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Interatial Relationships


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How do you feel about interatial relationships.

I had one a long time ago. And I caught alot of shit about it in back then. I do not personally have a problem with it. But from past experience I would probably stay away from it.

Then again you cannot control who steals your heart.

How are all your feelings about it???

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I hear you with the fact that some people may have a problem with it still, but all in all I dont.

You also have to realize part of the "old closed minded single race" way of thinking is mostly done by those of which grew up back in the day when tensions were high in society.

The infamous nature vs. nuture thing. Depends I guess on how you were raised as well as your environment.

TO make a long story short, I do not care what race zee lady is, if she is Bangin then we are Bangin .....until the break of Dawn.....

Or mid-afternoon the next day, depending on my work schedule and stamina at the time...lol...

just some thoughts..

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This topic is sort of overdone, but I have to put in my $0.02. From personal experience, I find interracial dating to be very difficult. Especially when a family member is against it. I struggled in an interracial relationship for 3 years. Finally the stress of it made the relationship collapse. Sometimes it doesn't matter how much you love someone when it feels like the world is against you. Oh I know...this seems a bit too "Save the Last Dance", or "Westside Story".

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its a very hard thing to deal with ive been in a interacial relationships and it would of been nice if it could of lasted but......when people are against you be it friends/family its difficult im not saying i wouldnt try it again i would have to find the right person:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by weyes

if race becomes an issue, than the person wasn't meant for you anyway.

my sentiments exactly. being an asian woman who is not attracted to asian men, i often find myself in inter-racial relationships. maybe i'm just being naive but i've never encountered any resistance from either my own family or the other party's family.

i think that i would be sad nowadays to find that there still can families which are still so sheltered that they can't accept someone with a different background into their family. i mean, what's next, a move back to class-ism?

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

i dont have a problem with it....but my family would show resistance to it

yeah, i can see that being a reason.

I was with a girl from another race back in college for a few months. But it turned out her parents were WAY old fashioned, and wanted her to get an arranged marriage. And if they saw me, i know they'd freak (blonde surfer type guy with an Afghani girl :laugh2:.)

But i'd be open to it if the situation was favorable. Growing up in a diverse community with lots of friends across a spectrum of race and ethnicity helps :)

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Originally posted by weyes

if race becomes an issue, than the person wasn't meant for you anyway.

Speaking as someone who's biracial- I wish there were no need to even discuss this topic... An "interracial relationship" is a relationship, period; too bad it needs any further qualification...

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I totally agree I have a biracial child and when me and my daughters father first started dating his family was less than thrilled but once they got to know me they loved me.

maybe in another time we can call an 'interacia relationship' just a relationship but there will always be labeling unfortunate but truel:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by elementx

How do you feel about interatial relationships.

I had one a long time ago. And I caught alot of shit about it in back then. I do not personally have a problem with it. But from past experience I would probably stay away from it.

Then again you cannot control who steals your heart.

How are all your feelings about it???

Date who makes you happy........:D

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Originally posted by gmccookny

yeah, i can see that being a reason.

I was with a girl from another race back in college for a few months. But it turned out her parents were WAY old fashioned, and wanted her to get an arranged marriage. And if they saw me, i know they'd freak (blonde surfer type guy with an Afghani girl :laugh2:.)

But i'd be open to it if the situation was favorable. Growing up in a diverse community with lots of friends across a spectrum of race and ethnicity helps :)

well it wouldnt mean that i wouldn't go ahead with it....its just gonna be difficult..

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tastyt- I couldn't agree with you more.

As long as the person makes you happy, loves and respects you, then fuck what everyone else thinks and has to say about it.

My only concern is when there are those situations where, for example, an african-american male only dates latino women or white women because of bad experiences with black women. Or because he thinks he may be able to "control/handle" them better, or get away with more. Like for example, thinking that they're probably easier in bed, open to more things sexually, can financially support them better than an african-american woman can, or aren't out for his money. That's stupid and it's pretty shallow, but it happens.

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I put up a thread about this awhile ago...i was hesitant about it back then, now i can care less...i have a little garbage still from people about it, bc most of the guys ive been with were hispanic and/or italian, but those people that say things, arent my friends so i dont care. my family doesnt like it, and for the exception of about 2 people in my family, the rest want me to be with a nice polish, italian, or irish guy.

IMO, if youre happy then thats it. Its hard enough nowadays to find someone good to be with that youre genuinely happy with, race shouldnt be a factor too.

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or example a white guy whose watch too much bet and thinks that blacks girls pop there ass like those video broads will fuck like that in bed

hell ive had people told me i date white because there nieve and i can get over on them:laugh:

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Having family and friends is a great thing, the best if you ask me. But one has to draw a line when it comes to personal life. You come into this world as an individual, and you WILL leave by your lonesome, make it count, its a one shot deal.

Taking a chance dating out of your 'race'(whatever the hell that means), is a gamble, just like dating within your so called 'race'. There are no guarantees. Compatibility is a key issue. 'Purity' is a key issue, if living someone else's life is Ok with you.

I personally think stereotypes, tradition, fear for what we dont know, predjudice, greed for superiority, vengeance, old wounds, feuds, societal expectations have robbed alot of people out of their birthright.

Funny thing is, its always the women who bear the brunt of such a relationship. But you gotta believe, with women being able to support themselves these days, that "old skool" expectations are slowly but surely crumbling away. It may not happen in our lifetime, but, someday when we all have done our time on this planet, people will look back and wonder how the one degree of separation made such a difference.

For the 'old guards', as much as you may detest the fact, the world is changing everyday, nothing you can do about it...nothing lasts forever, not even the most succesful unions.... Like they say, "anything with a beginning, surely will have an end".

The $$$ may make the world go round, but the heart decides where its spent.

Happy hunting boys/gals


Then Aagin......

just ma opinion....dont make it rite :D

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if that person is meant to be in your life then the opposition of others shouldn't matter. Sounds naive but that's the way I think. Race just isn't something I consider when dating anyone...I wouldn't want someone to turn me away because of what people will say about our racial differences...

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