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reflections on evolution at exit


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First things first...When I got there early I had a meeting with the head of security doug..I know doug for a lot of years he's a good guy..we agreed on bringing into play more courtesy, hospitality, a

friendlier entrance using the words please and thank you,..no prostrate examinations please..if you look at the boards no one complained about the security search. Overall they did a nice job..spoke to the management and the door staff about what we're trying to accomplish..so david and ralphie, the door staff turned away over 500 people who were not dressed correct..exit is not a rave party..ufo's, thugs were turned away...(no door drama..go shopping)..brought in some of the best, hottest sexy dancers with great costumes to color the room..richie santana did a great job.. jason ojeda was great(look at his post) the lights were on point. the door staff, the security and customers told me where the fuck did this crowd come from..they haven't seen girls and guys like this in a long time. the faces on the promoters went from disenchantment to excitement,..the place was electric..more people were drinking at the bars. the social scene was there..there's still so much to do..the white room has to be worked out better..people have to be paid earlier. the music programming in the other rooms has to be tightened up..all of this and more will be worked out..we got some great ideas

for the future..with everyones help exit will make a positive statement for the nightclub scene in ny. this week denny tsettos works the main floor and once again jason ojeda does the afterhours set...

on another note...THE SEXY AT THE ROXY PARTY IS OVER. Its been one year since myself and aluv started a party that the critics said wouldn't last more than six weeks. I personally had a great time meeting a lot of really nice people. The roxy management has decided that instead of a weekly continuous dance party..they would narrow it down to only one offs which aluv will bring to you down the road.

I have made this move to exit with the cooperation of the current directors and management to make these changes for evolution. For those of you who liked the party at the roxy, exit now will have a similar feel in terms of the quality of people, except that instead of basically only one main room, exit offers 4 additional rooms besides the main floor, that will bring to you a variety of music, vibe, and energy. This is a good thing. All promoters who worked at the roxy are welcome to join us at exit. please contact bonnie at misriss@aol and join us. My thanks to everyone at the roxy..you guys were great..rosalie, jason, morgan and off coarse roxy scott..mike rizzo(one of the good guys)and johnny vicious(the man) and all the loyal supporters..thanks again from myself and aluv

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Bob you are doing a great thing; there are very few people in this city that have the heart and the know how to turn this party around .You are the man for the job. I am actually exicted to see what happens in the future with club Exit :)

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Originally posted by BobG

First things first...When I got there early I had a meeting with the head of security doug..I know doug for a lot of years he's a good guy..we agreed on bringing into play more courtesy, hospitality, a

friendlier entrance using the words please and thank you,..no prostrate examinations please..if you look at the boards no one complained about the security search. Overall they did a nice job..spoke to the management and the door staff about what we're trying to accomplish..so david and ralphie, the door staff turned away over 500 people who were not dressed correct..exit is not a rave party..ufo's, thugs were turned away...(no door drama..go shopping)..brought in some of the best, hottest sexy dancers with great costumes to color the room..richie santana did a great job.. jason ojeda was great(look at his post) the lights were on point. the door staff, the security and customers told me where the fuck did this crowd come from..they haven't seen girls and guys like this in a long time. the faces on the promoters went from disenchantment to excitement,..the place was electric..more people were drinking at the bars. the social scene was there..there's still so much to do..the white room has to be worked out better..people have to be paid earlier. the music programming in the other rooms has to be tightened up..all of this and more will be worked out..we got some great ideas

for the future..with everyones help exit will make a positive statement for the nightclub scene in ny. this week denny tsettos works the main floor and once again jason ojeda does the afterhours set...

on another note...THE SEXY AT THE ROXY PARTY IS OVER. Its been one year since myself and aluv started a party that the critics said wouldn't last more than six weeks. I personally had a great time meeting a lot of really nice people. The roxy management has decided that instead of a weekly continuous dance party..they would narrow it down to only one offs which aluv will bring to you down the road.

I have made this move to exit with the cooperation of the current directors and management to make these changes for evolution. For those of you who liked the party at the roxy, exit now will have a similar feel in terms of the quality of people, except that instead of basically only one main room, exit offers 4 additional rooms besides the main floor, that will bring to you a variety of music, vibe, and energy. This is a good thing. All promoters who worked at the roxy are welcome to join us at exit. please contact bonnie at misriss@aol and join us. My thanks to everyone at the roxy..you guys were great..rosalie, jason, morgan and off coarse roxy scott..mike rizzo(one of the good guys)and johnny vicious(the man) and all the loyal supporters..thanks again from myself and aluv

you are definitely man with class... Congratulations on the success at roxy and make it ten times better at exit..



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Needless to say, I am happy about all the new found enthusiasm in Exit. I'm finding it a little, um, ironic and funny, but it's a good thing nonetheless. About last Friday...there was a slight change, and a good one at that...but I think some of the praise is a little pre-mature. I mean, just a week ago this was CP's most hated club. But hey, I guess things change. I hope and think things will work out, and I look forward to seeing some new faces inside.

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Originally posted by zeeker

Needless to say, I am happy about all the new found enthusiasm in Exit. I'm finding it a little, um, ironic and funny, but it's a good thing nonetheless. About last Friday...there was a slight change, and a good one at that...but I think some of the praise is a little pre-mature. I mean, just a week ago this was CP's most hated club. But hey, I guess things change. I hope and think things will work out, and I look forward to seeing some new faces inside.

I don't see what's ironic and funny about the Exit Friday haters to be enthusiastic about a push towards change.

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Originally posted by codica3

I don't see what's ironic and funny about the Exit Friday haters to be enthusiastic about a push towards change.

I don't see what is so hard to understand why we hated Exit:

1) shitty music

2) shitty crowds

3) shitty searches

can the list go on?

So now draper is gone, the crowd is getting better, and the security is regulated. Why not give it a shot?

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Originally posted by codica3

I don't see what's ironic and funny about the Exit Friday haters to be enthusiastic about a push towards change.

right. I can go dig up some old threads about people shitting on Exit as a whole and not just their Friday with Draper party, if you want me to. Everyone who hated/hates the place just says, "Exit sucks," not "Exit's Imagine Party with Draper sucks."

Everyone would bitch about how the place was run by a crooked owner, security sucked in general, as well as how bad Draper was, and who could forget the awful crowd, jacked up prices, and of course the abundance of drugs and asians inside. With the exception of Draper, these are Friday AND Saturday problems, and all have been bitched about by everyone, and their mothers on CP, including you. :D

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Originally posted by zeeker

right. I can go dig up some old threads about people shitting on Exit as a whole and not just their Friday with Draper party, if you want me to. Everyone who hated/hates the place just says, "Exit sucks," not "Exit's Imagine Party with Draper sucks."

Everyone would bitch about how the place was run by a crooked owner, security sucked in general, as well as how bad Draper was, and who could forget the awful crowd, jacked up prices, and of course the abundance of drugs and asians inside. With the exception of Draper, these are Friday AND Saturday problems, and all have been bitched about by everyone, and their mothers on CP, including you. :D

#1 --> I have never bitched about Asians. :blown:

#2 --> yeah everyone bitches about "Exit" in general but everyone also fucking knows which party we're talking about. Notice there are rarely any posts about the Earth party, and I can tell you one thing's for sure, I have never bitched about it cause I've never even been to it. Besides, the Exit Friday party DOES entail all of the above things you listed. Those are the things that make up a party, it's not just about the DJ and the venue.

#3 --> yes we hate the security and the way the place is run and the music and the scum crowd that goes there and the drugs and especially Draper.. but are you paying ANY attention AT ALL to anything that Bobby and the rest of the people are saying or are you being completely oblivious to what is going on just to start an argument?

-- the security is being worked on, as you read in the reviews and may have noticed, there was no molestation on Friday, no bullshit security anymore, Bobby has had a meeting with them and hopefully things stay the way he wants them

-- Draper is gone, at least for now, so that's not a problem anymore

-- the crowd, the crowd was different, as you can read, a lot of people were turned away who weren't dressed appropriately on Friday.. everyone's reviews and even the fucking security is commenting on the crowd overall and how different it already is, different crowds create different vibes, and there was definitely a different one on Friday. It's not all the way there or even close to where Bobby eventually wants to get it but it's a good start.

-- the prices I don't remember ever saying anything about but as of now, it's still the same that it's always been, $25 reduced, and that can be expected of a huge niteclub like Exit

-- the music, besides Draper being gone for now, is different.. I'm not gonna go into that because it is another whole threads worth

And last but not least, #4 --> for the last friggin' time: WE HAVE BITCHED ABOUT EXIT.. NO ONE IS DENYING THAT FACT! You seem to be missing the huge point which is that all of us who adamantly hated what was going on there are enthusiastically jumping behind Bobby and supporting his efforts because we WANT Exit to change.. I don't see why you have such a problem with it.

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Originally posted by roninmess

great post bobby, and fantasic job explaining cody.:clap:

I personally don't understand why I even need to spend all that time explaining. :rolleyes:

It makes perfect sense.

People hate the way Exit is.

Bobby is trying to change Exit.

People who hate the way Exit is, support Bobby's efforts for change.

Simple as that.

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Originally posted by codica3

#1 --> I have never bitched about Asians. :blown:

#2 --> yeah everyone bitches about "Exit" in general but everyone also fucking knows which party we're talking about. Notice there are rarely any posts about the Earth party, and I can tell you one thing's for sure, I have never bitched about it cause I've never even been to it. Besides, the Exit Friday party DOES entail all of the above things you listed. Those are the things that make up a party, it's not just about the DJ and the venue.

#3 --> yes we hate the security and the way the place is run and the music and the scum crowd that goes there and the drugs and especially Draper.. but are you paying ANY attention AT ALL to anything that Bobby and the rest of the people are saying or are you being completely oblivious to what is going on just to start an argument?

-- the security is being worked on, as you read in the reviews and may have noticed, there was no molestation on Friday, no bullshit security anymore, Bobby has had a meeting with them and hopefully things stay the way he wants them

-- Draper is gone, at least for now, so that's not a problem anymore

-- the crowd, the crowd was different, as you can read, a lot of people were turned away who weren't dressed appropriately on Friday.. everyone's reviews and even the fucking security is commenting on the crowd overall and how different it already is, different crowds create different vibes, and there was definitely a different one on Friday. It's not all the way there or even close to where Bobby eventually wants to get it but it's a good start.

-- the prices I don't remember ever saying anything about but as of now, it's still the same that it's always been, $25 reduced, and that can be expected of a huge niteclub like Exit

-- the music, besides Draper being gone for now, is different.. I'm not gonna go into that because it is another whole threads worth

And last but not least, #4 --> for the last friggin' time: WE HAVE BITCHED ABOUT EXIT.. NO ONE IS DENYING THAT FACT! You seem to be missing the huge point which is that all of us who adamantly hated what was going on there are enthusiastically jumping behind Bobby and supporting his efforts because we WANT Exit to change.. I don't see why you have such a problem with it.

I have no problem with it. Re-read my above post. I'm just find it funny that a week ago your tirade would be attacking the place and now you're staunchly defending it.

Secondly, I was there on Friday. Let's not get carried away. I like the place, and have supported it for awhile now, but you woudn't know if the place has changed if it jumped up and bit you in the ass. You don't hang out there regularyly. You went to support a friend's party. No doubt you got comped for it as well. And from what it seems like, you really didn't even hang out outside the fucking booth. Thats another reason why all this praise is funny. So, blah blah blah, blindly jump on the bandwagon, I don't care. I want the place to get back on it's feet and become what it can be. I have and will continue supporting the party. I pay every weekend. I think you are more supporting "Bobby" as opposed to the party. It's no coincidence that all of a sudden Roxy is no longer the place to hang out and now Exit is.

So, to reiterate, I am happy about the change. I'm excited and I should be. it seems like good things are being done with the place. But I am saying this as a kid who's been going for awhile....not as a friend of the guy who's promoting who's essentially paying me to praise his club. The same shit was going on at Roxy. They'd have SHIT lineups, CP kids would get comped and get drink tickets, and in return they would try and think of good things to say about the party, even though it fucking SUCKED for the most part. So, if thats whats to become of Exit, so be it. I could care less. I'll have a good time like I have in the past.

and if this is coming off like a rant or a tirade, my bad. I don't mean to be negative, it's just how I see things. I seriously look forward to seeing tons of new faces next weekend and the next and the next if I'm there. No drama intended, even though it's pretty much asking for it.

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Zeeker: You know what.. I popped my Nyquil pill about 45 minutes ago and I'm fucking dying out fast.. so I'm gonna come back to your comment tomorrow morning after I rest.. don't worry, I got something coming for you though, don't worry, you won't be disappointed. :D

Nyquil = :zzz:


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Originally posted by codica3

You know what.. I popped my Nyquil pill about 45 minutes ago and I'm fucking dying out fast.. so I'm gonna come back to your comment tomorrow morning after I rest.. don't worry, I got something coming for you though, don't worry, you won't be disappointed. :D

Nyquil = :zzz:


lol, yeah, I just hate it when my Nyquil kicks in and I can't respond to posts. I just hate that. :rolleyes::laugh::D

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I don't understand this one little detail....

It's bad that asians covers a majority of the dancefloor in Exit, but it would be better if it was all white?

How come no one ever complained that the dance floor is swarm by white folks, but when us asian do it, we get mad negative feedbacks on it.

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Originally posted by zeeker

I have no problem with it. Re-read my above post. I'm just find it funny that a week ago your tirade would be attacking the place and now you're staunchly defending it.

Secondly, I was there on Friday. Let's not get carried away. I like the place, and have supported it for awhile now, but you woudn't know if the place has changed if it jumped up and bit you in the ass. You don't hang out there regularyly. You went to support a friend's party. No doubt you got comped for it as well. And from what it seems like, you really didn't even hang out outside the fucking booth. Thats another reason why all this praise is funny. So, blah blah blah, blindly jump on the bandwagon, I don't care. I want the place to get back on it's feet and become what it can be. I have and will continue supporting the party. I pay every weekend. I think you are more supporting "Bobby" as opposed to the party. It's no coincidence that all of a sudden Roxy is no longer the place to hang out and now Exit is.

So, to reiterate, I am happy about the change. I'm excited and I should be. it seems like good things are being done with the place. But I am saying this as a kid who's been going for awhile....not as a friend of the guy who's promoting who's essentially paying me to praise his club. The same shit was going on at Roxy. They'd have SHIT lineups, CP kids would get comped and get drink tickets, and in return they would try and think of good things to say about the party, even though it fucking SUCKED for the most part. So, if thats whats to become of Exit, so be it. I could care less. I'll have a good time like I have in the past.

and if this is coming off like a rant or a tirade, my bad. I don't mean to be negative, it's just how I see things. I seriously look forward to seeing tons of new faces next weekend and the next and the next if I'm there. No drama intended, even though it's pretty much asking for it.

You know what, just for you, I'm gonna pull up the last bit of awakeness that I have but I'm going to bed after this (sorry if anything is a little off, I'm drowsy and sickly).

First of all, I'm getting the impression from you that you think I'm some new little girlie out at the clubs. Well you're fucking wrong so don't tell me "I am saying this as a kid who's been going out for awhile". You don't know me, you have NO CLUE how long I've been going out. :rolleyes:

Second of all, don't talk to me like I don't know Exit like the back of my hand. I've spent WEEKS at that place, I know how it was, and I know the difference that I IMMEDIATELY saw on Friday. No one was paying my way in, every week I dropped the $25 to enter that club. So don't go acting like you know what I do and whether I pay to get in cause you have no clue how much $ I've dropped on cover charges to, not only Exit, but clubs in general.

Third of all, if you knew everything about Exit, you'd also know that I was involved in Muzik Fridays (which was talked about a lot in another post) when international talent was brought into that night club to try and change the vibe that way. :idea: So don't tell me that I'm not supporting parties in general in the effort to change that party cause you don't know what you're talking about. It's not just because Bobby's doing it, I worked with Thorin & Sevan and Reach Productions in Muzik Fridays. I'm a huge supporter of CHANGING that place, it doesn't matter solely based on WHO is changing that place. Bobby happens to be one of the best promoters in NYC so a lot of people are looking forward to him working his magic and doing everything in his power to change what needs to be changed at Exit. So enough with all this "Bobby is your friend" shit because it just doesn't cut it ok? I didn't even know Bobby until recently so maybe you should check your facts before you go rambling about how he's my best friend (no offense to you Bob, but it's true, we met like what, a month or two ago?)

Fourth point --> I never received drink tickets at Roxy because of the fact that I'm not even 21 so I can't even buy drinks. That was an ass backwards comment to make because you know damn well that the people who went to Roxy went because they DID enjoy it there and NOT because they were being given free drinks. That's one of the stupidest things I've ever heard of because you couldn't buy me enough drinks to get me to come back to Exit for weeks when Draper was spinning. It's nice to know that you look at so many of the Roxy/CP people as people who just go to get freebies everywhere and don't have any class at all. :rolleyes: The Roxy CP cards were given out to CP members as a contest prize, what, are you jealous you didn't get one? :rolleyes:

And my last comment on the matter would be that Roxy Fridays ended up with an amazing amount of talent coming in so how are you gonna say that they sucked? Roxy was doing numbers, and fine, if you didn't like the party then that's ok, but don't go off saying that people are "paying" other people to say things good about a party. Did it ever occur to you that the people who said they had a good time at Roxy actually DID have a good time? :idea: God forbid someone have fun and have no alterior motives behind it. :rolleyes: I'll tell you one thing though, I'd rather listen to friggin' KTU's Mike Rizzo than listen to God awful Tony Draper.

BTW, I know you end your post saying you don't wanna start drama but I'm sorry, when you directly attack members of the board by saying we're only supporting a party because we're being "paid" or "bribed" to, then you got another thing coming for you. :rolleyes:

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Codica3...first of all, I think you are taking this a little too personally...I am directing this not just at you, but more in general. You just happened to be the one arguing the most. Not everything I put in my posts is directed specifically at you...e.i. drink tickets and whatever doesn't apply.

1. wow, no one said anything about 'bribes.' My point is that being comped etc, can strongly influence what you would say about a party.

2. I said that I have been going to EXIT for awhile. I wasn't saying that I have been going out longer than you and you are someone new in the scene.

3. I'm not going to make a big deal about the comps thing...I don't know that you get comped and it's none of my business. But I have a weird feeling that you didn't pay the $25 to get in on Friday, nor do I think you'll pay it next week. My point is, how badly would you want to go if you had to shell out the cost of admission?

4. Um, I don't want to make this an argument about Roxy, but just to comment....the talent they had for awhile, other then the internationals, was not great. I don't want to get into it too much, but unless there was an international DJ there, or maybe Vicious, there was no real reason to be there, musically. On the numbers topic with Roxy, I was there on so many nights where numbers SUCKED. Even for big names...Scott Bond, Edgar V, Bad Boy Bill, Tall Paul and I was there twice on regular nights when half the fucking club was closed off, one was a night when Vicious was there.

5. You have a strong tendency towards exageration. I never said BobG was your best friend, only that it seems like you are trying to support him, more then the club. And my reasoning was that all of a sudden, when he moved to Exit, all of these people who used to hang out at Roxy are now talking about how they can't wait to hang out at Exit. This is a general observation, not necessarily one just directed at you. And by the way, it's something I am happy about. I think it's great that people want to give the place a shot again. I really don't care what anybody's motives are, just get your ass to Exit, and have a good time.

6. :laugh: :laugh: this one I'm finding funny. The whole thing about me thinking CPers are classless. Totally out of your ass on that one. I've met quite a few and everyone I have met has been rediculously cool. Again, I think you're over-exagerating on that one. Big surprise though.lol.

7th. I'm not 'attacking' anybody. I have differing views, thats all.

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