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Is Njhomo.com Fucking Serious

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This is simply getting out of hand. These fucks actually think there something special. Fucking VIP cards, buses to fucking clubs. This is fucking pathetic. Then we have disciple #2 (THEMOO) who wants to be a celebrity so fucking bad that he puts his ugly fucking face in every god damn picture. I am officially telling all my disciples to say fuck NJHOMO.com. These guys think there fucking special because they take pictures at clubs and post them. Your site sucks, your 80's pictures are a fucking waste of space and keep moo off the fucking team all together. Fuck NJHOMO

DB out


HEY MOO MAN gain some weight faggot

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Are you having fun making a jackass out of yourself again...

Oh yeah, I spoke to bus, and now i know who you are...

So show up at metro or Taste this weekend and we'll see how funny you are....

but me Bus and everyone else know that you won't, you know better then that.....

your a pussy

PS- I'm glad you have the time on your hands to sit there and make up screen names and play with mommies computer all day, i don't though, I have a business to run, want a job, I need a janitor.

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Bitch im not the fucking one making up these new names bitch. Carguy understand that your last responce has just up your training for another month. You need to learn respect. We're trying to get you out of homo land and bring you into donkeyland. DONKEY SAYS give us a big


For your ignorance not only are you going to suffer, but so is your partner disciple #2 THEMOO. If one of you fucks up the other pays as well. #2 is not going to be happy with #1. Shape up bitch!!!!!!!


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oh by the way,

Having my own business i can say that, the moo is 110 times more man then you'll ever be too, the kid hustles to make money and nobody should get on his ass for it.....

Some people have aspirations that are way more important then posting on some website and calling themselves part of some donkey jackass shitalking, no action crew.

Get a job and have somegoals in life. Call me when you have your own business too I'll give you some lessons about life.

PS- Carguy means that I sell cars, thats how I make my living, drive 70000 cars, and go home with girls that you jerk off to. So make fun of the name, I'll be laughing making 5 figure deposits at my bank every week.

I'm done responding to you adolescent

:bigfinge: :bigfinge: :finger: :finger:

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Originally posted by carguy19

Are you having fun making a jackass out of yourself again...

Oh yeah, I spoke to bus, and now i know who you are...

So show up at metro or Taste this weekend and we'll see how funny you are....

but me Bus and everyone else know that you won't, you know better then that.....

your a pussy

PS- I'm glad you have the time on your hands to sit there and make up screen names and play with mommies computer all day, i don't though, I have a business to run, want a job, I need a janitor.

Your really lucky to be a donkey prospect. Don't throw it away. Take the ball and run with it.

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i think njguido is a cool thing in clubs. I did think it was funny the njhomo.com. no offense moo just hit me as funny.

The whole VIP card thing s a good idea. Kinda like an entertainment card for clubs. I just dont see myself walking out to a club and whipping out a vip card that has the name guido on it in any way shapre or form. It is a good idea and probably took alot f work to get it going.

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Originally posted by donkeyboy

This is simply getting out of hand. These fucks actually think there something special. Fucking VIP cards, buses to fucking clubs. This is fucking pathetic. Then we have disciple #2 (THEMOO) who wants to be a celebrity so fucking bad that he puts his ugly fucking face in every god damn picture.


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I don't take offense to any of the photoshop creations or anything that is said. I actually think they are really funny. I just think its funny that some internet tough guy is trying to pick a fight with me. As far as the famous thing goes, all I have to say is this....."You know me... but who the hell are you?" Stop being a little boy, internet tough guy, and if you have something to say, approach me. With that said, keep the fighting words to yourself because you are nothing unless you have the courage to say it to my face (if you can get that close). You don't want a VIP card, don't get one!!

The Moo!!!

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Oh and your donkey crew really seems supportive, almost as supportive as my 70 thousand people a week and 6 million hits a week, 24 million hits a month and total of nearly 300,000 visitors a month. That is success in starting something, not a 2 person CP crew named after a harmless animal!!! Like I said, if you really have a problem, feel free to approach me and maybe I'll give you 5 or 10 seconds of my valuable time to speak.

The Moo!!

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Originally posted by themoo

Oh and your donkey crew really seems supportive, almost as supportive as my 70 thousand people a week and 6 million hits a week, 24 million hits a month and total of nearly 300,000 visitors a month. That is success in starting something, not a 2 person CP crew named after a harmless animal!!! Like I said, if you really have a problem, feel free to approach me and maybe I'll give you 5 or 10 seconds of my valuable time to speak.

The Moo!!

70,000 a week

6 million a week

24 million a month

300,000 visitors a month..

hey moo i read this a few times..no offence but where did u got to grammer school???:D i dont get ur addition?? or maybe im not understanding i have a site too but i dont get ur math

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First off. Some people might question the validity of these numbers (myself included). We can all see that, according to server access logs posted by "the moo" over the summer, these numbers could be consistent with the sites growth since then. Assuming that, then the number breakdown would go as follows.


70,000 visitors a week (probably a little higher than the actual number of unique visitors considering company firewalls that broadcast the same IP)

6 million hits a week

This works out to approximately 86 hits per visit per user. Note that the server probably logs hits as clicks AND requests for pictures. this number is most likely accurate, assuming a user looks at a weekends picture set and then does some clicking around.


Simple multiplication by 4 (number of weeks in a month) shows that "the moo's" hits and visitor numbers are somewhat consistent.

Not bad site traffic assuming "the moo" has not registered with any search engines.

Again, assuming these numbers are true, the site must be costing almost $500 a month to run, for the use of a dedicated server.

The only number that is a little misleading could be the 300,000 visitors a month. Probably about 90% (270,000) of these visitors are repeat visitors. I would assume that the site content keeps most of the visitors returning. Considering the fact that he has not registered with any search engines these numbers are excellent.

I just came out of my hole to post. Keep up the good work "the moo". :tongue:

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Ignore that shit Moo, you know people like it so dont EVER quit.

Belmar crew will be back in action this summer, so keep your mailbox empty for the tons of pics we will send u.

I want to see MPEGS, MP3's, and live afterhours video this year!

Let me know if you need help!

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stick 2 your guns bro stay focused on all your tasks .. then u can get the last laugh moo.. it will all turn out positive and yea im all for a v.i.g. card but the funny thing is im not a guido hahaha u can call me a spick lol only playin bro . i know how busy you are cause im the same way man * shit im a retail manager, dj. and im a import auto club president with 40 plus members , not only that i have 2 help set up meets and shows and we also have models who i have 2 set up photo's 4. im about 2 get our flyers made soon and start our site with audio plugs, video clips, clothes , cd's etc... its fucking hard shit running stuff. some people will never understand and hate 4ever.. but i love haters so hate on...:flame:

just try not 2 make the guido logo so big man and let me know when your gonna start getting them out

chill factor performance,ent.

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Originally posted by themoo

Oh and your donkey crew really seems supportive, almost as supportive as my 70 thousand people a week and 6 million hits a week, 24 million hits a month and total of nearly 300,000 visitors a month. That is success in starting something, not a 2 person CP crew named after a harmless animal!!! Like I said, if you really have a problem, feel free to approach me and maybe I'll give you 5 or 10 seconds of my valuable time to speak.

The Moo!!


It's Carl from exotica sales,

Don't worry bout' this jerk off donkey idiot!!! He talks all this shit like he's a tough guy but when he's called out and threatened he pussys out and PM's people to find out if he's really gonna get his ass kicked... happened to me last week . Do your thing kid and laugh all the way to the bank in your porsche. This tall-skinny loser cant back up his words.....

A pussy in the purest form of the word.

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Carl...I met you this summer at Tempts/Surf...Saw you at Metro 3 weeks ago we spoke for a few....My boy hung with you on Saturday at Metro....(Chris)Thats my name as well...Donkeyboy is a good kid...I am sure the Bus will vouch...he is very misguided...a

Moo...you run a good site...I like it in the summer and think it has alot of potential...although I will NEVER get a V.I.G. card..I will view your site and appreciate the pictures and your hardwork....

DJPrime- I stepped up to the plate for you the other day...!!! I will tell you when I see you...

Dogekid...Never go that call? Hit me up...

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