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I really want to leave everything behind and move to L.A. My boyfriend says I'm running away from something. Maybe I am? All I know is, I have no Idea what I want to do with my life, but I'm sure as hell not finding it here. I think for right now all I really want to do is have fun. Is that childish? I'm 24 years old, not 16.

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Originally posted by dgmodel

if you had the ability to runaway, would you??? to a new land, state, or city, to a new career, job, or school, to a new girlfriend, boyfriend etc... if so where why how???

Ive been thinking about that for the last couple of months I need to get away :( need to change my career I just had a friend ask me if i was willing to relocate to l.a. but im very hesitant about it:rolleyes: but if the money is right who knows

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Well, right now, i have no desire to run away. New Job, still dig NYC, and i'd like to at least try and get settled on my own to prove i can do it.

But i've actually thinking about running away, hopefully with my family, when it's time to retire. I was thinking about retreating to France, either the Loire Valley or La Cote D'Azure, down in Nice.

It's a beautiful land of beautiful people, food, and sights.

So not right now,,, but perhaps in the future ;)

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Funny...I've been thinking about running away for a while now. I'm sort of stuck in a rut right now. Worthless job. Taking a semester off from school. Tired of urban living. Sick of the Long Island Railroad. Can't stand the 1/9 train. Hate the cold. Annoyed by crowds. Sometimes I just want to get the fuck out. I'm thinking about jumping on a plane and leaving; temporarily of course. Argentina, Uruguay, Spain, and France are destinations which pervade my fantasies of world travel.

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Originally posted by mala

Sick of the Long Island Railroad. Can't stand the 1/9 train. Annoyed by crowds. Argentina, Uruguay, Spain, and France are destinations which pervade my fantasies of world travel.

I hear ya on all the above. But let's throw Brazil in the Mix ;):cool:

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...i would....if i was assured some stability........ya know...like i wouldn't be living in the streets...........i would love to leave it all behind...start fresh somewhere new and exciting.......as much as there is good in my life..there is always bad too....and i am definitely happy....but sometimes.....the thought of wiping the slate clean is so appealing..........

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Originally posted by sassa

i do this every few years, change locations, what i do, who i associate it....and a lot of inner things.

...how does that work??.....how drastic are the changes?...what type of work do u do....etc etc.......can u tell i am curious!lol

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Originally posted by misk

...how does that work??.....how drastic are the changes?...what type of work do u do....etc etc.......can u tell i am curious!lol

i've never had the chance to live anywhere for more than a few years my entire life, so even when i turned 18 and could finally settle somewhere, i couldn't. i get very restless and agitated if i stay in one place for too long.

it's not hard at all. just get a job, find a random place you'd like to move, and that's it, i guess...

for ex. i've lived in this state (california) for more than 3 years now, i'm planning to move back east next fall, have no idea where i'm going to live, what i'll be working in, or what i'm doing...i just do my best and hope that everything works out.

you should try it...you can't imagine how liberating it is to be able to pick up and leave anywhere,anytime.

you have to work on changing how you see things too. after moving around a million times, i am pretty sure that the environment, the people, and the weather can affect a person very much. that's partly why i moved here from the nyc area, i was sick of the bullshit, the shitty weather, and the crowdedness of the area. california is full of potheads, coke fiends, and spaced out people. plus, where i live, the weather is sunny 350 times a year.

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Originally posted by sassa

for ex. i've lived in this state (california) for more than 3 years now, i'm planning to move back east next fall, have no idea where i'm going to live, what i'll be working in, or what i'm doing...i just do my best and hope that everything works out.

I hear there's a mushroom hut opening up near me ;)

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I would LOVE to runaway just so long as wherever I ran away to I would have the opportunity to build a successful life.. I wouldn't wanna just run away with hopes of finding something good.. there would have to be some sort of guarantee before I'd do anything so drastic..

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