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Is It True That Ga2 Is Moving???


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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

:laugh: :laugh: ....u have my support and my sword, Sir Wank-A-Lot....:tongue:

:laugh: :laugh:

On my journeys to the NJ board i've increased the miami boards lands and titles. Miamians are now noblemen to the Jerzey empire. The drama uprising has begun.

Originally posted by mrmatas2277


what game was that image from??? i remember it from somewhere:confused

Not sure. I found it on an image search.

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Things up north are interesting, I'll give you that much...but let me tell you one thing, when I was shooting in NYC, I lost track of how many people are jealous of Miami's scene up there! And not just your average club guidos or cum-dumpster club sluts either...DJs, promoters, owners, and other 'scenesters' were all wondering about Miami...they see clubs like crobar, level, and especially Space....and even Maze ("I hear good things" - anonymous NY DJ), and are envious of the sophistication, the atmosphere, or in the case of Space, the unrestricted operating hours...to them, Miami has a successful scene. Grant it, I didn't go to the mega-clubs like Roxy or Sound Factory, but I'm sure a random sampling there would have the same results.

But at the same time, they recognize what they've got, and are trying to make it better, just like the people down here, from promoters and club staff like Biz, mazegirl, and that guy from Oxygen, to DJs and club owners like Oscar, Louis, and David Padilla...

I like NYC, I really do...I'd like to spend more time up there, see it all now that I'm doing something industry-related...but I hate it when people dump on my home scene :)...

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just people up north have respect for the scene and respect for eachother more then down here..

and are always looking for new things to do..

they arent really jealous of the scene here..

they are jealous of the weather and layed back lifestyle.

and majority of people from up north who rant and rave bout miami only relaly been here during the WMC when its NY infested and it seems like home to them..

djs up north know that the scene here can be easily taken over thats why they all wanna come here..

all in all miami has an ok scene but its up to the clubbers to make it better

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why dont they come down


NY is the home of house music


pay is worse here

respect is less here.

also ask anyone who moved from NY to florida about thier new residence..

most of the responses would be they wish they were back in NY..

since after all florida is for vacationers

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Well, why don't they go back to NYC then? I know some people move down here for better jobs and whatnot, but I can't stand it when all they do is complain?

The pay for a DJ may be worse down here, but if your NYC DJs are so good, they could 'justify' a larger wage...the successful clubs down here have more money that you would think.

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Originally posted by pod

Things up north are interesting, I'll give you that much...but let me tell you one thing, when I was shooting in NYC, I lost track of how many people are jealous of Miami's scene up there! And not just your average club guidos or cum-dumpster club sluts either...DJs, promoters, owners, and other 'scenesters' were all wondering about Miami...they see clubs like crobar, level, and especially Space....and even Maze ("I hear good things" - anonymous NY DJ), and are envious of the sophistication, the atmosphere, or in the case of Space, the unrestricted operating hours...to them, Miami has a successful scene. Grant it, I didn't go to the mega-clubs like Roxy or Sound Factory, but I'm sure a random sampling there would have the same results.

But at the same time, they recognize what they've got, and are trying to make it better, just like the people down here, from promoters and club staff like Biz, mazegirl, and that guy from Oxygen, to DJs and club owners like Oscar, Louis, and David Padilla...

I like NYC, I really do...I'd like to spend more time up there, see it all now that I'm doing something industry-related...but I hate it when people dump on my home scene :)...

jealous of Miami's scene, envious of the sophistication and the atmosphere. Pleaseeeeee ! I understand your dedication to the Miami scene, but lets not get beside ourselves.

New York has a scene, which is unique to New York.. further New York clubbers are more dedicated to their scene, and dear I say more musically conscious then the majority of Miami clubbers.

Yes the Miami scene is nice, but you and I know the scene is less about the music, and more about the Vip, and Velvet rope bullshit. Something, which really would not be tolerated in a new york club environment.

I appreciate what the Miami scene offers, but in the same instance I am not blinded in what the New York scene offers.

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majority do go back to NY

the rest are stuck here for whatever reasons..

jobs pay less here..

south florida ranked 5th in largest immagrant population and ranks in the top 10 most unemployed places in the US

arizona having a wopping 29% unemployment rate.

one point i forgot to mention

why do people in miami rant and rave to eachother how good miami is.

and ya do this non stop

u dont see people in ny talking about anything like that?

they know where they are and thats it

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Originally posted by sobeton

jealous of Miami's scene, envious of the sophistication and the atmosphere. Pleaseeeeee ! I understand your dedication to the Miami scene, but lets not get beside ourselves.

New York has a scene, which is unique to New York.. further New York clubbers are more dedicated to their scene, and dear I say more musically conscious then Miami clubbers.

Yes the Miami scene is nice, but you and I know the scene is less about the music, and more about the Vip, and Velvet rope bullshit. Something, which really would not be tolerated in a new york club environment.

I appreciate what the Miami scene offers, but in the same instance I am not blinded in what the New York scene offers.


somewhere deep in the darkest corners of tonys heart (probably inside a speaker cabinet)he is still a NYER


but thats so true

ny is a place where people live.

and miami is a place for people to showoff.(or atleast try too)

anyone ever see the comedy central insomniac with dave attel?

haha he went to crobar and the door bitch refused to let him in or some bull shit he was like wan we get in here and she goes not with that haircut:laugh: :laugh:

i so wish they woulda said it was crobar cause ide die laughing they have enough negative shit already now they are on national cable tv jerkin off the wrong people llol

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Oh like Comedy Central matters one bit to a club's reputation. Yeah I know it's Viacom and all, but ya know what, Viacom sucks!

I'm glad Insomniac got turned away...I wouldn't want them in my club, either. I have yet to see a video crew do it right in a club.

Though I would have liked to have seen crobar bashed on national TV, too :)

Umm, last time I checked, there's a shitload of immigrants in New York too, you can't swing a dead cat without hitting some Pakistani refugee or Hindu cabdriver. So that argument doesn't float with me. Besides, we're all immigrants in some way, I highly doubt when the Vikings came here in 900 AD there was an encampment of Thomases on Manhattan Island, beating their drums and claiming how much better their drum beating was than that of the Seminoles around the Miami River with their velvet ropes around their teepees.

Musically conscious crowds are up there, yeah...I never said Miami's crowd was cool. As a matter of fact, I wish 70% of the clubgoers in this town would just vanish or go play in traffic...but then again, the clubs need them to stay alive...a necessary evil. There's clueless jackoffs in New York too, they just have the sense to stay away from the cool places like Arc.

Miami's got issues, sure, but we're not 100% horrible like you've been making us out to be lately...and the reason New Yorkers don't brag about their clubs is because too many of them are on other boards bashing other people's scenes.

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honestly dont take it personal

i hope u get turned away and ur magazine u work for dont mean 1 bit to a clubs reputaion..

u take still pictures and u dont have a video crew u can walk in and snap a few pics and leave they have to do the whole bullshit interview/host thing which is much more complicated..

that was pretty bad for u to say comming from ur in the film/photography industry..

the cab drivers atleast are working in a productive manner. and they must not be an immagrant status if they are driving cabs in NY with american drivers licenses..

when i say immagrants i refer to non legal aliens who come here and suck up our resources and either dont work and be homeless, or they suck up our jobs by shorthanding an american..

people come from over seas and will work for low pay off the books if nessacerry..

what emplayers not gonna pick a immagrant who gets payed shit over having to pay more to an american..

hey i really cant bash miami

after all where else can a guy go on vacation and bang half the girls in town


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I have professional courtesy for my fellow video-photo-whatever journalists, but to me it looks like Insomniac would be a major annoyance...if you want to see club videos done right, look at the way the A3TV crew (local guys) do it :)

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andrew thomas... u sound like one serious idiot to me. your replies to everything are always negative towards miami, and anything that has to do with it. u r always bashing the clubs here, along with the people and the entire scene for that matter. if new york is so good, then 95 north brother. u have all the signs of a frustrated d.j. who cant get a legitimate gig anywhere, including miami, which in your eyes sucks. i would hope that instead of constantly bashing our scene all the time, which is probably one of the best right now, that u would just go out and try to enjoy yourself, being that we have all of the worlds biggest d.j.'s being booked down here constantly, along with local d.j.'s that hold a lot of global recognition as well, like oscar g. who plays at one of the best clubs in the country right now, and also people like george acosta, who me myself do not enjoy listening to, but he also has a lot of global recognition. im just saying, try to be a little more positive man, and maybe you will enjoy life a little more.

:aright: :aright:

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ok so miami has the best djs commin here.

but still dont explain the people here..

plz bro with ur 1 post fuckin pussy

and will bang hop off it plzzz..

as for djing if i really wanted to get a gog ide have a very good gig.

not only are my skills great but i know people in the right places..

higher places then the people on a fuckin forum.

willbang bring it on baby

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