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evolution at exit...more important now than ever


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I agree with you Cody - and I'm not saying I wouldn't support the effort to turn it around - but that is PROVIDING that the effort to turn it around is an upward movement, not a lateral one as stated before. In any case, I mentioned several times in my post that I wish all the luck in the world to Bob, and if he can pull it off, all props to him. At this point though, having tried this before and even begun to succeed and still been forced into failure, I'm not holding my breath. That's all. That doesn't mean I wouldn't give it a shot if they wanted to offer me something reasonable like $10 to see Vicious or Ojeda, or $20 for Erick Morillo or Timo Maas or something like that. I just can't see wasting $50 on Tiesto :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by djfabioc

With Bob G running this party, i will trust on 100% , I worked with Bob at exit on saturdays before , and got that place going , aslo so far he is the most honest promoter in NYC that i know...Bob i might wanna get involved on this party..thanks

absolutely... i've worked w/ bob in the past also and things were always kosher... definetly one of, if not the best promoter in the city...

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foxxxy ur misunderstanding me here--

I was not talking down to you--When i said that some people have been behind the scenes, I meant you. B/c i know that you were involved, dont look past what i said for a hidden meaning--I just gave u ur props...nuff said-- And the "everyone wants to run a club" statement refers to all the people on here who know nothing yet speak like they are veterans (im sure you know of some people who fit this description)....

No i wasnt involved with Muzik fridays--The vibe was getting better as were the dj's, but all I was saying is i felt the SECURITY problems kinda started during that promotion....I'm more of a clubber than anything, so my opinion there is coming straight from experience, waiting on line for 45 mins to come inside and get attacked by security guards b/c i rolled my eyes when they asked me to take my shoes off.... Theres info about things goin on that cant be posted on a public message board but just know that Evolution has taken a few steps that Muzik fridays didnt (not b/c its better or anything but simply b/c David is allowing them to when im sure Muzik wudda but he didnt let them then)

Foxxy u kno im not belitling you here, i respect your opinion, I think you just misunderstood me. ;)

Like Cody yelled...Enough drama here, we all have our suggestions but this is the way they chose to go. Lets sit back and see how it works out. And hope for the best :fingers crossed:

Serrgggg Ferry 2nite i hope you are ready!!

Mike Bugout

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marvisi...draper...the asians...the drugs...the glowsticks...the ravers...the djs...management...promoters...security..."ugly" people...blah...blah...blah.....whatever happened to just going out with a bunch of your friends and hanging out at a club having a good time? Exit will never be a good club until everyone stops BITCHING about everything. I'm glad the place is taking steps in the right direction, but what else can you do when people sit on a message board and criticize the place for every little thing. It's been said many times, it's a big club, great venue. So I say we forget all the bullshit and the "reputation" and see what this place can do. Leave your keyboards at home, stop being so critical, get a group of friends, dance, meet some people, and just fucking have a good time.

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Originally posted by whitewidow

:peeright: As long as Marvisi owns this club, it will be hard to improve it IMO.

Don't you think that's a true statement? I mean, it's not impossible, but I do think it's fair to say it isn't easy.

Mike - thanks - I thought that was aimed at me, so that one is my bad :tongue: I don't really know when the security issues started 'cause I hadn't bothered going there really before I started in with that party. If you guys can manage to change that, though, it will def. do a lot to help your cause. I really wanted to fire the whole of the security staff (except the door people, I liked them) and just get all new ones that were more cordial. Once again... idealistic lol. At any rate, like I said in my reply to Cody, provided price is reasonable, I'll come out and support this because I know we wouldn't have gotten as far as we did in our attempt if it weren't for everyone that gave second chances.

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Originally posted by ladyshady

marvisi...draper...the asians...the drugs...the glowsticks...the ravers...the djs...management...promoters...security..."ugly" people...blah...blah...blah.....whatever happened to just going out with a bunch of your friends and hanging out at a club having a good time? Exit will never be a good club until everyone stops BITCHING about everything. I'm glad the place is taking steps in the right direction, but what else can you do when people sit on a message board and criticize the place for every little thing. It's been said many times, it's a big club, great venue. So I say we forget all the bullshit and the "reputation" and see what this place can do. Leave your keyboards at home, stop being so critical, get a group of friends, dance, meet some people, and just fucking have a good time.

:aright: True dat.. I have been to exit a couple times and can say that I never once had a totally horrendous time. yeah the music wasn't as good as other places and there were things that ticked me off a little but whatever. I happen to think these Dj's tsettos, ojeda are good dj's. so what they aren't Steve lawler and TImo maas or whoever, you can't always have a big international talent there every weekend.. I might go check the afterhours out after vinyl one friday, i know when i went last week there were people outside handing out flyers and saying that exit has afterhours.. So who knows it's worth a try. Everyone needs to stop bitching and stop thinking they know it all and do what has been said before if you don't like it, don't go.. Simple.

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Originally posted by girly

:aright: True dat.. I have been to exit a couple times and can say that I never once had a totally horrendous time. yeah the music wasn't as good as other places and there were things that ticked me off a little but whatever. I happen to think these Dj's tsettos, ojeda are good dj's. so what they aren't Steve lawler and TImo maas or whoever, you can't always have a big international talent there every weekend.. I might go check the afterhours out after vinyl one friday, i know when i went last week there were people outside handing out flyers and saying that exit has afterhours.. So who knows it's worth a try. Everyone needs to stop bitching and stop thinking they know it all and do what has been said before if you don't like it, don't go.. Simple.

werd thats another good idea..

drop the price for afterhours...

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