to the patio, because Roly never lets you down. thing is by this time, I was so frustrated with Deep Dish; that I just couldn’t work my way into Roly’s set, and the man was tearing sh*t up. I'm usually not one to bash a DJ; it’s not my style. but to be quite frank, I have heard Deep Dish over three times this year. bottom line when they are on nobody does it better; when they are off it’s like to quote Saleen "like having someone kick you in the balls ".

I’m looking forward to NYE at Space, because I know our boys know how to do it right..

Big ups to all the CP folk in the house.. special shout out to Mazegirl aka Carla the hottie ! :):tongue:

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Originally posted by rcrespo

Whoever was on the radio @ 1am was playing a lovely set of deepish techy house. I mean wtf would I expect to hear Francois K on the radio regardless. It sounded really good. I was like wow .. deep dish is actually playing deep. I see all these reviews here and they get slagged to hell. Whats the problem? Did things go downhill after 3am? Lee and Zuly, I'm so sorry I couldn't make it, but I made it a pretty early night. I wish you the best and I hope to see you soon. :)



Ramon C.


I couldn't agree with you more :aright: I was there till 3:00am.

DD set gets 2 guido fist pumps up.

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Guest saleen351


I roll solo to space, got in line and met up with lots of ass and the hog... It was exactly 11:58. Line was fast and smooth. Stephon did a nice job, though his personality is like sticking your balls in a blender. List was cool, big ups to biz for that.

Walk into a death camp... They kept us in that red room for sooooooooooo long with soooooooooooooo many people it was unbarable. So saleen tries to open the door, but it wouldn't work, it was electric. So I kick the fucking thing, and these dudes on the other side, start playing the drums on the opposite side of the door. Space fucked up big time. They pissed off soooooooooooooooooooooooo many people. Like i told biz, your djs should not run the club.. Its your club and your responsibilty. Should of had the balls to open it up earlier. It was a major fire hazard, and someone could of gotten hurt. Not smart.. Plus you lost a ton of bar money, and the bar tenders lost money as well.

They open it up, and people go running.... So we settle into deepdishes set, after roland did a good job opening, but if we can't dance and can't see him play, whats the point of him opening?

So DD starts off slow, real slow... But hey only 9 hours left in their set. From 1am till 3am it was horrible.. The set went no where. When the patio opened, it was a major rush to get out of the main room. DD at this point was horrible. But like I said it was a long set, so no one was panicing.

Roland opened up the patio. Did a nice job for a while. From 3am till 5am, he really didn't do much. A few good moments, but over all him and DD were playing slow house. I wasn't feeling it. But hey DD is on till 9am or so, and roland is on till 7am. So like i said no one was panicing. Roland finally got his ass in gear around 5am. Actually it was 4:48am. He dropped billy jean 11 st remix. Crowd loved it, the track is easily the patio anthem... Over all the next two hours were good, at times off the hook, but he either was a little drunk (hey its his bd, so you can't knock him if he was) or something was wrong with the sound, which sounded horrible most of the time. He kept bringing the levels up and down, and to me it seemed he backed out of it, when the bass would drop, but he brought it down too much, where he had to readjust, and bring it back up. This happened about 5 times, when i was out there. He ended on a high note, drop some more progressive anthems, and I was loving yet, yet pissed he didn't do that from 3am on. With DD playing like shit inside, roland in my 2 cents should have cranked it much either, and he should have changed his set up, to a higher bpm to compensate for DD playing the way they were.

I kept going back in to hear DD. Just never went anywhere. Up and down, up and down, but never dropped the hammer like cole trickle with perfectly matched and staggered tires... It was simply lame. Though typical DD, i had no fucking idea what they were playing, and I usually good for 20 track ids a night, but i got two. Which were older, but phat tracks, just not appropriate for 7am.

One track, is surely gonna be a huge hit. Its a 80's remix, and I got the track id comming in my email this week. I'll post it when i get it. At 7:45 ish we left. DD was a major let down... Word is they were testing new material for the next GU CD.... But who really cares, it sucked and I asked the bartender for a blender so i can put my balls in it...

The chickenheads came out in full force.. WOW!!!! Almost old club space pigeons count. No complaints about that, not sure why they finally came out, but space needs to work on getting more in there, so there isn't another drought. Eye candy kept me and my crew there, not the tunes. < Something space needs to keep in mind, when we bash the club for no dirty pigeons.

Staff was nice, and great. But no thank yous from my bar tender. She knows my face, I only go to that bar all the fucking time, but never a thankyou. :mad: This is why i miss the jersey bartenders. Us italians can communicate with each other, with out a word spoken. Its in our mannerisms and our hands. We talk without speaking, so in NJ i dont' need a thankyou.

Sound system is sooooooooooooooooooooooo aweful last night. It was soooooooooooooooooooooooo bad, I had to hold my ears... Who ever tuned it, fucked it up big time. You couldn't even hear the vocals. It was a true fuck up by space. Give me maze any day of the week, over that piece of shit. Its really not worth going back, until the new space is done with their new system. Its that bad. Patio was aweful as well. Just so you know at least 4 or 5 of us, mentioned how bad it sounded at 2am when DD just got going.. Too much muffled bass, highs hit so hard it hurt. Very piss poor job.

Ok so I"m completely sober from 4am on. 100% straight. So we are chilling around 7:15am in the cp corner. Its me hog and lots of ass. I look up and there is this model with nice titties with glow sticks shoved in her shirt, so her tits were lite up. She looked awesome. But she was on Esthers bar danceing. And apparently Franky and esther were worried about her up there, that they got the mag lights out and flashed for the security. Well after about a minute, no security was at their post, so for some reason you can see that esther and franky were really worried and paniced. Now a little background, I use to bounce in college, I basically ran the club. So this was such a easy situation to handle. The hot chicks man was trying to get her down, but she was fucked up, and didn't listen. So esther and franky both leave the bar at the same time, they ran over back by the bathroom to get securtiy. First off, if a manger saw that both of yous left your bars and tills unatteneded like that you should get yelled at big time. So they come back with this little dude security guy. He can't get her down. How hard is this? So all of sudden the bouncers surrround the girl and the dude now feels the pressure to really get her down, so he grabs her, and the bouncers did nothing to help, then she falls, but the dude bear hugged her around her thighs, so now she is going head first toppling to the ground, and she is gonna get really hurt. As a former bouncer, and being sober, I stepped up, and caught her. I saved her ass, and the clubs ass.

The bartenders should never never never both leave their post like that. The big male guy, should have stayed there while esther went and got securty. Why may you ask? Well if her man was on the outside of the bar, and he was on the inside, then they have both sides covered if she falls. But by both leaving, if she slipped, and landed on the inside, it would have been really bad.. Next leaving your bar unattended like that is not smart. Then security didn't even help her to get down. Just cause shes smoking hot, doesnt' mean you cant man handle her. grab her hand and catch her by her arm pit, while another bouncer does the same, and problem solved. But these idiots let her bungie jump off the bar, and i stepped up and caught her, and the funny thing is, she was falling rignt onto lots of ass but she had her back turned and did not see it.



LP I WANT MY THANK YOU IN MY EMAIL.... TELL YOUR STAFF TO LEARN HOW TO DO THEIR JOBS.. Her head was about to be splatted all over that corner. I have enought things to do when i go out to space from guido fist pumping, to signing autographs, to ripping djs a new asshole, I DON'T NEED TO BE ON THE CLOCK WORKING AND DO THE JOB THAT THE SPACE STAFF SHOULD DO.

Over all the pigeons made up for the shitty music.


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Well the forces that be must have been away taking a smoke break...because they really let a brother down.

It was looking pretty good for sat night, the early change from Deep Dish at 3-4 to going on at 1 then spinning a 10 hourset sounded good. We leave Lauderdale around 11 so we could get there by 12 and suffer through the typically hour long line outside, and still make it in on the promoters comp list. We arrive at Space at appoximately 11:45, and are inside before midnight, the line was moving...possibly the last positive on the night.

For the unfamiliar, Club Space is HUGE, but they use the rooms in an interesting way. Its a warehouse space kind of, and has the automatic metal doors all ove the place, and this night they decided to keep the door to the main room CLOSED for far to long. Not knowing the official count on the number of peoople in the room before they opened it but i do know for sure they LOST money at the bar from about 12-1, because it was SOOO crowded that no one could get to the bar. I can only compare the degree to which the room was crowded by a special event at cro like one of the "sista's" birthdays where the club is just packed to the gills. The opener, goes by the name Roland wasn't to bad, was playing some harder stuff for the beach...oh just so no one is mistaken, we like it a lot harder than these beach freaks . Right around 1(a miracle), Deep Dish comes on as they open the doors, apparently it was their idea, and if it was, I would like to point out that some DJ's can be promoters and know what would be cool for the attendee's, and some like these jagoff's CAN'T. Then of course they start off real slow, playing something so slow it would put an ambient DJ to sleep. They didn't start playing anything that had the crowd moving for close to 35 minutes, at this point I was ready to split...seeing as I hadn't invested anything, I felt no need to stay and pay 8 bucks a beer, 10+ for a mixed drink.

I was a trooper though, Lola and the Clubplanet folks(their message board of choice) were having a good time so I tried not to let on (probably not well, sorry)that I wasn't totally stoked for what I was getting. I stayed for a while, I think she drove me home around 5 am(I know i'm a wuss), and she went back, only to return a little after 8. Deep Dish was still on and dissapointing people still. There were some positives to the club itself though.


The Outdoor patio...holy cow...music under the stars and when the sun comes up(its open until 2 pm). Apparently if the place is still jamming they stay open later, 24 hour liquor license!!!

The layout of main floor is really cool, and the sound system probably would have sounded better if the low end bass wasn't so cranked, couldn't stand anywhere near the speakers and not feel your stomach trying to jump out of your throat. Guess they really like BOOM BOOM BOOM bass in SoBe.

Overall impression was ~2.5 of 5 stars, but then again, my scale is all screwed up, beng that Captain Insano was fairly regular Cro sat night.

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The Roland and Hog b-day bash.

First of all I would like to say thanks to Biz. The line actually moved at a good pace and no problems at the door. The patio looked great and thanks for the shirt.

Ok every one knows you have to keep the main room closed until there is a crowd there. What I saw last night was a completely dangerous and in obvious fire code violation. I have seen it happen before in clubs and the fire marshal will come in and make half the crowd leave. I mean who gives a fuck if Deep Dish did not want the doors open. WTF Space lost at least a few G at the bar. People drink their ass off when they first get there and then slow down. I’m in that sardine box for over an hour and could only maneuver, push and plow my way to the bar once.

The sound system was a complete disaster. The front right was cracking and distorting from the get go. As the night wore on so did the Jensen replacement speakers in those huge boxes. Space always sounds good but last night it sounded like I had to tin cans taped to my ears (that goes for the patio as well). Some phat vocals got dropped latter on but I could not hardy hear the voices. Just muffled base and high pitched chirps.

DD was pretty disappointing IMO. I was on the patio walking around when I turn around and the second DD guy (bearded guy) was standing there. I was like hey you going to speed up the tempo a litte when you hit the decks? He was like yeah but we like to build the crowd up. He was a supper nice guy but did not care for my advice. They just stayed away from the faster kick ass beats. I don’t know if any one remembers but at 5:00 till 5:15 that mo focker dropped the hammer with a vengeance. The whole place was going nuts but at 5:15 back to the lounge house????????? I guess they were trying some new stuff but come one keep us dancing.

There were some absolutely amazing looking women in there last night. I would also like to add my apprition of the new see thru no bra trend that was obvious last night.

:eek: :eek: :D

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Major disapointment #1

Getting there just after Lee and Zules had left!!!!!!

I guess Mrs Acosta2 got impatient :)

Didn't show until 3:30 and thought DD was respectible, but everyone said that the previous hours were boring. But I had fun with Lola, seeing Carla again after she totally took care of us at Maze earlier. (thanks again sweety) and of course the rest of the CP crew (WHO DIDN'T BAIL!)

But then again... I was fucked up enougn to have fun at a funeral.

BTW anyone know the mix they droped of "You are sleeping?"

nice recycle of a good track......

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Originally posted by lolahotass

Now, the "Let's keep the main room closed until 1am" shit REALLY PISSED ME OFF. I go to Space to dance, drink, and hear good music. Not to be caged in like some fucking animal.

This sounds like what happened the first time we went to Space. Mrs. Guyman hated it and whenever you ask her about Space her quote is "there is no space at Space". We left that first night in 10 minutes. I said to her, "but, we just paid $40 to get it", her comeback was "I'll give you $50 if we can leave now". This is one of the reasons I have such a hard time getting her back 2 Space.

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Wussup guys!!

In reading ur reviews of the night, I find many things I agree with and that i feel are worth pointing out. As I have said before, this has nothing but good intentions as constructive criticism, and as a way to direct the crew at Club Space Management to some details that should be taken care of; as seen by and coming from some of their most avid patrons.

First of all thanks to biz for hookin it up! I appreciate u lookin out for fellow cp'ers! :aright: Big props on the Lunar Sessions and the patio set up; IMO that is where I enjoyed the most part of my night...

So, as far as the music goes, I think Deep Dish's set was somewhat "weak" to say the least. Quite honestly, I think the boys from DC must be going through a dip on their musical curve... I caught up w them in Philadelphia on Thanxgivin Eve 3 weeks ago, and their set did Nothing to me.. I figured it was Philly, and there isn't much vibe up there to get the mood flowing as it had on every other night I've seen the duo in full force... so I was looking fwd to DD @ Space expecting some sort of a reedeming set with the added Miami vibe and the whole Space experience... The night started out very loungey and very chill.. I have been feeling that kind of beats a lot lately, so I was diggin it.. It was also a special night for me as I arranged to meet up w some very good friends that I hadn't seen in a loong time (4 yrs!!), so the music felt kinda right.. On the first few hours I was dancing around, feeling the signature deep dish sound, and I felt the mood slowly shifting from their housey intro style to some deeper, darker tunes,; as if they were building up to something.. only to come right back to point zero... nothing upbeat enough to get the crowd going, or even to get the crowd into it! Definitely not the kind of set u would expect DD to cater for the Miami crowd. Like around 330 or 4, I wasn't feeling it too much... they just didnt get my attention so figured their set wasn't going anywhere. We decided to walk around and move to the patio (now that they had finally opened). I kept going back to the main floor for maybe 20- 30 min periods all throughout the night, but it just wasnt there... the sounds of the Lunar sessions outside were just so much more appealing...

The Music out on the patio was very good... I think the track selection was key; very well orchestrated to go along with the overall sound of the night... Great programming, mad skills.. big thumbs up for dj Roland! The weather outside and the fresh air were also good change from the cavernous main floor, adding to the vibe and definitely making my night!.

As far as the vibe killers go, those little details that just f*ck up the flow of the party; I agree with what u guys mentioned before... It was absolutely RIDICULOUS to pack us all into that hallway in the red room for so long!!!... There was soooo many people there that u just couldnt move! I was up against a wall w/o being able to leave the spot I walked in to when i first came in... I was also thirsty, and I wanted to get a drink or two, but it was just impossible to get to the bar.... The whole strategy didnt make any sense to me, and that excuse that Deep Dish wanted the floor empty b4 1 or whatever is just bullsh*t... :flame: Open up ur venue!! show everyone what u have!!.. let people move around and get acquainted w the space before the night starts... Let ALL ur bartenders share the potential wave of thirsty patrons that want to get drinks before getting their groove on! :no:

Another thing is the Sound... C'mon people... The tuning for the sound system was just heinous!!! The bass was out of sync at some points; but most terribly, the highs were tooo fkn loud!!! The sound of those frequencies were piercing my eardrums!! Now, I know it is my fault in a way, because in these past 2 years, everytime i go to Space I walk out feeling the same way, like I lost 30% of my hearing; and I just keep forgetting to get EARPLUGS... I am sure the Space crew walks around the club as well, and unless ur ears are tuned to a different frequency, or are already permanently damaged, I am sure u MUST feel and HEAR what we hear.... It is about time u guys do something to ur system..... :mad: One last criticism is aimed towards the overall attitude of ur bouncers, or security staff.. I know their job is not to be corteous greeters or anything like that, but all we ask is some minimum respect to the paying patrons that make their paychecks happen. These f**kers treat everyone like shit!! not just those who misbehave; they treat us all like we deserve to be thrown out.... pushing girls, shoving their way thru just because... it is very infuriating... :cuss:

I don’t post on the Miami boards that often, as I party in Miami seasonally… But aside of my review of the night’s sets, I wanted to express my sentiment to the Mgmt of Club space, in hope that at least some of our comments make a difference in making the club –and the scene- better for everyone.

I had a great night overall, And Can’t fkn wait ‘till next Friday!!!


Miguel. MP3 :smoke:

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Originally posted by shroomy

Major disapointment #1

Getting there just after Lee and Zules had left!!!!!!

I guess Mrs Acosta2 got impatient :)

Didn't show until 3:30 and thought DD was respectible, but everyone said that the previous hours were boring. But I had fun with Lola, seeing Carla again after she totally took care of us at Maze earlier. (thanks again sweety) and of course the rest of the CP crew (WHO DIDN'T BAIL!)

But then again... I was fucked up enougn to have fun at a funeral.

BTW anyone know the mix they droped of "You are sleeping?"

nice recycle of a good track......

DAMN, sorry we missed ya. Your were one of the main one's we wanted to see :(:(

It was a really long day and we were beat with the preperations for the wedding and everything. We'll be at lola's next week 4 sure. Hope you can make it out bud.

BTW, I also agree with you that DD had a respectable set.

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Originally posted by saleen351

Ok so I"m completely sober from 4am on. 100% straight. So we are chilling around 7:15am in the cp corner. Its me hog and lots of ass. I look up and there is this model with nice titties with glow sticks shoved in her shirt, so her tits were lite up. She looked awesome. But she was on Esthers bar danceing. And apparently Franky and esther were worried about her up there, that they got the mag lights out and flashed for the security. Well after about a minute, no security was at their post, so for some reason you can see that esther and franky were really worried and paniced. Now a little background, I use to bounce in college, I basically ran the club. So this was such a easy situation to handle. The hot chicks man was trying to get her down, but she was fucked up, and didn't listen. So esther and franky both leave the bar at the same time, they ran over back by the bathroom to get securtiy. First off, if a manger saw that both of yous left your bars and tills unatteneded like that you should get yelled at big time. So they come back with this little dude security guy. He can't get her down. How hard is this? So all of sudden the bouncers surrround the girl and the dude now feels the pressure to really get her down, so he grabs her, and the bouncers did nothing to help, then she falls, but the dude bear hugged her around her thighs, so now she is going head first toppling to the ground, and she is gonna get really hurt. As a former bouncer, and being sober, I stepped up, and caught her. I saved her ass, and the clubs ass.

I have to say a special thanks to Saleen for catching this bimbo......she almost fell on ME! All though I enjoyed her on the bar - hey she was having fun and had a nice rack; I would not have liked this beotch smashing me to the ground.



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Digital 7 and I got there around 2:30am....at that time there were 15 people in front of us and it took us 15 minutes to get in... is it one person per minute? WTF!!..anyways, we got in... Thanks to Biz for hooking up, as always. :)

Music was alright when we got there...saw Roly by the VIP section in the blue room and wished him a Happy Birthday....I wanted to go straight to the patio but they had it closed till about 3:30 maybe??? Deep Dish was playing some good tunes around 4am but I wasn't going mad on the dance floor like other times. Went to the patio and Roly was playing some good music, it's true that the sound wasn't the best but still had a good time there. Again, thanks to Biz for the wristband and the CD. It's amazing the progress Roly has had...good for him!

Went back inside to check DD and the music was better but like Saleen said in a earlier review, they never dropped the hammer so proceeded to go outside to the patio again to check Roly and he was still playing some sick tunes.... Lunar Sessions were ending and Sunrise Sessions were about that start with no other than Ivano Bellini and his fresh morning cheese....the freaks started to roll in to Space from their caves so I said to myself: it's time to go inside for a lil bit and get the fuck out.

On the way out, decided to go check Gold Rush, never had been there so it was a good opportunity to check the dancers. Nice place, some chicks are really hot and guess what? got a lap dance during "Dark Beat". LOL can't beat it.

Good seeing GA2 and Nightstar on my way in, congrats on the wedding! :D ,

MrMattas and Meli: nice to see you guys again.

Lolahotass: Didn't see you dance too much.

Sobeton: I've never seen you not dance so much in my life.

I missed the rest of the crew but good thing you were there representing.



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lol... by virtue of knockout! :tongue:

A special thanks to Biz and Roly for last night, very much appreicated. You guys take good care of your people :)

As far as last night, I didnt really hear too much of DD last night ... they were playing great when I walked in, but sorta faded away with a string of dodgy tracks. I spent most of my time in the patio talking smack with everyone and checkin out the circus. The weather was nice, the vibe is good and Roly was going off. He had a wicked set, much props! He started off slow and built up his set quite nicely. I was happy to hear Soul Mekanik's remix of I'll Be There, defenitely an excellent choon. The crowd was nice and they were responsive for most of the night. I dont think I spent a minute sober there. I didnt get to try the cake, I would not been able to stomach it in my condition! :drunk: ... It was good haning out with the CP fam last night, as always, a great time :cool: .. Hector, thank you very much! .. Shroom, where were you last night? I made a few rounds inside, but didnt see ya. GA, next time stay alittle longer fewl! lol ;) .. I had a good time last night .. kudos!

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